About Me


My name is Hari S Nair and I am here with this personal development blog because I am a learner, I have been learning from various books, programs, and gurus all my life.

I cannot name one guru because I never ever liked to stop at one junction when it comes to life lessons. Right now, I cannot say that the learnings are over but I have finally found the best guru i.e. life.

“Curiosity” has always been the key ingredient beyond spiritual growth, when there is a requirement of knowledge and an open mind to receive answers, we always get it at the right time.

So whatever challenges I have faced in my life and whatever has worked for me, I have written a post on that particular matter.

With significant growth in the number of thinking minds and questions emerging about the spiritual world, I feel that this whole world is on the verge of an evolutional breakthrough.

As crazy as this may sound, the posts I have written in the past sometimes becomes useful to me whenever I face a similar problem.

I strongly believe that the outer world is a mirror that reflects our inner world, so I spend most of my time fixing what’s inside rather than the mirror itself, so I keep changing my mindset each day and I will continue to change myself forever until I will realize the ultimate truth.

This is the key message I want to spread with the help of this blog, I am constantly working on my perspective towards the world and once I am able to do that,  complicated issues of my life becomes simpler.

Few Things That Will Never Change

I have been a huge fan of music since childhood, I love listening to songs of all languages and it helps me to overcome my fears and doubts. People who know me personally have constantly been troubled by me because I love to sing like there is nobody around, the more they criticize me about my musical skills the more of that I absolutely enjoy doing.

Another thing that I love is watching meaningful movies but comedy is my favorite genre. Many times I use my sense of humor to ease the situation, when I am in the mood to make others laugh, I don’t think too much and I am gifted with the ability to laugh at myself. I find it necessary to kill the seriousness of the circumstances and situations upon which I have no control.

Since childhood, I have been a pet lover. I love to be around pets, if you have a pet in your home then you can relate to what I am about to say. I have observed that pets have the power to change the atmosphere of a place with their innocence but the most astonishing thing I have learned about pets is that they are highly intuitive, they can sense the energy and emotions of people.

Also, I love kids, that’s why I keep writing posts on the personal development of kids. Their innocence and curiosity is something that I find is mine as well as everybody’s responsibility to be fed with proper answers also I believe we should inspire them to be curious always. I have seen kids answering questions that are impossible for highly intelligent adults to answer.

We are all capable of becoming what we want, but for doing that we have to break the barriers created by our inner mind. If that feels true to you, then come join me in this beautiful journey of self-improvement.


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