Do You Have a Financial Freedom Account?-Prosperity Consciousness Exercise #2

I have discussed a fun activity earlier named the Piggy Bank Game which can be a good exercise to make you feel a little relived even at times when you are not doing well financially.

This time I am going to talk about something with you which like the earlier process does not focus on your current mindset towards wealth instead this is something that will show its effect in the future, but it is a must thing to do  if you want to be someone who attracts money in his life with ease.

Prosperity consciousness is something which a person must develop in order to improve his relationship with money and that is why I am sharing this post with you because by following what is given here you will be able to do it naturally.

Financial Freedom Account

You might be aware that people tithe their monthly or yearly income to someone/organization which has given them any kind of spiritual nourishment or inspiration, doing this helps them to feel better about their financial condition which will “by law” attract more wealth in their life.

Recently, while I was listening to a session named clearing fear of numbers from the unlimited abundance course by Christie Marie Sheldon, something that she discussed in it made a of lot sense to me.

She said that instead of giving your 10 percent money to somebody else, you can give it to yourself!

You can tithe yourself by keeping a bank account that will give you a sense of relief in all financial situations.

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It is much like any general saving account but you will have to keep it in a little different way than how you usually save money.

There are three conditions that you must follow for this process:-

1-Submitting ten percent of your total income is mandatory.
2-No one else other than you should know about this account.
3-You will never withdraw money from this account!

Why Will I Save Money If I am Never Going to Use It?

See, this is why we are following this process- Financial Freedom!

Think about the term “financial freedom” for a minute and tell me what feeling it generates for you?

A sense of relief and security, isn’t it?

You know what? – The only thing that separates people who are always attracting a lot of wealth from those who struggle with money is the attitude they have towards this particular subject.

By the law of attraction you will attract more money in your life if you can think of your wealth comfortably.

We all have a subconscious benchmark of a particular amount, after earning it our income naturally increases.

This amount varies from person to person, but once you have earned that much amount- Your earning capacity will increase exponentially because your old paradigms would have been altered.

Since tithing is a process of giving your money to someone else, you must consider that you have given away that 10% money already, so you don’t have the option to withdraw anyway.

This process may not make much sense to you logically, but it can really make a lot of changes in your relationship with money.

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