John Assaraf’s Winning the Game of Money Review – A Close Look

In this post, I am going to review the Winning the Game of Money program by John Asarraf which is one of the products offered by his company Neurogym and is what they promote in their annual event called the Brain-A-Thon, I will be talking in detail about every aspect of this program below and how it has helped me to improve my relationship with money but if you are just expecting a brief opinion from me about it then you can skip to the final advice.

The Neurogym is an online platform that provides the tools and programs aimed at helping people harness their brain power to achieve their goals in life by combining the concepts of neuroscience with personal development. They offer a plethora of programs that have been very helpful to people around the world but winning the game of money is their most popular product. It is a coaching program that will equip you with the techniques and knowledge using which you will be able to build what they call the “Mindset of Wealth” which is what you need to be able to have a successful financial life.

This program entirely focuses on wealth creation, it is like getting mentored by experts in the field of financial success principles from the comfort of your home. John Assaraf has used his expertise in training people to help them achieve success in their financial lives to create this strategic home study program where you will get video guidance and audio tools that are specially designed to help you change your inner beliefs about money.

Goal setting and having a clear vision is one of the primary focuses of this program, so here you will get clear instructions on how to set your goals and how to achieve them. Unlike most people, John does not use the get rich quickly kind of promise to promote his product nor does he give false promises of magically making you wealthy like most products in this category do, he motivates and helps you to target the goals that are achievable depending on your current financial situation.

About the Maker

You might be already aware of John Assaraf, he was one of the featured casts in the documentary “The Secret” which went viral a few years ago and he is also a New York Times bestselling author. I have been following John from the day I watched that documentary long ago, his story about how he attracted the house of his dreams using vision boards is something that really made me explore his works.

John is known as one of the best mentors for those who want to succeed financially, he is most popular among businessmen who owe their success to the guidance provided by him with the help of his teachings, methods, and techniques. He has coached a large number of entrepreneurs through personal coaching, books, and programs. John Assaraf is a New York Times best-selling author and he has authored some very transforming books in the field of personal development and financial success among which “Having It All” is my personal favorite.

Initially, John started by using success principles to achieve his goals in the field of real estate, his success in that field was such that he took that startup from 1 to 85 offices and more than 4 billion dollars in sales in a year as the CEO of RE/MAX of Indiana. To date, he has built 4 multi-million dollar companies, so one thing is for sure, this guy is speaking from experience when he talks about building a wealthy mindset.

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Now, John uses his expertise in the area of personal development to create transformational products with the help of his team at Neurogym, Winning the Game of Money is their most popular product through which he has helped a lot of people achieve their financial goals. He also conducts the Brain-A-Thon online event every year where he and many famous figures in the personal development field come together in a webinar to share their knowledge.

About the Program

The whole package contains a lot of materials, mainly divided into 3 parts plus bonuses but the most important part of this program is the first one where you will get 12-level brain training audios that are meant to be practiced one by one by giving it proper time if you want to make the most out of it, these audio modules will teach you John’s popular Innercise method which helps you to change your subconscious beliefs.

Innercise is a neuroscience-based method created by John Assaraf that will enable you to design your financial success blueprint and then make your inner mind imbibe it so that you can tap into the power of your subconscious mind to achieve your goals. The 12-level brain training program is meant to be used like a daily ritual which will enable you to change your mindset, habits, and approach toward your financial goals.

During this Innercise training you will learn and understand how your mind works and what you can do to harness your inner power to achieve your desires, it will teach you the techniques to train your subconscious mind including some of John’s supereffective visualization methods. In this program, you will learn how to break your subconscious mind’s thought patterns and release the fears that usually shackle you from improving your relationship with money. You will be guided on how to set and pursue your goals while using your mind’s true potential to generate creative ideas and take inspired actions to achieve them.

If I can simplify what these 12 levels of Innercise are then I would say that they are like workouts for your mind, just like you train your body by doing various types of exercises in the gym, here, you do the same with the help of these audio modules. I guess that’s why John Assaraf named this company Neurogym because his programs are like a workout training space for one’s mind. Each of these audio sessions is not longer than 15mins but you need more time each day to go through the videos and worksheets. However, once you have learned how to use the sessions then you can use these audios like daily tools to prime your brain for success.

Innercise works on changing your financial set point. Your financial set point is an inner benchmark in your subconscious mind of which you are not consciously aware but the flow of wealth in your life depends on it. This financial set point is a result of the mind programming that includes your beliefs about wealth; most of these beliefs were passed down to you from your parents and your society when you were growing up. Using Innercise modules regularly will alter your financial set point by pushing it to higher levels in order to prepare you to earn much more than what you were earning before.

The second part of this program is 100 days of live VIP training, and here you will get access to weekly live training conducted by John Assaraf and the financial experts who will assist you with all your queries. These VIP coaching sessions are recorded so that you can access them later on to revise or in case you miss it, you can get live answers to your questions here along with the other participants. You will also get 100-day access to their training and membership center where you will get all the required support.

In the third part, they provide 100-day access to John Assaraf’s financial success accelerator program which is another premium product created by him that contains 8 sessions packed with audio tracks, videos, and information on neuro strategies to achieve financial success.

Apart from this, you will get a plethora of bonus items in this program that are as follows:- (They keep altering these bonuses, I am providing this information based on what I have received in the package)

– 7 Expert trainings on market investing, business growth, etc.

– Lifetime access to video training programs from popular figures of personal development and the law of attraction experts like Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols, Marisa Peer, Dr. John Demartini, and Niurka.

– Additional 80 Days of VIP training.

– Access to the Million Dollar Success Training Library. (On-demand video training series)

–  John Assaraf’s Exceptional Life blueprint. (The blueprint using which John created zero to 14.7 million in a year)

– 7 Days to Millionaire Mindset

Final Advice

The thing about Neurogym is that they keep upgrading their products frequently, this one is an updated review of the complete Winning the Game of Money brain training and coaching program, the Brain-A-Thon event happens every year and so new things get added to the package.

One thing is quite clear, this product is way too expensive than most of the other products that I have tried and reviewed but I will tell you something that only those people who have been following John Assaraf for a long time can tell, his products have always been costly. It has been like this for a very long time, in fact, he used to provide private exclusive coaching to people who were looking for ways to improve their business earlier. That was something so expensive that not everyone could have afforded it and those who were willing to pay that much also had to be lucky to get a spot in his personal coaching batch.

In 2015 also I remember wanting to enroll in one of his programs available on a different platform but I couldn’t because that time I was not doing so well financially. At that time I used to think what could be the possible reason for such high prices for the products created by John Assaraf? However, if I had known what I know now back then, I would have spent my savings to buy that product because that type of knowledge would have shortened the time it took for me to reach my financial goals to a great extent. Also, unlike other programs, this program is not something you will use for a week or a few months, it will become a part of your life and you need to dedicate yourself by investing proper time and energy to make it work.

The bonus materials alone are so impressive that it makes up for the price, these bonuses are not like those dozens of insignificant items you get with a program that marketers usually add to make a product look large in size. The bonus alone in this program will take a long time to complete but that also will be a time well spent for your personal development.

As a personal development blogger, I have tried and reviewed a plethora of products, and among all the personal development products I have tried, John Assaraf’s program is something that does not solely rely on working on a person’s mindset but it also provides practical strategies to take the important steps towards one’s goals. This is what I love the most about this Neurogym product, along with the tools to prime your brain for success it also gives practical guidance on how to take inspired actions.

All I would say about this product is that it is made for someone who has a long-term vision of improving their financial life. You can try the program under the trial period which is good for exploring the product and understanding what you will get but this whole system is something that will require a long time of dedication on your part, so only those who can spend their time to make proper utilization of the material that they will be getting in this program should enroll.

To know more about this program, kindly, visit their product website.

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