What Is Emotional Eating and How It Affects People?

In simple terms, emotional eating could be described as an eating habit which has nothing to do with actual hunger, so a person in this case is not trying to satisfy their hunger instead they are eating to feel good.

We all eat to feel good from time to time whether let it be a popcorn bucket in the cinema hall or daily snack items, the good feelings that we associate with food of various restaurants, food companies, etc. also falls into this category.

This food-feeling factor that we are talking here is something that has been used in business by people from over centuries.

There is nothing wrong in eating to feel good unless it turns into an addiction, unfortunately most people don’t even know that they are already having binge eating disorder.

Binge Eating

There’s not a huge difference between binge eating and emotional eating, the latter one takes the form of first when someone constantly seek some kind of relief to their emotional state in food.

The emotional trouble can vary from extreme depression to small unconscious feelings of loneliness.

Binge eating is when a person keeps on feeding themselves even when they are full, sometimes it is just a need to have food in mouth always whereas sometimes it is a craving for a specific food item.

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Binge eating has various forms like cravings for chocolate, sugar, urge to eat at night etc.

The difficulty in getting rid of this false hunger highly depends on its nature since such habits arises from some kind of emotional issue faced by a person.


Obviously, one direct consequence of uncontrolled emotional eating is putting on extra weight but it also causes many other problems like frustration resulted from the guilt of overeating, anger due to helplessness, lethargy and diseases caused by improper digestion, etc.

These were just a few problems but, in real there exist many other troubles that are caused by the habit of binge eating.

Remedies and Solutions

Will power and determination indeed plays a big role in how a person could improve their unhealthy eating habits.

To an extent a person can get rid of various such eating habits by taking control of their life but sometimes the problem is of severe nature and trying to fight it using will power may result into bigger problems.

If your addiction to food is so uncontrollable that it makes you frustrated when you try to fight it using will power then it is a signal that you should focus on treating the cause rather than the symptom.

As I have mentioned earlier, the cause of such habits is often a psychological or emotional problem which might be affecting a person’s peace of mind in one way or the other.

We can make various good moves to understand our own mind better and then take appropriate steps.

But, if the emotional trouble is bigger than what we can overcome on our own then it is essential that we must get a professional help before it is late.
I have discussed the treatment of binge eating in much detail in my post: – Dealing with False Hunger-How to Stop Emotional Eating

Looking for an advanced solution for unhealthy eating habits and food cravings? I would suggest you to read the e-book by Kristin named End Binge Eating Now which has helped many people to overcome this problem.


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