Barry Joe McDonagh’s Panic Away Review-Scam or Real?

The author Barry Joe McDonagh has suffered through panic attacks when he was in college, while dealing with his own panic issues he discovered a way to stop it. Despite not being a psychiatrist or psychologist Barry has helped many people to treat their panic attacks withoutthumb1 any need of medications.

Panic away was initially available as just an eBook , the book focused on the one particular technique and it successfully helped many of its readers but there were a lot of people who didn’t get the information properly and failed to benefit from the book.

Keeping this in mind that the information failed to sink in the minds of various readers Barry modified the product with a lot of digital aides like audios and videos.

The new Panic Away program includes videos of demonstration on a woman named Jane who suffers panic attack and the author shows the application of the technique on her with commentary.

What Does the Package Contain?

Panic Away comes in both digital as well as physical version. The digital material will be available to you right away when you join and if you need the physical version then you will have to wait depending on the shipping time.

The digital version consists of ebook, audios and videos whereas the physical version consists of a book, audio cds and videos cds.

A General Look into the Contents

The book revolves around a single technique which is the basic idea behind the whole product. Although there are many different methods given in the book still the core of this whole product is based on a single method.

Panic Away program is distributed into 3 stages:-
thumb3Stage 1 is the “Trust” stage where the patient learns a method using which he can deal with the fear that accompanies a panic attack. Usually panic attack occurs after the feeling of anxiety about any particular condition, this method helps you to avoid by foreseeing the possibility and dealing with it by eradicating the fear using the given method.
Stage 2 is the “Acceptance” stage, here Barry Joe’s C.A.L.M method is introduced which is used for GAD(the general anxiety disorder). In this stage various physical and mental exercises are taught which also includes mental techniques like visualization.
Stage 3 is “Persistence” stage, in this last phase various commonly known anxiety symptoms are listed so that you can get familiar with it in order to deal with the anxiety, here the final steps are taught that will ensure a complete recovery.
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The book consists of about 70 chapters which covers dealing with various kinds of anxiety disorders which also includes obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

The real life case studies presented in the book helps you to relate with the material in a profound manner and it covers various situations like panic attacks in car, home, office etc which gives you a better insight on what you could do while confronted with any such situations.

With his Band Aid approach the author promises that his program works as a long term relief system.

The best thing about this program is that unlike other programs it doesn’t make you to fight against your feelings instead it focuses on embracing the feelings.

The 24/7 Technique

The most popular method of panic away program is the author’s 24/7 techniques which you can use anytime and anywhere. It requires you to do a 21 second countdown followed by a 7 second exercise.

Joseph McDonagh says that he has helped people from all walks of life using this 24/7 technique.

Final Buying Advice:-

Unlike earlier when you had to practice the methods using the data given in the ebook, now you will get a lot of digital aides without much increase in the product price.

With so many people getting relieved of their panic attacks because of this product it has been staying around from a long time getting more popular year after year.

It has received few criticism because of the new age tools that it uses at many places in the program like visualization, affirmation etc but it depends on the buyer to believe and use those methods or to hear what the skeptics have to say and deny the possibility of recovery.

The product promises that it can be used successfully by anyone, but I guess it depends more on the participation and faith of the users which will decide the success rate.

You have nothing to lose here because you will get 60 days refund period, so you can use the methods and decide for yourself.

For more information, you can visit the product website here.


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