Total Money Magnetism Review -The Neuroscience of Success by Steve G. Jones

In this total money magnetism review, we will be taking a close look at this program created by Dr. Steve G Jones, a well-known hypnotherapist who has created some very popular self-help programs and authored many books on various subjects related to personal development using his expertise in the field of hypnotherapy as well as his knowledge about the potential and power of the human mind.

In this program, Steve is bringing you his methods based on the neuroscience of success which is aimed to work on your mindset to help you think like a millionaire so that you can attract wealth and prosperous opportunities in your life to improve your financial situation.

The program material is packed with a lot of tools created by Dr. Steve including 6 custom built millionaire brain hypnosis tracks and a manual based on millionaire brain-building strategies along with various other materials that you can use to work on your subconscious mind and reprogram it in a way that it brings to you the situations that will lead to your financial success.

Inside the Program

Our ability to earn money depends on our own subconscious limiting beliefs, because of the suggestions received by our minds when we were growing up, our subconscious mind gets programmed to work in a certain way that our money-earning ability becomes limited. This program focuses on altering those subconscious beliefs so that you could attract more wealth in your life.

Total money magnetism is a 6-step system that works on your brain by reprogramming it using hypnosis-based audio tracks and in the book you will find all the secret wealth-building methods of multi-millionaires which will help you to attract more money by using the right techniques that will remove your mental blocks and create the ideal mindset for you that is most suitable for attracting various ideas and opportunities to help you achieve your financial goals.

The package consists of the main total money magnetism book where you will find all the essential information on millionaire mindset building and this book will also act as a manual for the other tools that are offered in this program. With the help of the instructions you will find in this book, you will learn how you can use those tools to work on changing your subconscious beliefs so that you can attract more wealth into your life.

You will also receive the total money magnetism audio edition, 6-step millionaire brain audio program, and the platinum millionaire mind makers bonus audio mp3 in the package in addition to the main material. Along with the tools and book, Dr. Steve has also included some very good suggestions on how you can make money by leveraging the potential of the internet by providing you with his 3 fastest ways to make money online guide.

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Right now, on the total money magnetism website, you will also be able to download the free e-book on the skill of money magnetism for free where Dr. Jones has shared his 6-steps to train the brain to think like a millionaire, with this free e-book you can get a slight idea about what you will be getting in this program.

How Does the Total Money Magnetism Work?

Our true potential in any particular area is determined by the beliefs ingrained in our subconscious mind and in order to see positive results in the outer world we will have to first change our inner beliefs.

Once our subconscious mind receives new suggestions and the old beliefs get replaced, it is then that the ways that were invisible earlier show up, automatically our habitual patterns change and we start making the right choices.

We witness unlimited examples of people in today’s world who are struggling and working hard but not making any significant progress whereas some are thriving with total ease. Those people who are oblivious about the workings of their mind blame this on luck, I can guarantee you that it is not “luck” but the difference in the mindset that causes this difference.

Using the techniques, audio, and tips provided by Dr. Jones in this program you can successfully alter your inner beliefs which will completely change your financial situation.

This program works by changing your inner beliefs and implanting the success mentality using various effective techniques; it will equip you with powerful tools that will train you to think like successful people.

Overall Conclusion

It has been more than 6 years since I first wrote the review on this product and today also this product is as good as it used to be back then. I have seen a lot of products in the area of the personal development but total money magnetism has been one of the few products that are still being loved by the people like it used to be in the earlier days, so I am pretty much positive about this program and also I am well aware that Dr. Steve Jones is one of the best hypnotherapists who has used their clinical knowledge to create self-help materials that have proven to provide people with lasting solutions.

This program is one of the most popular products created by Steve among his other works available online like the ultimate conversational hypnosis and wealth trigger 360. Since the main material of this program is an audio-based one, all you will have to do is to regularly listen to those tracks as advised in the book to see some significant results.

This program comes with a 60-day moneyback guarantee, so you can use it for more than 8 weeks to understand whether it is working for you or not and in case you are not satisfied with the product, they will refund all your money without even asking any questions about it.


For more information, kindly visit the product website.

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