Attracting Right Customers-Law of Attraction and Business

When it is about law of attraction and business there something very important to understand which actually runs the whole show of profit and loss.

If you are a person who is willing to build a successful business or if you are someone who is trying to improve your business then what I am going to write here would be really of great use to you.

Due to the common belief system present in our society most people focus too much on actions when they are willing to create a source of income by selling things.

Believe it or not, your success as a businessman completely depends on your mindset and the flow of money gets decided by the nature of your relationship with money.

Haven’t you seen hard working people failing to make profits whereas those who are less focused on actions making a lot of profits?

I am not saying that you shouldn’t be taking actions instead law of attraction requires action but, what I am trying to convey here is first you should work on your inner beliefs about your business and then take required actions.

Having Faith in What You Do

How can you expect that you will get a lot of customers if you don’t have faith in what you are selling?

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A goat can find thousands of buyers for a sack full of grass, but a lion won’t even get a single customer for the same unless he is too confidant to fool them by pretending to be a goat!

People do everything from improving the quality of their products to promoting their business on a high scale and still stay stuck where they were before because they fail to understand the importance of having faith in their work.

Your inner beliefs about your work will decide how your venture is going to be shaped.

So, if you don’t find that what you are selling is valuable then you will naturally attract customers who won’t find your products worth buying.

Let me give you a real life example to explain this properly…

Few years ago, I decided to start this blog but I had no knowledge of website building and online business at that time. Fortunately (or call it LOA), I came across this wonderful online business community named wealthy affiliate which taught me everything I needed to know in order to get my website ready and to make it a profitable business.

It took me a long time to start earning from my blog but, I knew that WA is an awesome community which has launched many of the successful entrepreneurs, so I started to work as their affiliate.

I used to relentlessly work to bring members to this community by promoting it online and by talking to people. You know what? – I was unable to bring even one single member despite of trying so hard.

Then I decided to concentrate on my blog, after few months my blog started to generate revenues. Out of nowhere I automatically started to get referrals for wealthy affiliate as well.

I know the reason now – Since earlier I was not knowing that online business works as I was yet to make money using what they taught me, I wasn’t getting the referrals but, when my blog started to gain momentum my faith in that community grew stronger.

Your Energy Gets Reflected in Your Work

There are tons of examples around you where two people are doing the same thing, in similar way and using the same resources but one is struggling whereas the other one is thriving.

They attribute it to luck but, it’s not luck it’s the type of energy they are putting into their work that makes the difference.

If you want to attract the right workers, partners and customers then you will have to replace the old negative beliefs ingrained in your subconscious mind and hold a vision of success.

More important than to work towards the goals is to program your subconscious mind to achieve those goals.

If you could bring the feelings of success in your energy then you will see yourself taking the right actions and attracting the right people to help you achieve your goals and that’s how law of attraction works in business works.

I have discussed the ways to clear the limiting beliefs and implant new beliefs in your inner mind in the post “Allow Your Abundance”.

If you would like to hear my complete story about which I was talking earlier in this post then check my post – The Law of Attraction and My Online Business Success Story


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