9 Things about Meditation and Spiritual Journey That You Must Know!

Before writing this article I would like to tell you that I am neither a person who could teach you meditation nor am I someone who is too experienced in spiritual practices, but I also want to let you know  that meditation is not something that could be taught and no matter how many years one has spent doing spiritual practices he could be called “experienced” as it is always an individual journey which has no benchmarks apart from how you feel about life or the change in your perception towards your outer world and the peace you have found in your inner world.

However, various gurus and practices do help one to keep moving in the journey in certain ways but it is always YOU who is on the driving seat.

Despite of the popularity that spiritual practices have gained in today’s world, meditation remains a very less understood subject amongst people.

So, from the personal experience of different views I get when my friends or people hear that I am a very spiritually inclined person, I am going to enlist a few points about meditation here….

1-It is awareness and not about getting high!

People often think that meditation is about drifting into a trance like state using a few techniques, but that isn’t true-The person is totally aware of his surrounding while meditating, awareness is what one gains through meditation, it is about bringing your mind totally into the present moment and then one may experience bliss or something uncanny but you are never near to a state that’s similar to what happens after taking LSDs.

2-You can do it without a master

Although a master can make your journey easy, but it is always your job to develop deep awareness and one can surely do it on his own because meditation is not a practice instead it is a fundamental habit of our existence which we have forgot-A child’s sleep is indeed the best form of meditation!


This is the most controversial topic among spiritualists.

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I have already written a post “The Impact of Food on Thoughts : Yogic Diet“ , your ability to be more aware does have its root in what you eat or drink.

It however does not take away your independence to eat what you like!

Your journey is always about total independence, you like non-veg food-Have it.

You like to booze sometimes- Do it.. No one can gain spiritual advantages by suppressing his desires.

The good thing about sailing freely is that the habits that arises from lower consciousness automatically subsides as you progress.

I am a vegetarian from past 3 years but I will have it if the urge returns-That’s the way to be truly spiritual because by refraining from it you are deceiving yourself!

4- Spiritual Organizations

Group meditation is always powerful; however it is not necessary that you must join any spiritual organization.

If you feel good and it nourishes your soul then be with the organization or if it takes away your freedom-Then you are free to leave, all this is your own choice.

5-There is no perfect place to meditate-You can meditate wherever you feel good!

6-There is no perfect time to meditate

Although in an earlier post “Brahmamuhurtha” I referred the best time to meditate, still you can choose the time according to your convenience when you are able to focus better.

7-There is no perfect age to meditate

However kids don’t require meditation but there is no right age to begin meditation in fact beginning it at the early teenage is a great choice.

8-It is okay to experience lower emotions especially “Anger”

People often use this as a weapon on spiritual people,they say “You are spiritual still you ge

t angry!”

We are not Buddha yet folks; we are just spending a little time with ourselves everyday!

9-There is no end to this journey

Other than you get Enlightened, you just keep learning and progressing on your spiritual path and everyone’s journey is different.

We neither know if there exists any such state that is called enlightenment nor should one get obsessed about reaching that state because all the spiritual practices done for the achievement of such an end goal can prove out to be disastrous.

The desire for enlightenment is obvious and also necessary for everyone who chooses the path of spirituality but one should not get attached to that goal, your aim should always be to increase your awareness and live in the present moment with all the spiritual activities you do.


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