Dr. Joe Vitale’s Ho’oponopono Practitioner Certification Program Review

I have been using the ancient Hawaiian technique for a long time so I decided to know more about it using this new product “Ho’oponopono Practitioner Certification” from Joe Vitale and in this review, I will be giving you a detailed information on this product and my honest opinion in order to help you with the buying decision.

The course is all about reaching a state that the authors define as the “zero state”. If you believe

If you believe in the universal laws that say that your thoughts are responsible for your reality then you will definitely like this course.
This product is based on the knowledge of the ancient Hawaiian Ho’oponopono process provided by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len who is popular for the story of healing a whole group of mentally unstable patients using this method. The information was brought to light by Dr. Joe Vitale and Mathew Dixon, after practicing and helping thousands of people using this technique they are now making this knowledge available to all of us through this certification course.

What Is Ho’oponopono Technique?

If you have explored a lot of LOA based materials then you might already know that these principles teach us that we are responsible for everything that happens to us, in other words, it means that we do have a role to play in everything that happens to us right? Well, according to the ancient Hawaiians we are responsible for everything that happens in the world that comes to our awareness!

Yeah, they say that if it exists in “our world” then we have created it, so they have this Ho’oponopono ritual where they ask forgiveness to the higher power/inner self for in whatever way they have caused that particular thing and then they thank the universe by showing an unwavering faith in the higher power that the problem will be fixed.

That may sound crazy to you at first, but it has worked miracles in many people’s life.

Actually, it is one form of energy clearing using which you can release a particular negative energy pattern from your system. I am telling you, this saga never ends (at least you shouldn’t expect it to end otherwise you will become attached to a goal which is not certain) because we all have a lot of subconscious beliefs that need to be released from our system so that we can reach to a state that they call “the zero state”, however in the journey you will keep getting better in life and things will start happening in your favor.

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I have created an entire post on this particular method – Dr. Joe Vitale’s Zero Limits

The Program

Learning the process is not difficult, you can do that by reading my above post and Joe Vitale’s book that I have suggested in that post. However, putting it into practice requires a lot of advanced knowledge about the practical use of this technique.

I would say, the program has actually shown me how to properly perform the steps, though those four steps are very easy to do, but you need to know when exactly you should use it and also what to do in order make maximum impact on your inner mind.

By completing this course and becoming a certified practitioner of this technique (after clearing the exam), you can use it for professional purposes and help others as well.

As I have said before, you need a guide for the practical application of these methods than just knowing about it, so this program will actually guide you step by step on how to perform this technique on yourself and others.

The program contains videos where you will see the demonstrations of this technique and I believe you must need this if you want to use this particular process to improve your life.

Inside the Package

Guidebook –

This is an eBook that assists you with the program and helps you to properly complete the course.

Video Lessons –

This is the main part of the program where you will get to learn about the process and how to apply it through video lessons by Dr. Hew Len. The videos also feature some other experts who will help you learn this technique better.

You will be getting 8 videos which are 6 hours 40 minutes long in total, it covers 8 different subjects related to this process which you need to know in order to successfully apply the method.

These videos are actually taken from Dr. Joe Vitale’s zero limits events.

Certification Exam – With no additional fees, you will be able to give an online exam for the Ho’oponopono practitioner certificate recognized by Global Sciences Foundation.

Bonus – Right now they are offering a limited time offer which is a live seminar recording of Zero Limits 2 with Dr. Hew Len and Dr. Joe Vitale. (The bonus material can vary with time, please check the product website to know if this bonus is still available)

Final Advice

As you might already be knowing after reading this post, I am a big fan of this particular method but I have been always looking for more information on it online so it was a real gift to me when I stumbled upon this program and the cost was also reasonable, so I really am very happy with the product.

I don’t have any negative opinion about this course because considering the price at which it is available and as you can also become a certified practitioner by enrolling, I don’t think you will regret buying it.

For more information, you can visit the product website here.


I hope this review was useful to you. If you have also used this product then do share your experiences so that others could benefit from it, also leave your comments about this post in the box below, it will motivate me to bring more such content to this blog.

You can send your emails using the contact page, I will be more than happy to help you with any of your issues. You can also ask me for product recommendations, just send me your goals and requirements so that I could suggest something that will fulfill your purpose.

If you want me to review any particular product then do let me know about it and I will try my best to explore it and come up with an honest review of it.

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