Jose Silva’s Mental Screen Visualisation Method for Manifestation
As a personal development enthusiast, I find it truly remarkable how Jose Silva possessed such profound knowledge of the human mind. His works remain not only relevant in today’s world but also widely used by people for various purposes. Many therapists have incorporated methods inspired by his teachings into their practice. In a decade when people showed little interest in exploring the power of the mind, albeit controversial, this man was pioneering and creating methods like the mental screen visualization method and how to manifest using such methods by exploring hypnotherapy and metaphysics to develop mind tools that were far ahead of his time.
If you explore the Silva Method and the techniques he employed in his courses, you will undoubtedly discover that he was indeed a pioneer in the field of personal development.
You may be familiar with various visualization methods. In this post, I will provide instructions on how to perform a specially crafted visualization technique developed by Jose Silva, known as the ‘mental screen technique.’ This technique is still widely used in training programs based on the Silva Method. Followers of this method claim it to be extremely helpful for manifestation, problem-solving, healing, self-improvement, and more because it is not only simple to use but also provides proper guidance on how to harness one’s imagination. We will explore how to perform this technique in later sections of this article, but first, let me introduce you to a few key concepts you should understand before we delve into the process. Continue reading