Understanding the Alpha State of Mind for Better Meditation

Knowing the alpha state of mind and being able to detect what this specific brainwave state feels like can help you in a myriad of ways if you are interested in meditation. The knowledge about your brainwave patterns allows you to harness the true potential of your mind because the changes in your brain activity result in a corresponding impact on various different qualities of your mind.

To achieve an optimal meditation experience, you need to have both relaxation as well as heightened focus. This is where aiming for the alpha level of brainwave patterns becomes pivotal, as it enhances the key qualities of your mind that are necessary for a successful meditation session.

We enter this state unknowingly at various times during the day, it is not something that we can achieve only by using a special technique or audio tools, a lot of brainwave entrainment audios are now being promoted by using the promise of helping people reach the alpha level of minds. I am not saying those audio tracks don’t work(I am not in much favor of the binaural beats though) but what I want you to understand is that this state is not new to us, even when we are immersed in a pleasant peaceful music or thoughts of a beautiful vacation our brain generates alpha brainwaves. That’s why I am now going to talk about this mental state in detail so that you will be able to have a better idea about what I am trying to tell you here. Continue reading

6 Physical Health Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation Practice

People are well aware of the psychological benefits of present moment awareness but do you know there are numerous scientifically proven physical health benefits of mindfulness meditation as well?

Thousands of research works have shown how being mindful can be helpful for your mental and physical well-being. A lot of people are now making this meditation a part of their lives due to the positive results they have seen by practicing this method regularly.

I have written numerous posts on mindfulness practices, I have been encouraging people for a long time to do this meditation because it is simple, and practicing present-moment awareness has improved my life in various ways.

One crucial thing that we all need to understand is that our mind and body are connected, all our bodily functions are controlled by our subconscious mind, so when you start to do something that gives you inner peace it gets reflected in your body.

Ancient spiritual knowledge has always focused on how a person’s energy is responsible for various physical symptoms in their body, our body even stores various memories and emotional traumas, this is why hypnotherapy is now widely used to treat various past emotional issues of a person, doing this may also solve many other health problems that a person might be having.

These talks can be difficult to understand for people who have a strong logical mind but when we talk about the things that have been proven by science it becomes acceptable to everyone, that’s why in this post I am going to enlist some health benefits of mindfulness meditation that are based on various studies. But before that, let me give you a brief overview of this method. Continue reading

John Assaraf’s Winning the Game of Money Review – A Close Look

In this post, I am going to review the Winning the Game of Money program by John Asarraf which is one of the products offered by his company Neurogym and is what they promote in their annual event called the Brain-A-Thon, I will be talking in detail about every aspect of this program below and how it has helped me to improve my relationship with money but if you are just expecting a brief opinion from me about it then you can skip to the final advice.

The Neurogym is an online platform that provides the tools and programs aimed at helping people harness their brain power to achieve their goals in life by combining the concepts of neuroscience with personal development. They offer a plethora of programs that have been very helpful to people around the world but winning the game of money is their most popular product. It is a coaching program that will equip you with the techniques and knowledge using which you will be able to build what they call the “Mindset of Wealth” which is what you need to be able to have a successful financial life.

This program entirely focuses on wealth creation, it is like getting mentored by experts in the field of financial success principles from the comfort of your home. John Assaraf has used his expertise in training people to help them achieve success in their financial lives to create this strategic home study program where you will get video guidance and audio tools that are specially designed to help you change your inner beliefs about money.

Goal setting and having a clear vision is one of the primary focuses of this program, so here you will get clear instructions on how to set your goals and how to achieve them. Unlike most people, John does not use the get rich quickly kind of promise to promote his product nor does he give false promises of magically making you wealthy like most products in this category do, he motivates and helps you to target the goals that are achievable depending on your current financial situation. Continue reading

Is the Pineal Gland Really the “Seat of the Soul”?

Some spiritual teachers and philosophers have focused on the importance of the pineal gland, and many people have written a lot of things about the spiritual relevance of the pineal gland and it is also believed to be the third eye by a lot of people.

Renee Descartes has known to have called this particular gland the seat of the soul whereas many people believe that the activation of the pineal gland using some techniques can help a person to achieve certain qualities. In this post, I will be talking about this subject from my perspective which has formed from the knowledge I have gained from various sources.

It will not be fair to discard the significance of the pineal gland in one’s mental health because this gland produces melatonin which is a hormone that plays a vital role in regulating the sleep cycles of an individual. Apart from the production of melatonin and the importance of this gland in regulating sleep cycles, all other claims are based on speculations. Continue reading

The Silva Ultramind System Review – Jose Silva’s ESP System

Vishen Lakhiani has prepared a course that can be said to be the modern world upgradation of the very famous Jose Silva’s ESP system with the help of his Mindvalley team, they have created this course using the original Silva Ultramind Systems’s techniques in a way that the study materials consists of digital tools of today’s world whereas the essence of the evergreen techniques of Jose Silva remains intact in the whole program.

I have been following Jose Silva’s work for a long time now, and I remember well how the old videos and courses based on the Silva Method used to be. It was all created 2-3 decades ago and honestly, there was a time when I wished that we should have some good online courses on these techniques, I knew a long ago that Vishen was also very interested in the Silva method as he used to often mention Jose Silva’s name in his videos and other courses, so I had a hint that in future we will be getting an advanced level course from Mindvalley based on the silva ESP system and one fine morning, Voila!, I saw this program added to my Mindvalley membership subscription under which I can access over 100+ of their courses and they mostly provide access to all of their new launches there however one can opt for some of their preferred courses individually too, for this program you will need to become a member and the course will be automatically added to your subscription. I will be reviewing this program in detail in this post, so if you are someone who has a lot of queries about the program then read this entire post, or if you just want my summarized opinion on this course then you can scroll down to the bottom of this post to read the conclusion. So let me start with a brief introduction about Jose Silva and Vishen Lakhiani. Continue reading

How to Quiet Your Mind During a Meditation Session?

If you are trying to find some effective tips or ways to quiet your mind during a meditation session then you have landed at the right place. It does not matter if you are new to meditation or have been meditating for a long time, this can happen to anyone. Although beginners are most commonly troubled by this problem that their mind keeps jumping from one thought to another frequently, even those who have been meditating for years can face this problem depending on their life situation and emotional health.

No matter what meditation you prefer, if you find yourself getting lost in random thoughts frequently then any form of meditation will not be providing you with good results which can be very frustrating because the very reason we sit to meditate is to achieve serenity.

What you need to understand if this is happening to you is that not being able to focus properly while meditating is not a big problem and this does not mean that you cannot meditate, the mind chatter that takes up all your attention when you are trying to concentrate is a part and parcel of our spiritual journey.

Here I will be sharing with you a few tips that will greatly help you to stop your mind from wandering when you sit to meditate, the points that I am going to enlist below will help you make gradual progress with your meditation practice, and these meditation tips will also motivate to stay consistent with your efforts, that’s why I request you to come back to reading this post whenever you feel you are going off track. Continue reading

Do Video Games Increase Intelligence?

Has it ever occurred to you that even though there are countless negative opinions about gaming, there might be some benefits of playing video games? Is there a possibility that video games can increase a person’s intelligence or help them improve their ability to concentrate? In this post, I will be discussing with you some very interesting facts about playing video games that might be new to you.

In no way I am advocating video game addiction nor am I giving you a reason to continue with your bad habit if you are already addicted to it, and most importantly, I am not at all giving a good point to kids to argue with their parents using this article because as we all already know (and still ignore) spending a lot of time in front of the screen in any way (whether PlayStation or Netflix) is not good for our mental and physical health.

However (yeah, there’s a however), as long as we are not spending most of our time in front of the screen, we are good, in fact, a limited amount of daily screen time might actually be good for us. Here, I am not going to enlist some good reasons to watch television (sorry to all the binge-watchers) but yes, we will be looking into some very good reasons that make video gaming healthy for us to some extent. Continue reading

5 Tips to Stop Falling Asleep During Meditation(Why It Happens?)

Why do I often fall asleep during meditation? Is my practice flawed, or is it simply ineffective for me? These questions frequently arise, especially among beginners. Surprisingly, even experienced meditators can grapple with the challenge of nodding off during their sessions. In this post, we’ll explore the reasons behind falling asleep while meditating and offer practical tips to help you overcome this common issue.

For some, meditation can lead to drifting into slumber, while others experience post-meditation drowsiness. Conversely, many individuals turn to meditation as a means to enhance their sleep patterns. Our unique psychological makeup means that we all confront distinct challenges in various aspects of life, and meditation is no exception.

Becoming drowsy during meditation is so common that I’ve witnessed an entire hall full of people snoring after a meditation session I attended. Most of them were meditating for the first time, but I know that this can happen to anyone, so there’s really nothing to worry about.

I have also observed people discontinuing their meditation practice, citing drowsiness as a reason to avoid it entirely. They often say, “Meditation isn’t for me; I can’t concentrate because I become sleepy when I try to sit in silence.”

But, you know what? That’s not quite right. Meditation is for everyone, and feeling a bit drowsy during a meditation session is completely normal. Actually, there are several reasons why it can happen to you. So, let’s dig into different factors that might be affecting your ability to make it through a meditation session, whether you tend to get a little sleepy halfway through or struggle to stay fully awake during the practice.

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Simple Visualization Meditation Script for Manifestation

If you are looking for an easy law of attraction based visualization meditation script for manifesting your desired life then you have landed at the right place because in this post I will be sharing with you a method that you can use daily for achieving your goals.

Meditation is not about controlling your thoughts neither it is about stopping the thoughts, it is simply an act of being aware of your thoughts and emotions. If you are looking for a meditation method for your spiritual development then I will suggest you try mindfulness meditation exercises, what I am going to show you here is something different from that, this method is for using the power of conscious thinking to manifest your desires.

Creative visualization is one of the best methods to communicate with the universe about your intentions but many people fail to use it properly due to their false beliefs that they cannot use their imagination. We all can use our imagination, in fact, we do it on a regular basis without knowing. When I say “bird” you get a picture of a bird in your mind, that’s imagination. Continue reading

Does the Muse Headband Work? – Meditation Headbands Review

The Muse brand has experienced significant growth in recent years, thanks to its innovative technology designed to measure brainwaves. But the real question remains: Do these Muse meditation headbands actually work? Are they truly effective in detecting your brainwaves, and can they genuinely enhance your meditation practice? In this post, I will address all your questions regarding these devices and provide you with a comprehensive review of both the Muse S and Muse 1 headbands.

While I often advocate for natural meditation practices, it’s important to remember that there’s no universally ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to meditate. The key lies in staying aware of your mind’s wanderings. Even if you’ve been meditating for years, maintaining this awareness can be challenging at times. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced meditator, having a tool that alerts you when your mind starts to wander can significantly enhance the benefits of your practice.

I have heard that in some ancient traditions, masters would sneak up from behind and swing a wooden stick on their meditating pupil to see if they were aware enough to dodge it. However, we are fortunate to live in a world where there are better ways to make spiritual progress without getting beaten up with a wooden stick! Jokes apart, the device that I am going to discuss with you here is designed to monitor whether your mind is relaxed while meditating or if it is wandering, it also alerts you to get back on the right track.

Before diving into my personal experience and answering your questions, let me provide you with some information about this product and how it works. Continue reading