How to Speak to the Universe for Manifesting Your Desires

In this post, I will be talking about how to speak to the universe so that you could receive the inspirations that will help you to make the right choices in life.

Well honestly, I was quite hesitant while writing that title because the universe is not a person to whom you could speak to, even though it all appears outside of us, but in truth, everything is inside us.

We are already communicating with the universe every second. When we think certain thoughts for long, feel emotionally connected to a desire, hold on to our faith in something, etc. we are actually having a conversation with the universe.

Many ancient spiritual texts have talked about how everything a man sees in the external world exists inside them as well, so when you talk to yourself you are also speaking to the universe in that moment.

This is why it is essential to hold positive thoughts and emotions because the type of energy you send out is what comes back to you in one form or the other. Continue reading

The Manifestation Magic 2 Review

In this manifestation magic 2 review, I will be giving you an in-depth idea about this updated version of the manifestation magic program which was the earlier version of this particular brainwave entrainment based product that I have already used and I am also well aware of how much popularity this program gained in the past few years.

I have already written a review of the manifestation magic created by Alexander Wilson about 3 years ago and in this review, I will be telling you about the new developments of this program and how it can be helpful to you. This updated program is created based on the feedback of users who bought their previous version and the makers have added a lot of new features to this manifestation magic V2.

The creator of this program is Alexander J Wilson who has been teaching the law of attraction and about the power of the subconscious mind for a lot of years now and with the help of this product the author shares with you his method to tap into your subconscious mind power so that you can manifest the life of your desire. The author uses a term called “energy orbiting” which is simply the process of altering our subconscious limiting beliefs that stops us from achieving our goals and to accomplish this he uses brainwave entrainment-based audio tracks which is what you will receive in this package so that you can also use this method to make some significant changes in your life. Alexander claims that the program can work within the first 24 hours of using this product. Continue reading

Benefits of Emotional Freedom Technique

In the past few posts, I have been discussing about the EFT method which is an alternative to the traditional treatment and it is mainly used for stress relief but it also has many other applications, in this post, I will be talking about the benefits of the emotional freedom technique and with the help of this article I will help you to understand how you can implement the tapping technique to deal with various physical and mental health-related problems.

Tapping mostly deals with various types of deep emotional issues and it is believed that clearing many of the baggage from our inner mind can not only be helpful for our emotional well-being but can also solve many physical issues. EFT uses various principles of acupressure and combines them with psychological aspects to come up with a perfect healing solution that works very well for many people.

Tapping acts as a very good tool that can be practically applied in various life situations to work on one’s reaction towards different types of circumstances and this is why a lot of studies have proven that stress-related issues can be very effectively solved with the help of EFT methods. We will now look into the various types of advantages that tapping offers and we will also explore the ways in which this healing method can be used to improve one’s life. Continue reading

What is Tapping Therapy? – EFT Basics

In this post, I will give you a basic overview of the emotional freedom technique and answer what is tapping therapy and how it can help you in various ways. Tapping or the emotional freedom technique is an alternative to the traditional way of healing physical pain and emotional problems that are now widely used by various experts and this practice has been backed up by a lot of studies and research workers nowadays.

In a lot of ways, tapping is similar to acupuncture but EFT does not require needles instead it uses fingertips to apply constant pressure on various points in our body to balance the energy by targeting the meridian points. EFT is mostly helpful for psychological issues but it has also proven to be a very good solution to many types of physical problems as well. The best thing about EFT practitioners is that once a person learns how to perform the EFT tapping method, they can do it on their own from the comfort of their home and this knowledge acts as a tool that will be useful to them throughout their life. Continue reading

EFT Tapping and the Law of Attraction

In this post, I will be talking in detail about how you can combine the techniques of EFT tapping and the law of attraction to increase the effectiveness of the LOA methods that you might already be using to manifest your dream life. The law of attraction requires you to be clear about your intentions and then it further takes you to the process of imagining your desired outcomes while also increasing the feelings of abundance, but the most crucial part is to allow your desired things to manifest in your life by clearing the feelings of scarcity or we can say that it involves clearing your inner energy blocks that are responsible for not letting your desires to manifest into your reality.

This “allowing part” of this whole process is very difficult because it makes you work on your deeply rooted feelings, memories, emotional barriers, etc. that are responsible for your current life situation where you have not received what you have asked from the universe. This inner work is the most difficult part of this whole process and this is what makes most people fail in being able to make proper use of the law of attraction techniques since they have no idea about how they can get rid of these feelings of lack and after a few days of relentlessly trying to manifest their desire, it is very common to find oneself in a place where one cannot think positively and the feelings of scarcity become dominant which is counter-effective to the whole idea of raising your vibrations.

This is where the emotional freedom technique can act as a very effective tool because it is a form of therapeutic healing that gives you practical exercises and methodology which can target to release the emotional baggage from your system. EFT is most commonly used for anxiety, phobias, anger, insomnia, etc. and it has also proven to be a very effective healing therapeutic tool but only a few people know that this particular tapping method can also be used for increasing your chances of manifesting your desires while using the law of attraction. Continue reading

Walking Meditation Script – A Routine for Serene Life

One of the readers of my blog recently asked me a question when I told him about some of my morning’s practices, “Can you meditate while walking?” When I answered yes to that question he became more curious about how can someone meditate when their focus is on some other activity? To answer this I shared with him, a walking meditation script using which you can meditate when you are taking a walk to your office, grocery store, or simply when you go for your morning or evening walks.

One of the biggest misconceptions about meditation that stops people from trying it is that they think it as some difficult practice that is not meant for everyone, people tend to think that without certain Yogic posture, place or diet a person cannot meditate. It’s absolute rubbish, of course, a yogic diet, environment that is conducive for meditation and certain postures do help a person to concentrate but all of them are just additional things.

Just like you don’t always need a gym or a protein shake in order to exercise, all those things are not necessary. Not everyone in the world has time to spare for yogic practices but there is a method that has evolved from ancient schools of spirituality like Buddhism i.e mindfulness.

You can practice mindfulness exercises anywhere, anytime, it gives your mind the necessary rest which will result in the inner peace that will fill you with energy for the rest of your day. Continue reading

The World Tapping Circle Review

In this review, I will be explaining to you in detail what is the world tapping circle about? and I will also cover all the aspects of this particular program so that you can get a better idea about it and understand whether this membership could be helpful for you in order to solve many of your problems using the Emotional Freedom Techniques(EFT) taught in this program.

Basically, this circle is a membership program where you will be shown various EFT tapping methods and will be taught about their usage so that you can apply these techniques to overcome many problems like stress, anxiety, financial issues, relationship problems, and health issues, etc. From anxiety to chronic pain EFT can be used for a plethora of bodily as well as emotional problems. Continue reading

The Tao of Rich Review – Scam Advice

In this review, I will be giving you detailed information about the tao of rich program and I will share my personal opinion with you on this money manifestation product so that you can make your decision on whether you should buy this program or not with a proper understanding of what you will be getting in this digital product by Charlie Gates. The author has created this program and marketed it based on one particular principle that he believes is a crucial factor that affects a person’s financial situation.

The program talks about the communication between the heart and the mind and the author also claims that research works have proven that the heart’s electrical field is 60 times greater than that of the brain, so what he goes on to point out is that this electromagnetic energy that is generated from the heart area of the body extends to the space around us and it affects our lives in various ways. So, this program is created based on this energy field and it aligns this field between the heart and the mind so that you can manifest more money and live out the life of your dream, this particular process is called “The Heart Sync” by the makers of this program. Continue reading

3 Best Lucid Dreaming Techniques

In this post, I will be talking about the best lucid dreaming techniques that you can use to get good results as a beginner or you can also include these techniques for having frequent lucid dreams if you are already experienced as a conscious dreamer. These 3 techniques are most used by lucid dreaming experts because they have found that primarily only these methods are highly effective in inducing lucid dreams whereas many also prefer to combine these 3 basic techniques with many other processes to get customized results.

Most of the methods you will ever get to learn related to lucid dreaming are different versions of these 3 basic methods, people make slight changes to these 3 techniques and give them new names but as a lucid dreamer you should know that the basic methods from which the other techniques have evolved are always the best.

Although I have written about the techniques that I am going to provide you here individually in different posts, here I will be giving you a brief introduction to those methods and you can explore those methods by navigating to the posts in which I have talked extensively on each of the methods. Continue reading

The MILD Technique for Lucid Dreaming

The Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams or the MILD technique for lucid dreaming is a simple technique created by Dr. Stephen LaBarge who was an American psychophysiologist who specialized in the scientific study of lucid dreaming, he discovered this method while he was completing his academic studies. This is a special type of method that uses your prospective memory to induce lucid dreams.

Prospective memory is our ability to set intentions for the future and carry out our tasks at the scheduled time, this means that when we use our intentions like remembering to switch off the lights of the house before sleeping, we are using this particular memory. So, the MILD technique simply involves you to set a strong intention of getting lucid which your prospective memory will help you to remember when you are actually dreaming and this will easily make you conscious in your dreams.

From my experience, I find that this technique is not as effective as the WILD technique which I consider the most effective lucid dreaming technique but one of the advantages that I have found with the use of this method is that even though lucid dreams induced with the help of the MILD technique are not very frequent, however, they do not cause you the troubles like multiple false awakenings and sleep paralysis, that is why I believe that if you do not have much experience as a lucid dreamer then this method is a very safe tool to induce lucid dreams. Continue reading