30 Day Lucid Dreaming Bootcamp Review

In this 30-day lucid dreaming Bootcamp review, I will be giving you a detailed analysis of this product created by Stefan Zugor which is a special course created for beginners in the field of lucid dreaming and it aims to help you stick with a daily routine so that you can have your first lucid dream within 20 days. This program has materials like daily videos and a step-by-step printable template that ensures that you stay inspired while trying to have your first lucid dream.

This program is an easy-to-follow system that has worked for thousands of people and contains a unique strategic plan for beginners, including exercises and methods that have been proven to be effective. Since the program has something new to perform each day, you will be able to stay interested in it whereas you will not lose hope easily and the templet is designed in such a way that it will help you to not only have your first lucid dream within a few weeks but it will also establish you as a regular lucid dreamer.

The psychological principle used by Stephen Zugor to create this program is highly effective to help most people to have their first lucid dream in less time and his techniques are all backed up by research works.

Stephen has been learning and teaching people about lucid dreaming for more than 10 years and his works and articles have reached millions of people over the years. He has also reached a large audience through his YouTube channel and for the past 10 years, he has been practicing and researching lucid dreaming. Stephen uses multiple psychological tools like neuropsychology, neurolinguistics programming, bio-hacking, and various personal growth methods to combine them all and make his unique formula of a lucid dreaming system that can be far more effective than the conventional methods.

Stephen has used lucid dreaming to work on his inner mind and he also motivates us in his program to use lucid dreaming as a tool to explore the potential of our minds. He has spent more than 5 years creating this program and in this quest, he has researched the methods and teachings of various well-known lucid dreamers and spent a lot of time examining thousands of articles, books, and stories based on lucid dreaming including various historical works that were based on ancient civilization.

According to Stephen, people from earlier civilizations were able to have lucid dreams far easily than us and he has found the reason behind this and used this particular factor in his program. Basically, this is a complete beginner’s material for lucid dreaming and if you can follow it for 30 days with determination, the author guarantees that you will have your first few lucid dreams for sure.

About the Program

The main material of this program is a printable lucid dream Bootcamp template that you can follow every day. The template contains exercises based on psychological principles that will keep you motivated to have regular lucid dreams. This high-quality printable template is what you will have to download and follow every day for 5-8 minutes, for every single day for 30-days this template will introduce you to various techniques and ideas that you will have to implement on specific days to condition your mind in a way that it will be prepared for providing you with a lucid dreaming experience.

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Along with the template, you will get a companion e-book that contains an elaboration of the steps provided in the template, this e-book will act as a guide to explain and help you understand all the methods that you will find in the template, it contains the instructions for the techniques, reality checks, exercises, and ideas provided in the main material.

With the help of this template and companion e-book, the author guides you on how to build the habits that are necessary for someone who is serious about lucid dreaming. It contains many techniques like a powerful lucid dreaming meditation that is highly efficient in increasing the frequency of lucid dreams and a specially designed visualization system that can help you to have a lucid dream quickly. The author has also included some methods that are very useful for having regular lucid dreams whereas he has covered the basic habits that lead to lucid dreaming in a way that will be even more effective like he guides you on how to keep your dream journal to increase your ability to recall your dreams whereas he provides you with the powerful ways to perform reality checks so that you can easily differentiate between dreams and reality.

You will also get proper guidance on a plethora of lucid dreaming induction techniques like the wake-induced lucid dream, mnemonic-induced lucid dream, and the wake back to bed method. All these conventional lucid dream-inducing techniques are provided with a special way of performing them which the author claims are around 3 times more effective than the usual practices.

Bonus Materials

The additional items in this program are also something that you can use while following the main 30-day lucid dreaming BootCamp program to help you get even more successful as a lucid dreamer in a very less amount of time.

#1: Lucid Dreamer’s Morning Routine – This is a guide on exactly what you should do to have more lucid dreams, it is a printable 9-step morning routine that you can follow regularly to increase the chances of having frequent lucid dreams. Performing these 9-steps every morning will add a lot to what you have learned in the main material.

#2: Meditation for Lucid Dreams – This e-book will help you to boost your lucid dreams by providing you with some powerful meditation methods that are specifically designed for helping you to have lucid dreams. This material will save you a lot of time because it increases your chances of having lucid dreams if you follow the methods provided in this book properly.

#3: Lucid Dreaming Supplement Blueprint – If you are looking for some supplements that can help you to have vivid lucid dreams then in this book you will find information about more than 14 lucid dreaming supplements and suggestions on how to use them. It also contains some specific methods that you can use while using lucid dreaming supplements.

#4: Lucid Adventure Blueprint – This is a special guide on how you can create your own dream scenes, in this book the author tells you how you can be the creator of the lucid dreaming scenarios and design your own dream beforehand while making ut possible to manifest that specific dream like a dream architect.

#5: 100 Things To Do in Lucid Dreams – As a lucid dreamer, there comes a time when you run out of ideas when you have successfully had done a few things in your lucid dreams, so this explores the possibility in lucid dreams by providing you with more than 100 ideas and their detailed explanation of how those experiences will be so that you can be inspired to try something new every night while dreaming.

#6: Lucid Inspiration Graphics Pack – This is a newly added bonus to this program which contains a graphics pack that you can use for your phone lock screen, desktop, and laptop wallpapers. It also contains reality check reminders and quotes related to lucid dreaming. This material is designed to keep you on track by reminding your mind to work on lucid dreaming regularly.

#7: 5 Steps to Lucid Dreaming – This book is another material on lucid dreaming that will help you to control your dreams and nightmares. It contains various stories and experiences of the author that can act as a very good example for you to learn various things about lucid dreaming.

#8: Ultimate Guide to Reality Checks – This book contains the roadmap to reality checks and it gives you some very detailed information on the use of reality checks. You will find some advanced techniques that you can use for this purpose so that you will be quickly able to perform reality checks in your dreams without failing.

#9: A Video Per Day for 30 Days – This particular bonus acts as a perfect addition to the main material because here you will get a new video from the author for 30 days where he will motivate you and provide you with daily challenges so that you can successfully follow your 30-days BootCamp. It is like personal coaching from Stefan where he provides you with a daily dose of motivation.

Final Advice

As a lucid dreamer, I have used a lot of programs that were based on lucid dreaming and after using this particular program, I have found that it can be very useful for someone who is new to lucid dreaming. But if you are an experienced lucid dreamer then I don’t think that you will find anything in this program that you already didn’t know. Although I think that it is very creative of Stefen to use so many psychological hacks to modify the well-known conventional methods but I believe that the techniques are highly based on helping people to have their initial experiences in lucid dreaming.

If you are new to lucid dreaming and you have been struggling to have your first lucid dream then according to me this is probably one of the best materials that you can find on this subject because the 30-day lucid dreaming BootCamp is so strategically designed that I believe it would have saved me a lot of time in the initial days when I was trying to have my first few lucid dreams. The advice and guidance on the basic tools of lucid dreaming is something that every beginner should know if they really want to have some success. Also, I believe that some of the bonus materials provided in this program really add up to the design of the main material so that a person can have a lot of tools in their hands when they are trying to become a lucid dreamer.

The program comes with a  60-day moneyback guarantee, so you get an ample amount of time to try this program and find for yourself whether it has been useful for you or not. I would suggest you follow the 30-day lucid dreaming BootCamp for a month and whether you are successful in having your first lucid dream in that time period or not is the simplest way of knowing how useful this particular program is for you.

For more information, kindly visit the product website.


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