
Category Archives for "Mind Power"

7 Working Methods and Tips for Improving Self-Confidence

Without self-confidence a person cannot achieve their goals, that’s why I am going to share some tips for improving self-confidence here that will be very useful for you in order to be successful in your life.hypnotherapy self confidence

Some of these methods are based on hypnotherapy because qualities like this are caused by the self-image we have in our powerful subconscious mind, so we need to alter these deep-rooted beliefs for this purpose.

Confidence, unlike what people think is not a sense of knowing something, though it appears like that what is needed to be understood is that on an inner level, confidence is a state where our beliefs offer the least resistance to whatever we want to do/achieve.

In other words, our subconscious mind knows everything already, don’t believe me? Read about people who have split personalities and you will learn how their alter ego is able to do things which they never ever learned. Continue reading

9 Interesting Things the Movie Matrix Teaches about the Human Mind

I am a huge fan of the movie matrix; needless to say, I have watched the matrix trilogy multiple times. The reason for my deep interest in it is that I love how the whole concept touches on some very real aspects of human psychology.the truth about the matrix

You can argue about a lot of flaws in the plot, but when you think about the possibility and basic premise on which the movie is created i.e. the illusory nature of our experiences, you will realize how it can make us see our whole life from a new perspective.

If you are someone with interests in spirituality, human psychology, personal development and the law of attraction like me, then you can easily make sense of the things I am going to share with you here.

These are some points that I found in the movie series that really made me think deeply and it also resonated with what I have learned so far about our mind. Continue reading

What Gives the Attractive Power to Something? – An Interesting Psychological Fact

At different points of my life, I have asked myself – What is it that actually attracts people? Is it attitude? Personality traits? Behavior? Talent? Skill? Or even what is most commonly perceived as the source of attraction – Appearance?

Whether you agree or not, we all want people to turn their attention towards us in one way or the other. Unless you are someone meditating in the Jungles or the Himalayas, you want to be seen or heard by others in your life because that’s how we express ourselves. How will we know that we exist if no one was there to perceive us?

Not everyone in the world wants to attract a large audience, but there are people in our lives who matter a lot to us, without their attention we may feel a deep sense of incompleteness.

There are also those who have shut themselves from the social world and don’t want to be seen at all, but they also seek attention indirectly, may be using some form of work they do.

Needless to say, people who are not much happy with the world also try to express their hatred and gain attention by doing unacceptable things. Continue reading

What Is Hypnosis – Does It Actually Work?

Most people have no idea about what hypnosis actually is, ergo, there are so many misconceptions that are present in our world which makes people doubt whether hypnosis actually works or not.why does hypnosis work

One very important reason why hypnosis has a false image in people’s mind is due to the tendency of people to confuse hypnosis with hypnotism.

Hypnotism and hypnosis have a technical difference, hypnotism is a term that is used for the methodology “especially” popularized by stage shows and TV shows where a person is able to control other people’s behavior.

We are going to talk about hypnosis here which is a mental state where a person’s conscious activity is very less, which means their subconscious mind can be given direct suggestions in this state so that it becomes possible to work on their psychology in such a way that their behavioral patterns could change.

Hypnosis is backed up by science, this mind state it is used in hypnotherapy where a person’s subconscious mind beliefs and ideologies are changed to help them improve their lives in various ways. Continue reading

Instant Transformational Hypnotherapy for Building the Success Mindset

One of the most powerful methods I found for working on my inner beliefs is Marisa Peer’s instant transformational hypnotherapy which is also referred as the rapid transformational rapid transformational hypnotherapy hypnotherapy because it causes an immediate shift in you by working on your psychological barriers that stops you from moving forward in life.

Marisa is a very popular hypnotherapist who has helped thousands of people to overcome their life problems using the instant hypnotherapy which she now teaches online in her uncompromised life program.

According to her, you can train and reprogram your powerful subconscious mind by going into the state of hypnosis, when you exactly know how to find your problems and fix it in that state, some very quick changes can happen.

Rewiring Your Brain

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Self Talk Recordings for Using Mind Power Positively

We have a mind that has limitless potential, but we need proper tools to make good use of it, in this post, I will be discussing self-talk recordings that can be used for this particular purpose.positive negative self talk

Our thoughts are powerful, but our mind has a natural tendency to think more about the negative things due to which a lot of its power is lost in unwanted stuff, if you could change your self-talk (which is the voice inside your head) in a way that it tells you about the positive things, then you can make some very major positive changes in your life.

What Is Self-Talk Recordings

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What Is the Subconscious Mind and How It Works?

Have you ever wondered what the subconscious mind is? Is that an assumption based concept for psychological studies or does exist as a separate entity apart from our conscious mind?

There was a time when subconscious mind used to be a thing in psychology books and therapists were most interested in knowing how it works, but these days every person interested in self-growth is coming to know about it.what is the power of your subconscious mind

Despite reading a lot about the subconscious mind, I used to be a little confused about its exact definition because hypothetically we can discuss such stuff in detail but when someone desires to get a simple explanation of such complicated and hyped stuff, it becomes a bit difficult to come up with an answer that can satisfy them.

After doing a good research I consider myself prepared to answer this question to anyone who asks me about the inner mind (and I get such questions a lot), so here I will provide you an answer to it based on my understanding hoping that it will be helpful to you.

The Subconscious Mind – A Simple Explanation

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7 Cool Mind Hacks That Will Help You Stay Ahead of the Curve

I love reading about the ways to enhance our mental abilities in big and small ways to get better at what we do and these mind hacks that I am about to share with you are what I have used successfully in various situations.

It is amazing how we can have more control over our lives by learning the methods that make our powerful mind to work in our favor.

Some of these techniques will make perfect sense to you, but there are others that cannot be understood using rational thinking since it works by altering the subconscious mind’s behavior.

Our mind is so powerful that it can make all our goals achievable, only if you know how to tap into the power of the subconscious mind.

A few of these methods that I am going to share will work on a deeper level than what is discernible and that’s why I want you to try it for yourself before you make any conclusion about it. Continue reading

4 Methods to Overcome Low Self-Esteem – Build a Healthy Self-Image

In this post, I am going to provide a few very simple methods on how to overcome low self-esteem because when you have a low self-esteem you are like a dragon that is not aware of its abilities. Crawling on the ground not knowing you can fly, afraid of others without being aware of your strengths and running away from your few enemies despite having a breath that can set a whole army on fire.

That’s really true, we all have so many unique skills and talents that we have been hiding from ourselves and the world just because somewhere inside we are not confident enough.

It really does not matter if you have a personality that seems pretty much confident if you are not doing what you love and you are compromising your life in any way then there is a great chance that you are having a low self-esteem.

This post is not going to be any motivational content that will just fill you up with stories so that you could feel charged and start running towards your dreams today, only to find that you are the same old person the next day, we are going to work on the roots in order to make an everlasting change. Before that, there are a few things I would like to share with you on why we unconsciously become our own enemies.

Self-Image and the Subconscious Mind

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Power Pause Technique – The 3 Minute Magic

I don’t know if you have ever heard of the power pause technique or not, but it is a personal development tool that can help you to overcome any of your life problems.

Last week I read a very good book from John Harricharan named “The Power Pause” and that was the very first time I got to know about this method, it is something so simple that even a kid can learn it, but please don’t make the mistake of doubting its effectiveness by its simplicity.

Honestly, for me also it was hard to believe that the power pause method can help me in any way to improve my life because what it teaches appears to be very primitive from the perspective of someone like me who has explored a lot of self-help materials.

The three steps you will learn here that this whole thing is all about, is not a secret formula that you won’t be already knowing, however, I think what makes it so effective is one important thing it does to a person’s mental state when he is facing any kind of problem, which is to break his focus for a while from the troublesome thoughts. Continue reading