Can Thoughts Create Reality? – The Star Analogy
As you can see, the quote that I have used is from Buddha, hundreds of wise and famous people from past have told us that our thoughts create our reality.
Even quantum physics says that our mind creates our world (read “Why Quantum Physicists Do Not Fail“, if you want to know more about it) .
So, our question should be “how can I use my thought power?” rather than “can thoughts create reality? Or “is this true?”, because such questions will not take anyone to the right path of development.
Faith is most important and without it no one can lead to a satisfactory life.
The star analogy that I am using here is not at all anything about astrology but I am bringing an example that often makes me to wonder about a very great principle.
“Thoughts Makes Our Reality – Whatever we are now is because of the ideas that we held in the mind in our past”, if you are a person who is keen about developing himself then this is not an unfamiliar thing for you.