Know your mind- Why we forget the great ideas?
We all often make a big mistake by taking our ideas and thoughts for granted, thinking that we can call it out whenever it is required but, do you really remember your thoughts? Ever wondered why we forget the great ideas that come into our mind very often?
Even recurring thoughts soon gets faded with the passage of time and the temporary thoughts are very hard to recall even after few hours. (I am talking about the important ones because countless thoughts occur in mind every day)
You will understand this, if you may try to recall the whole day happenings when you go to bed, you will be amazed to know that only a few incidents make a lasting impression on our memory and even those impressions will get erased in few more hours.
People who are involved in doing creative work like painting, writing, music composing etc can easily understand about loss of thoughts if they fail to make a note about the inspiration that flashes all of a sudden in their mind, soon it will be lost!