Nevillize it! Working with Law of Attraction is Supposed to be Fun

Visualizing- It has always been a very confusing thing for people who begin to believe in “the law of attraction”.

Actually, it is our own logical mind that creates all this confusion. Visualization is something that we always do unconsciously and we used to deliberately do it when we were kids.

Working with law of attraction requires you to be playful and excited; if you will “Nevillize” then visualization becomes a fun process.

Our subconscious mind communicates through images. If I say “Apple”, no matter if you are aware of it or not your mind quickly associates the word “Apple” with the same fruit’s image. It happens naturally, so we are already good at visualizing. Continue reading

7 Quick Law of Attraction Exercises to Rock Your Day

I am bringing a few quick exercises here that can immediately raise your vibrations and change the quality of your thoughts so that you can have better days every week.

From many law of attraction exercises available these are the ones that you can perform anywhere and anytime to immediately shift the direction of your thinking.

I have chosen these methods from different places, try them and find out which one works for you. Continue reading

Silva Intuition System Review-What’s New in the Silva Method Store?

In this Silva Intuition System review, I will be providing you a detailed information about this product so that you can decide if will be useful for you or not.

One thing that is appreciable about the Silva Method is that it never ceased to advance and today Sir Jose Silva’s work has been extremely developed with the latest digital tools involved.

Note – I am sorry to inform you that I just became aware that this particular program has been suspended by the makers, however, Mindvalley has introduced a brand new awesome program based on silva method which you might like to check out – Silva Ultramind System 

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The Burning Bowl Meditation-Let Your Past Go!

You may have heard of it before or maybe it’s the first time but, people use the full moon day as an opportunity to release the impressions of the bad past from their lives with burning bowl meditation.

The concept behind this meditation is the belief that sees both “fire” and “full moon” as the energy of release, adding up both the meditation stands for eliminating and letting go of the limiting memories of the past that stops the growth of an individual.

People prefer to do this in a group for better results and they call it “the burning bowl ceremony”, a ritual which is usually performed in the New Year eve.

Fire, has always been considered as a symbol of purification and here it is used to burn away all the past experiences that become a hindrance for our spiritual growth, it’s a great idea indeed! Continue reading

Zox Pro Training Review- Memory Training Course or Scam?

Like most programs, you will find those over-hyped promotions that give a feeling of “too good to be true” all over the internet for Zox Pro also.

However, the choice of the product should depend on the type of requirement that you have in your life rather than getting canvassed by the unreal promises made by the makers.

So, I would like to keep this zox pro training system review simple and straight so that you could actually get a glimpse of what you will be getting if you will opt for this brain power enhancing the program. Continue reading

5 Lucid Dreaming Dangerous Seeming Experiences

Every lucid dreaming beginner is afraid of the experiences that they hear from others which make them believe that lucid dreaming is dangerous.

Through this post I want to make people aware that lucid dreaming is completely safe because it is just like any other normal dream, the only difference is that you are aware that you are dreaming when you lucid dream.

Still, there are few things that can scare you while trying to lucid dream and this post will make you aware of it so that it won’t be big issue for you.

So here are few dream experiences that can become a hindrance in your path when you are trying to explore your dream world. However with proper knowledge you will learn to deal with them. Continue reading

Lucid Dreaming Question- Do You Direct Your Dreams or You Explore It?

As a beginner- A person would like to explore the lucid dreams. Next, they will most preferably concentrate on prolonging the lucid dreams.

After becoming proficient in controlling dreams, there are two choices.

One will limit the possibilities of a dreamer to just do whatever he wants in the dream world, whereas the other will put him on the doorstep to explore the vastness of his inner world.

Many good books have been written on lucid dreaming. But, I am a big fan of Robert Waggoner’s “Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self“ for one reason- he takes lucid dreaming to an extremely higher level… and that is what the second choice is all about. Continue reading

Filling Your Family with the Vibrations of Love

In her 6th module of the program “Love or Above”, Christie focuses on raising the vibration level of the family.

Her words regarding this subject resonated completely with what I already knew somewhere deep inside my heart.

A single person who is more conscious and intuitively aware can raise the vibrations of his whole family.

Lets us shed some light on how important family joy is in every person’s life. Continue reading

Imaginative Kids Are “Genius in the Making”-Amazing Creative Ability of Children

The moment you are attending a sad death ceremony, your kid might be busy laughing with his imaginary friends.

You may be worried about the financial crisis, and your kid might be screaming with excitement in his Ferrari that he made by arranging pillows.

You could be frustrated while handling household chores whereas your kid might have already prepared lunch for him and his friends in his dream world.

Here we will discuss the gift that we all have been blessed with but, we usually leave it behind when we are growing up, it is that magical mental ability known as “Imagination”. Continue reading

5 Lucid Dream Inducing Food Items- Get Those Vivid Dreams Tonight

Undoubtedly, lucid dream supplements work pretty very well in helping one with lucid dreaming, they don’t necessarily always makes one conscious inside his dreams but they do increase the possibility.

But, I have never advocated the use of such supplements and that’s why I am going to inform you about some lucid dreaming food items here which you can use as an alternative.

Before discussing lucid dream inducing food items, I would like to inform you about a hormone that is essential for getting vivid dreams because our focus would be to increase the amount of this particular hormone in the body for the purpose of lucid dreaming. Continue reading

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