
Category Archives for "Serenity and Happiness"

6 Common Myths about Self Love – Self Love Is Not Selfishness

In order to live a joyful life and to positively influence people, one should fill himself with so much love that it must get radiated to others.

This post is in continuation to the post named “Our Natural State of Existence-Allowing the Energy of Love to Flow“.

A person is actually alive only when he is in love with his own existence, but often the concept of self-love is misinterpreted.

Here, I am going to shed light on the 6 most common myths about self-love, these myths are a result of misinterpreting the actual meaning behind the message of loving oneself.

These are few common false beliefs about self love that I have come to know about and these misconceptions are actually quite the opposite of what  “self love” really is:- Continue reading

Our Natural State of Existence-Allowing the Energy of Love to Flow

“Love” is a magical word, we can never measure anybody’s love for us or our love for them, and it could only be felt emotionally.

Anything we experience in our life, our conscious mind judges it and compares it with the past experiences to label it as “good” or “bad”, we think that what we have labeled here as “good” is what we love, but this label is always subjected to change because we were not feeling good for what was happening “out there” instead we were feeling good about “the idea or the thought” that dominated our mind in any particular moment.

Is Love an Illusion?

If we feel joy because of our own thoughts, then is love an illusion?

If our state of happiness does not depend on any external factor then is it all a game played by our EGO which decides what we love or hate?

Yes, “hatred” is an illusion indeed and it is a very persistent and strong one, but, love is our true nature.

We are made up of love and our inner being has love for everything outside as well as inside us. Continue reading

The Burning Bowl Meditation-Let Your Past Go!

You may have heard of it before or maybe it’s the first time but, people use the full moon day as an opportunity to release the impressions of the bad past from their lives with burning bowl meditation.

The concept behind this meditation is the belief that sees both “fire” and “full moon” as the energy of release, adding up both the meditation stands for eliminating and letting go of the limiting memories of the past that stops the growth of an individual.

People prefer to do this in a group for better results and they call it “the burning bowl ceremony”, a ritual which is usually performed in the New Year eve.

Fire, has always been considered as a symbol of purification and here it is used to burn away all the past experiences that become a hindrance for our spiritual growth, it’s a great idea indeed! Continue reading

Filling Your Family with the Vibrations of Love

In her 6th module of the program “Love or Above”, Christie focuses on raising the vibration level of the family.

Her words regarding this subject resonated completely with what I already knew somewhere deep inside my heart.

A single person who is more conscious and intuitively aware can raise the vibrations of his whole family.

Lets us shed some light on how important family joy is in every person’s life. Continue reading

Difference between Unconditional Love and Attachment

We have always known and heard of unconditional love but we rarely realize that we are naturally unconditional lovers and it is only our ego that causes the illusion that we are not.

All of us have loved ones in our life, but if we closely analyze those relationships we will find that we don’t love them unconditionally, as the intimacy of all that relationship is continuously varying according to the synchronicity between our thinking and theirs.

So, it becomes necessary to understand the difference between unconditional love and attachment.

What Is Unconditional Love?

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Using Music to Control Thoughts – Effect of Music on Meditation

Music works wonders when it is combined with meditation especially for beginners, it deepens the meditation, relaxes our mind, focuses for longer periods. One of the easy ways to practice meditation is to seek the help of music.


Using music to control thoughts is advised for beginners, slowly and gradually one should learn to do that on their own but the effect of music on meditation is very significant.


Nature and Music


In order to survive in an unfriendly modern sound era, we should enjoy the natural sounds generated by ocean, river, rain, breeze etc.

As the sound of birds in the early morning gives us joy; likewise the music for the morning meditation should contain joy giving rhythm, freshness and tenderness. Continue reading

The Impact of Food on Thoughts : Yogic Diet

Clarity of mind and body depends upon the intake of diet that we all take in our day to day life.

According to Ayurveda and Yoga disciplines, the diets may be classified as Sattvic diet Diet, Rajasic Diet, and Tamasic Diet.

The Sattvic  Diet

This kind of diet supports yoga and meditation, it brings calmness and peace in the mind.
Diet effects the different compartments of our brains.

Pure and simple diets have a deep effect on the thoughts that arises in our mind; freshness is the hallmark of yoga diets.

The Sattvic diets are derived from observing ahimsa methods (without hurting any life). Nature gives them in a fresh way and it is taken with love and affection. Such diets bring positive vibrations which help us to go deeper in meditation with ease. Continue reading

Humor Can Change Your Life – Mental Benefits of Laughter

You underestimate the power of laughter, don’t you? We all have heard about the mental benefits of laughter like it can heal people, reduce stress, clear mind, etc but actually it is much more than that what we think.

When we laugh we actually use suppressed negative energy in a positive way, this saves us from many mental as well as physical issues (suppressed energy can express itself as a disease or physical discomfort).


Whenever we meet or have a conversation with people, we are also dealing with them on a spiritual level.

People with positive vibrations bring others into the same vibration level and the opposite happens as well. (This is why we feel so good after meeting some people whereas some leaves us with an undesirable feeling; our feelings are actually a tool to analyze the vibrations of people and places) Continue reading

Raise Your Vibrations with Meditation-The Best Way to Stay Happy Most of the Time

In an earlier post named “feeling down without any reason”, we discussed the ways to change your mood when you are feeling gloomy.

One of the ways discussed in that post was to do meditation and I would like to tell you that the best way to stay happy most of the time is to meditate every day.

All the other ways to change your mood could only give you a temporary relief from those states, but by meditating regularly you can have better control over your thoughts which will lead you to have a good mood all day long. Continue reading

Fill all your works with love – Role of emotions in actions

To understand this we should watch our thoughts while we do something for others and find out if we are trying to impress them or trying to make them happy.

It does not matter if others think that you are “trying to impress anyone” or “trying to make anyone happy” what matters is what you think, for this let us understand this “Ego Mode” in more detail..

The Ego Mode of Mind

Your ego always wants something from outside in order to feel happy, it looks for appreciation and if it does not get what it wants, then it will make you feel bad about life.

When we do something for others without expecting anything in return then we do not need their praise or any favor to get happy because helping them was a pleasure in itself.

When we always try to get something out of what we are doing our mind gets into a continues turmoil,  this will add up to our sadness and the same cycle keeps on continuing.

A person, who always wants something in return for helping others(even if it is just a “thank you”), will find it hard to help others when he gets nothing, such thoughts will make his life miserable. Continue reading