The Spiritual Guilt Trap- Don’t Ever Criticize Yourself for Wanting More!

Today, I am going to share a true realization with you that I have noticed in my life as well as others which I never really knew was my own “enemy” until I saw it residing inside me and affecting my actions.

I found this little enemy of mine when I was going through Lisa Nichol’s Creative Visualization course in the lesson number 4 where she teaches that we often stop ourselves from wanting things that we know will make us happy because we believe that having such desires is non-spiritual.

Let’s be honest here, don’t you see this in the world and yourself very often?.. Like when you are with someone whose opinion matters a lot to you- You act as a person who is not much desirous or sometimes the other person hides what he wants for himself because he fears that you will judge him?

Our concern here is not how you pretend in front of others, if you will just watch your thoughts with a little more awareness you will find that you deny things in life because you think that wanting too much in life is not good from the spiritual aspect. Continue reading

Photo Reading – What Is It and How Does It Work?

Do you think our vision is limited to what we are consciously seeing at any given moment? By this I mean the focus on what you are looking at right now, if you are reading these words then you are only conscious about the words in front of you, whereas your sensory perception is registering everything  of this particular scene.

Our subconscious mind captures every small and big activities of our daily life, whether you are awake or sleeping it is always working.

So, this means that we actually remember every single event of our life in complete detail.

Then why is it that we recall so less? Why it takes us so long to bring back anything that we have stored in our mind..?

It is due to the co-ordination between the conscious mind and subconscious mind. Continue reading

3 Essential Law of Attraction Principles That People Always Tend to Forget

Working with the universal laws is very different from just studying them in books and having a false impression that one understands the recipe to manifest the lifestyle that he/she wishes to have.

Many people get too excited about stuff like deliberate creation by reading some books or watching various YouTube videos, they have enough information in their mind to write a new book on what they have studied but when it comes to living in complete harmony with what they have learned,most of them fail..Why?

The reason is very obvious-If you will consider the content in those books as something which can make sense to you only if it works, then you are not sure about it and when you are not sure about it..guess what?-It won’t work!!

Contrary to the knowledge you have gained- You are still holding a belief which is quite the opposite from the learned one. Continue reading

Are You Ignoring Your Inner Child That Needs Love? – 9 Minutes to Heal Your Heart Chakra

Heart chakra is the love centre of our energy body and in order for one to feel the higher emotions like joy, love and gratitude one has to keep it open so that the life force could flow freely thought it.

If you find it hard to forgive people and situations in your life or you fear to move forward because somewhere deep inside you are very fearful of getting hurt again then there is a very high chance that your heart chakra needs to be healed.

Why and How One Shuts His 4th Chakra?

Mostly,there is no one else to be blamed for a person’s chakra imbalance because he himself is the one who is responsible for it, yes sometimes the negative emotional energy patterns in one’s family may also cause it,but since you are reading you have an option! Continue reading

Suffering Caused by the Dying Ego-The Dark Night of the Soul

First time I heard this spiritual phase, it was an article on Mother Terresa’s dark night of the soul experience, the emotion I felt was “fear”. The misinformation that creates a false impression in our minds about this phase which can occur in anybody’s life makes it something that intimidates us.

This post is prepared with an intention to give you a clear idea about this stage because with proper information you can use it as a ladder to achieve higher consciousness. Continue reading

Do You Have a Financial Freedom Account?-Prosperity Consciousness Exercise #2

I have discussed a fun activity earlier named the Piggy Bank Game which can be a good exercise to make you feel a little relived even at times when you are not doing well financially.

This time I am going to talk about something with you which like the earlier process does not focus on your current mindset towards wealth instead this is something that will show its effect in the future, but it is a must thing to do  if you want to be someone who attracts money in his life with ease.

Prosperity consciousness is something which a person must develop in order to improve his relationship with money and that is why I am sharing this post with you because by following what is given here you will be able to do it naturally. Continue reading

4 Times When You Should Not Use the Law of Attraction Affirmations

If you believe in the power of affirmations and that using it could change your life by altering the old beliefs in your subconscious mind then you must be aware of the right time to use them as using affirmations without proper knowledge of how it works is of no use and it can work the other way also.

Words are the language of our conscious mind; it hardly takes up the surface job of representing the information that has gone through numerous processes that occurs in our mind.

So, what happens in the external level of our body’s system like speaking/hearing is often different from what is truly happening inside us.

The law of attraction does not work according to the thoughts that you are thinking without actually believing it, your feelings indicates what you actually believe deep inside.

For example -If a fat person stands in front of a mirror and says “I am slender and fit”… the discord that he feels while saying those words is his subconscious mind’s way  to show its disagreement to that statement because it is not in harmony with the set of programs that is imbued in his system. Continue reading

Don’t Say “I Don’t Know How to Use Creative Visualization”- You Are Already Good at It!

You may be a person who goes completely blank when you try to imagine or you may be someone who finds it difficult to visualize something that is contrary to your current life or you simply hear too many voices inside your head that says things like “this won’t work”, “it is stupidity”, “you have gone mad” etc – All this indicates that you have a strong limiting belief related to the powerful ability of your mind which we call “imagination”.

I realized about this energy block while listening to one of the sessions in Christie’s Unlimited Abundance Program, she performed a clearing on the belief that says “I don’t know how to use my imagination” and she explained that a vast number of people have this energy block which makes creative visualization a difficult process for them.

Why Is It so Difficult for You to Visualize?

In my childhood, I heard a story multiple times in which a man daydreams about how he will get rich in future using the pot of rice that he found and in the ending he accidentally breaks that pot which also breaks his dreams-The story sent a clear message to my subconscious mind that daydreaming is an act of lazy people who never succeed. Continue reading

Manifestation Miracle Secret System Detailed User Review

In this manifestation miracle user review, I will be providing you a summary like detailed review of this self-help material by Heather Mathews.manifestation-package

I have already written a review of Manifestation Miracle earlier, but with the traffic I have seen that has been flowing to my website to know  more about this particular course I couldn’t stop myself from writing a more in-depth review of this life changing material which has been liked by thousands of people from around the world.

Here, I am going to summarize the information that I have gained after buying this product and in this post I have tried my best to give you a complete idea of what you can get from this program.

A Step by Step Coaching Material

This ebook is more like a home based training; every chapter is designed in a way to teach you something new which you could practice for few days before proceeding any further.

The course is split in 5 parts and each part is arranged in a way to take you through a life transforming journey, so you will benefit from this product only if you get involved in following those guidelines with a strong intention to learn and grow. Continue reading

The Spiritual Laws of Money by T.Harv Eker Review-Change Your Money Blueprint

I have never gained a better understanding of my relationship with money than what I came to know from the works of T. Harv Eker, and from my viewpoint this program is probably his best work ever.spirtual laws of money

Here you will get to know the 8 spiritual laws of money that will show you exactly what you should do to thrive financially without risking your inner peace or losing your spiritual connection.

What obstacles do you see when you think about becoming a millionaire? I don’t know if you have identified the hindrances in your path to get wealthy or not, but I am very sure of this one fact – A common things that holds most people from achieving financial freedom is their subconscious beliefs that tells them that having a lot of wealth will negatively affect their spiritual life.

There are many things that cause you to struggle financially, but the major reason is the inner programming that works to keep you below a particular success level. This inner programming I am talking about is the deeply ingrained beliefs you have about wealth and a common belief that has kept a large population of the world poor is that “money is evil”.

As I like to read and write on both spirituality and success principles, I have met many people who don’t actually like it when I talk about money as they want to discuss only spiritual stuff with me. Continue reading

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