The Spiritual Guilt Trap- Don’t Ever Criticize Yourself for Wanting More!
Today, I am going to share a true realization with you that I have noticed in my life as well as others which I never really knew was my own “enemy” until I saw it residing inside me and affecting my actions.
I found this little enemy of mine when I was going through Lisa Nichol’s Creative Visualization course in the lesson number 4 where she teaches that we often stop ourselves from wanting things that we know will make us happy because we believe that having such desires is non-spiritual.
Let’s be honest here, don’t you see this in the world and yourself very often?.. Like when you are with someone whose opinion matters a lot to you- You act as a person who is not much desirous or sometimes the other person hides what he wants for himself because he fears that you will judge him?
Our concern here is not how you pretend in front of others, if you will just watch your thoughts with a little more awareness you will find that you deny things in life because you think that wanting too much in life is not good from the spiritual aspect. Continue reading