The Present Moment Awareness-Key to Effortless Manifestation

The law of attraction has gained wide popularity these days and people are gradually realizing that they do have a control over their lives, but the success rate is still very low and only a few people have been able to apply these principles in their lives to get the desired results.

Despite of having a great deal of information in form of written materials and courses on this subject, people fail to get the real message behind these teachings which is “You attract what you think of”.

By “thinking” it is not only meant just the thoughts that comes in a person’s conscious mind, sometimes it is about the feelings and sometimes it is about the deep rooted beliefs in a person’s subconscious mind.

Vibrational Frequency of Your Energy System

Like the physical visible body that we all have, we also carry an energy body which is invisibly present around our physical body. In truth, our physical body is the extension of our non physical counterpart. Continue reading

Two Sides of the Same Coin-The Law of Duality

I am not going to say that if you believe in god then you will have to accept the existence of devil,as people generally misinterpret what the law of duality says.

The law of duality(or polarity) does not say that everything has an opposite, instead it says that the opposite of any entity that we can perceive is nothing but the other extreme of one and the same thing.

Let’s take the example of prosperity and poverty, one is abundance of wealth and the other is absence of wealth but both are the differences in balance of exactly the same thing-wealth!

In the same way many people talk about the law of attraction and repulsion within the context of law of polarity, which says that if the universal laws operates to attract what we want in our lives then there must also be some law which forms its opposite by repelling the stuff that we don’t want, this is not at all true.

What we don’t attract in our life is what we don’t focus upon or we block what we want by focusing on its opposite( negative thoughts or beliefs).. so there is no such law as the law of repulsion, but it is the law of attraction working reversely what seems like that. Continue reading

Winter Vee’s Ancient Secrets of Kings Review-Scam or Not?

In this ancient secrets of kings program, I will be providing you a detailed information about this program from Winter Vee so that you could decide whether it is going to be useful for you or not.ancient secrets of the kings

I have already reviewed the previous program by Winter Vee that was named the millionaire’s mind, now he is bringing to you this new product that is focused on building a rich person’s mindset.

No matter what is your field whether it is a job or business this program helps you to think in a way that will bring you more success, it helps you to eradicate the negative beliefs and thoughts that keeps you away from achieving great results.

What Does the Package Consist?

The package contains 20 informational modules that are divided in three pillars. The first pillar helps you to eliminate all the causes that are responsible for the hindrance in your way to achieving your goals this includes removal of procrastination and unwanted negative thoughts which stops you from taking essential actions. Continue reading

7 Quick Tips for the Law of Attraction Beginners!

Like any other skill, using and applying laws of universe is also a subject which needs learning, practice and patience.

If you are new to the subject that we call metaphysics then there are few tips by following which you can be more successful in the long run.

The advantage of knowing these few basic things about the law of attraction is that one can proceed in the right direction and develop more faith on his power to create the lifestyle that he desires.

So, below I am going to enlist some points that one may find helpful while using the law of attraction:-

1-Start with Small Things

One of the biggest mistakes that people often make is setting goals that are unattainable.

If you are just starting then why don’t you start with a small goal?

Small goals get manifested easily and because of that the person gains more confidence to proceed further. People who go step by step will learn using the universal laws more accurately and effortlessly. Continue reading

Developing the Intuition Skills of Kids-Raising Conscious and Aware Children

This is a subject which achieves importance due to modern complexities in parenthood.

The mystics of the sixth sense have been neglected by the modern parents because it has no logic behind it, but you would have noticed the infants smiling and crying while sleeping without any proper reason.

Our elders will attribute this to the visit of the angles.  Hence, one can say that there is some inner spirit which guides our life.

Role of the Parent

Parents have ample opportunity to develop and apply the intuition of children which will go a long way in their life as they grow from one stage to the other.

The confidence, creativity, the problem solving ability,decision making etc develops by encouraging the child to practice intuition. Continue reading

What Do You Value in Your Life?-The Law of Attraction Works Accordingly

We all have a lot of stuff in our life which we value so much, with a little self-analysis we can easily find what we value the most in our life.

But, from what shows up in one’s life, it becomes clear that they often pretend to value things which they actually don’t value innately.

This is a self-deceiving act which normally exists in everyone’s life. I came to know about this while hearing the session named “Getting Clear on Your Values” in Christie’s Unlimited Abundance Course.

Christie performs various clearing statements in this session that revolves around things that a person actually values in his life.

Are You Really Living Your Life the Way You Think?

People often lie to themselves by pretending to live life in a manner they think it should be, however, reality is quite the opposite. Continue reading

Using the Law of Attraction to Get Your Ex Back – Bad Idea!

If you are using the law of attraction to get your ex back then this is a must to read for you. A lot of my readers mail me about getting tips to use the manifestation methods that can bring their lover back and my replies to them regarding this subject are often what they don’t expect but I cannot stop being honest even though such information is disappointing for them.

What people fail to understand is that success and failures are a part of our life and when we are too much concerned about getting a specific result using the universal laws, we fail to learn the important lessons that a situation might be trying to teach us.

There are a lot of products available these days that are based on the law of attraction that promises that it can help people to get their desired someone to be their partners or how they can improve a broken relationship.

It is true that you can improve a relationship using this knowledge but the most important part of that process is all about working on your own inner world, it has nothing to do with the other person.

There is a probability that when you improve your own emotional state a broken relationship can improve, but wishing for a specific outcome can be disastrous.

I have been asked by my readers to write a review on programs like “Manifest Your Ex Back” but I have restrained from exploring such programs, not because I am against them or I don’t believe in their methods but because I understand the vulnerable state of a person who might be looking for such product and I want them to come out that state first. Continue reading

9 Things about Meditation and Spiritual Journey That You Must Know!

Before writing this article I would like to tell you that I am neither a person who could teach you meditation nor am I someone who is too experienced in spiritual practices, but I also want to let you know  that meditation is not something that could be taught and no matter how many years one has spent doing spiritual practices he could be called “experienced” as it is always an individual journey which has no benchmarks apart from how you feel about life or the change in your perception towards your outer world and the peace you have found in your inner world.

However, various gurus and practices do help one to keep moving in the journey in certain ways but it is always YOU who is on the driving seat.

Despite of the popularity that spiritual practices have gained in today’s world, meditation remains a very less understood subject amongst people.

So, from the personal experience of different views I get when my friends or people hear that I am a very spiritually inclined person, I am going to enlist a few points about meditation here….

1-It is awareness and not about getting high!

People often think that meditation is about drifting into a trance like state using a few techniques, but that isn’t true-The person is totally aware of his surrounding while meditating, awareness is what one gains through meditation, it is about bringing your mind totally into the present moment and then one may experience bliss or something uncanny but you are never near to a state that’s similar to what happens after taking LSDs. Continue reading

7 Amazing Things about Your Subconscious Mind That You Probably Don’t Know

I have been studying about the workings of the human subconscious mind for a very long time and I know this one thing for sure that no matter how much knowledge about it I have gained till now or will continue to explore the subject in the future, there will always be more to it than what I have learned before.

So, here I am going to share a few things with you about your subconscious mind that you might already know or maybe hearing for the first time; in both the cases the points are quite intriguing!

But, first, let me answer a common question according to my best understanding.

What Is Subconscious Mind and How Does It Work?

We can always refer to it simply as the “mind” without creating separation as the conscious mind and the subconscious mind if there were no “I” as an individual who has the ability to focus on anything at any given particular time when he is awake, this means that you are using your conscious mind in any task at which you are focusing actively right now.

But what when you are asleep the “I” that has the ability to perceive dissolves and then all that is operating is what- Yes, Your Subconscious Mind!

Let’s take an example of this – Suppose, you have to go to a nearby place.

You stand up and start to walk.

Now while walking you receive a phone call, you are now talking on the phone while making a left turn and then you realized that a motorcycle is coming from behind (blowing horn) so, you move a little sideways to give way to it.

So here is how it goes:-

1-      You started walking(conscious mind’s activity)

2-      You received a phone call( Your focus shifts to the phone call and your “walking” activity is then controlled by your subconscious mind).

3-      You make a left turn (Your focus goes to making a turn and your subconscious mind handles the activity of talking on the phone meanwhile). Kindly notice that the conscious mind “shifts” from one task to another because it can only do a single task at any given time frame. Also when your conscious attention is somewhere else, your subconscious mind can help you to continue a conversation.

4-      Giving way to the motorcycle.  (This one is very interesting, here your subconscious mind hears the sound of the horn and brings this information to your conscious attention. Afterward, your subconscious handles your natural reflexes as well as the conversation until you are back to your comfort level)

I guess the above example illustrates to you how your subconscious mind works in a very precise way, but this was just a small example. Your subconscious mind however takes care of numerous activities in your life; it is the mega computer that runs your life, whereas your conscious mind (which you consider to be your mind) can focus only on one thing at a time and the rest is all unconscious activity which is handled by your inner vast multitasking system.


Okay, so here are a few things about your subconscious mind that may amaze you if you are hearing this for the first time:-

1 – Time Does Not Exist for Your Subconscious Mind

There is no past or future for your inner mind; it does not have a sequential order for any happening which we perceive on a conscious level. (You may have felt it if you ever have dreamed of your childhood)

2 – Your Subconscious Mind Cannot Differentiate between Reality and Imagination

This is why creative visualization is such a powerful tool and it can create a major difference in your current reality.

3 – There Is No Such Thing as “NO” for It

Don’t think of an apple.. you thought of an apple right?.. That’s your subconscious mind flashing the image of an apple to the screen of your conscious mind.

4 – Your Subconscious Mind Is Like a Kid

Its way of working/communicating is illogical like that of kids, I wrote about this in the post named –Your Subconscious Mind Acts Like a Kid

5 – It Never Stops!

You sleep, get boozed, or pass’s always working. Of course, you must be alive though. Lol 😀

6 – It Has Noticed It All.

You think you only remember what you have consciously focused on. Like, you may be looking at a person on a conscious level, but your bigger mind is noticing the background, all the voices, movements in your vicinity(it registers the whole scene), the concept of photo reading is based on this.

7 – Your Subconscious Mind Can Tap into the Limitless Higher Informational Realm

This is something I thought I knew but, I actually understood it with help of a session in Christie’s Unlimited Abundance course. In one of the sessions in her course, she makes us imagine that we are meeting our past and future self. With the help of that exercise, I have received some very inspiring ideas that have worked really well for me.

This means that our subconscious mind can access information that is not available to us on the conscious level; it can bring us the right steps that can lead to success in any field.



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9 Ways to Remove Negative Energy from Your Home

Don’t make a big deal out of the low vibrations, it is normal and our energy is always moving back and forth from lower vibez to higher.

However, it is not advisable to live in an area which kills your positivity and by developing your awareness with spiritual practices like mindfulness meditation you can easily perceive any environment from the spiritual point of view.

In fact knowing the quality of vibrations in any particular place is very simple- At places where the energy is of higher quality you feel light and more in control of your thoughts, and at low vibe places you feel heavy and disturbed.

If your house or workplace is not vibrating in higher frequencies then you can see a lot of emotional imbalances in people present there and areas with a lot of lower density vibrations causes a lot of conflicts between people living there.

So, it is very important to keep your surrounding clear of such entities and that’s why today we will be discussing a few ways to remove negative energy from your home, you can use these methods for any other place as well. Continue reading

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