10 Simple Activities for Opening Yourself to Receive Divine Love-Heal Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra, meaning the 4th chakra of our energy body is the center from where unconditional love arises.In this post, we will talk on how to heal the heart chakra so that you could fill your life with more love.

Traits like self-acceptance, forgiveness, compassion, kindness, inspiration etc are present in a person whose heart chakra is unblocked and open to allow the flow of energy freely through it.

On the other hand when Anahata(heart chakra) is blocked then a person feels a lot of lower emotions which makes it difficult for him to live happily.

It is important to heal heart chakra when it is unbalanced because it connects the lower chakras with the higher ones. Continue reading

Burt Goldman’s Quantum Jumping 2.0 Program Review-A Must Try Visualization Method

Writing a review of Burt Goldman’s Quantum Jumping program is really a great pleasure for me ..Why?- Because it is something which is not just about achieving various goals or getting a certain life like the usual self help programs I write about, it is based on a premise that makes a person to think beyond the normal limitations and it makes one to question the reality of the world that one sees with his eyes.469.gif

This program is not any kind of catchy package that promises you miraculous results based on unreal concepts, it comes from Burt’s 59 years of study about the human mind.

Burt Goldman, who has crossed 80s now is also often referred as the American monk. He has been in guidance of various monks which includes even Paramahansa Yogananda.

So, from the experience and history of Burt we can infer that a person who purchases Quantum Jumping is going to get a lot more than his expectation.

What is Quantum Jumping All About?

Now, this could be a bit hard for you to swallow, but according to the concepts of quantum physics-Parallel universes exists.

It says that we are entering into a universe every moment with the decisions we make and a parallel universe based on our not making of those specific decisions is also created at the same time where a version of “us” in that world exists.. head spinning isn’t it? Continue reading

7 Ways to Open Your Root Chakra-Start Feeling Connected Now!

When muladhara is in balance a person feels secure, peaceful and positive towards life, so, here I will be discussing the ways to open your root chakra that can solve all the problems in your life that are related to the connection between your physical world and the energy body.

In an earlier post (Root Chakra Imbalance Symptoms),we talked about how the root chakra(muladhara) imbalance can affect your life and the importance of keeping it in balance. Please read that post if you want to know if you need to balance your first chakra.

Root chakra healing is all about grounding yourself to mother earth and regaining the feeling of connectedness with everything in this planet. By balancing muladhara you boost up your desire to live and enjoy life, there are many ways to do this and I am going to highlight the ones that I find most effective.

Here are Few Methods to Heal Your Root Chakra:-


When it comes to chakra healing, yoga is the one to be listed at the top because it is among the most effective procedures to allow the flow of life force through your chakras using various postures (asanas).


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Why Do We Fear the Change? – Making Room for New Things

Have you ever wondered why do people fear the change? Why do we cling on to old things and refuse to let it go in order to welcome the new life changes? We all fear changes in our lives but accepting changes is essential for us to be happy and that’s why in this post I will be showing you how you can deal with your fears associated with inevitable life changes.

Some people may deny it but we all are afraid of changes in life, only the intensity of this fear varies from person to person. It is perfectly normal to be afraid of losing what you have right now but being too much concerned about keeping things as it is can take away your peace of mind.

Metathesiophobia is the psychological term for this fear, we can only call it a phobia when this fear grows to become a serious psychological affliction. A person loses their inner peace due to their attachments with their past, this extreme form of Metathesiophobia can cause chronic depression.

When I opted for Christie Marie Sheldon’s unlimited abundance program, I found that she emphasized a lot on clearing this deep-rooted fear because it stops people from moving forward in their lives and she has created an entire session on “the fear of change”.

With a little research I came to realize that this fear is something that holds all of us from progressing and accepting something that is inevitable, it seems to be a very simple concept but it plays a very crucial role in the formation of a person’s mindset which controls their behavioral patterns and attitude.

You may not be having this phobia in its extreme form but the reason why you are reluctant about taking strong actions that are needed for your personal growth is your fear of uncertainty. Even a positive life change is an unknown situation that our subconscious mind will not allow to happen due to the old limiting beliefs. In other words, people are stuck where they are in their lives because it is not comfortable for them to explore new possibilities.

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Root Chakra Imbalance Symptoms-Do You Feel Alienated and Disconnected?

Root Chakra, also known as Muladhara(in Sanskrit) is the first chakra of our energy body, this chakra is the one that is related the most to the aspects of our physical world.

Root chakra is situated at the base of the spine and it is depicted by the color red.

It is extremely important to balance your root chakra because all the major emotional problems like anger, frustration, jealousy, doubt, depression etc can arise due to improper flow of the energy through this chakra.

A person whose root chakra is blocked suffers from a lot of emotional issues which is mostly related to the materialistic needs, the main symptom of a blocked root chakra is insecurity and lack of self esteem as the root chakra is associated to our basic survival needs.

On the other hand if a person’s root chakra is over active then he becomes too anxious and angry, in such cases an urge to control the situations and people arises which leads to total loss of mental peace that can also cause violent behavior.

The purpose of root chakra is to connect a person to mother earth and physical world, so when root chakra is not allowing the proper flow of energy then the individual feels disconnected with the planet and people, this results in lack of interest towards life.

So, from the above discussion we can infer that it is extremely important for a person to keep his root chakra in balance, here I am going to discuss with you a few symptoms that will let you know if you have an issue with your root chakra. Continue reading

Wealth Trigger 360 Review-The Latest Version of Wealth Trigger

Wealth trigger, sounds like something that will make you a money magnet and pull it to you from every corner of the world.

Well, actually the program is designed to do something like that but, it does that by helping you to build a money mindset.Capture

Dr.Joe Vitale who was one of the stars in the very popular movie “the secret” and the renowned hypnotherapist Dr. Steve G. Jones have been consistently working on providing people with a program that could help them to change their subconscious programming about money which is the reason that keeps people away from having the flow of wealth in their lives.

Wealth Trigger became extremely popular by helping a lot of people to improve their financial condition and then they introduced wealth trigger 2.0 reloaded. Now, both of these great names in the self help industry have worked on it further to bring their brand new product Wealth Trigger 360 which incorporates the key elements of both of the previous programs plus a lot of new stuff. Continue reading

Healing the Emotional Pain Caused by Toxic Relationships and Memories That Destroys One’s Serenity

Recently, I have been through a time that put me into a confused state of mind which was neither letting me to move forward nor allowing me to be at peace with the present moment.

Great teachers have always taught that you don’t need to fix anything outside of you to live a happy life,all that’s essential is to be in harmony with your own existence.

That’s really difficult to understand  because when nobody understands you,all your efforts are just making the situation worse and your mind is in a chaotic state such philosophies appears to be total bullshit.

The dominating emotions of an individual facing such circumstances are guilt, anger and resentment.If prolonged,these feelings can result into self sabotage.

The Victim Mode of Ego

It is very imperative to discern that our ego likes to play a victim and if you are not aware enough to detect this at the right time then you will be pulled into an insurmountable vicious cycle of negativity. Continue reading

Using Your Mental Addictions as a Key to Practice Mindfulness Anywhere and Anytime

We all have mental addictions; it is the self talk that we do all day long unconsciously.

Mindfulness activities help a person to enjoy his life by bringing his mind completely in the present (now) moment, setting a few hours for meditation helps a person to get more control over his thoughts but for a man living in today’s fast moving world it is hard to focus on the present moment or making mindfulness a way of living the life when he is busy in his daily routine.

Our problem is the addictive thought patterns that takes all the space in our mind, for example a person who is driving his car is engaged in thinking about the upcoming project in his office or worrying about his kids in the school, he becomes aware and conscious only when there is a need to slow down or push the brake suddenly.

The more you are able to escape your mental addictions and become aware of what you are doing now, the easier the life gets.

The Rational Thinking Mind

We have a certain set of programming patterns according to which we interpret our world and our rational mind is always engaged in arranging everything in our mind to be in accordance with that particular pattern, these are the mental addictions that we should consciously work on in order to live peacefully. Continue reading

The Secret of Deliberate Creation Program by Dr.Robert Anthony Review and Buying Advice

If you don’t know Dr Robert Anthony then let me tell you that he has been an expert teacher of the law of attraction for more than 25 years, and he has successfully trained so many people all over the world to succeed in their lives using the tools that he offers.MM300x250

There are very few teachings like the one that Dr.Robert Anthony offers because he has so much experience in this field that he absolutely knows the right steps that unlike other programs doesn’t only fills the information in the head of people, but gives them the concrete action steps to create the life of their desire.

What Is Different about This Course?

Now a days we find so many materials teaching the law of attraction where the content always revolve around things like setting the intention, positive thinking and allowing universe to deliver what is asked, this course however takes things to the next level by teaching the techniques that gives proper results.

What I like the most about this course is that the author makes us to apply the techniques to first manifest the whole cost of the course and that is to be done under the refund period; this actually means that the customer has nothing to lose if he follows the strategies properly! Continue reading

5 Reasons Why You Must Set a Deadline for Every Goal-The Law of Attraction Tip

You must have heard this before or read in books that for everything that you want to attract in your life using the law of attraction, you should set a deadline.

I often used to wonder why one has to do that because we actually cannot predict the time period till the manifestation happens and time is not a barrier for the universe, in fact in the spiritual realm time does not exist.

Well, the reason behind setting a deadline for every goal actually has a lot to do with the power of our intention. Here are 5 reasons that will ensure you that setting a deadline for your goals is a very essential part in attracting whatever it is that you desire :-

#1 A Deadline Keeps You Moving:-

Remember the exam times? As the exam date reaches nearer, the students start to put more and more effort.

We all are trained to see the calendar or clock before taking any action. So, setting a deadline for your goals will push you to take serious actions. Continue reading

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