Indigo Children and Their Characteristics-Highly Intuitive and Spirited Kids
When I opted for Christie Marie Sheldon’s love or above program, I received a few bonus sessions (which I guess are still available) and in one of those sessions Christie talks about Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children.
I completely agree with Christie that all kids are equal having some unique gifts and there is not something very special about these kids that differentiates them from the other kids, apart from their ability of having higher intuitive awareness and an unique aura pattern.
Every kid has the ability to learn, develop and become whatever they wish to be, so the labeling that we do here is to just differentiate the specific characteristics of the group of these kids.
So, once I got to know about these kids, I did a little research and here I am going to discuss with you about what I have learned from various sources.
The label “Indigo Children” given to these kids is because of the indigo colored pattern in their aura (the energy field around their body).
These kids are highly intuitive and connected to their spiritual part, it is said that a lot of indigo children were born after 80’s as the result of the shift in the collective consciousness of the planet.