Without any doubt, the universal law of compensation has been very much misunderstood by people. They especially consider it as the subtext of the usual modern phrases like “karma is a b****”.
I want you to be open-minded while you read this post by putting aside the negativity that your mind may have associated with this law.
This law can be summarized by this famous proverb “You reap what you sow” but, hardly ever people look at it without any preconceived notion. You have to look at this phrase without any judgment to get the real essence of what it says “you reap what you sow”, that simply means that you get results in accordance to your actions.
When I say action, you would have thought that I am talking about what we do physically at any moment, that’s because we all forget that “thinking” is also an action. In fact, physical activity is just an outcome that’s governed by various other factors that we will discuss later in this post. Continue reading
Be in a state of joy thinking of what is good in your life and you will have more of it by the universal law of increase.
If you are a spiritual person then you might already know the benefits of being grateful because when you are ungrateful and you constantly think of what is unpleasant in your life by the same law you will get more of it, there is no exception to it.
Have you seen people cry when they pray?
Of course, you would have because that is how most people do it. Some of them even believe that the more you shed tears the more is the chance of your prayer getting answered but do they really get what they want?
They see God as some person with superpowers in front of whom they have to beg and cry to get what they want.
But that is a false thinking. If you will cry, you will get more reasons to cry. If prayer is an act of faith then why should one be mournful?
Always remember – What you believe, feel and expect, that will happen, so, in your prayer be grateful and by the law you will attract more situations to say “thanks” to “all that is”. Continue reading
When it is about law of attraction and business there something very important to understand which actually runs the whole show of profit and loss.
If you are a person who is willing to build a successful business or if you are someone who is trying to improve your business then what I am going to write here would be really of great use to you.
Due to the common belief system present in our society most people focus too much on actions when they are willing to create a source of income by selling things.
Believe it or not, your success as a businessman completely depends on your mindset and the flow of money gets decided by the nature of your relationship with money.
Haven’t you seen hard working people failing to make profits whereas those who are less focused on actions making a lot of profits?
I am not saying that you shouldn’t be taking actions instead law of attraction requires action but, what I am trying to convey here is first you should work on your inner beliefs about your business and then take required actions. Continue reading
In this post, I will be talking about how you can use subconscious mind power techniques to have success in any area of your life.
If you will observe closely then you will find that there is always a unique pattern in everyone’s life which keeps on showing up again and again in various forms. That’s why many of us often wonder – Why this always happens to me?
You can find this in schools, colleges, workplaces, etc. that two equally skilled people get totally different results.
We call it luck when we see a person succeeding with total ease whereas a hard working person struggles.
Ever thought that there might be a reason behind this which is much deeper than the speculative term that we use for such happenings i.e. “luck”? Could there be something very obvious which we are refusing to see?
There is a quote by Abraham Lincoln “If I had 6 hours to chop down a tree, I would spend the first four hours sharpening the axe”. Isn’t it a more sensible thought that the winner who is termed as “lucky” just has a sharp axe and the loser gave their everything to strike the tree for the whole day as harder as possible without sharpening their axe?
This is actually the truth, our success in any area of our life depends on our subconscious mind’s conditioning. Continue reading
In this post, I will be talking about how to use a vision board to activate the law of attraction because many people fail to understand the actual purpose of vision boards in the manifestation process.
The documentary which went viral in the year 2006 “the secret” promoted the concept that we all create our lives by attracting the events using what we think, feel and believe. Cast of this documentary also provided few tools using which people could use their creative ability to get desired results and one among those tools was vision boards.
Vision boards is among the least used LOA tools because it requires time and involvement of the person, but this habit can really alter your reality(if done properly).
I used that term “activate” just for the sake of explanation, in reality you cannot activate the universal laws because they are already at work all the time but you can activate the vibration in your energy field which matches your desire. Continue reading
After learning about their creative power, most people try to attract wealth but, there is a lot to understand about the universal laws in order to use them efficiently and that’s why I am going to discuss a few advanced law of attraction exercises to manifest wealth in this post.
Your relationship with money is decided by how you feel about it innately and that highly depends on your subconscious beliefs about it which is formed by your past experiences, especially childhood.
Everything we do to attract something in our life according to what the teachings of the law of attraction materials say is to alter these old beliefs and install new ones in our subconscious mind.
Since our feelings tell us about our beliefs with respect to something, we can also reverse this process to achieve what we want in our lives.
By talking about reversing the process what I mean is to deliberately generate good feelings about something and keeping it up using our imagination so that the process of altering those beliefs happens naturally.
The fastest way to attract wealth in your life is to feel its presence even before it gets manifested and all the exercises I am going to discuss here will help you to do that. Continue reading
In this post, we will talk about the law of attraction and relationships, since we all want to have loving, caring and supporting people in our lives but, we fail to understand how our own inner state gets reflected through people with whom we make emotional connections.
It is very hard to accept that you are responsible for how you complicate your relationships but, once you take complete responsibility of your life then you will be able to form bonds of higher nature than the ones that engages you in love/hate drama.
Usually we often complain about how this world is filled with two faced people. In real, the world is not filled with two faced people instead every person has as much faces depending upon how many people are associated with them.
Sounds absurd?
This might be hard for you to accept about yourself so, try to become more aware and observe how everyone behaves differently around different people. Continue reading
In this post, I will be showing you how to make a vision board that really works because that is something which confuses people the most once they get to know about the workings of the vision boards.
First of all, I would like to tell you that there is nothing in the vision boards or anything outside of you that affects your reality, it is within you.
So, the right way of using any method depends on how you are feeling while doing it, if you feel good then continue with it if not, then try next.
The way to create vision boards that I am going to share with you here will surely work for you if you will do it properly, it is simple and it is effective but, requires your consistent efforts. Continue reading
In this post, I will be discussing how to use the law of attraction for money-making since it is a very essential part of our lives. However, most people in the world find it uncomfortable to talk about money openly and they are the ones who don’t thrive financially.
Especially, when you are into the money mindset building materials you may have to face many people who don’t believe that it is possible to attract money or those who think that it is wrong to have a desire for money.
So, first of all, I urge you to feel totally at peace with your desire to earn a lot of money because that’s essential for your financial growth. How? I believe this post will answer that question.
We have sets of beliefs rooted in our subconscious minds which decides “how we can earn”, “how much we can earn”, “how much we can spend”, “how much we can save” etc, etc.
Trust me, I would have never accepted the idea of being a blogger and earning through online business in the past but, today I have cleared my old beliefs so, I have achieved what was impossible for me earlier. (You can read my post to know more about this here – The Law of Attraction and My Online Business Success Story))
Below I will discuss a few common beliefs that block your financial abundance and at the bottom of this article, I will give you a few tips on how to clear them. Continue reading
Readers of my blog often write to me to know about my success with the law of attraction so, today I am going to share my online business success story with you as there is nothing in my experience till now which comes close to this achievement when it is about using my creative ability.
People love to read LOA success stories because they are trying to clear their doubts by reading the experiences of others.
Honestly, knowing my story won’t help any person to fortify their faith in their creative power because for that they would have to collect their own evidences.
But I know that people get motivated by reading the real life stories and that’s why I am going to share my story here.
This post is not just for people who are interested in metaphysics but, it is also for those who believe in following their passion.
I have a long list of what I have attracted in my life using the universal laws, but here I am going to share something which matters a lot to me.
Some uncanny events have also occurred in my life where I attracted some small/big events and things but, I always wanted to share an experience which makes sense to everyone.
This is a journey that began in the year 2013 and it involves my growth in spirituality, skills, self-love, knowledge and finance. Continue reading