Today, I am going to talk about the law of attraction and imagination as I hope that by knowing this you will get a better picture of how you create your reality using your thoughts.
There is a reason why “the secret” went viral, it is because the message in that movie resonated with what people already knew somewhere in their heart.
The movie was lengthy enough to cover a lot of things and the information was delivered by people who are experts in the area of self growth, still there is a lot more left than that to know about our creative power.
Those who believe that they can alter their reality by doing the inner work required are often termed by the skeptics as the daydreamers or people who have their heads in the clouds.
What’s wrong with the skeptics is not that they don’t believe in it but, it is their assumption that they know better.
So, in this post my intention is to provide you with a deeper insight on the how your imagination affects your reality.
That’s a catchy term I picked up from Christie Marie Sheldon’s love or above program, which represents everything that exists in a person’s world.
See, I mentioned “a person’s world” not “everybody’s world” because we all have different worlds of our own and that is what I mean by the reality bubble.
How do we all have different worlds?
Everything in our external world is a reflection of our inner world hence we perceive, accept, reject, and judge everything according to what we believe deep inside.
A problem that is troublesome for one person might not be a problem at all for another person.
Similarly, what makes one person sad might make another happy-This means that we are not obligated to feel a certain way about any particular situation, instead we are “programmed” to behave in that manner.
Whatever we believe to be true becomes our reality.
You create your reality, if you don’t believe that then by the same law it will also become the truth in your reality bubble that you don’t create your reality.
The reality bubble we discussed above is your unique “reality field” and this particular bubble is sustained by your energy.
There is an invisible energy field that is present all around your body and in truth your physical body is present inside this energy body.
This life force (energy) is what shapes your life and if you could alter the frequency at which these energy particles are vibrating then you can simply create a new and completely different reality.
How can one alter these vibrations?
The vibrational frequency of your energy body is decided by your deep rooted subconscious beliefs.
Your thoughts and feelings are responsible for any particular state of your energy body. Based on the state of this energy field your life story unfolds.
To see how the universal laws operates you just have to become more aware of the various happenings around you.
Everyone’s life follows a particular “pattern” which keeps on repeating in the life of a person who is living unconsciously and believes that he has no control over his life.
These patterns are actually caused by the beliefs that an individual has accepted as the truth, if he chooses to discard that belief by doing some inner work then those patterns will vanish from his life.
In simple words, our energy’s vibrational state decides what the law of attraction will bring into our lives and to get into a new vibrational state all you have to do is to alter your beliefs.
How?..Using any mind tool that enables you to replace the old beliefs in your subconscious mind with the new ones.
One such awesome tool is imagination and now we will discuss how imagination helps you to change your inner beliefs that will further get reflected in your outer world.
Imagination is a faculty of our mind which is a natural gift to us, we have used it consciously in our childhood and after we grow up we use it unconsciously (mostly in a negative way).
Every time you find yourself worrying or fearing you are imagining an unfavorable (often dreadful) future event.
In most of the cases what we fear or worry the most, happens- That’s the law of attraction at work.
When imagination used unconsciously could attract so many big problems in your life then just think how much you can benefit by using it consciously.
To replace your old set of beliefs with the new ones you will have to repeatedly focus on the new ideas, this process is boosted up when you imagine positive outcomes since, images and feelings are the language of your subconscious mind
You can deliberately change the vibrational frequency of your energy by imagining your dream life (as if it has already come true) with positive emotions.
When you practice creative visualization for a considerably long time, you will be able to change your inner beliefs which are the only barrier between you and your success.
You will find a lot of articles here on how you can use your imagination.
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Have you ever wondered what the secret to the law of attraction is? Like, what is the one single thing which can absolutely make your desires come true?
In this post, I will be discussing the most fundamental factor which decides what a person will attract in his life.
“Thoughts and feelings” one may say. Well, in a sense that’s right because every program, book and success coach talks about it and you will find ample amount of information on all these LOA tools in this blog which will enable you to alter your subconscious beliefs or we can say the methods that will help you to achieve the vibrational alignment with your desires.
Still these methods are not near to the one most important ingredient I am about to mention.
Detachment, yes that is the real secret of the people who are very good at manifesting their desires..!
Even though I have talked about it in few of my posts but, this is the first time ever I am going to cover this topic in detail.
There is a reason I haven’t wrote much about detachment in my law of attraction posts especially, not in a direct way like I am doing right now and that’s because people have a lot of false notions about this particular word which does not allow them to see its true definition.
So, I would like to first illuminate the true meaning of the word ”detachment” so that you can drop your false opinions about it.
..Does not mean “no desires” like people have believed it for years, in truth it is impossible for a person to be free of desires.. If you are alive you will have desires…
…Does not mean “emotionless”..
…Does not mean “no expectations”..
…Does not mean some mental state which is achieved only by enlightened masters..
I hope by now you might have dropped most of your judgments about this word.
What is the correct definition of it then?
Detachment is simply the quality of not being attached to the results of your actions, in other words by practicing it you will learn to desire and expect, still keeping your inner state independent of the results.
In most of my posts I emphasis on generating the feelings of “having” what you want before it arrives and that is an indirect way of practicing detachment.
However, that process can emotionally hurt a person and destroy his faith on his creative power if he becomes too much concerned about the manifestation process.
There is a reason why most of the law of attraction teachings points towards meditation and that’s because it is a perfect practice to train your mind to be in a joyful state even when you see no evidence of your wishes getting fulfilled.
After doing enough inner work that is required for making your dreams come true, generating the feelings of having it already or being totally happy with your present moment, both are equally powerful in the manifestation process.
But the latter one is a quality which can transform your whole life.
The life transforming power of practicing detachment lies in your “inner joy” which is totally independent of anything in the outer world and in this way the whole LOA process becomes a playful activity and that’s how it is supposed to be.
Meditation is indeed an effective way for you to train your mind to be free of the worries about the outcomes but, the most powerful tool for practicing detachment is present moment awareness which you can gain from mindfulness exercises.
Mindfulness exercises help you to bring your focus to the present moment whenever your mind gets carried away by disturbing thoughts of past and future.
Once you learn to concentrate on the “now” moment, you will allow the life force to flow freely through you and this will result into easy manifestation of your desires.
Read my post “The Present Moment Awareness-Key to Effortless Manifestation” to know more.
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In this post I am going to talk with you about the function of the reticular activating system(RAS) which is a specific section of our brain that is claimed to be related with the law of attraction process by the new age believers.
If you are someone who is familiar with the law of attraction and applying various methods to achieve your desired goals using those LOA principles then you might have realized that you automatically start to notice all the things related to your goals in the external world.
New age beliefs say that it is the universe showing you the signs that your desire is under the process of manifestation whereas there is also a biological phenomenon behind it which is one of the function of a brain part called as the reticular activating system(RAS).
The goal related stuff flashes in front of your eyes as if some invisible force is trying to remind you what you have asked from the universe.
For example in my case, I have set a goal to buy a particular car and whenever I am walking in the street that car passes by flashing its logo in front of my eyes, what’s so amazing about this is-It happens every time!
I was astonished with this sudden appearance of my desired car everywhere I go then I came to know about the reticular activate system which answered my questions in a practical way, but still I would prefer to believe that this particular mechanism is an indication of LOA at work.
RAS, is basically a part of the brain that consists a set of connected nuclei which takes care of various bodily operations and it also regulates the sleep/wake cycles.
However, RAS also plays an important role in causing increased alertness from relaxed wakefulness and what is more interesting thing about this brain section is that it acts as a doorway for the information that we receive using our senses.
This means that every bit of information that we receive from our environment is filtered by this brain system.
You might be wondering what decides this information filtering process?-The reticular activating system only allows the data to enter to our conscious attention that is relevant to us.
The relevancy of the data depends on our interests, beliefs and needs.
This means that we unconsciously reject so many sounds, visions and other forms of information from our environment; this is a much more complicated process than how it appears because we actually receive millions of bytes of data every second but, only the selected ones are brought into our conscious attention.
Let me use some examples to explain this…!!
A simple example would be your hearing of your name in a crowded noisy place, your mind filters up all the unwanted sounds and enables you to hear your name being called.
A visual example of this would be your spotting of your friend in a public place, his face lights up in the crowd and you are able to ignore all other people except this particular individual.
You might have experienced this while learning a new language or improving your vocabulary, you learn a new particular word and then it starts to appear in various ways in your world-In books, newspapers, songs, conversations etc whereas it was non-existing for you before.
By knowing about this function of the brain we get to see the truthfulness of the old saying “perception is reality” but only for “you” because someone else’s reality is different whereas in truth there is no one reality but numerous possibilities and that is what I have discussed in more detail in the post- Existence beyond Reality.
Now, from the above discussion we can infer that our senses depends on our mind and the world appears to us the way our mind has been programmed, we only get access to the information that is relevant to us in some way.
So, when you start to use the law of attraction tools like visualization, affirmation, intention setting etc, you are ordering your brain to work in the direction of the desire on which you have been focusing and this way you are programming your mind radar to catch the information that are essential for your success.
Once you clear the way for your goal related information, then you will receive the ideas that can lead you to the winning post!!
I hope you enjoyed this post. If you are interested in the law of attraction methods then you may want to know how you can transform your life using meditation and creative visualization.
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Recently, I received an email from a reader in which he asked me what is the law of attraction and how does it work, I have been writing about the universal laws for quite a while now but suddenly I realized that I have never answered the basic question so, in this post, I am going to explain this to you in the simplest way possible.
There is a similarity between all the theories and concepts that get popular, the more it gains fame the less it is understood by people and in this way millions of skeptics are born.
My intention in this post is to give a clarification to the skeptical part of your mind which might be finding this LOA stuff as “too good to be true”.
If you have watched the movie “the secret” then you might be wondering what the law of attraction is really all about? Well, it is not something new, the universal laws are created by mother nature.
When we learned about any laws of physics in school, we realized the reason behind so many things, those laws are what controls the objective reality so nobody can question them but these laws deal with the subjective reality and every person has to realize this on an individualistic level by diving deep into this knowledge. Continue reading
First of all, I want to make it clear that I am not writing this article to help any Christian to decide if the concept of the law of attraction is something approved by their religion or to debate over any religious topic.
I was born in a Hindu family but I have explored Christianity to some extent, in my childhood I used to attend prayers regularly as one of my Christian friends introduced me to it.
I think I can talk about the connection between the law of attraction and the Bible because I have been reading Bible, Bhagvat Geeta and New Age books. I always keep my mind open for wisdom; I take from it what resonates with my inner being and discard what doesn’t, that’s just my way and I respect what is yours so, my intention here is not at all to challenge your beliefs in any way.
The reason behind my multiple attempts to avoid any conflict despite writing an unbiased, loving and informative article is that I know that each individual perceives the same information in different ways.
Here, I will just refer to a few verses from Bible that are concurrent with the principles of the law of attraction; my motive behind doing this is to shed light on the fact that all religious texts do point towards our creative ability.
Recently, I read a Christian blog where the author condemned the new age philosophy saying that according to the Bible humans do not have any supernatural power, I was totally disgusted by reading his blog because the author was not enlightening people with any kind of knowledge there instead his writing was disempowering, where he was just trying to impose his own convictions upon people which was a byproduct of his ignorance.
I would start with this verse which I consider will be very appropriate to depict our true potential:-
We all were created in the image of god which means we too like almighty have the ability to create, we have been gifted the skill to write our own story and live it!
The next verse clearly explains us that all our limitations depends on our faith:-
Luke 17:6: If you had faith like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you..
So, talking of having supernatural abilities..The above words say that our faith is responsible for what we are able to do. All our conditions and limitations are self imposed and we can rise above them by strengthening our faith.
Here is the verse which precisely explains that the higher power delivers what you have asked for, isn’t it the same as what LOA says? :-
If you have read the personal growth materials, you might be familiar with the concept that in order to make something happen in your life you need to work with your inner beliefs and remove doubts from your mind. Here is what Bible says:-
I want to end this post with the verse based on which James Allen wrote his famous book “As a Man Thinketh” according to which you become the image of yourself that you hold in your heart:-
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Reading about metaphysics, watching movies that excites you with these concepts and hearing the stories of other people undoubtedly strengthens the faith you have on your creative ability and motivates you to chase your dreams, but still implementing the law of attraction in real life is much different from the magical “fantasy world” that such movies conjures up in your mind.
My intention here is not at all to discourage you, life being magical or not does not depend on what one has gained from the outer world instead it is a matter of his/her outlook towards the world. Yes, it depends on your perception about the world and life.
Manifesting something into your life is much more practical and simple than how most people look at this process.
Unfortunately, a lot of people enthusiastically try to apply what they have learned from various personal development programs, and then they fail and become skeptics.
Why do they fail? Why manifestation of desires becomes difficult for some people? Why it starts so beautifully and ends up being a mess?
Here is the answer- People tend to mistake this process with some new “out of the world” recipe to create a better life when it is something which they have always been using unknowingly.
If you will use these principles with a better understanding then you will realize that it is a skill to be perfected with practice like any other.
Here I am going to share with you 3 simple things that you must keep in mind in order to see positive results while using the law of attraction:-
In order to achieve the desired results you must select your goals with proper self analysis.
Application of LOA tools like creative visualization and affirmations requires persistence, and you can only be persistent with the goals for which you are truly passionate.
Be sure to set your goals a little higher (just a little) than the limit which you consider to be reachable!
Don’t set goals to which you are too much attached!
More than any other thing what matters the most is the “Inner Work”.
Whatever you are attracting in your life is a direct result of what is going on in your inner world. The beliefs that are present in your subconscious mind decide what you can attain in your physical world.
In order to see the change in the external world you will have to make changes in your inner world.
So, the inner work is most important for you to manifest any desire which is higher than your current reach.
Creative visualization, meditation, positive affirmations etc are few practices using which you can alter your subconscious mind’s programming. So, make sure to set aside few hours daily for these processes and be consistent with it.
This is the most essential yet least understood step in the journey of manifesting your desires. You can only have that in your life which you are not blocking from showing up “unconsciously” by worrying about its arrival.
Detachment doesn’t mean that you should take your focus away from something; instead it represents your unwavering faith that you will receive what you have asked for.
In order to practice detachment you will have to stop worrying about the end results and experience it in your imagination as if it has already happened.
I will advise you to take away your attention completely off your desires when you are too much worried about the results.
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The flow of wealth in a person’s life entirely depends on his beliefs about wealth, I am not pointing towards the conscious outlook of an individual towards wealth by saying that instead it is concerned with a much deeper level of a person’s mind.
The beliefs about money which control the financial aspect of a person’s life are the ones that are ingrained in his subconscious mind. These beliefs are formed according to the set of ideas that a person usually picks during his childhood. This why I focus a lot on the personal development of kids in my blog because when parents understand this important thing, they can raise their children by giving them the gift of a positive mindset.
These ideas are like a set of programming codes that controls the money mindset of a person and this mind programming is usually done by the family or society in which they grew up.
Here we will be discussing how these set of ideas affects a person’s life and we will see how you can attract more wealth if you clear the limiting beliefs about money. Continue reading
When it comes to using the law of attraction, the common purpose of people for which they want to apply the LOA tools is either wealth or relationships.
We can use these laws for numerous purposes which include our external appearances as well. Our looks are a direct reflection of the thoughts which we hold about ourselves on a deeper level of mind.
Undoubtedly, we inherit a lot of features from our parents and ancestors, but a lot of our looks are the result of our beliefs about ourselves.
When we talk about external appearances what we find as the major cause of worry amongst most people is their weight.
People who are too concerned about losing weight try everything to become fit from rigorous physical activities to extreme diet plans and still they fail to shed those pounds.
Apart from few lucky individuals most of the crowd craving for a fit body fails miserably, Yeah I have been there!
I still have a lot of pounds to lose, but unlike earlier I have found the reason why nothing worked for me whether let it be a diet plan or daily workout.
In one of the energy clearing sessions of Christie’s energy clearing course, I came to realize that I have held a lot of negative beliefs about myself which was not allowing me to get into a better shape. Unconsciously, my own mind was working against me to stay with below average looks, why? I had few limiting beliefs about “looking good” which were causing me to be overweight, after understanding and clearing those beliefs using Christie’s program I am now able to see great results.
I will discuss with you here how our limiting beliefs about weight loss causes us to stay stuck when it comes to fitness and I will also be sharing the method to clear those beliefs.
Whatever we are in our life is a reflection of the thoughts and concepts which we hold deeply in our subconscious mind. Unlike the ideas of our conscious mind which are temporary and random these deep root concepts are quite firm and long-lasting, these are the beliefs which we have picked up in our childhood and they act like a set of information according to which our mind shapes our life.
So, in other words, our own mind works against our conscious desire and keeps us stuck where we are.
The reason and cause of the formation of such beliefs varies from person to person, you may have subconsciously decided to stay with below average looks because you feared of getting special attention, you didn’t want to be envied by your siblings, you saw your mother struggling with losing weight and you accepted the idea that it was hard to lose weight etc..all such subconscious impressions which were the result of your feelings as a child are the reason for your current body state, but our concern here is not about why or how those beliefs were formed, what we are focusing here is on how to change them.
I would like to share that listening to Christie’s energy block clearing sessions is what I find as the most effective and the quickest way to clear the limiting beliefs formed in our subconscious mind about anything, but what I am going to talk about here is a tool which we all have readily available within ourselves and that is creative visualization.
Yes, creative visualization is one of the most powerful practices using which we can give instructions to our subconscious mind.
So, take a few minutes off from your daily routine and visualize yourself as fit and slender, see people appreciating you, see yourself in clothes which you were not able to wear earlier, see yourself in your new body and enjoy how it feels to be fit.
Keep in mind to only visualize the end results and not the process, and when you get any insight act on it!
Be sure to be regular and persistent with this process. Most importantly, use your creative visualization to experience what you want rather than to achieve it.
“Self Image” is what decides our body state, to know more on this read my post:- The Connection between Weight Loss and Mind Conditioning
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“I want to earn a lot of money”, “I want to make my family and friends proud”, “I want to prove my worth to the world”, Most of the people in today’s world are working because of such reasons and most importantly your “job” also gives you a “social identity” which is very much essential for your ego.
You might say here “But, that is quite practical we need wealth and social identity in this world for survival”… I would like to tell you that it might be true that the social identity and money is essential for all of us to “survive”, but “happiness” is what we actually need in order to “thrive”.
So, back to our main topic in this post that is using the law of attraction for career purpose. Well, you can attract any kind of job using the law of attraction principles, then why was I talking about “happiness” specifically?…Because no matter where you reach in your life if you are not doing what you love then you will be forever unsatisfied even though you may have a good salary and a reputed social identity.
I will be discussing here with you the method to attract your dream job; I have helped a few of my readers to attract their desired jobs and I can assure you that you too can do it if you follow what I am going to share here.
It is very obvious that we all knowingly or unknowingly associate job with money. Since, salary is the foremost thing which we think while talking about job let us get specific on how much salary you wish to be paid.
But, before deciding that we will have to do a little inner work to know about your subconscious beliefs regarding money because that will only decide if you can get paid that much or not.
So, sit down and honestly write down the amount on a paper which you consider that you can easily earn, if you have been in any job before then write down the amount that you have earned earlier..
Next, increase that amount by 20 percent and honestly answer if you can earn that much..
If it’s a yes then increase it by 20 percent it till you feel that it’s impossible for you to earn that much presently…and freeze that amount! -yes the impossible one.
That amount is your current subconscious barrier. Doing this process will help you to set a goal which will excite you whereas it will not be unattainable according to your current mindset.
Since we have decided our desired salary, next we will have to be clear about other aspects of the dream job.
How do you want the environment to be? How do you want to be treated? What kind of colleagues do you see yourself with? Come up with all such details.
Visualize yourself in your new job, see yourself working there..
Visualize your interactions with your boss and others..
See the morning hours, lunch time, evening hours…as much vivid as possible.
See how you now behave around your family, friends and mate..
See how you manage your salary…
Fill your vision with as much colors as possible, try to make it real!….
Once you have put LOA at work, learn to trust that universe will bring it you and let it go!…More than being too concerned about the outcomes, try to enjoy the process..And be open to any inspiration or idea, if something feels like the next step then act on it..!
Using the above process you can really have the job of your wish if you do it properly and take action at right times, but it won’t guarantee you the “happiness” as I mentioned before for that you will have to find your “joy”..Which means the “work” which doesn’t feel like “work” to you..
To know about this please read my post “The State of Flow-Finding Your Life Purpose”. I hope you liked this post. I would love to hear your views about this so please do leave me a comment in the box below. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)
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Law of attraction has become a well-known concept to people now, however only a few numbers of people have realized that it’s not just a concept but a law according to which the universe operates to create the events of our lives.
Among this rare group of people who understand its role in this universe only a few people are able to use it to achieve whatever it is that they want in their lives.
Why are most people failing to reach their goals using the universal laws? Why do people stop believing in their creative power? Why it is that despite of so many materials available on the universal laws people are not able to take control of their lives?
See, reading or trying to understand the law of attraction and putting it into practice are two totally different processes.
There is one major mistake that most of the people for whom the law of attraction doesn’t work are making – They are fooling themselves!
A lot of people have this misconception about the higher power that it is something which exists outside us; we think that by ignoring the truth we can change it.
Most of the LOA materials talk about “faith” and to be grateful for what’s coming as if it has already happened, this is a tricky stuff.
Imagine a person who has asked for things and the universe has delivered it to him, he has seen the significance of LOA all around him. For him asking for something and to believe that he will get it will be easy, for him having such a faith as if his wish has already been granted would easy and quite obvious.. it is like ordering a pizza, you know it will reach to you from the minute you order it right?
The above example is of a person who tested LOA playfully, saw results, and his faith grew stronger… that’s how it works!
Now, imagine a person who is badly in need of money, he learns all the ways to attract wealth using the laws of universe. This guy does everything affirmations, creative visualization, gratitude journal and he thanks the universe for granting his wish in advance even though he is completely broke.. What do you think this guy is doing? He is trying to fool the universe and in doing so he is fooling himself!
Can you see the difference in both the above cases?
The first guy is building his faith by seeing the results and on the other hand he is not too concerned about the results whereas the second guy is practicing all the techniques but he is also too worried about the results.
Working with the universal laws is like learning to play a musical instrument; you will have to learn it with patience and practice.
So, most of the people who are failing are trying these principles to get something rather than to learn the art itself.
It is like you have a car and you do not practically know how to drive but you have read about driving meticulously and now you have to reach to the airport urgently.. you get worried and you try your best to drive it because you have to reach to the airport but you are not even able to move it..why? haven’t released the hand brake!! ..You get out and say “this doesn’t work and every other person driving car is just lucky”.
Sounds crazy right? But this is what most people are doing in their real life when it comes to using LOA.
I would suggest you to start using LOA methods to attract things to which you don’t have any kind of attachment. Beginning in a playful manner will help you to build your faith because you will see evidences and as you will develop more faith you will also start to become more successful in using these principles.
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