The law of attraction is no more a magic trick for people, gradually everybody around the globe are realizing that it is a law which works precisely to attract to us the people, things, situations, conditions, and circumstances based on the vibrations that we send out to the universe using our thoughts and feelings.
In this post I am going to discuss with you about how formulating a plan could help you to attract your desired results quickly and with ease.
You may have read a lot of stuff about loa which tells you to set a goal which is higher than what you consider to be achievable but on the other hand if you don’t believe that it is achievable then you can’t achieve it, paradoxical right?
On one side loa principles says to not worry about how you will achieve your goals and on the other side it says that if you don’t trust that you can achieve it then you can’t achieve it, how can one have faith on something ‘s arrival when he can’t see its path?
Well it is neither complicated nor paradoxical; all you have to do is to set your wish list properly!
For example- If you earn 10000$ per month now and you wish to earn 12000$ per month, that’s something which you know how to achieve because by working few more months you will reach there with the increments, on the other hand if you set a target of 20,000$ then it is near to a proper goal because it will push you from your current comfort zone and make you think about multiplying your source of income..see this is something which is higher than your obvious achievable goal whereas it is also within the limit of what you consider to be possible, even though you don’t know how to make it happen but you can be sure that you will find new ways.
However it is important to set a goal which you don’t know how to achieve but still making plans whether it is realistic according to you or not could prove to be very beneficial for you.
I came to realize this while listening to Christie Marie Sheldon’s unlimited abundance course’s 9th session named clearing indecision, there she suggests to make plans and she also says “get a plan get a life”, she also performs energy clearing on this in that session because some people have energy blocks around the word “plans” which stops them from making plans.
Things mostly don’t happen the way we plan it nor does we have any control over “how” what we have asked for will be delivered to us. So, why is planning necessary?
See, we operate on two is our waking conscious mind and the other is our subconscious mind, our subconscious mind readily accepts what our conscious mind repeatedly imposes on it especially when it is combined with any emotion and whatever we attract in our life depends on what we have planted in our subconscious mind.
When we set a goal following the principles of LOA but we are skeptical about how it will come into fruition then our conscious mind strongly sends a message of “doubt” to our subconscious mind which hinders the process of manifestation, on the other hand when we make a plan to achieve what we have asked then our conscious mind gets a relief on the “how” part and this eases the process of manifestation.
So, be sure to make a plan to reach your goals. Your plan doesn’t need to be very practical, make it satisfy your conscious mind that your dream is achievable.
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If we are going to talk about the law of attraction with respect to your relationships than we are touching the current status of your life almost completely because your relationships are the perfect mirrors of your inner world.
Your beliefs about life, yourself and everything will be communicated in one way or another through the individuals who matters the most in your life.
The common root cause of most love failures is insecurity, a person’s craving to feel complete only when someone specific will accompany him/her keeps him in an illusion where he is actually chasing someone from whom he needs approval and in most cases the other person represents the lack in his/her own inner world.
One of the most effective ways to analyze a person’s inner state will be to examine the current nature of his circle because a person mostly attracts people in his life according to his current mind status.
Here I am going to enlist five points which will tell you about the workings of the law of attraction in relationships :-
Every relationship you have has many aspects to it, some of them are good and some of them are not so good.
Your focus, rather of the fact positive or negative decides how it will move further. This is why you can improve any relationship by consciously focusing towards the positive facts about it.
Often relationships improve when there is a distance created because both the persons involved take away their attention from the negative side of their relationship by turning away from it completely.
If you are insecure, vulnerable or miserable then you will attract people in your life who will share such similar emotions, it is not necessary that you may know about their emotional state but it will exist in both of yours energy fields bringing you closer to each other through interactions.
If you are feeling confidant, powerful and enthusiastic then you will be bringing into your life people who share the similar mindset.
This is why people come and go in our lives. Yes, there are relationships that stays forever once made and those are mostly created from a greater bonding which involves the similarity in both the person’s perspective towards life.
Your relationships thrive when you are on the right track, but when you are overlooking the areas of your life that needed to be fixed that will be reflected in every relationship that you have.
For example if you are delaying to make some necessary changes in your life that is required then slowly you will find that all your relationships also gets messed up.
This is why you should be more focused to grow in your life because when your life gets out of track your relationships will also start to get disturbed.
The reason most our lives get stuck is because we have attachments to various people. Where the word “attachment” comes it points towards the need to control and lack of faith in higher power.
Attachments are our fears, we worry what will happen to “X” or “Y” if we move out of their life, such relationships creates stagnation in one’s life and one continues to attract the similar condition over and over until he learns to let go his fear.
This point is the opposite of the first one, you can enlist numerous people in your life who seemed to be so important at one point in your life but now they are invisible.
When you move forward in your life you often take away your focus from the old part of yourself and all the relationships that were attached to the old part often slowly stop existing.
So, everything that is present in your life is an expression of your inner world you just have to focus towards what you want in your life and take away your focus from what you don’t want.
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I have picked up a few powerful law of attraction money affirmations from various avenues and I am going to share them with you in this post.
Gradually, people have started to realize the power of their subconscious mind and how they can alter the old set of mind programming by using visualization or positive suggestions.
By writing and saying positive affirmations one can impress that idea in his subconscious mind and thus attract whatever he wishes to have in his life.
Just saying any affirmation on the surface level is not effective, an affirmation must resonate with a person’s mindset and he should feel the words while saying it. This is why it is so very important to choose or formulate them properly.
Keep in mind that the affirmation you are using should bring you into a positive emotional state and you must believe it to be true.
Our conscious mind is like a gatekeeper, if you don’t believe in something on a conscious level then you cannot impress it on the subconscious mind. Continue reading
What would be a better gift from parents to their children than teaching them that they are the deliberate creators of their lives?
Teaching the law of attraction to kids is a very wise decision because the methods that we use to manifest our desires like creative visualization is readily learned and easily applied by kids in comparison to adults because they have a mind which soaks new information quickly, especially when it is delivered by someone they trust.
Kids love play and fun approach for learning and this is what makes LOA more effective for them because they can “let go” more easily than adults.
The early childhood in a person’s life plays a very important role in deciding his/her future, what a person becomes in his adult life highly depends on the set of ideas and beliefs that were imposed upon him when he was a kid so, by teaching the art of deliberate creation to children we are sowing the seeds in their minds which will give them a better control over their lives.
Rather than telling kids to chase their desires, we should first teach them about the power of their intention and how it affects the manifestation process.
There is a huge difference between running behind things and going with the flow,the first one reflects the lack of something whereas the latter one depicts the power of intention coupled with a strong faith in the working of laws of universe.
When a person learns to go with the flow, he allows his desires to get manifested with ease and this trait is easier for kids to acquire.
The purpose behind using creative visualization is to bring a feeling of having what you intend in your life rather than just thinking about any future reference point where you think that your wish will be fulfilled.
Practicing bringing the feelings of having what you want gives you the satisfaction in the present moment which in turn attracts the situations which will make you feel even more satisfied.
However, adults find it very difficult to enjoy their imagination because they carry a very strong sense of lack; on the other hand creative visualization for children is a very easy task because they naturally use this mental faculty of theirs without being too much concerned about the outcome.
Visualization is a very essential tool for the personal development of kids and I believe that every parent must promote their kids to make use of it.
For grownups detachment is the most difficult part in the whole process of deliberate creation because they are always too much concerned about the results, but kids have the ability to forget about the results and enjoy the process.
So, it becomes very easy for kids to learn how to manifest their desires if they are equipped with the principles of the law of attraction properly.
Once the results starts to appear it becomes easy for kids to successfully apply these methods repeatedly.With every manifested desire their confidence increases,their beliefs changes and they become better at achieving their goals.
I would like to recommend the program “law of attraction for kids” if you are planning to teach your kids about their creative ability, these set of books will help you to proceed with a proper planning and it will provide you with the exercises and games that is designed for your kid’s personal growth.
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The law of attraction has gained wide popularity these days and people are gradually realizing that they do have a control over their lives, but the success rate is still very low and only a few people have been able to apply these principles in their lives to get the desired results.
Despite of having a great deal of information in form of written materials and courses on this subject, people fail to get the real message behind these teachings which is “You attract what you think of”.
By “thinking” it is not only meant just the thoughts that comes in a person’s conscious mind, sometimes it is about the feelings and sometimes it is about the deep rooted beliefs in a person’s subconscious mind.
Like the physical visible body that we all have, we also carry an energy body which is invisibly present around our physical body. In truth, our physical body is the extension of our non physical counterpart. Continue reading
Like any other skill, using and applying laws of universe is also a subject which needs learning, practice and patience.
If you are new to the subject that we call metaphysics then there are few tips by following which you can be more successful in the long run.
The advantage of knowing these few basic things about the law of attraction is that one can proceed in the right direction and develop more faith on his power to create the lifestyle that he desires.
So, below I am going to enlist some points that one may find helpful while using the law of attraction:-
One of the biggest mistakes that people often make is setting goals that are unattainable.
If you are just starting then why don’t you start with a small goal?
Small goals get manifested easily and because of that the person gains more confidence to proceed further. People who go step by step will learn using the universal laws more accurately and effortlessly. Continue reading
We all have a lot of stuff in our life which we value so much, with a little self-analysis we can easily find what we value the most in our life.
But, from what shows up in one’s life, it becomes clear that they often pretend to value things which they actually don’t value innately.
This is a self-deceiving act which normally exists in everyone’s life. I came to know about this while hearing the session named “Getting Clear on Your Values” in Christie’s Unlimited Abundance Course.
Christie performs various clearing statements in this session that revolves around things that a person actually values in his life.
People often lie to themselves by pretending to live life in a manner they think it should be, however, reality is quite the opposite. Continue reading
If you are using the law of attraction to get your ex back then this is a must to read for you. A lot of my readers mail me about getting tips to use the manifestation methods that can bring their lover back and my replies to them regarding this subject are often what they don’t expect but I cannot stop being honest even though such information is disappointing for them.
What people fail to understand is that success and failures are a part of our life and when we are too much concerned about getting a specific result using the universal laws, we fail to learn the important lessons that a situation might be trying to teach us.
There are a lot of products available these days that are based on the law of attraction that promises that it can help people to get their desired someone to be their partners or how they can improve a broken relationship.
It is true that you can improve a relationship using this knowledge but the most important part of that process is all about working on your own inner world, it has nothing to do with the other person.
There is a probability that when you improve your own emotional state a broken relationship can improve, but wishing for a specific outcome can be disastrous.
I have been asked by my readers to write a review on programs like “Manifest Your Ex Back” but I have restrained from exploring such programs, not because I am against them or I don’t believe in their methods but because I understand the vulnerable state of a person who might be looking for such product and I want them to come out that state first. Continue reading
Working with the universal laws is very different from just studying them in books and having a false impression that one understands the recipe to manifest the lifestyle that he/she wishes to have.
Many people get too excited about stuff like deliberate creation by reading some books or watching various YouTube videos, they have enough information in their mind to write a new book on what they have studied but when it comes to living in complete harmony with what they have learned,most of them fail..Why?
The reason is very obvious-If you will consider the content in those books as something which can make sense to you only if it works, then you are not sure about it and when you are not sure about it..guess what?-It won’t work!!
Contrary to the knowledge you have gained- You are still holding a belief which is quite the opposite from the learned one. Continue reading
I have discussed a fun activity earlier named the Piggy Bank Game which can be a good exercise to make you feel a little relived even at times when you are not doing well financially.
This time I am going to talk about something with you which like the earlier process does not focus on your current mindset towards wealth instead this is something that will show its effect in the future, but it is a must thing to do if you want to be someone who attracts money in his life with ease.
Prosperity consciousness is something which a person must develop in order to improve his relationship with money and that is why I am sharing this post with you because by following what is given here you will be able to do it naturally. Continue reading