Existence Beyond Reality-A Perception Vs Reality Discussion

This question used to intrigue me always “what is reality?”- if you will closely analyze then you will see that the “truth” and “reality” changes from people to people. There is never one reality, we live in a world which encompasses infinite different worlds because every individual has his own “world” which is his personal “reality”.

Confusing? Well, think about this perception vs. reality example- Tbelieve to seehere is a rabbit and a snake in front of a man with weapon in his hands,(and this man is a vegetarian FYI..LOL).. The reality for the snake is “the man with the weapon is a danger and it has to attack him for its survival”, the reality for the rabbit is “both snake and the man are dangerous and it has to run in order to save its life” and the reality for that person is “the snake is a danger for both rabbit and him so, he must attack it..

See, three different realities of three different beings, for the snake the world is “danger everywhere” for the rabbit the world is “dangerous at some places and beautiful somewhere else” and for that person the world is “both a mixture of danger and beauty, and he can choose the one he wants wherever he stands”.

However, I used example of different species here, but you can actually put people in the place of creatures in the example above. Snake is a representation of “people who attack others because of insecurities”, Rabbit is a representation of “people who are vulnerable and keep on running in search of safety” and the person here was representing “people who choose what is good for them and discard everything else”.

Our way of looking at things changes our reality, any spiritual knowledge will lead you to this conclusion that the world is as we see it! Continue reading

Mirror Tratak or the Mirror Gazing Meditation Method

Many people would have hardly heard that mirrors could also be used for meditation, in this post we will see one such unique practice that is considered as a very powerful tool for the spiritual growth.

I have discussed earlier about tratak (the gazing meditation) and one of its forms known as tratak on a black dot, this method is another variation of the same.

Since tratak meditations requires you to keep your eyes fixed on an external object for a long time, so I would strongly suggest you to be careful and do it only if you are comfortable with it.

If possible, then please find a mentor or master since this way it would be safe and you will be able know where you are and where are you going with this whole process. Continue reading

The Harmful Effects and Dangers of Using Binaural Beats

I have tried binaural beats to get into a deep relaxed state of mind during meditation and for many other purposes for which they are being promoted nowadays.side effects of binaural beats It’s everywhere on the internet now and you will find a lot of such audio tracks on YouTube for free since many people have learned to create them now but are they really safe to use? Can they cause any kind of physical or psychological problem? I will try my best to answer these questions in this post.

The first time I used a brainwave entrainment audio was for lucid dreaming as I was too obsessed with my dream world back then. It worked great at first and gave me some really positive results. However, after a while, it started causing me sleepless nights, which made me cautious about using it again.

Some people have reported great success with brainwave entrainment tracks and I really don’t intend to prove them wrong. Whatever I am sharing with you here is my personal opinion formed by my own experiences. My views about these audio tracks aren’t very positive because they caused me trouble, it happened long ago and even though now a lot of programs have incorporated high-quality versions of these audios, I still am a little afraid of using them.

I don’t have an extensive list of risks associated with brainwave entrainment, as they generally aren’t very harmful to someone in good health. Nonetheless, I want to emphasize in this post the importance of being extra careful, particularly when selecting the quality of audio tracks that are meant to alter the brainwave frequency of your mind.
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The Major Difference between Creative Visualization and Daydreaming

A lot of people make a mistake of thinking that creative visualization and daydreaming are one and the same process, however, when you gain a better understanding of how your Creative visualization and imagination differencemind works, you realize that they are two entirely different things.

Daydreaming is a futile habit which just wastes a person’s time whereas visualization is a constructive process using which a person can communicate to their inner child i.e the subconscious mind in order achieve their goals in life as wells for their personal growth.

One more term that creates confusion is “imagination”, so first I would like to define what imagination is so that I could explain the difference between daydreaming and creative visualization better. Continue reading

The Subconscious Mind Acts Like a Kid-Don’t Ignore It!

Ever wondered what is the language of the subconscious mind? Well, I have and I think I have learned one thing for sure, it is like a kid and it does not really listen to you when you try to interact with it directly.

Though I keep exploring a lot of materials that helps me to know how to use my subconscious powers to achieve my goals, the first time I came to know about its kid like nature was when I was reading David Debold’s Miracle Mastery book because in one chapter he shares an exercise to connect with the subconscious mind using this particular analogy.

Being said that, it becomes obvious that the language of our subconscious mind is not that easy to understand when we try to make sense of it using our logical way of thinking.

But, when we relax and shut off our “evidence seeking” logical mind, it becomes easy and simple to communicate with our inner mind. Continue reading

Practicing Yogic Sleep – You Can Meditate Lying Down!

If you have a back pain or if you find it hard to sit and meditate then I have got a meditation method for you which you can perform lying on your back, I will reveal it in this post only if you promise that you won’t fall asleep while doing it because I have ended up sleeping many times while doing Yog Nidra.

Yogic Sleep or Yog Nidra not only rejuvenates the body but, it also calms down the mind and prepares an individual for the rest of their day.

It is very easy but, do not make a mistake of thinking that it is not powerful just because of the simplicity, it is an ancient very powerful meditation practiced by Indian Yogis and Buddhist Monks.

For practicing yogic sleep, it is not at all required that you must have been familiar with meditation or yoga before. Continue reading

5 Ways to Uplift Yourself When You Feel down without Any Reason

People often feel low or unhappy for no particular reason and it is very important to understand such states because it can affect your life a lot.

You may think that you are feeling down without any reason but that is not really true because there is a reason behind all our emotional changes and not knowing the reason does not mean that there is no reason at all.

The problem is that our emotions are often dependent on what our inner state is, and we are not that much aware of what happens in our inner world unless we are involved in spiritual or personal development activities. Continue reading

Tratak on a Black Dot

In this post, I will show you the steps to perform Bindu Tratak (Gazing on a black dot) meditation which is very helpful for improving concentration.

I have already discussed Mirror Tratak and Candle Tratak, and here we will see how to meditate on a small black dot drawn on a sheet and use it as an instrument to achieve better control over thoughts.

Initial Preparations

Choosing a fixed place and time for this meditation is very imperative.(you can get some good ideas for this purpose in the post Creating a Good Atmosphere for Meditation.

Select a place where you get positive feelings and make sure that one will disturb you while doing this meditation.

Draw a black dot on a blank sheet, keep the diameter of the dot about 4-6cm and then stick it on the wall in a way that the dot gets positioned right in front of your eyes when you sit to meditate. Continue reading

Open Eyes Self Hypnosis-By Reading and Writing Scripts!!

Open eyes self-hypnosis is an astonishing process I found in Forbes Robbins Blair’s book where we can use self-written scripts to hypnotize ourselves.

We all know very well that self hypnosis could be used for various personal development purposes like building confidence, eradicating fears, better health, improving the rapport between conscious and subconscious mind, the possibilities are countless.

Often self hypnosis is perceived as something complicated, but actually it is a very simple and already familiar process to us.

Self hypnosis is just a way to relax and take the mind into a state where it is open for any suggestion. Continue reading

The Flaw of Attraction-Why the Law of Attraction Is Not Working?

When the law of attraction does not work for people, I call this error as the flaw of attraction because people often start to believe that all such concepts are untrue in such cases and the law of attraction provides them the evidence to falsify itself.

Here’s what the “Flaw” of attraction is – When the law of attraction is working to prove that there is no such thing as the law of attraction, we will call this paradox as the flaw of attraction.

It is easy to form a conclusion and it is easier to live with a victim mentality where you get to blame other people and also god for what happens to you, but when something does not work for you, the first thing you should do is to try to understand it better and check whether you made any mistakes. Continue reading