Author Archives: HARI S NAIR

Understanding Your Mind – Does Hypnosis Really Work for Depression?

In this post, I am going to tell you how the state of hypnosis can be used to cure depression and why hypnotherapy can help a person to improve their emotional health.

When a person is depressed, they usually tend to think that external situations are causing their emotional state and they begin to depend on things that treat the symptoms not the cause. Problems like depression need to be treated on the root level in order to ensure a permanent relief.

I think I can speak on this subject because I suffered from chronic depression a few years ago, but today I am an emotionally healthy person.

There were a lot of personal help materials that helped me to recover but Marisa Peer’s program named the uncompromised life worked on some deep inner issues about which I was unaware and it actually gave me some great results. Continue reading

Sadhguru and Snakes – Why Cobras and Vipers Didn’t Harm Him?

I don’t know if you are a fan of Sadhguru or not, but there are definitely a plethora of interesting things about this person that no one can ignore.

One of such things is his fondness for dangerous snakes like cobras and vipers.

I have never seen him in person or joined any of the courses that Isha yoga offers but I have been listening to his talks regularly for more than 4 years now because a lot of things he talks about makes perfect sense to me.

Recently, I have been reading a very captivating book written by Arundhati Roy on Sadhguru named “More Than a Life” and from that book, I have come to learn many mind-blowing things about Sadhguru’s life, like he was a very adventures bike racer, he traveled overnight to various cities in his bike and he has done various businesses but what I found very interesting was his special relationship with snakes.

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Ohm Store Tibetan Meditation Yoga Singing Bowl Set Review

In this review, I am going to share with you my opinions about this Tibetan meditation yoga singing bowl set which I bought recently.

This is not the first singing bowl that I have bought, I have used them before and if you are someone who holds some prior knowledge about singing bowls then you are going to be impressed with the sounds that this one makes.

It is a small singing bowl compared to many others available in the market, you may find it very small if your expectations are based on the image you are seeing here. It’s a nice antique looking item that you can use for yourself or gift to your loved ones.

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The Law of Attraction Money Manifestation Process for Beginners

Okay, so it’s time to break down the basics! I am going into the details of how the money manifestation process using the law of attraction works in layman’s terms in this post. You know, when you’re learning any skill, grasping the fundamentals is your ticket to success. It’s no different when it comes to attracting wealth; to make it work for you, you’ve got to get the whole picture.

So, in this post, I’m going to break it all down for you. I’ll guide you, step by step, on what needs to be done in order to achieve your financial goals. And guess what? It’s not just for beginners. If you’ve been struggling to make the methods based on the LOA work for you in the wealth department, you’re in the right place.

I’ll walk you through what you need to do to achieve your desired financial state. It’s not some mystical secret; it’s about having the right plan of action. We’re talking about practical steps that anyone, at any level, can take to start attracting wealth into their lives.

So, whether you’re just starting out on your journey to manifesting money or you’ve hit a roadblock on the way, this post is here to provide you with some very useful information.

Before we dive into these money-manifesting methods, there’s a crucial nugget of wisdom you’ve got to grasp. You see, when folks stumble upon the Law of Attraction, the first thing they often do is try to reel in some cash using tools like visualization, affirmations, and the like. It’s like a magic trick that works like a charm for some at first, but then, well, things hit a snag. Doubt creeps in, and suddenly those techniques lose their sparkle. And for many others, it feels like an uphill battle, with wealth staying just out of reach, no matter how hard they try.

Now, here’s the inside scoop: the hidden key to unraveling these challenges, the factor that often slips under the radar when people jump into the realm of LOA techniques to attract wealth. I’ll spill the beans on that in just a moment.

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Do Subliminal Audios Really Work? – Effects and Mechanism

In this post, I will be discussing in detail on whether the subliminal audios really work? Their effect on our mind and if they are safe to use or not. I have been exploring the products based on subliminal messages for a long time but I have always been a bit reluctant to use them on a regular basis.

Recently, I wrote a post on a product named “Manifestation Magic” which is based on these audios and in that review I mentioned that I don’t prefer to use such audios while sleeping, so I thought it would be better to give my readers a clear idea about how the whole process of mind rewiring with the help of subliminal audios which is very popular these days actually works. Continue reading

Manifestation Magic Review – Is Alexander Wilson’s Program a Scam?

This is an honest review of the program by Alexander Wilson that is known as the “Manifestation Magic”. I am writing this post to help you with your buying decision based on my own experiences with this product.

I would like to start this review by giving you a little background story about how I stumbled upon this product. As a personal development blogger, I explore any new product that is based on the law of attraction and has gained a lot of popularity among people.

Recently I came across an advertisement about this new program and I immediately sent an E-mail to the makers asking for a review copy. Usually, whenever I do this I get the program for reviewing since my blogs on many popular products have gained a good amount of traffic in the past few years. Considering that I have a genuine website and a lot of regular visitors, most of the makers do not hesitate to provide me with their products for reviewing and a lot of people approach me for writing reviews of their product. But in response to my e-mail, they refused to send me the product saying that they don’t require a review as of now. Continue reading

8 Reasons Why Mindfulness Doesn’t Work for Most People

Today I will be talking about a few reasons due to which mindfulness doesn’t work for a lot of people. In the past few posts I have been talking about mindfulness and since I am well aware that many people find it impossible to make use of this method, here I will be making a list of the common hindrances that one may find in this path which makes people think that they cannot practice this form of meditation.

I have been practicing mindfulness for a very long time and I have been writing posts on it since the beginning of this blog. I have discovered that there are a lot of mental barriers which makes it difficult for us to practice this technique and I have received many emails from my readers which gave me a better idea about why many people fail to make proper use of the mindfulness exercises. Continue reading

4 Quick Mindfulness Techniques for Busy People

Today we are going to discuss 4 quick mindfulness techniques that you can use anytime you want to free up your mind from the unwanted stress caused by negative thoughts and emotions.

Mindfulness meditation has gained a lot of popularity in the past few years but people still have a lot of misconception about it. Contrary to what a lot of people believe, mindfulness is not a difficult thing that you will have to learn from a master, but it is something that you can practice on your own at your home without the need of any guidance.

Practicing mindfulness whenever you get time during the day has numerous benefits on your psychological as well as physical health. It can provide you with the peace of mind that is essential for the healthy functioning of your brain. A small break from the incessant flow of thoughts will enable you to gain more control over your thoughts and emotions so that you can work more efficiently.

Since it is not possible for everyone to sit and meditate for hours, here I am going to give you 4 quick mindfulness exercises that you can use anywhere anytime. Continue reading

Greg Thurston’s 7 Minute Mindfulness Program Review

In this post, I am going to provide you an unbiased review of the program created by Greg Thurston which is named “7 Minute Mindfulness” so that you can get a good idea of the whole package before buying this product.

Mindfulness is a method that I have always talked about in my blogs because it gives you the necessary relaxation and peace that is needed for the healthy functioning of your mind. Mindfulness is a practice that gives you the power to be in control of your reality as it helps you to “respond” rather than to react to any particular situation.

Today a lot of research works and medical experts are backing up the benefits of mindfulness because it has proven to bring a very healthy change in the brain and hormones in the human body.

Considering all these points it is always very wise to have a tool like this with you but does this program deserves a place in your collections? We will see this in the following paragraphs. Continue reading

Build a Money Magnet Mindset – Psychology of Wealth

Today I am going to share with you something that has really changed my financial life and helped me build a money mindset which magnetized my energy to attract more wealth.

You may have heard of the law of attraction methods to manifest money, though it is very much possible to attract money using those methods, however, being wealthy is not a one-time thing, it is a process where you will have to work on your inner mind consistently.

What I am going to tell you in this post will only become useful to you if you are really willing to take action, so reading this content alone will be of no use, you will have to make use of the information.

Trust me, this post can help you improve your financial situation if you are actually willing to change your perspective about money.

Although I am aware that you may be concerned about the results, but, my aim with this post is to assist you in altering your money beliefs because once that inner change happens, outer change is inevitable.

Before I show you how you can build the right mindset to attract money, I need to talk about something very essential, this is going to be interesting. Continue reading

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