
Category Archives for "Blog"

10 Ways to Deal with Negative People and Situations-Fun Exercises to Stay Positive

When we come to realize the power of our emotions and positive thinking we all have this one worrisome problem and that is the fear of getting influenced by other people’s beliefs and thoughts.

Though we can always choose to leave conversations with strangers and the ones who does not matter much in our lives, but when it comes to people whom we love we have to listen to them despite knowing that such conversations are not only useless but also harmful for any kind of positive growth.

Sometimes, when we try to bring positivity in such places then people may also try to pull us down or invite us for an argument because they find it essential to defend their hard wired beliefs; however we have our free will to always stay detached from any conversation even by being an active listener.

With practice, active detached listening is possible ,but we must realize that once our mood or emotions changes during any conversation then we are losing the game and the other person’s negativity not only just starts to dominate us but it also pulls us to the place where they stand.

Here, I am going to discuss with you 10 simple exercises that you can use anytime and anywhere when you have to deal with negative people or situations and you don’t have the option of “escape” button, first 6 exercises are funny ways to protect yourself from any conversation that may fill your mind with negative thoughts and the next four exercises are to be used when you find yourself getting affected by other person’s words. Continue reading

Indigo Children and Their Characteristics-Highly Intuitive and Spirited Kids

When I opted for Christie Marie Sheldon’s love or above program, I received a few bonus sessions (which I guess are still available) and in one of those sessions Christie talks about Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children.

I completely agree with Christie that all kids are equal having some unique gifts and there is not something very special about these kids that differentiates them from the other kids, apart from their ability of having higher intuitive awareness and an unique aura pattern.

Every kid has the ability to learn, develop and become whatever they wish to be, so the labeling that we do here is to just differentiate the specific characteristics of the group of these kids.

So, once I got to know about these kids, I did a little research and here I am going to discuss with you about what I have learned from various sources.

The label “Indigo Children” given to these kids is because of the indigo colored pattern in their aura (the energy field around their body).

These kids are highly intuitive and connected to their spiritual part, it is said that a lot of indigo children were born after 80’s as the result of the shift in the collective consciousness of the planet.

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10 Wealth Related Things That You Should Avoid Doing with Your Kids

I have been writing about universal laws, changing the old paradigms to create desired life, meditations, visualizations and all the personal development stuff for about a year but, one thing that I like the most to write about is positive mentoring for kids.

Ask me why?

As a person who is so much interested in exploring the subject of human potential and metaphysical knowledge, I have come to understand this one thing for sure- Our life depends on the beliefs that we hold in our subconscious mind. Continue reading

Creative Visualization and Meditation Can Change Your Life-Get Rid of Your Past Burdens

In the previous post “allow your abundance“, I have talked about the first method for clearing the energy blocks that stops you from achieving your desired goals. Now we will look at the other two methods for doing this.

With a little modification of regular creative visualization and meditation process you can change your old limiting beliefs and boost up your success rate in all the areas of your life.

Practicing these techniques will enable to become good at performing energy clearing on your own without the need of any light worker or energy healer.

Even if you don’t believe in energy healing, use these methods by looking at it as the tool to do the required inner work of changing your attitude towards the life which will allow you to take the right decisions. Continue reading

3 Ways to Clear Your Energy Blocks – Allow Your Abundance

If you want to achieve something that you have never had before then you will have to change energetically, and that’s why I will be talking about the 3 methods here using which you can clear your energy blocks.

People often think that desires are the reason behind pain and suffering, that isn’t true. It’s the unfulfilled desires that cause agonies.

It is totally okay to have desires, how good will life be if we don’t have a vision for the future? Continue reading

6 Common Myths about Self Love – Self Love Is Not Selfishness

In order to live a joyful life and to positively influence people, one should fill himself with so much love that it must get radiated to others.

This post is in continuation to the post named “Our Natural State of Existence-Allowing the Energy of Love to Flow“.

A person is actually alive only when he is in love with his own existence, but often the concept of self-love is misinterpreted.

Here, I am going to shed light on the 6 most common myths about self-love, these myths are a result of misinterpreting the actual meaning behind the message of loving oneself.

These are few common false beliefs about self love that I have come to know about and these misconceptions are actually quite the opposite of what  “self love” really is:- Continue reading

Joe Vitale’s Law of Attraction Certification Review- Should We Prefer Online LOA Certification Courses?

In this law of attraction practitioner certification course review, we will take a close look at this product using which you can help people to create the life of their desire.

Dr.Joe Vitale is one of the best law of attraction teachers of today’s world, he has gained a lot of popularity by teaching money making techniques, hypnotic marketing and success principles.

Joe Vitale was one of the main casts in the movie “the secret”, so you might be already knowing him. I have been following him for a long time, one thing about him that inspires me the most is that he lives by what he teaches.

By teaming up with the celebrity hypnotherapist Dr. Steve G. Jones, Joe Vitale has prepared this course using which you can help others to use the law of attraction while you can also use it for your own betterment. Continue reading

Our Natural State of Existence-Allowing the Energy of Love to Flow

“Love” is a magical word, we can never measure anybody’s love for us or our love for them, and it could only be felt emotionally.

Anything we experience in our life, our conscious mind judges it and compares it with the past experiences to label it as “good” or “bad”, we think that what we have labeled here as “good” is what we love, but this label is always subjected to change because we were not feeling good for what was happening “out there” instead we were feeling good about “the idea or the thought” that dominated our mind in any particular moment.

Is Love an Illusion?

If we feel joy because of our own thoughts, then is love an illusion?

If our state of happiness does not depend on any external factor then is it all a game played by our EGO which decides what we love or hate?

Yes, “hatred” is an illusion indeed and it is a very persistent and strong one, but, love is our true nature.

We are made up of love and our inner being has love for everything outside as well as inside us. Continue reading

“Brahmamuhurtha” the Best Time to Meditate and Visualize-Reaching the Alpha State of Mind

“Brahma Muhurta”, is a Sanskrit term that’s widely used in Yogic literature for denoting the early morning hour before sunrise which is also called the God’s hour or creator’s hour. This time duration occurs approximately one and a half hours before sunrise, some say that it is the 48-minute time period that happens 48 minutes prior to sunrise and it is considered the best time for meditation, yoga, or visualization.

There is no specific clock time to accurately point out this time duration, it may vary according to your geographical location and also changes with the seasons of the year, the only way to know what is the exact brahma muhurta hour in your region is to calculate it based on when the sun rises wherever you are at any particular season of the year.

The reason why they say that these particular hours of the day are the best time to meditate is because our mind is less active during this time so it becomes easy to go into the deeper states of meditation during these hours.

Yogis would take a bath about two hours before sunrise and sit in the lotus posture during these hours to connect with the divine, pure positive energy as they find it easy to stop the “mind chatter” at this time of the day. Continue reading

8 Ways to Make Your Creative Visualization Process Super Effective

Creative visualization process is a very powerful tool for improving our lives, but without proper understanding it is of little or no use at all.

If we really need to learn the proper way to visualize then the best teachers for us would be kids, because they actually understand the true purpose behind visualization – It is not something that we have to do as a task in order to manifest our desires, but the basic use of visualization is to “feel good”, and when one succeeds to be happy in the present moment with respect to what he desires, amazing things happen.

When we use creative visualization to feel positive emotions as if our dreams have already come true, then only we will be able to move in the right direction.

Here are 8 creative visualization tips using which you can make your creative visualization process a fun filled daily ritual because when you actually start enjoying your visuals, it becomes super-effective.

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