We know that this universe operates according to certain laws and to be obedient to these laws for creating a life that we desire, we need to be in a higher vibrational state that should reflect our desires.
In other words, our inner world is what gets reflected in our outer experiences.
We discussed about the role of actions and importance of emotions in the previous post, here we are going to discuss about the key to live the abundant life and the types of actions.
It’s fairly obvious that a person’s priority should be first achieving that inner peace and joy before proceeding with any physical action. Continue reading
One of the deepest held beliefs of the societies of our world is “a person is valued because of his actions”, there is enough evidence to prove that and it is very obvious, but the question which arises here is “what type of action?”
We can see so many people working relentlessly every day and reaching nowhere in life, we also see people doing so many good deeds still not living the life that they deserve.
It is vital to realize what we should try to reach should be “quality of work” rather than “quantity of work”.
“The Hard Work Trap” is a set of ideas that are deeply entrenched among the mediocre public that they strongly refuse to come out of this hypnotic trance which continuously whispers in their ears- “Work hard to create more wealth!”
For delivering “quality work” there is only one essential ingredient “great ideas or thoughts”.
Lucid dreaming is a very interesting art to learn because it can help a person to use his dreams for fun purpose as well as for spiritual growth, some people are very fortunate that they don’t find it very hard to get their first lucid dream whereas many people struggle with it and get discouraged soon after starting.
The major reason behind failure to get the first lucid dream is “trying too hard”, the harder you try the worse it gets!
There are so many methods for controlling your dreams and to dream what you want but beginners should not focus on these deep methods instead they should get a grip on the basics.
We are enlisting 6 simple tips here by following which you can get your first lucid dream easily.
In this post I will be answering a very basic lucid dreaming question i.e “Is sleep paralysis dangerous?” because it is something that often worries a lot of people when they begin their lucid dreaming journey.
What will you do if you wake up and you find that your body is not moving, you can’t open your eyes, but you can move your eyeballs, you feel it hard to breathe and to make such a dreadful situation worse, you also feel a ghostly presence near you?
Sleep paralysis is the state when the body is asleep whereas mind is partially awake, this results into a dream where a person finds himself paralyzed at the same place where he is actually sleeping.
This may seem as something very dangerous and it can really scare the hell out of you when it happens. But sleep paralysis can cause no harm to you because it is a natural phenomenon.
It happens due to the biological mechanism that prevents people from acting out in dreams, so when you are partially awake you become aware of this and feel like you have lost the control over your body. Continue reading
Often when we get started to become more aware of the way in which this universe operates and we try to obey the laws that govern all the happenings, we get confused if we are heading towards the right direction for manifesting our desires or not?
Here are a few signs to know if the law of attraction will work in your favor in the long run.
1-You are trying to get closer to your higher self by getting involved in deeper knowledge and meditation.
2-You have realized the power of your imagination and you are dedicating a few minutes daily to utilize it.
3- You are becoming more aware of your thoughts, whenever your mind drifts off and you start thinking negative thoughts, you are able to discern it.
4- You have become more conscious of your emotions and you now deliberately uplift yourself whenever you feel low. Continue reading
In this post, I am going to provide you the procedure to perform Candle Tratak meditation which will help you to achieve greater focus and inner peace.
Candle Tratak (also known as Diya Tratak in Hindi) is the process where the practitioner meditates on the flame of a candle or oil lamp.
I have discussed few other forms of Tratak methods earlier like Tratak on a Black Dot and Mirror Tratak, but gazing on the candle flame is much effective than the other two as it becomes easier to concentrate on bright light than the other objects, but this technique comparatively has more disadvantages.
Meditations like Tratak requires discipline and an environment that is conducive for deeper focus. (for this purpose you can read the post – creating a perfect atmosphere for meditation)
It is best to do this meditation in the early morning hours between 4 am and 6 am because quieting the mind is much easier at that time than the rest of the day.
Please make sure that you don’t change your place and time for this practice frequently, try to stick to a regular schedule.
Keep your stomach empty but make sure that you are not hungry. Tranquilize your mind first by taking a few deep breaths before you begin. Continue reading
Primary coach in everyone’s life is their parents, we inherit most of our traits from our father and mother, that’s why I am writing this success coaching for kids article for all the parents who wants to train their kids to be a winner.
The life coaching industry has been among the top growing industries recently and the Reason behind this is obvious, that now we have started to realize that our potential is much more than what we can imagine, and by knowing and being open to these deeper truths of our existence only we could create a good and successful life.
I stumbled on this very awesome program named “Law of Attraction for Kids“ lately and I did a small research on it, I found out that it could really be among the best investments that people could ever make for the better future of their children, this program will help you to build a winner mindset for your kids.
I don’t think that in this age of advancement we could give any other better gift to the kids apart from the ability to think out of the box and create a desired life. Continue reading
Nobody can ever prove what’s a truth and what’s a lie if they have a logic based debate on it. But societies and cultures have formed convictions for these values for the sake of peace and better living.
This is a hard thing to believe, but there is nothing in the world that is not true (because truth is a term used to indicate the acceptance of a thought measured against one’s own convictions), every lie is just a distorted form of truth.
Now, this may sound ridiculous but every lie is a modification of truth.
So, is lying a sin?, well when no one knows whats a lie then how could they know this?… ha ha..
As you can see, the quote that I have used is from Buddha, hundreds of wise and famous people from past have told us that our thoughts create our reality.
Even quantum physics says that our mind creates our world (read “Why Quantum Physicists Do Not Fail“, if you want to know more about it) .
So, our question should be “how can I use my thought power?” rather than “can thoughts create reality? Or “is this true?”, because such questions will not take anyone to the right path of development.
Faith is most important and without it no one can lead to a satisfactory life.
The star analogy that I am using here is not at all anything about astrology but I am bringing an example that often makes me to wonder about a very great principle.
“Thoughts Makes Our Reality – Whatever we are now is because of the ideas that we held in the mind in our past”, if you are a person who is keen about developing himself then this is not an unfamiliar thing for you.
These words from Raymond Holliwell’s “Working with the Law” is filled with so much truth because our “expectation” is the factor that works to speed up either the process our bringing our dreams to reality or vice-versa.because our “expectation” is the factor that works to speed up either the process our bringing our dreams to reality or vice-versa.
In a chapter of Raymond Holliwell’s this book, he has emphasized the “expectation” part specially and he has made it clear that we hardly reach any goal that we don’t expect.
So, anyone who desires working with the law of attraction for creating the desired life must be aware of this key part in this process. Continue reading