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Root Chakra Imbalance Symptoms-Do You Feel Alienated and Disconnected?

Root Chakra, also known as Muladhara(in Sanskrit) is the first chakra of our energy body, this chakra is the one that is related the most to the aspects of our physical world.

Root chakra is situated at the base of the spine and it is depicted by the color red.

It is extremely important to balance your root chakra because all the major emotional problems like anger, frustration, jealousy, doubt, depression etc can arise due to improper flow of the energy through this chakra.

A person whose root chakra is blocked suffers from a lot of emotional issues which is mostly related to the materialistic needs, the main symptom of a blocked root chakra is insecurity and lack of self esteem as the root chakra is associated to our basic survival needs.

On the other hand if a person’s root chakra is over active then he becomes too anxious and angry, in such cases an urge to control the situations and people arises which leads to total loss of mental peace that can also cause violent behavior.

The purpose of root chakra is to connect a person to mother earth and physical world, so when root chakra is not allowing the proper flow of energy then the individual feels disconnected with the planet and people, this results in lack of interest towards life.

So, from the above discussion we can infer that it is extremely important for a person to keep his root chakra in balance, here I am going to discuss with you a few symptoms that will let you know if you have an issue with your root chakra. Continue reading

Healing the Emotional Pain Caused by Toxic Relationships and Memories That Destroys One’s Serenity

Recently, I have been through a time that put me into a confused state of mind which was neither letting me to move forward nor allowing me to be at peace with the present moment.

Great teachers have always taught that you don’t need to fix anything outside of you to live a happy life,all that’s essential is to be in harmony with your own existence.

That’s really difficult to understand  because when nobody understands you,all your efforts are just making the situation worse and your mind is in a chaotic state such philosophies appears to be total bullshit.

The dominating emotions of an individual facing such circumstances are guilt, anger and resentment.If prolonged,these feelings can result into self sabotage.

The Victim Mode of Ego

It is very imperative to discern that our ego likes to play a victim and if you are not aware enough to detect this at the right time then you will be pulled into an insurmountable vicious cycle of negativity. Continue reading

Using Your Mental Addictions as a Key to Practice Mindfulness Anywhere and Anytime

We all have mental addictions; it is the self talk that we do all day long unconsciously.

Mindfulness activities help a person to enjoy his life by bringing his mind completely in the present (now) moment, setting a few hours for meditation helps a person to get more control over his thoughts but for a man living in today’s fast moving world it is hard to focus on the present moment or making mindfulness a way of living the life when he is busy in his daily routine.

Our problem is the addictive thought patterns that takes all the space in our mind, for example a person who is driving his car is engaged in thinking about the upcoming project in his office or worrying about his kids in the school, he becomes aware and conscious only when there is a need to slow down or push the brake suddenly.

The more you are able to escape your mental addictions and become aware of what you are doing now, the easier the life gets.

The Rational Thinking Mind

We have a certain set of programming patterns according to which we interpret our world and our rational mind is always engaged in arranging everything in our mind to be in accordance with that particular pattern, these are the mental addictions that we should consciously work on in order to live peacefully. Continue reading

5 Reasons Why You Must Set a Deadline for Every Goal-The Law of Attraction Tip

You must have heard this before or read in books that for everything that you want to attract in your life using the law of attraction, you should set a deadline.

I often used to wonder why one has to do that because we actually cannot predict the time period till the manifestation happens and time is not a barrier for the universe, in fact in the spiritual realm time does not exist.

Well, the reason behind setting a deadline for every goal actually has a lot to do with the power of our intention. Here are 5 reasons that will ensure you that setting a deadline for your goals is a very essential part in attracting whatever it is that you desire :-

#1 A Deadline Keeps You Moving:-

Remember the exam times? As the exam date reaches nearer, the students start to put more and more effort.

We all are trained to see the calendar or clock before taking any action. So, setting a deadline for your goals will push you to take serious actions. Continue reading

7 Tips for Opening Your Third Eye Chakra-A Portal to Your Spiritual World

Third eye, also called as the sixth chakra of our energy body is considered as the source for intuitive insights.

Sometimes pineal gland of the brain is also said to be the center where the third eye exist, however one cannot be completely sure about this because that particular portion of the human brain has been a debatable subject for a long time.

Some people claim that the pineal gland’s function is only to produce a few essential hormones and some say that it is a portal between a person’s spiritual world and the physical world.

However, we can be certain about one thing that is the pineal gland produces some hormones that regulates a person’s sleep cycle and according to it we can assume that it has some role to play in the serenity and flow of thoughts which definitely has a lot to do with the energy body of a person.

Opening up the third eye refers stimulating the sixth chakra, which actually indicates the state of being highly intuitive and the complete opening of the third eye is the state of enlightenment. Continue reading

Don’t Wait for the Right Time-The Law of Attraction Requires Action!

Some people think that the law of attraction is some kind of magic that will drop goodies in their lap, but working with your thoughts and vibrations needs you to take inspired actions.

Using creative visualization, writing your goals and working with your thoughts alone is not enough for the manifestation of your desires, a person has to be ready and aware to act on the inspirations he receives.

In truth, a person who is consistently thinking about a goal can never sit and wait. It is pretty obvious that when you want something with all you heart, you will always be doing something to move towards it, but if you are setting goals that you don’t believe you can achieve then you will be stuck where you are and later you will find thousand reasons to say that the law of attraction is a crap.

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Gyan Mudra – A Simple Mudra for Stimulating the Root Chakra

Gyan Mudra, that is also known as “Chin Mudra” is a very common and simple hand posture that is used in many yogic practices to make them more effective.

“Gyan” means wisdom in Sanskrit, so it can also be called as the wisdom mudra.

The prime reason why this particular hand gesture is used for meditation is because it helps one to have lesser thoughts during that time, thus it provides better focus to successfully carry out the process.

You can achieve higher states of meditation with appropriate use of this simple method because when you are less affected by the thoughts in your mind, you can experience altered states of consciousness.

According to ancient yogic teachings, our body is made up of five elements viz. water,fire,air,earth and ether, all the mind and health related problems are born due to the imbalance in these elements. This mudra helps to balance the vayu( air) element in the body.

I used to be very skeptical of this stuff, but with better understanding of this knowledge I realized that even though they are just simple different methods of placing the fingers at various points in your hands, it can prove out to be very beneficial for your health since it stimulates various brain nerves with the pressure applied to certain meridian points. Continue reading

Prosperity Consciousness and the Piggy Bank Game–Using the Law of Attraction to Attract More Wealth

I have wondered many times after reading self help books that “Okay, the flow of wealth in our lives depends on how we feel about it and our subconscious beliefs about it.A person has to build prosperity consciousness to allow more of it in his life, but how the hell can I feel prosperous at times when I am broke?”

I am sure that you might also have had such thoughts during those difficult times, it feels so stupid to imagine having a lot of money when all that is flashing in your mind is “the bills to be paid”.

There are some real cool law of attraction games given in some books which makes you feel prosperous, but a person cannot even think of looking at them when he is worried about wealth.

When you are completely broke and someone comes to say “use your creative powers to attract money”, you feel like smashing their heads on wall.. Don’t you?

Here, I am going to share my piggy bank game with you which is a very practical way for me to find that place where I can feel “relief” about money, but before going there let me explain you why I do this because when you know “money is meant to be circulated” according to the laws of universe, then hoarding it in a corner of house may seem a little out of whack. Continue reading

Manifesting Your Desires into Reality-The Universal Law of Receiving

The universal law of receiving is an essential part in the manifestation process which follows the law of supply that we have discussed in the previous post which states that the laws of universe arranges whatever that is needed when a demand arises.

This means that all our wishes are answered at the very moment of asking in the non physical realm(check the realm(check the computer draft and printer example in the previous post to understand this better).

Now, once we accept that the higher power is continuously at work to bring our good to us then we should be focusing towards the ‘receiving’ part.

We have a big force by our side and that is our mind, the only thing that holds us away from where we want to be in our lives is our own inner beliefs. Continue reading

Are You Blindfolding Yourself from Seeing the Good?-The Universal Law of Supply

In a world where it is easy to find miserable individuals with hundreds of dreams that never came true, one can easily come to the conclusion that our life depends on “luck” and we have no control over what the greater power is delivering to us.

This thought that our life is predestined and that we have no control over it is very comfortable to some. With this they usually settle down choosing a terrible life, because believing in one’s own creative power requires courage.

Being a learner and understanding the universal laws not only requires tremendous dedication and determination, but it also is a lifelong process.

Once you take the responsibility and believe “you can get the life that you want” from that moment you are on a journey to unveil a new lesson everyday about the operation of this amazing universe.

The Law of Supply clearly states that no demand could ever exist without the possibility of the supply. The universe never withholds anything that is asked, but the one who has asked should be prepared enough in order to receive it. Continue reading

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