If you are trying to find some effective tips or ways to quiet your mind during a meditation session then you have landed at the right place. It does not matter if you are new to meditation or have been meditating for a long time, this can happen to anyone. Although beginners are most commonly troubled by this problem that their mind keeps jumping from one thought to another frequently, even those who have been meditating for years can face this problem depending on their life situation and emotional health.
No matter what meditation you prefer, if you find yourself getting lost in random thoughts frequently then any form of meditation will not be providing you with good results which can be very frustrating because the very reason we sit to meditate is to achieve serenity.
What you need to understand if this is happening to you is that not being able to focus properly while meditating is not a big problem and this does not mean that you cannot meditate, the mind chatter that takes up all your attention when you are trying to concentrate is a part and parcel of our spiritual journey.
Here I will be sharing with you a few tips that will greatly help you to stop your mind from wandering when you sit to meditate, the points that I am going to enlist below will help you make gradual progress with your meditation practice, and these meditation tips will also motivate to stay consistent with your efforts, that’s why I request you to come back to reading this post whenever you feel you are going off track. Continue reading
Why do I often fall asleep during meditation? Is my practice flawed, or is it simply ineffective for me? These questions frequently arise, especially among beginners. Surprisingly, even experienced meditators can grapple with the challenge of nodding off during their sessions. In this post, we’ll explore the reasons behind falling asleep while meditating and offer practical tips to help you overcome this common issue.
For some, meditation can lead to drifting into slumber, while others experience post-meditation drowsiness. Conversely, many individuals turn to meditation as a means to enhance their sleep patterns. Our unique psychological makeup means that we all confront distinct challenges in various aspects of life, and meditation is no exception.
Becoming drowsy during meditation is so common that I’ve witnessed an entire hall full of people snoring after a meditation session I attended. Most of them were meditating for the first time, but I know that this can happen to anyone, so there’s really nothing to worry about.
I have also observed people discontinuing their meditation practice, citing drowsiness as a reason to avoid it entirely. They often say, “Meditation isn’t for me; I can’t concentrate because I become sleepy when I try to sit in silence.”
But, you know what? That’s not quite right. Meditation is for everyone, and feeling a bit drowsy during a meditation session is completely normal. Actually, there are several reasons why it can happen to you. So, let’s dig into different factors that might be affecting your ability to make it through a meditation session, whether you tend to get a little sleepy halfway through or struggle to stay fully awake during the practice.
In this post, I will be talking about the best lucid dreaming techniques that you can use to get good results as a beginner or you can also include these techniques for having frequent lucid dreams if you are already experienced as a conscious dreamer. These 3 techniques are most used by lucid dreaming experts because they have found that primarily only these methods are highly effective in inducing lucid dreams whereas many also prefer to combine these 3 basic techniques with many other processes to get customized results.
Most of the methods you will ever get to learn related to lucid dreaming are different versions of these 3 basic methods, people make slight changes to these 3 techniques and give them new names but as a lucid dreamer you should know that the basic methods from which the other techniques have evolved are always the best.
Although I have written about the techniques that I am going to provide you here individually in different posts, here I will be giving you a brief introduction to those methods and you can explore those methods by navigating to the posts in which I have talked extensively on each of the methods. Continue reading
You might have heard it already or you might be hearing it for the first time but there is a very strong connection between the root chakra and the manifestation of wealth in a person’s life. The root chakra is not the only chakra that affects the financial situation of a person’s life but it is one of the important energy centers which needs to be balanced if one wishes to be good at attracting financial abundance into their life.
Your root chakra or the Muladhara is the energy center that shapes the relationship that you have with the physical world, so finances being one of the primary components of a person’s physical world, gets deeply affected when someone is having a blocked root chakra.
There are various ways in which an imbalanced root chakra might affect a person’s life but struggling to make money or being unable to manage finances properly is a clear symptom of a blocked root chakra. It is worthless to take actions that have no proper direction towards becoming wealthy, a proper mindset and emotional preparedness are the two main factors that decide how much fruitful a person’s efforts are going to be when it comes to the area of making money. The primary purpose of money is to provide security and root chakra, among the 7 chakras is the energy center that is responsible for how secure a person feels in their life. Continue reading
There are 7 main chakras that are the energy centers or the focal points in the body which regulate the flow of energy throughout a person’s subtle spiritual body that is believed to be present around our physical body, among these chakras is the first chakra that is also known as the root chakra, base chakra or Muladhara and we will be giving you an insight on everything you need to know about root chakra. The term Muladhara is derived from ancient Sanskrit texts where the early information about the chakras is present, in Sanskrit, Mula means root and Adhara means base or foundation whereas chakra means wheel, so we can deduce that Muladhara is a wheel-shaped energy center present at the base of our energy body.
The root chakra’s primary function is to maintain our materialistic aspects of living and it is what provides us with the power to survive in the physical world. It is what connects our spiritual world to our external world and that is why it provides us with stability in life. Also, this particular energy center is responsible for the animalistic nature present in us which is also essential for our survival. Continue reading
You actually don’t need to worry if you are feeling tired after meditation, many times people drift off while meditating and a momentary lethargy is perfectly alright when you have tried to sit in silence for a while.
The truth is that often people don’t know that they are tired as their mind is too active to discern it and when they give all those thoughts a pause, their body might get the essential attention from them, that perhaps could seem like a tiredness that wasn’t there before.
People who are new to spiritual practices worry a lot when they feel like taking a nap after meditation because that might seem like a counterproductive thing since many books and people emphasize that meditation should make you feel more energetic.
That’s true, meditation does make you feel more energetic and active as a person, but it is not an immediate effect.
What meditation does is that it calms down your mind chatter and due to that you may realize a need to take some rest. The tiredness here is not something caused by meditation, you just gain the awareness of what your body is trying to communicate. Continue reading
In this post, I am going to share a simple 5 step method on how to heal your aura daily at home so that you could start your day with a fresh energy or use it at the end of your day to clear your aura from the negative energies that you might have picked up from your surroundings.
You must take care of your energy just like you take care of your health. When you will keep yourself emotionally healthy you will take insightful actions that can lead to the manifestation of your desires.
During our day a lot of things happen that leaves behind certain types of imprints in our energy, in other words, a lot of factors causes various types of negative thought process to get activated in our mind. You need to use methods like the present moment awareness to stay alert and safeguard yourself from the effects of the negative emotional states of others, there are also people in the society who can greatly influence your mindstate with their negative perspective, such people are also called as the energy vampires.
Many times situations can also be responsible for causing us to think stressful thoughts, every day we encounter people and situations that fill our energy with elements that are devoid of love, such patterns can stick to you and energize itself by attracting more of such situations. Continue reading
In this post, I will be sharing with you a simple meditation to clear the mind so that you could make inspired decisions that come from your higher self. You can be at total peace even when your life is moving too fast, people tend to think that it is impossible to be peaceful inside when a lot of things are happening in their life.
The reason why we lose the peace of our mind is that we get too much attached with the things in our life, although we all know this yet our mind has a tendency to forget this truth and we begin to derive our identities from the very things that we have gained for our comfort. Isn’t it really stupid that we lose our peace of mind because of the things that we have acquired in order to be happy? Yet we all do it unknowingly.
You may be living your dream life or struggling to make your life better, there are things that often take up all your energy because you are always thinking about it.
People say if you are passionate about something you should just keep on doing it, but what do you think will happen if a painter keeps on painting all day long? or If a cook is always in the kitchen? This world has seen a lot of people who have become obsessed with their passion to the extent that it either ended their life or ruined all the other aspects of their life.
It is great to be immersed in something so much that your mind is not engaged in unwanted thinking anymore, but when you do not have the essential balance in your life, things can go wrong. Doing what you love and doing something with the fear of losing what you have are two different things, one needs to understand this in order to be peaceful.
Meditation helps you to detach yourself from getting too much involved in something so that you can also focus on the other important stuff in your life that needs your attention. Continue reading
Today I will be talking about a few reasons due to which mindfulness doesn’t work for a lot of people. In the past few posts I have been talking about mindfulness and since I am well aware that many people find it impossible to make use of this method, here I will be making a list of the common hindrances that one may find in this path which makes people think that they cannot practice this form of meditation.
I have been practicing mindfulness for a very long time and I have been writing posts on it since the beginning of this blog. I have discovered that there are a lot of mental barriers which makes it difficult for us to practice this technique and I have received many emails from my readers which gave me a better idea about why many people fail to make proper use of the mindfulness exercises. Continue reading
Today we are going to discuss 4 quick mindfulness techniques that you can use anytime you want to free up your mind from the unwanted stress caused by negative thoughts and emotions.
Mindfulness meditation has gained a lot of popularity in the past few years but people still have a lot of misconception about it. Contrary to what a lot of people believe, mindfulness is not a difficult thing that you will have to learn from a master, but it is something that you can practice on your own at your home without the need of any guidance.
Practicing mindfulness whenever you get time during the day has numerous benefits on your psychological as well as physical health. It can provide you with the peace of mind that is essential for the healthy functioning of your brain. A small break from the incessant flow of thoughts will enable you to gain more control over your thoughts and emotions so that you can work more efficiently.
Since it is not possible for everyone to sit and meditate for hours, here I am going to give you 4 quick mindfulness exercises that you can use anywhere anytime. Continue reading