
Category Archives for "Blog"

Law of Orderly Thinking-Effects of Random Thoughts

The universal law of thinking is a very fundamental law which decides the direction of our lives based on the dominant thoughts present in our minds.

While talking about the mind power, people put so much emphasis on the subconscious mind’s workings, however, what we fail to understand is that it is the ideas that we hold in our conscious mind that’s going to reach the inner mind.

Thoughts are powerful just by reminding yourself that over and over again you will be more cautious before next time you let your mind drift.

Organizing the thoughts by understanding the bad effects of random negative thinking is very important for a man who is interested in progress and development.

Mental blindness is the cause of failures and disappointments.Physical vision is an illusion; the actual act of seeing is done by the mind..Yes, we see what we believe so a person who believes “this world as an evil place” by the law of thinking that’s what will be shown to him by the universe.

This is why disciplining your thoughts is so important,as your life depends on it. Continue reading

Creating a Good Atmosphere for Meditation

If you want to get some good ideas for making a meditation room in your home or for creating a meditation space, then you have reached the right place.

I will share with you some tips here on how to make a particular area conducive to a deep and effective meditation

The biggest challenge to meditation practitioners is to maintain the present moment awareness so that they could frequently be able to stop the continuous thought current in order to reach the higher levels of meditation. If the place that you have chosen for your practice is not appropriate then you might find it very difficult to stay focused, this is why creating a good atmosphere for meditation is very essential.

There are many direct and indirect factors that decide whether a place is favorable for you to be able to detach yourself from the noises inside your head or not. Continue reading

Hypnotic Nature of Advertising – Role of Emotions in Selling

“Good Wine Needs No Bush” how true these words of Shakespeare is in today’s world?

The competitive nature of today’s modern market makes advertisement a golden tool to boost business because it involves the emotions of the people.

Do you know that these advertisements work more with your emotions than your logic?

Advertisements actually work with something that is beyond our conscious thinking, it is our subconscious mind.

Here we will discuss the hypnotic nature of advertising which is aimed to drive the public to buy products by influencing their subconscious mind.

The act of buying is based on emotions; we are programmed to behave according to the ideas that have taken root in our inner mind. The process to influence the subconscious mind of people is very illogical and different from the common understanding. Continue reading

Using Music to Control Thoughts – Effect of Music on Meditation

Music works wonders when it is combined with meditation especially for beginners, it deepens the meditation, relaxes our mind, focuses for longer periods. One of the easy ways to practice meditation is to seek the help of music.


Using music to control thoughts is advised for beginners, slowly and gradually one should learn to do that on their own but the effect of music on meditation is very significant.


Nature and Music


In order to survive in an unfriendly modern sound era, we should enjoy the natural sounds generated by ocean, river, rain, breeze etc.

As the sound of birds in the early morning gives us joy; likewise the music for the morning meditation should contain joy giving rhythm, freshness and tenderness. Continue reading

The Impact of Food on Thoughts : Yogic Diet

Clarity of mind and body depends upon the intake of diet that we all take in our day to day life.

According to Ayurveda and Yoga disciplines, the diets may be classified as Sattvic diet Diet, Rajasic Diet, and Tamasic Diet.

The Sattvic  Diet

This kind of diet supports yoga and meditation, it brings calmness and peace in the mind.
Diet effects the different compartments of our brains.

Pure and simple diets have a deep effect on the thoughts that arises in our mind; freshness is the hallmark of yoga diets.

The Sattvic diets are derived from observing ahimsa methods (without hurting any life). Nature gives them in a fresh way and it is taken with love and affection. Such diets bring positive vibrations which help us to go deeper in meditation with ease. Continue reading

Humor Can Change Your Life – Mental Benefits of Laughter

You underestimate the power of laughter, don’t you? We all have heard about the mental benefits of laughter like it can heal people, reduce stress, clear mind, etc but actually it is much more than that what we think.

When we laugh we actually use suppressed negative energy in a positive way, this saves us from many mental as well as physical issues (suppressed energy can express itself as a disease or physical discomfort).


Whenever we meet or have a conversation with people, we are also dealing with them on a spiritual level.

People with positive vibrations bring others into the same vibration level and the opposite happens as well. (This is why we feel so good after meeting some people whereas some leaves us with an undesirable feeling; our feelings are actually a tool to analyze the vibrations of people and places) Continue reading

Best Time to Induce Lucid Dreams-Set Your Alarm Clock

The best time to induce lucid dreams according to the experts is the last few hours before you usually wake up, it could be one or two hours prior to the normal time at which you normally wake up.

Though I have always been interested in lucid dreaming for years, I learned something very important about how to induce lucid dreams from Andrew Holecek’s Dream Sculpting program, it is all about the “awareness”.

Our chances of becoming conscious inside our dreams highly depends on how much conscious awareness we have in our waking life, before stumbling upon that program I hardly ever understood that there is a great connection between my waking life and dream world, in fact, the ancient Tibetan dream yoga is not much different from our normal lucid dreams when it comes to maintaining awareness.

The reason why these few hours before our usual waking is perfect for lucid dreaming is because we are highly aware during those times, our mind goes to the rapid eye moment phase which is the nearest to the waking stage and that’s where we experience dreams. Continue reading

Anybody Can Be Intuitive- 6 Requirements to Develop ESP

Apart from the five senses, we are also born with a better ability to understand and interpret the world, and that can be termed as “intuition”. Only those who believe in it can make use of it.


As kids we all have used our intuition, every baby follows its inner voice to recognize people who love them.


Some of us do believe in ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) but, they are not able to make use of it as there are certain requirements to develop ESP and we will discuss them in detail here. Continue reading

Mind Of Little Kids-Should Children Learn Meditation

Before discussing meditation for children, we should first understand that we do meditation as our mind is always overloaded with thoughts that keep us away from the present moment.

Meditation helps us to be a more awake and conscious person, rather than being a slave of our own mind; it brings forth the unconditional love from inside which is our true nature.

Let us now move on to our prime focus:-

Should Children Learn Meditation?

However, children are always more in the present moment than us, they have love in their hearts even for the nonliving things and they care about everything in their vicinity so much. Continue reading

Know your mind- Why we forget the great ideas?

We all often make a big mistake by taking our ideas and thoughts for granted, thinking that we can call it out whenever it is required but, do you really remember your thoughts? Ever wondered why we forget the great ideas that come into our mind very often?


Even recurring thoughts soon gets faded with the passage of time and the temporary thoughts are very hard to recall even after few hours. (I am talking about the important ones because countless thoughts occur in mind every day)


You will understand this, if you may try to recall the whole day happenings when you go to bed, you will be amazed to know that only a few incidents make a lasting impression on our memory and even those impressions will get erased in few more hours.

People who are involved in doing creative work like painting, writing, music composing etc can easily understand about loss of thoughts if they fail to make a note about the inspiration that flashes all of a sudden in their mind, soon it will be lost!

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