Apart from the five senses, we are also born with a better ability to understand and interpret the world, and that can be termed as “intuition”. Only those who believe in it can make use of it.
As kids we all have used our intuition, every baby follows its inner voice to recognize people who love them.
Some of us do believe in ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) but, they are not able to make use of it as there are certain requirements to develop ESP and we will discuss them in detail here. Continue reading
Before discussing meditation for children, we should first understand that we do meditation as our mind is always overloaded with thoughts that keep us away from the present moment.
Meditation helps us to be a more awake and conscious person, rather than being a slave of our own mind; it brings forth the unconditional love from inside which is our true nature.
Let us now move on to our prime focus:-
However, children are always more in the present moment than us, they have love in their hearts even for the nonliving things and they care about everything in their vicinity so much. Continue reading
We all often make a big mistake by taking our ideas and thoughts for granted, thinking that we can call it out whenever it is required but, do you really remember your thoughts? Ever wondered why we forget the great ideas that come into our mind very often?
Even recurring thoughts soon gets faded with the passage of time and the temporary thoughts are very hard to recall even after few hours. (I am talking about the important ones because countless thoughts occur in mind every day)
You will understand this, if you may try to recall the whole day happenings when you go to bed, you will be amazed to know that only a few incidents make a lasting impression on our memory and even those impressions will get erased in few more hours.
People who are involved in doing creative work like painting, writing, music composing etc can easily understand about loss of thoughts if they fail to make a note about the inspiration that flashes all of a sudden in their mind, soon it will be lost!
In an earlier post named “feeling down without any reason”, we discussed the ways to change your mood when you are feeling gloomy.
One of the ways discussed in that post was to do meditation and I would like to tell you that the best way to stay happy most of the time is to meditate every day.
All the other ways to change your mood could only give you a temporary relief from those states, but by meditating regularly you can have better control over your thoughts which will lead you to have a good mood all day long. Continue reading
To understand this we should watch our thoughts while we do something for others and find out if we are trying to impress them or trying to make them happy.
It does not matter if others think that you are “trying to impress anyone” or “trying to make anyone happy” what matters is what you think, for this let us understand this “Ego Mode” in more detail..
Your ego always wants something from outside in order to feel happy, it looks for appreciation and if it does not get what it wants, then it will make you feel bad about life.
When we do something for others without expecting anything in return then we do not need their praise or any favor to get happy because helping them was a pleasure in itself.
When we always try to get something out of what we are doing our mind gets into a continues turmoil, this will add up to our sadness and the same cycle keeps on continuing.
A person, who always wants something in return for helping others(even if it is just a “thank you”), will find it hard to help others when he gets nothing, such thoughts will make his life miserable. Continue reading
Contrary to most of the traditional philosophies, the universal law of nonresistance says that when you fight against a problem it keeps getting stronger.
We like to wrestle with the obstacles in our path and that is the only way we have ever known fight..fight..fight.. The result? Your problems become insurmountable and you lose all the energy.
I am not saying that you should stop pursuing your goals but what I am saying is to stop thinking about the problem and shift your focus towards the solution.
Breaking the door is not always the solution sometimes you have to stop and take a look at all the other possibilities, who knows? there is a chance that you might be trying to break a door that wasn’t actually locked.
Your mind is a powerful thing and it creates your reality based on the thoughts you think. So, worrying about a problem leads to a bigger problem and when you fight against your problems you kind of get into a never ending trouble that’s why C.G Jung said, “what you resist persists”. Continue reading
It is now a very well known fact that visualization is one of the best ways to train your subconscious mind and to make the law of attraction to work in the desired way; the reason behind this is that on a subtle level our mind uses images for every mode of communication.
So, as we know the importance of visualization now, it is vitally important to know the 3 common creative visualization mistakes that people usually make.
By being aware of these mistakes you can make all the necessary changes in order to make it more effective. Continue reading
Earlier when I used to hear many popular figures on T.V and magazines saying that a book changed their life I used to think “How the hell can a book change someone’s life?”
Bob Proctor, who is my inspiration and one of the well-known figures in the success coaching industries today, has always mentioned in his seminars that the book “Think and Grow Rich” transformed his life.
I knew that there are some psychological effects of reading books but I never trusted that their impact in our life could be so strong that it can transform us.
Now, I have realized that they were speaking the truth and that’s why I am writing this post so that I can share what I have understood about the impact that books can cause in one’s personality. Continue reading
As I have mentioned before one of the most inspirational books I find is Raymond Holiwell’s “Working with The Law“.
The author also recommends that you should read it as much as you can and he puts this in a very beautiful manner by saying “You don’t find something that was missing in the pages before, but you find something that you never saw in yourself before”!
I am reading over and over one of the chapters of this book from last few days because it has a deep meaning and every time it gives me a new insight.
The chapter is the one that teaches us the “Universal Law of Forgiveness”, and in this chapter, the author has explained it in a very nice manner how the impressions in our consciousness could be the cause of many physical diseases. Continue reading
One of the most misunderstood universal laws is the “Law of Karma”.
Some people would limit everything in their life hiding behind the name of karma and some will strongly oppose the existence of anything like “karma”, believing that by doing so they are being courageous.
Well, the people who oppose the existence of anything like “karma” definitely have more control over their lives than those who are not willing to take the responsibility of their lives, but both types of attitude come from the lack of knowledge about the concept behind the law of karma.
Those who believe in the law of attraction could often be seen denying the existence of the law of karma because they assume that the concept of karma says that you don’t have any control over your life and everything is pre-decided, which is not at all true.
The Law of Karma has nothing to do with fatalism.