3 Easy Aura Cleansing Techniques for Everyone

Everything about our lives depends on the state of our energy and that’s why I am going to provide some very simple aura cleansing techniques here that can be used by anyone.

Our energy is always changing depending on what kind of thoughts, ideologies and beliefs we accept, our reality is created by our energetic state.

So, it will prove out to be a very wise step if one focuses towards improving the quality of their energy before they put some effort in the physical plane.

That’s where energy clearing comes in handy because this process helps you to get rid of any blocks in your aura, thus it allows the life force to flow freely. And when that happens, your desires get manifested easily, your emotional state improves, your health gets better, your finances flourishes and you get into the state of flow. Continue reading

Universal Life Secrets Program by Chris D’Cruz Review

In this universal life secrets review, I will be providing you detailed information on this product by Chris D’Cruz which claims to teach you the controversial secrets to creating your own reality.

The website that sells the product has hyped the program so much that anyone who is willing to buy this material will see it as a scam and honestly I was very much annoyed by the claims that they make.

Godlike powers to get anything that you desire within 30 days, becoming a sexual magnet, making people to follow your commands, gaining great psychic abilities and having complete control over every aspect of your life is what this product promises to deliver.

Obviously, I am not going to delude you by saying that all these claims are true, and I know that you probably would have figured that out already, but I will be providing you the information on this product using which you will know what real benefits you can gain from this program.

About the Author

The author of this book is Chris D’Cruz, he is not a famous person, so I had no prior information about him.

However, in the promotions of universal life secrets, he tells us a story about himself that he used to be a poor person and his family struggled to make the ends meet. He had to drop out from the college since he was unable to pay the fees and he failed to find a satisfying job.

The author also tells us that his sexual life was miserable too, since he lacked the confidence to go on dates or to approach any woman.

Depression and frustration caused by the circumstances made the author to read many self help books which also didn’t yield any positive result for him and that’s when a man gave him a visiting card, and then he made the decision to make the call that changed his life.

According to the author the secrets he received in this phone call made him successful in all the areas of his life, especially in dating and finance.

The secrets he talks about is something that he says that successful people are trying to conceal so that no common person could learn it, and the man who taught this to Chris asked him to make this information available to the common people. He is keeping that promise by bringing this program to common people’s awareness.

Well, that’s a good story, very interesting indeed, but hard to believe.

Inside the Package

The program is a collection of PDF files containing valuable information that can teach you a lot about becoming successful in the most important areas of your life. The contents are distributed in 10 different modules that are as follows: –

1 – Life Secrets – This module will show you how you can make the perfect use of each moment so that your life becomes more beautiful.

The Life Secrets book is the main content of the whole program that teaches some great techniques for creating a joyful life; it will help you to be happy and to find the inner peace which is most important in life.

This module shows how to be successful in all the areas of our lives and this book is for everyone.

2 – How to Turn Your Desires and Ideals into Reality – Here you will find some very essential secrets for getting what you desire in life.

3 – Hypnotic Influence – You can get to know some awesome hypnotic techniques for influencing other people in this book.

4 – Your Forces and How to Use Them – This 167 paged PDF book is my favorite because it makes one to realize his true potential.

5 – Networking Magic – A very important module for those who find it hard to mix with others, this will empower you to become good at social meetings. If you are an online business person like me then you will be highly benefited from this information because it helped me a lot to increase my blog’s social presence.

6 – Power of Will – It is the largest PDF book in the series with over 300 pages which teaches some very important facts about a person’s will and how he can affect his reality using his intentions.

7 – The Kama Sutra – The name explains it all, it contains some Kama secrets for a very good sexual life.

8 – The Shy Casanova – As interesting as the title, this PDF book could be life changing for people who have trouble mingling with the opposite sex, you can learn how to flirt with confidence by reading this material.

9 – Finding “the One” – For all those people who are waiting for their soul mate, this book can help you to find the right partner.

10 – Seduction Success Secrets – This is a book that contains some very interesting tricks, methods and secrets for men who want to learn the art of seduction.

Final Advice

By now you may have learned a lot about how beneficial this program could prove out to be for you, on the other hand, I hope you must have also learned what to not expect from it.

Please make your decision by looking at what you are getting in the package rather than what they are promising.

You will not posses any god like power to gain complete control over your life nor will you be more successful with women than James Bond..lol..

Undoubtedly, the author has created a product that can be sold to any man easily, since this is a product based on power and sex, two things that can make any product a huge success.

But looking at what you will be getting at such a low price, I will suggest that buying this program will be a wise decision and here is why I am saying that –

  • I found some very essential hypnotic and body language methods in this program using which one can get very good at influencing people.
  • It includes NLP techniques that you must learn for improving your mind states.
  • The product contains some very good techniques for achieving goals and methods that can help you to make use of your potential much more than any average person.
  • The books incorporates a few very good Kama Sutra tips for people who want to improve their sex life.
  • It contains some of the best advises I have ever received to increase confidence and social skills.
  • I consider it is one of the best material available for teaching dating skills to men, however the product have information that will be equally useful for both men and women, but it contains more nuggets for men.

To know more about this product, you can visit their product website.


I hope you enjoyed this post. For creating the life of your desire I would highly recommend you to try the energy clearing methods that I use.

How did you find this review? Do you have any thoughts about this to share? Please do comment below before leaving, I would love to hear from you. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also mail me your queries at hari@zerotoinfinitude.com, I will be very happy to help you.

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

Dangers of the Victim Mindset and Ways to Change It

There is nothing more destructive than a victim mindset. It ruins relationships, it kills marriages, it leads to self-destruction and collectively it also causes wars.

It is hard to know when we fall for the idea of being a victim as it seems so real that we don’t even get a chance to doubt it. Yes, everyone in this world feels like a victim on some level during various phases of their lives, but there are people for whom it has become their ultimate truth.

You cannot make your life beautiful if you harbor the beliefs that tell you that your life is an effect of what the world and society does.

See, when things go wrong, it is natural to feel like a victim, but how your life will get shaped from there depends on whether you choose to be a victim forever or you want to raise above such thoughts. Continue reading

Is Lucid Dreaming Safe? – Possible Dangers of Conscious Dreaming

Being a dream explorer who can control their world is obviously a very amazing thing, but is lucid dreaming really safe?

Anyone who is new to conscious dreaming might have such questions in their mind and I too had the same kind of worries initially.

People have a plethora of things to say about it, but it has never put me into any serious trouble, so I am pretty much sure that it is safe for me.

However, I will leave it up to you to decide whether it is good for you or not by making you aware of a few possible troubles you might have to deal with as a conscious dreamer.

I have faced some of these lucid dreaming dangers whereas the rest is what I have only heard from others, either way, you can know what to expect while trying to have lucid dreams by reading this post. Continue reading

Matthew Norman’s Vibrational Manifestation Review

In this Vibrational Manifestation product review, I will be providing all the necessary information about this program created by Matthew Norman which will help you to make a well thought buying decision.spiritualguide

Norman claims that he has found a secret that most of the law of attraction programs doesn’t teach.

Based on this particular secret he promotes this product. Honestly, I didn’t like the way he belittles all the essential tools like affirmations and visualizations by putting a lot of emphasize on just the intuitive guidance part because all the techniques work collectively to make things happen and not just one. Continue reading

What Are Paraliminals – Do They Really Work?

One very good tool that is often used by many self-improvement programs nowadays are Paraliminals and it has gained a lot of popularity recently.

Since every day marketers come up with a new concept and technique, you may be confused whether Paraliminals really work or if it is just another over hyped technique. That’s why in this post I will be talking about these audio tracks in detail which will clear all the doubts that you may be having in your mind about it.

When I first tried an audio of this type, I felt very relaxed and positive, even though I was not able to comprehend what was being said, I enjoyed it and knew that those positive words were sinking deep into my subconscious mind. Continue reading

8 Best Law of Attraction Techniques for Easy Manifestation

It has been a very long time since I started to explore the self-help world and I have learned one very important thing about our creative power that like any other skill it also is honed with persistent efforts and practice.

Doesn’t matter if you are a personal development guru or a beginner, you use the same power and the universal laws to create your reality.

The difference between those who fail and the those who succeed depends on their ability to change themselves(inner beliefs) in a way that they become vibrationally aligned with their dreams.

Manifestation is all about changing the frequency of your vibrational state by altering your subconscious beliefs and the tool that helps you to do that most effectively and quickly is what you should choose. Continue reading

Dream Yoga – Sleeping with Heightened Level of Awareness

It has been a very long time since I started to learn about lucid dreaming, but I don’t know why, I have never been so curious about dream yoga before.

All I ever wanted to do was to enjoy my dream world as a virtual reality and also to explore the dream world to find solutions to some real life issues using lucid dreaming. Even though I heard about dream yoga many a times, I never took time to learn about it in detail.

Due to lack of knowledge I considered it as some practice similar to lucid dreaming where one might be meditating or doing some spiritual stuff inside dreams. Then I stumbled upon a few of Andrew Holecek’s works that really made me very curious about dream yoga and that’s when I realized that dream yoga is a lot different than lucid dreaming. Continue reading

Review of “The Amazing You” Program by Marion & Alvin

I stumbled upon this program recently that’s created by Marion Neubronner which she has prepared along with Alvin in order to help people to find their peace of mind while pursuing their life goals successfully. In this the amazing you review I will be providing my honest opinion on this product so that you could make a well thought buying decision.250x250b

First of all, I want to say “please don’t believe in the promotional videos of this product” because in that case you will feel like you have accidentally ordered some other product later on.

Yes, trust me, all I knew before getting the eBook was that I was about to learn something called the “brain gap” which is growing among people and this stuff works like smart drugs to fix that and allows people to use their mind’s true potential.

Alvin says that the author of this book, Marion Neubronner who is a Harvard trained psychologist met him at an event, she taught him and his team something so life changing that they had to make it available for common people as only a few successful people were having that knowledge. Continue reading

Dream Yoga or Lucid Dreaming – What Will You Choose?

In a post I published earlier on the importance and significance of the reality checks for lucid dreaming, I shared a realization I had about what differentiates our waking life from the dream world.

This new way of looking at my dreams made me more curious and with a little research, I found that dream yoga was the answer to my questions.

As a lucid dreaming beginner, I was obsessed with doing things in my dreams that are impossible in the real-life like flying, going to beautiful places, meeting people from my past, visiting my childhood house, etc.

However, with time, experience and knowledge gained from some very awesome lucid dreaming based products, I learned that lucid dreaming can also be used for various higher purposes like problem solving, personal development and even spiritual growth.

Talking about spiritual growth, I always thought that dream yoga is not much different from lucid dreaming, but I was wrong. Even though both involves conscious dreaming, they are two entirely different processes. Continue reading

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