Turn Sleep Paralysis and False Awakenings into a Lucid Dream

Do you get sleep paralysis or false awakenings frequently? If yes, then by reading this post you will learn some working methods that can turn both of these troublesome experiences into a lucid dream.

Usually, people are more afraid of sleep paralysis, but for me it is the false awakening loops that make life difficult because it has caused disruption in my sleep cycles for a very long time and sometimes it regularly nags me for more than a week.

Sleep paralysis on the other hand is not that scary to me as it is for other people since I learned to deal with it very early when I came to know about what lucid dreaming is.

The good news is that you can convert these two lucid dreaming problems into an opportunity to have a lucid dream and that’s what I am going to talk about in this post. Continue reading

The Power Quadrant Review – Scam or Real?

I would have never written this review of the Power Quadrant System if someone would have told me what it is before I checked their site out or if I didn’t see so many power quadrant websites with irrelevant content under the google review searches that provides no information on whether this product is genuine or scam.

Honestly, when I decided to buy this product for reviewing I thought that it is a personal development product that might be teaching some ways to achieve success by knowing one’s true purpose in life, but then I came to know that it is some ancient calendar crap which promises to decode the destiny that was imbued in our DNA when we were born.

I don’t believe that we are destined to be someone before we took birth and I never buy the idea that stars or calendar can say anything about ourselves.

But I tried the power quadrant product because it was available at a very low price and since there is a dearth of proper information about this product in the review sites.

What Is the Power Quadrant System?

According to the makers, our key to a successful life is coded in our DNA and by using the right calendar calculation we can determine the right path to make things happen effortlessly.

This calendar they talk about is not the one we are using right now, it is an ancient calendar that lost its existence when the Roman’s took over the world and introduced the new calendar.

The makers point out a few faults in our calendar, some of which I already knew like this calendar initially had 10 months and October was so named because it was the eight month (octo – 8) in it.

They also say that the new calendar misses an entire moon cycle, well I don’t know about that, but how could all this affect our lives? I really don’t know.. but the makers say it does!

About the Creators of the Quadrant System

This product is created by the couple, Ric and Liz, they discovered this calendar, and it helped them during an unfavorable situation where their company was going through a bad phase, which affected their financial situation and inner peace, hence they were losing hope.

The calendar told them that Liz was not doing a work which was of her type, so they did what was right and it fixed everything.

They came to know about this stuff that they call as the ancient calendar and DNA decoder when it was introduced to them by an old lady who told them stories about a stone that was discovered in the year 1600. This stone has a calendar was carved in it, a calendar that helps people to take the right decisions and it was used by the ancient civilizations to live a happy life that they actually came to live here on earth.

Ric says that he and Liz did a ten year long research on this and tested these codes on people, using what they learned and things that worked, they have prepared this power quadrant system. They say that the only purpose of this program was to spread the secret that they have come to know.

The makers don’t claim that this discovery is theirs and they say that you will find a lot of information about this calendar in many other places, but what they have done is just a simplification of a process that could take years for anyone to complete.

Inside the Package

The program is all about the 53-minute audio track that teaches you everything that you actually need to know about yourself using the ancient calendar.

In those 53 minutes you will know your codes using which you can make the perfect decisions in your life.

This material especially focuses on two main things i.e. career and soul mate. So you will learn to know which is the right profession for you using the codes and you can match these codes to find out who could be your ideal soul mate.

This audio talks about a color system using which you will be able to identify under which color your personality fall. Thus it will reveal what type of people will support you and who will cause you trouble depending on the color match.

You will be able to know your spouse’s code and learn why the problems in your relationships exist.

In this 53 minute audio you will understand why what you are doing is not yielding the results that you want and what you should be doing instead, it will reveal your life purpose and the gifts with which you were born.

You will also get a workbook to make the essential notes.

There are some bonus materials available with the product right now: –

1 Real Life Legends Club Test Drive

You will get a onetime free VIP access to a club where a lot of interviews with the greatest names in the personal development industry are uploaded frequently. You will find the interviews of some very big names like Tony Robbins, John Gray, Neal Donald Walsh etc. and the collection has more than 46 interviews right now.

But this is just a one month subscription and you will have to pay for the further access.

2 Books

You will get two books for free if you buy the product right now, the books are “change your mind, change your life” and “action blueprint” that teaches you various stuff about how you can create a better life using various principles.

These bonuses may vary from time to time, you will have to check out the product website to know what they are offering presently.

My Opinion

Alright, we have reached to the most important part of this review, the conclusion. First of all, after doing my research I came to know that there exists such an ancient calendar which can help people with their important decisions just like astrology, I didn’t believe in it and neither do I believe in astrology.

After following this program, a few good things happened, I won’t deny that, but since I do a lot of personal development activities, I can’t give the credit to this program with certainty for what I received. However I suggested it to a friend who is crazy about such things and he said that it works, but I don’t think it worked for me.

One thing that kept me thinking was the question why this program is available for such a low price? Because this audio contained things in detail about this calendar that isn’t available elsewhere, so if I was selling it, I would have kept the price high.

However, I got my answer soon. See, the real life legends club to which they are giving a initial free access is a real gem because it contains such valuable interviews that it will leave you wanting more, so you will eventually end up paying for the whole subscription. Hence according to me this product is available for such a low price so that they could get you into this club maybe.

For more information, you can visit the product website here.


I hope you enjoyed this post. If you want to achieve some big goals, then I suggest you to try the methods that I use for clearing energy blocks and eliminate limiting subconscious beliefs.

How did you find this review? Do you have any thoughts about this to share? Please do comment below before leaving, I would love to hear from you. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also mail me at hari@zerotoinfinitude.com, I will be very happy to help you.

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

Simple Techniques to Build an Abundance Mindset

If you want to live a peaceful life, then it is very essential for you to build an abundance mindset because everything in our life depends on how we view the world.

With a little awareness of the workings of your mind and actions you can see how you are controlled by the types of beliefs you hold on both innate as well as surface levels.

To a little extent you can even know about how your mind manipulates the information you receive through your senses so that it could validate your convictions.

You can do this by observing your thoughts every now and then, but to realize how your outer world is created by your inner world it takes a lot of persistent efforts. Continue reading

Scarcity Mentality vs. Abundance Mentality

The whole world population can be divided into two categories based on how people view the world, as those with scarcity mindset and the ones who have the abundance mindset.

The scarcity mentality is the cause behind all fear based actions, whereas abundance mentality is what gives rise to the actions that are based on love.

Both types of the thinking are actually two sides of the same coin, it is not necessary that you will fall into one category based on your thoughts about one particular area or phase of your life.

We all adapt one of these two mindsets depending on our life situations, but by knowing it you can deliberately get to the right side by changing your attitude towards life. Continue reading

Carol Tuttle’s Soulprint Healing Review

The bad luck over which we often feel that we have no control makes our lives very difficult, we feel constrained by some invisible wall when we fail to achieve our goals even after trying multiple times.

Carol Tuttle, a very well known energy therapist calls this wall the “energy imprint” that has been passed down to us from our ancestors.


I just got to know that this product is not available anymore, but I have a latest and more advanced recommendation for you – Check out my review and personal experience of Jeffery Allen’s Duality program where he teaches how you can heal your energy and keep your chakras in a healthy state. This is one of the best energy healing programs I have ever come across.


According to her, these energy patterns that we have inherited from our ancestors has been with us since our birth and it is what creates pain, struggle and suffering in our lives.

Carol says that our soul knows the right path, but these energy imprints makes it difficult for us to hear our soul’s voice and thus it blocks us from getting aligned with the universe to manifest our desires.

The energy patterns I am talking about here are resulted from the limiting beliefs that are deeply ingrained in our minds, this discord in our energy system makes us to take wrong decisions that are based on fear rather than doing what we truly want.

Soulprint healing program is based on Carol Tuttle’s energy healing methods that work on these invisible energy walls so that people could use the power of their unique “soulprint”.

What Is Soulprint?

This is a word I heard for the very first time, so it took a while for me to actually make any sense of it. Carol calls it as the lens through which the light of your soul shines.

From what I have come to know, it is the true expression of one’s soul which helps a person to manifest his desires and enables him to live a life that he truly wants by eliminating all the inner conflicts that stops one from experiencing the inner peace and joy.

Who Is Carol Tuttle?

If you are someone who has been exploring personal development programs, then you might be already well familiar with Carol.

Carol Tuttle has been helping people from all around the world to make their lives better using her knowledge of energy healing. She has been followed by thousands of people as her methods have been super effective in restoring people’s physical, emotional and mental health.

She has been an energy healer for more than 20 years, but her story before that is quite interesting. She has faced all kinds of extreme financial, physical, mental and emotional troubles before she discovered the spiritual way of setting things right, Carol believes that particular phase of her life was something called as the dark night of the soul in metaphysical terms.

Carol worked on the energy patterns that were creating all the problems in her life, gradually she solved those issues with the help of energy healing, and through this program she wants those methods to reach people who want to create some major positive changes in their lives.

Soulprint Healing Program

This program is a 12-week step by step training course that will work on your energy to release the “soul contract” that you have made unknowingly which causes the struggle in your life and all kind of energy imprints that blocks the complete expression of your higher self.

Soul Contracts – According to the maker of this program we all have made some “soul contracts” when we took birth, that makes us to go through some difficult phases so that we could grow spiritually. But spiritual growth doesn’t really needs to happen through difficult ways.

Your soulprint helps you to break through these soul contracts and it also liberates you from all the inner child stories that keep creating problems in your life.

The course is prepared by blending various energy clearing techniques to create what Carol considers as the most powerful form of spiritual healing i.e. “soulprint healing”.

Your soulprint is your true power using which you can create a beautiful life of your desire, it will help you to hear your heart’s voice so that you could make the right choices that will solve all your life issues.

Energy clearing you will receive from this program is a permanent one which will stay with you for the rest of your life.

The course is a twelve week program where you will attend a new class every week for learning various important things about your energy and how it affects various areas of your life, and it will equip you with some very powerful techniques for eliminating the negative imprints in your aura.

These techniques are taken from various energy healing modalities like meridian therapy, chakra healing, soul contract healing etc.

Since the program is a complete 12 week training, you get enough time to practice and put into use what you learn each week. All these classes will liberate your soul from all the energy patterns that were not allowing its light to shine.

Along with the classes you will also get 12 soulprint readings, a soul contract clearing every week and access to an online community consisting of like minded people.

Bonus Materials

You will also receive some cool bonus materials with this program that are: –

The Higher Chakra System – This is a program that focuses on activating 5 higher chakras that are different from the usual 7 chakras we know.

Energy Tapping for Affluence – This program is an assistant product to soulprint healing as you can use this to get rid of the negative energies trying to come back to your system after the clearing sessions.

They can add more stuff or change these materials with time, please check the product website to know what’s available right now.

Final Advice

I have always been a big fan of Carol Tuttle’s work and this product was an entirely new experience for me, even though the techniques and methods were not that much new to me but what I got from the weekly classes was really priceless.

Apart from the positive change in my energy, I also got to see some amazing manifestation after attending these classes and I learned a lot about how my energy got influenced by other people’s energies which made me to go through troubles that were not actually mine.

The best thing about the program is that I am now able to use this knowledge to help others.

As you might have already noticed that I am very positive about this course and I will definitely recommend it to you, but it is a 12 week of training which will need some serious efforts from your side, so opt for it only when you are ready to spend that much time on this material.


I hope you enjoyed this post. You may also be interested in knowing about the method to spiritually heal yourself from the emotional pain.

What are your views on energy healing methods? I would love to hear from you on this, so, please do leave your comments below before leaving. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also email me your queries at hari@zerotoinfinitude.com, I will be very happy to help you.

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

7 Ways to Include the Law of Attraction in Everyday Life

Once a person learns about their creative power, it becomes very important for them to put this knowledge into practical use, for doing this, one will have to make a few changes in their lifestyle in a way that the principles of the law of attraction becomes a part of their everyday life.

Many people judge the believers of LOA as lazy wimps because according to them this whole concept is all about daydreaming. It’s not, in truth learning to use one’s creative power requires serious and persistent efforts. Continue reading

Jeffrey Allen’s Duality Program Review

You will be getting all the essential information in this Jeffery Allen’s Duality program review that is required to make a well thought buying decision.duality reviews mindvalley

This product is an energy healing based one which claims to improve your life in all ways by clearing the energy blocks that makes it difficult for you to achieve your goals or create various problems in your life.

Jeffery has a very strong reason behind all these works; he makes us realize the true nature of reality.

Quantum physics tells us that everything is energy; we all are surrounded by countless invisible entities which we know exist, like the air, radio waves, electricity, etc.

Similarly, we all have an invisible energy body present around our physical body that is also referred as the aura and now people have also found a way to view it using some type of photography.

The concept of energy healing as discussed in many ancient philosophies says that everything we experience in this physical world is due to our energetic state and by combining various spiritual cleansing modalities Jeffery has created this program that will work on your energy system so that you could live a better life.

We all know that sometimes when we try too hard to accomplish something or solve a life problem, it just keeps getting worse. That’s because energetically our efforts are working the other way around. Trying to set things right in the physical world without doing any inner work is like trying to fix the mirror for changing one’s appearance.

In this course, you will get some top notch methods to do all the inner work that’s imperative when you are trying to fix something in your life. You will learn to align yourself with your energy, find out all the blocks that are needed to be cleared and most importantly, you will learn to clear those blocks on your own. Continue reading

Mindsets That Causes Money Issues in Relationships

It is essential for us to understand the factors that causes money issues in relationships because without this knowledge we may invite a lot of problems in our lives.

Most of the unsuccessful marriages usually have a lot to do with their financial situations, sometimes it is obvious whereas in most cases, people don’t actually know that the real reason behind the conflict is money.

I am not saying that money is to be blamed for the hatred that arises in the hearts of people for others, actually “money” as an entity has nothing to do with it, the subconscious beliefs that people hold about wealth is what creates the distance. Continue reading

Marisa Peer’s Uncompromised Life Program Review

For centuries hypnotherapy has proved itself as a life transforming technique and in this “Uncompromised Life” review I will be giving you detailed information on this product that is prepared by the world famous hypnotherapist Marisa Peers.hypnotherapy marisa peer

This program has some very powerful and effective tools to offer you using which you will be able to make the necessary alteration in your mindset that is essential for a person who aims to live a successful life.

There is a reason why most people fail to achieve their biggest goals even after putting a lot of efforts, there is one very crucial difference that separate the most successful people from the rest of the crowd which Marisa has identified after working with some very famous personalities, sportsmen and celebrities.

It is the story of almost every average person, they set goals and start working towards it, but half way down they lose all the enthusiasm and strength to proceed any further.

The one root cause behind all this that I have been pointing towards till now is our mind’s resistance to the unfamiliar; we all are programmed to stay away from what is unknown to us and this is why we all fear change, due to this when we try to make some lifestyle changes our thoughts start to work against us.

According to Marisa, success is an unfamiliar thing to the minds of people who struggle and this is why her whole program’s main purpose is to make your mind accustomed to success using hypnotherapy because once that happens, it becomes easy for you to achieve all your current goals. Continue reading

Lucid Dream without Sleep Paralysis – 7 Essential Tips

If you are trying to find out how to lucid dream without sleep paralysis, then you have reached the right place because I am going to share a few tips here that can help you.

One of the most feared lucid dream experiences is sleep paralysis and I am well aware that many people stop trying to lucid dream once it happens to them.

First of all, it is not at all necessary that you will have to face sleep paralysis only if you are into lucid dreaming, it can happen to anyone.

If in any way your sleep pattern is altered there is a possibility that you might experience this state, but obviously those who use various lucid dreaming techniques are more likely to experience it than others. Continue reading

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