The Confidence beyond Belief System Review

Welcome to my unbiased, detailed confidence beyond belief review where we will find out if this product is really as it promises or if it is just another scam.Steve G. Jones Confidance Hypnosis

If you are someone who keeps exploring the personal development world, then you might be already familiar with Steve G. Jones and if you are not, then I would like to inform you that when it is about personal development with the use of hypnosis there is no one better than him in the world today, he is a renowned hypnotherapist who has helped many people through his works for more than 25 years and he has created many successful digital products.

This confidence beyond belief product is a result of a combined effort from Dr. Steve G. Jones and Brad Yates who is an expert EFT trainer.

The purpose of this product is well explained by Steve Jones which I complete agree with, as I know how important it is to train your subconscious mind if you want to achieve success in any area of your life.

And obviously when a person’s conscious intention is in conflict with his subconscious beliefs, he can never succeed, no matter how hard he tries. Jones says that our reality is created by our inner mind and to change it, we have to tweak our root beliefs.

Confidence is what enables a person to make powerful decisions and it is the same thing that’s essential to sustain a course of action once you have initiated it.

Something that evokes a strong emotion in us is acting beyond the layer of our conscious mind so confidence is a result of a core subconscious belief.

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What belief?? It’s the belief in one’s own ability, and if you have this ingrained in your inner mind then nothing can stop you.

We know this don’t we? We have seen this in the lives of the most successful people and whenever we see a sportsman making that winning move we get a sense of the truth that his confidence in what he does is what makes him a winner. Our only problem is that we don’t know how to develop that level of confidence.

So, can this program help us in doing that? Well, let’s see..

Inside the Package

The makers say that they have prepared the course in a way that it becomes like a home therapy for you. That’s right; according to them it is like getting therapy sessions from the experts.

The first module is a complete tele-seminar from Brad Yates.

Steve G. Jones created this system using his experience in hypnotherapy but felt that something was missing in the product.

Whenever a person thinks about making a decision, the negative emotion is what stops him. So, he had to find something using which people can deal with such dis-empowering emotions and EFT was the right solution. According to Jones, Brad Yates is the best person for this purpose as he is one of the most successful EFT trainers.

In this tele-seminar you will get some great information on overcoming fears that are like iron walls in your path to success like- the fear of change or the fear of failure. You will also get to know the ways to develop self love and something which he calls “level 10” confidence.

Next, is a recording series from Steve G. Jones named the Ultimate Confidence Hypnosis which is specially designed to do all the essential mind reprogramming that will lead to the confidence that will change your life.

Apart from this, it also focuses on various other self development things that are equally important like self worth, intuition, communication skills, positive mindset etc.

Finally- A section that they have labelled as “Confidential conversation with EFT wizard Brad Yates and hypnosis expert Steve G. Jones”

This is my favorite part because it shows you how to use all the information received from the previous modules and what makes it even better is the video demonstration which includes both of these experts.

Jones did not want this to be something from which people will just learn and then forget about applying the methods.

And that’s why in this part you will see Steve G. Jones performing a hypnosis confidence session on Brad, while he performs an EFT confidence tapping on Jones, that’s what makes this confidence beyond belief program awesome.

It also includes various methods to implant confidence permanently in you, plus you will also learn success mindset building techniques, stress relief methods, EFT mastery and a lot more. This part teaches a lot about tapping.

Final Advice

Overall, I liked this product and I would recommend it to anyone who understands the importance of confidence or is troubled by low confidence.

I will also suggest you to opt for it if you are interested in EFT methods. I cannot say that it is among the best programs out there, but looking at the price I think it is worth to spend your money on it.

If you are willing to invest your time and effort then I believe you can really benefit a lot from this program.

To know more about this product, please visit the product website.


If you want to learn the methods I use to clear limiting beliefs, then check out my post:- Allow Your Abundance

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