How to Stop Eating at Night after Dinner

In this post, I will be talking about the methods that will help you to know how to stop eating at night even when you are full.

Many people (not necessarily the overweight ones) are addicted to this habit of eating food during night time, it is also known as the night eating syndrome.

Eating with any other purpose apart from to satisfy hunger is called emotional eating or binge eating which should be stopped in order to be healthy both physically as well as mentally.

Undoubtedly binge eating at night keeps on adding extra pounds to the body weight of a person but what is less known is that it intensifies various emotional problems.

Eating to feel better or to escape from various kinds of mind states is a habit developed by a person unconsciously so, it becomes very essential to know the emotional causes behind such addictions and act on it.

What I am going to discuss with you below is some ways using which you can put an end to binge eating at night, however, if you find that the reason behind it is some serious emotional issue then I will strongly advise you to take necessary steps to treat it because in that case even after getting rid of this habit your mind will find a new addiction. Continue reading

Attracting Right Customers-Law of Attraction and Business

When it is about law of attraction and business there something very important to understand which actually runs the whole show of profit and loss.

If you are a person who is willing to build a successful business or if you are someone who is trying to improve your business then what I am going to write here would be really of great use to you.

Due to the common belief system present in our society most people focus too much on actions when they are willing to create a source of income by selling things.

Believe it or not, your success as a businessman completely depends on your mindset and the flow of money gets decided by the nature of your relationship with money.

Haven’t you seen hard working people failing to make profits whereas those who are less focused on actions making a lot of profits?

I am not saying that you shouldn’t be taking actions instead law of attraction requires action but, what I am trying to convey here is first you should work on your inner beliefs about your business and then take required actions. Continue reading

6 Common Characteristics of Highly Intuitive People

Many people use their intuition in different ways but, there are few characteristics of highly intuitive people which separates them from the rest. We all use our intuition in various day to day decisions, some of us do it knowingly whereas some believe that their past experiences have trained them to make the right decisions based on something which is higher than logic.

Usually, people believe that the psychic abilities are meant only for some special people and no one else could acquire it, well that’s a lie anyone can develop their intuition with practice. However, there are people who are naturally good in using their sixth sense.

Since such people are little different from normal people they deliberately hide their true nature by pretending to be normal so that they don’t appear weird in front of others, this mostly happens in their childhood and gradually they forget their true nature completely.

The intuitive skill is never lost so, even when they don’t know about their gift they have it and these are few characteristics which can tell if someone belongs to that category. Continue reading

Dealing with False Hunger-How to Stop Emotional Eating

In this post, we will see how to stop emotional eating which is a very common habit found in people who are facing severe as well as small emotional troubles.

Emotional eating in simple words when you eat to feel good rather than to satisfy hunger.

Many food companies use this “food and mood” relationship to boost up their sales with the help of marketing strategies that promotes the idea that their product can make people happy.

You are very lucky if you are able to discern that you have a habit of eating not just to satisfy hunger but for seeking some kind of relief or mental satisfaction from food because most people don’t even know that they have this problem.

People who are indulged in binge eating can be seen keeping something to eat beside them while doing various other activities and they also overeat without realizing that they are already full. Continue reading

4 Deep Breathing Exercises for Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety has become a common problem in our planet nowadays, that’s why I am bringing a few simple deep breathing exercises for anxiety treatment in this post using which you can successfully get rid of your anxiety issues.

Unfortunately, people rely more on therapists and pills to treat their emotional problem which in some cases is indeed essential but, what most people fail to understand is that the simple practice of conscious breathing can prove out to be an amazing tool for achieving the peace of mind.

It is not the practice but the lack of faith which results into the failure of a person to leverage these techniques. Continue reading

How to Deal with Anger and Depression on Your Own

I am going to share a few methods in this post that will show you how to deal with anger and depression using natural ways.

The hustle and bustle of the modern world has made depression and anger to become an epidemic illness but, fortunately we have some natural methods available using which we can effectively deal with both of these afflictions.

Anger and depression together can kill the peace of mind of an individual causing them to suffer more than what one can imagine.

When a person’s energy is out of their control it results into anger, on the other hand depression makes one to feel a total loss of energy, both are completely different states because one makes a person to act in a chaotic manner whereas the other takes away their power to act.

Despite of the differences, these two menaces are often found mutually working to make many lives difficult.

We will look at a common cause here which results into these two mind states and by fixing that we can successfully overcome both.

Depression is the cause behind anger and anger again results into depression so they keep on perpetuating each other, that’s why if we can get rid of one state the other will naturally cease to exist. Continue reading

Insight Meditation-How to Do Vipassana Meditation?

This post will inform you about how to do vipassana meditation and what it is in simple words.

The vipassana meditation is probably the most famous meditation practice because it is believed that it was taught by Buddha.

Since it has been existing for more than thousands of years, this practice is the basis of many other Buddhist meditation techniques.

Insight Meditation

This technique is also called as the insight meditation because the aim of this method is to make you see things “as they are”.

By saying “as they are” I am referring to the purest form of any entity that you observe.

Buddha already knew what we are discovering nowadays that all our sense of reality is based on the information received by our mind when it was getting developed.

In other words, our perception of reality is completely dependent on the beliefs, concepts and ideas present in our subconscious mind.

So, what we think as “reality” is created by our minds by filtering the actual information that is received by our senses and that’s why every person’s experience of a same event varies. Continue reading

How to Use Subconscious Mind Power Techniques to Achieve Your Goals

In this post, I will be talking about how you can use subconscious mind power techniques to have success in any area of your life.

If you will observe closely then you will find that there is always a unique pattern in everyone’s life which keeps on showing up again and again in various forms. That’s why many of us often wonder – Why this always happens to me?

You can find this in schools, colleges, workplaces, etc. that two equally skilled people get totally different results.

We call it luck when we see a person succeeding with total ease whereas a hard working person struggles.

Ever thought that there might be a reason behind this which is much deeper than the speculative term that we use for such happenings i.e. “luck”? Could there be something very obvious which we are refusing to see?

There is a quote by Abraham Lincoln “If I had 6 hours to chop down a tree, I would spend the first four hours sharpening the axe”. Isn’t it a more sensible thought that the winner who is termed as “lucky” just has a sharp axe and the loser gave their everything to strike the tree for the whole day as harder as possible without sharpening their axe?

This is actually the truth, our success in any area of our life depends on our subconscious mind’s conditioning. Continue reading

How to Use a Vision Board to Activate the Law of Attraction

In this post, I will be talking about how to use a vision board to activate the law of attraction because many people fail to understand the actual purpose of vision boards in the manifestation process.

The documentary which went viral in the year 2006 “the secret” promoted the concept that we all create our lives by attracting the events using what we think, feel and believe. Cast of this documentary also provided few tools using which people could use their creative ability to get desired results and one among those tools was vision boards.

Vision boards is among the least used LOA tools because it requires time and involvement of the person, but this habit can really alter your reality(if done properly).

I used that term “activate” just for the sake of explanation, in reality you cannot activate the universal laws because they are already at work all the time but you can activate the vibration in your energy field which matches your desire. Continue reading

7 Activities That Helps to Fight Depression without Medication

In this post, we will look at a few activities that can very effectively help anyone to fight depression without medication.

It is best if you can get a professional help to treat depression, still there are ways using which you can see significant improvement in your emotional state.

Nowadays, a large part of the world population is suffering from this affliction and the use of anti-depression drugs has increased more than ever before.

We are treating the symptoms without caring about the cause.

What could be the cause of this illness that’s growing along with the progress of modern life?

Definitely, this problem has a lot to do with the lifestyle changes occurring with the speeding advancement of our world.

So, some of the methods I am going to suggest you here using which you can overcome depression are actually something which was a part of the common lifestyle of people belonging to the previous generations. They may appear very simple to you but, don’t judge their effectiveness without trying. Continue reading

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