The Universal Law of Compensation-Give Your Best Always

Without any doubt, the universal law of compensation has been very much misunderstood by people. They especially consider it as the subtext of the usual modern phrases like “karma is a b****”.

I want you to be open-minded while you read this post by putting aside the negativity that your mind may have associated with this law.

This law can be summarized by this famous proverb “You reap what you sow” but, hardly ever people look at it without any preconceived notion. You have to look at this phrase without any judgment to get the real essence of what it says “you reap what you sow”, that simply means that you get results in accordance to your actions.

When I say action, you would have thought that I am talking about what we do physically at any moment, that’s because we all forget that “thinking” is also an action. In fact, physical activity is just an outcome that’s governed by various other factors that we will discuss later in this post. Continue reading

The Confidence beyond Belief System Review

Welcome to my unbiased, detailed confidence beyond belief review where we will find out if this product is really as it promises or if it is just another scam.Steve G. Jones Confidance Hypnosis

If you are someone who keeps exploring the personal development world, then you might be already familiar with Steve G. Jones and if you are not, then I would like to inform you that when it is about personal development with the use of hypnosis there is no one better than him in the world today, he is a renowned hypnotherapist who has helped many people through his works for more than 25 years and he has created many successful digital products.

This confidence beyond belief product is a result of a combined effort from Dr. Steve G. Jones and Brad Yates who is an expert EFT trainer.

The purpose of this product is well explained by Steve Jones which I complete agree with, as I know how important it is to train your subconscious mind if you want to achieve success in any area of your life.

And obviously when a person’s conscious intention is in conflict with his subconscious beliefs, he can never succeed, no matter how hard he tries. Jones says that our reality is created by our inner mind and to change it, we have to tweak our root beliefs.

Confidence is what enables a person to make powerful decisions and it is the same thing that’s essential to sustain a course of action once you have initiated it.

Something that evokes a strong emotion in us is acting beyond the layer of our conscious mind so confidence is a result of a core subconscious belief.

What belief?? It’s the belief in one’s own ability, and if you have this ingrained in your inner mind then nothing can stop you.

We know this don’t we? We have seen this in the lives of the most successful people and whenever we see a sportsman making that winning move we get a sense of the truth that his confidence in what he does is what makes him a winner. Our only problem is that we don’t know how to develop that level of confidence.

So, can this program help us in doing that? Well, let’s see..

Inside the Package

The makers say that they have prepared the course in a way that it becomes like a home therapy for you. That’s right; according to them it is like getting therapy sessions from the experts.

The first module is a complete tele-seminar from Brad Yates.

Steve G. Jones created this system using his experience in hypnotherapy but felt that something was missing in the product.

Whenever a person thinks about making a decision, the negative emotion is what stops him. So, he had to find something using which people can deal with such dis-empowering emotions and EFT was the right solution. According to Jones, Brad Yates is the best person for this purpose as he is one of the most successful EFT trainers.

In this tele-seminar you will get some great information on overcoming fears that are like iron walls in your path to success like- the fear of change or the fear of failure. You will also get to know the ways to develop self love and something which he calls “level 10” confidence.

Next, is a recording series from Steve G. Jones named the Ultimate Confidence Hypnosis which is specially designed to do all the essential mind reprogramming that will lead to the confidence that will change your life.

Apart from this, it also focuses on various other self development things that are equally important like self worth, intuition, communication skills, positive mindset etc.

Finally- A section that they have labelled as “Confidential conversation with EFT wizard Brad Yates and hypnosis expert Steve G. Jones”

This is my favorite part because it shows you how to use all the information received from the previous modules and what makes it even better is the video demonstration which includes both of these experts.

Jones did not want this to be something from which people will just learn and then forget about applying the methods.

And that’s why in this part you will see Steve G. Jones performing a hypnosis confidence session on Brad, while he performs an EFT confidence tapping on Jones, that’s what makes this confidence beyond belief program awesome.

It also includes various methods to implant confidence permanently in you, plus you will also learn success mindset building techniques, stress relief methods, EFT mastery and a lot more. This part teaches a lot about tapping.

Final Advice

Overall, I liked this product and I would recommend it to anyone who understands the importance of confidence or is troubled by low confidence.

I will also suggest you to opt for it if you are interested in EFT methods. I cannot say that it is among the best programs out there, but looking at the price I think it is worth to spend your money on it.

If you are willing to invest your time and effort then I believe you can really benefit a lot from this program.

To know more about this product, please visit the product website.


If you want to learn the methods I use to clear limiting beliefs, then check out my post:- Allow Your Abundance

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The Universal Law of Increase-Focus on the Good

Be in a state of joy thinking of what is good in your life and you will have more of it by the universal law of increase.

If you are a spiritual person then you might already know the benefits of being grateful because when you are ungrateful and you constantly think of what is unpleasant in your life by the same law you will get more of it, there is no exception to it.

Have you seen people cry when they pray?

Of course, you would have because that is how most people do it. Some of them even believe that the more you shed tears the more is the chance of your prayer getting answered but do they really get what they want?

They see God as some person with superpowers in front of whom they have to beg and cry to get what they want.

But that is a false thinking. If you will cry, you will get more reasons to cry. If prayer is an act of faith then why should one be mournful?

Always remember – What you believe, feel and expect, that will happen, so, in your prayer be grateful and by the law you will attract more situations to say “thanks” to “all that is”. Continue reading

The Connection between Weight Loss and Mind Conditioning

In this post, we are going to see how weight loss and the mind conditioning of a person is related and the role of our subconscious beliefs in deciding our body shape.

Earlier people would have never accepted the idea that a person’s body weight could be a result of the ideas ingrained in their subconscious mind, but now it is becoming more and more evident that weight loss has a lot to do with a person’s mind and their relationship with food.

For some people, it would be very difficult to accept that “weight loss is all in the mind” however, we know it very well that even stringent diet plans and rigorous exercises have failed to work for thousands of people, and many of those who have succeeded would find themselves gaining the weight back within a few months… Why?-It is all about the self-image which is what we are now going to discuss next. Continue reading

Induce Lucid Dreams without Keeping a Dream Journal-3 Alternatives

Writing my dreams after waking up was once a very difficult task for me and I know many of the lucid dreamers hate doing this because that early morning time is often a busy one that’s why I will provide you a few alternatives here that will enable you to have lucid dreams without a need to keep dream journal.

Before looking at the alternative methods allow me to explain it to you why we actually keep record of our dreams..

Purpose of the Dream Journal

Usually we only remember dreams that occurred a few minutes before waking up. Sometimes you may remember a little more but, till the time you take bath you probably would have forgotten them all unless you had an interesting dream.

There are people who say that they don’t get dreams at all but that’s not true, it is not that they are lying as they actually don’t know that they had dreams… why?.. it is because they forget their dreams even before they are fully awake.

This is why beginners in lucid dreaming are always advised to keep a dream journal beside them before sleeping since even if they had a lucid dream they won’t be able to remember it so that will mean that they never had one. Continue reading

User Review of Sandy Gilad’s “The Instant Switch”

In this comprehensive review of Sandy Gilad’s “The Instant Switch” program, I will not only give you my genuine opinion about the product but I will also give you a quick overview of the product which will give you a clear idea about what you can get from this course.

I wanted to be among the first few people reviewing this program but I procrastinated this for about 3 months..why?. Honestly, because I lost interest in it.

Have you seen the promotions? A program by Harvard behavioral expert which can change your life forever, “instant switch” that you can apply and get results that you want. I am familiar with such hype that’s why I know what to expect, I get into such programs to learn something new, and whenever a product comes up with something which I already knew it really disappoints me, or at least it should motivate or inspire me.

I half-read that book 3 times just for the sake of writing a review but, it became difficult for me to even read it further….then last week I decided to finish it no matter what, guess what??..when I finished all the chapters my opinion about it changed and I really liked that, I should have done this earlier anyways, let’s take a look at what this course is all about.

What’s the Instant Switch?

It is a secret method used by many popular figures….. that’s what made superman fly! SO CLICK HERE TO KNOW THE SECRET NOW>>CLICK>>CLICK>>CLICK!!

If you are expecting to hear such bullshit then this might not be the right place.

What Sandy Gilad promotes as a solution to all problems is not a single method like it appears to one who has watched the promos.

Instead “the Instant Switch” is a set of techniques, methods, tips, and advice that she has formulated based on what she has used in her life and tested successfully on her clients.

From beginning to end she discusses the common stumbling blocks experienced by people in all areas of their lives and then she provides quick fixes for each.

Inside the Package

The program consists of one main ebook along with few bonus materials that include a success accelerator which is another short ebook by Sandy(bonus materials may vary with time).

She begins with a short story on how she was emotionally disturbed at one point of life…A circumstance that she saw as a big lesson and turned it into her advantage by finding out various ways to transform her life completely into one that she absolutely loves.

Every chapter in this book is like a mini-course that takes you through various action steps which you can start implementing right away plus she provides “try this” sheets every now and then which summarizes the main steps so that you come back to it whenever you want once you finish reading.

In the first few pages, you will be introduced to the ways to stop your negative self-talk which is one of our biggest enemies since it not only creates a stumbling block in the path of our success but also takes away our peace of mind. Then you will get to know how our habits run the whole show of our life and you will be provided with various action steps to change your behavioral patterns.

Sandy further takes your focus towards self-love and the activities of self-care. I know how important self-love is and how people mistake it for selfishness so I really liked this section where she provides many techniques to keep yourself in a happy mood because you can spread love and joy only when you are filled with it.

What I liked about this part was her emphasis on body health and its relation with our mind since most of us(including me) believe that our mind affects our body whereas this also goes the other way around-Our body health also affects our mental states.

Section 3 of module 1 talks about our ability choose better thoughts and you will get a few advises here on how you can intentionally shift your focus towards positive thoughts from the negative ones.

After this, you will get a therapeutic opinion on how people derive meaning from various incidents in their lives and then how it plays an important role in shaping their future. Different people assign different meaning consciously and sometimes unconsciously to various happenings, Sandy here will take you through a few techniques that will help you to form a “victor mentally” rather than a “victim” mentality.

I understand how much dangerous “victim mentality” is so; I got some real good information here that I can try out for my personal growth.

Module two: – this is the “money” part so, people who are looking to improve their financial condition will benefit a lot from implementing what this part of the book teaches.

If you believe in the universal laws and you want to use the law of attraction for money, or if you know how your subconscious beliefs decide your financial situation then Sandy has few methods to offer that will help you to build an “Abundance mindset” in this part of her program.

In the last few modules, the book is completely focused on clearing limiting beliefs, this is the most important stuff to do when you want different results in life.

You can only succeed in areas of your life when you feel differently about it, in other words when your subconscious programming is altered. Sandy provides some awesome techniques in this book for doing this that include EFT(emotional freedom technique), affirmations, and self-hypnosis.

My favorite section was the 100 self-love act section where I found some helpful tips to improve my relationship with “myself”. If you are someone looking for self-love activities even if you don’t know what the hell in the world “self-love” actually means then this section will solve your problem.

Final Advice

As I mentioned earlier, initially I found this material useless but when I finished the book my whole opinion about it changed-I found it helpful, useful, interesting, informative as well as inspirational.

But, still, I cannot say that you must buy this, it will change your life or you will find something different in it. However, if you are a personal growth-loving person like me then it will look very good in your collection. You can also highly benefit by following this course properly.

What I think as a major drawback of this program is that I felt a need for more information; it was like Sandra has made quick notes of all essential self-growth information and presented it to us. Maybe she will bring more programs in the future still, I think there could have been more to it.

That’s all I have to say about this program, to know more, please visit their product website.


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You can send your emails using the contact page, I will be more than happy to help you with any of your issues.

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10 Common Indicators of Your Progress-Spiritual Awakening Signs

When you get inclined towards spirituality you naturally get curious about your progress in that path and that’s why I am going discuss a few signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening using which you can know where you have reached in your journey.spiritual awakening quote

For me, it used to be a very dominant thought in mind and still it bothers me sometimes that if I am actually going anywhere with all these spiritual knowledge and practices or am I still standing at the juncture from where I began?

Then I started to realize that the simplest way to know about spiritual progress is as Ramana Maharshi puts it “the degree of freedom from unwanted thoughts and the degree of concentration on a single thought are the measures to gauge spiritual progress”, obviously I am not able to free myself from the unwanted thoughts at present but I know that I am making headway from my ability to discern whenever I am thinking unnecessarily far better than before. Continue reading

Photographic Memory or Eidetic Memory

In simple words, photographic memory could be described as an ability to recall things in form of images with all details.

Actually we all think in images, on a conscious level we might not be able to discern that always but with a little awareness you can know that whenever we are thinking or recalling we are doing it in form of images.

If I say “fire” you will immediately see an image of fire in your mind that’s how our thinking mechanism works.

So, when we all try to recall things from past, sometimes we get vivid pictures in mind and sometimes we see distorted images and that is what differentiates a person having a strong memory with the one who has weak memory. The reason behind this actually depends on many factors like a person’s attentiveness, their practice in recalling, confidence etc. which is all related to only one thing and that is their conscious mind’s rapport with their subconscious mind. Continue reading

Simple Tips for Dealing with Multiple False Awakenings

For a very long time, I have been troubled by multiple false awakenings but, eventually I figured out a few ways to deal with them and I am going share it with you here.

I am well familiar with that dreadful feeling when you can’t find a way to escape from the chain of annoying dreams that tells you that you have woke up but then again you find that you are still dreaming.

Mostly when I experienced false awakenings it was when I slept during day time but, people experience it in the usual hours of night sleep as well.

About 4-5 years ago, when I was too interested in lucid dreaming, false awakenings and sleep paralysis became usual for me.

In dreams, I used to get up in the same room where I slept so it was often too difficult to detect that if I was still dreaming or not but, what troubled me the most was helplessness of not being able to wake up despite of knowing that it is a dream.

More than 5 false awakenings(I have had 14+) one after another could be very frustrating that you might start to hate your sleep hours but fortunately there are ways using which you can regain your peaceful sleeps. Continue reading

Train Your Photographic Memory-Retain More Information

This post will provide you a few tips that will help you to train your photographic memory so that you can remember things better than before.

First of all, let me answer a very common question – Is there really something  like photographic memory?

Yes, there is and we can make use of it in various ways to improve ourselves in many areas of our lives.

Photographic memory is actually an ability to store and recall things in visual forms.

In fact, we actually store information in form of images only but, since the process is very fast we are not able to consciously realize it.

For example – If we hear numbers “09675” our mind stores that as an image, it could be the whole picture “09675” or every number individual “0”,”9” etc. etc. in sequence.

So, once we understand the importance of remembering in images we can then practice and develop photographic memory. Continue reading

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