7 Activities That Helps to Fight Depression without Medication

In this post, we will look at a few activities that can very effectively help anyone to fight depression without medication.

It is best if you can get a professional help to treat depression, still there are ways using which you can see significant improvement in your emotional state.

Nowadays, a large part of the world population is suffering from this affliction and the use of anti-depression drugs has increased more than ever before.

We are treating the symptoms without caring about the cause.

What could be the cause of this illness that’s growing along with the progress of modern life?

Definitely, this problem has a lot to do with the lifestyle changes occurring with the speeding advancement of our world.

So, some of the methods I am going to suggest you here using which you can overcome depression are actually something which was a part of the common lifestyle of people belonging to the previous generations. They may appear very simple to you but, don’t judge their effectiveness without trying. Continue reading

How to Lucid Dream Tonight Easily-5 Important Tips

In this post, we will see how to lucid dream tonight easily using a few simple techniques. These are some must to do methods if you are willing to be a conscious dreamer.

Many programs may try to trick you by offering one key method to induce lucid dream but I urge you understand the fact that nothing can make you to lucid dream except your own efforts and strong intentions.

Of course, there are supplements available that can help a person to have lucid dreams but, their effects also vary from person to person.

Below, I will share few tips using which you can highly increase the probability of having a lucid dream tonight.

Dream Journal

You know there is a very high probability that you might have had lucid dreams already in the past but, you are oblivious to it.

Within the first few minutes after you wake up you forget most of your dreams and this why many people think that they don’t dream at all.

The very fundamental and essential step to have lucid dreams is to keep a dream journal. By doing so, you are also setting a strong intention that you want to explore your dream world which might eventually induce lucid dreams.

Make sure to keep a journal near you when you go to sleep tonight. Continue reading

Advanced Law of Attraction Exercises to Manifest Wealth

After learning about their creative power, most people try to attract wealth but, there is a lot to understand about the universal laws in order to use them efficiently and that’s why I am going to discuss a few advanced law of attraction exercises to manifest wealth in this post.

Your relationship with money is decided by how you feel about it innately and that highly depends on your subconscious beliefs about it which is formed by your past experiences, especially childhood.

Everything we do to attract something in our life according to what the teachings of the law of attraction materials say is to alter these old beliefs and install new ones in our subconscious mind.

Since our feelings tell us about our beliefs with respect to something, we can also reverse this process to achieve what we want in our lives.

By talking about reversing the process what I mean is to deliberately generate good feelings about something and keeping it up using our imagination so that the process of altering those beliefs happens naturally.

The fastest way to attract wealth in your life is to feel its presence even before it gets manifested and all the exercises I am going to discuss here will help you to do that. Continue reading

The Law of Attraction and Relationships-Form Loving Bonds

In this post, we will talk about the law of attraction and relationships, since we all want to have loving, caring and supporting people in our lives but, we fail to understand how our own inner state gets reflected through people with whom we make emotional connections.

It is very hard to accept that you are responsible for how you complicate your relationships but, once you take complete responsibility of your life then you will be able to form bonds of higher nature than the ones that engages you in love/hate drama.

Different Faces of Every Person

Usually we often complain about how this world is filled with two faced people. In real, the world is not filled with two faced people instead every person has as much faces depending upon how many people are associated with them.

Sounds absurd?

This might be hard for you to accept about yourself so, try to become more aware and observe how everyone behaves differently around different people. Continue reading

How to Deal with Controlling People Using 6 Simple Ways

Is someone in your life creating trouble for you by being too much controlling? If yes, then this post will help you to learn how to deal with controlling people.

The ways I am going to share with you here is something I believe everyone must be aware of because we all have to face people with controlling attitude in our lives.

Some people enjoy playing power games and dramas to manipulate the mind of others, they can also get aggressive or abusive to make others do what they want.

In most such cases those who fall into such people’s trap are actually allowing themselves to be controlled by others due to some kind of dependency or one’s own deeper emotional issues.

It is possible that someone might be having a psychological cause due to which they unconsciously harbors a need to be controlled by others and in that case it would be wise to seek a professional help.

However, if you are emotionally alright then by developing the 6 fundamental personality traits that I am going to discuss below, you can easily protect yourself from toxic people. Continue reading

How to Make a Vision Board That Really Works

In this post, I will be showing you how to make a vision board that really works because that is something which confuses people the most once they get to know about the workings of the vision boards.

First of all, I would like to tell you that there is nothing in the vision boards or anything outside of you that affects your reality, it is within you.

So, the right way of using any method depends on how you are feeling while doing it, if you feel good then continue with it if not, then try next.

The way to create vision boards that I am going to share with you here will surely work for you if you will do it properly, it is simple and it is effective but, requires your consistent efforts. Continue reading

How to Use the Law of Attraction for Money Making

In this post, I will be discussing how to use the law of attraction for money-making since it is a very essential part of our lives. However, most people in the world find it uncomfortable to talk about money openly and they are the ones who don’t thrive financially.

Especially, when you are into the money mindset building materials you may have to face many people who don’t believe that it is possible to attract money or those who think that it is wrong to have a desire for money.

So, first of all, I urge you to feel totally at peace with your desire to earn a lot of money because that’s essential for your financial growth. How? I believe this post will answer that question.

We have sets of beliefs rooted in our subconscious minds which decides “how we can earn”, “how much we can earn”, “how much we can spend”, “how much we can save” etc, etc.

Trust me, I would have never accepted the idea of being a blogger and earning through online business in the past but, today I have cleared my old beliefs so, I have achieved what was impossible for me earlier. (You can read my post to know more about this here – The Law of Attraction and My Online Business Success Story))

Below I will discuss a few common beliefs that block your financial abundance and at the bottom of this article, I will give you a few tips on how to clear them. Continue reading

7 Very Important Lucid Dreaming Tips for Beginners

If you are new to lucid dreaming and you are struggling to induce a lucid dream then the 7 lucid dreaming tips for beginners that I am going to share here will equip you with some essential information that will make it easier for you to have a conscious dream very soon.

The ability to induce lucid dreams varies from person to person because the subconscious mind of different people behaves differently and our dreams are handled by our subconscious mind.

It is true that once we get aware that we are dreaming we can control our dreams and do what we want but, for that also we need to develop a strong rapport with our subconscious mind as it can collapse the dream, wake us up, or trick us into a new dream once we become conscious inside a dream.

This rapport can be developed with practice but some people’s subconscious mind has less resistance to letting them become conscious while dreaming and that is why they are able to lucid dream easily.

It took me about 4 months of continuous efforts to have my first lucid dream (way too longer than the average cases).

One day I shared my experiences and knowledge about lucid dreaming with my friend. You know what? This friend of mine had a lucid dream the very next night after I shared all this stuff with him and that was the first time ever he came to know about this concept!

Obviously, I felt disgusted about how this could happen. However, I learned a very good lesson about lucid dreaming from that particular incident which is what I consider the most important thing to know for a beginner.

I will reveal that in the last but, first allow me to share the other basic tips:- Continue reading

How to Deal with Someone with Depression?-Right Ways to Support

In this post, we will see how to deal with someone with depression because it is very important to be aware of the right behavior that one must adapt while dealing with a depressed person in order to avoid troubles that could arise from the differences in emotional states between them.

I would first like to clarify that I am not a therapist or a doctor and whatever I am going to discuss with you here is something which I have learned from different sources and my own experiences.

Depression is a very serious affliction and it equally affects the closed ones of the individual suffering from it because it makes them frustrated due to their inability to offer any appropriate help.

It is not only your responsibility to support your beloved one who is suffering from this illness but, it is also very essential for their recovery, although it may seem like you can’t help them.

What you find as your incapability in helping that person is actually your lack of understanding of the true situation.

You can only do any good to a person having depression when you act by keeping in mind a few things.

I am going to write those points below that will enable you to offer true support to a person with this emotional trouble:- Continue reading

The Law of Attraction and My Online Business Success Story

Readers of my blog often write to me to know about my success with the law of attraction so, today I am going to share my online business success story with you as there is nothing in my experience till now which comes close to this achievement when it is about using my creative ability.

People love to read LOA success stories because they are trying to clear their doubts by reading the experiences of others.

Honestly, knowing my story won’t help any person to fortify their faith in their creative power because for that they would have to collect their own evidences.

But I know that people get motivated by reading the real life stories and that’s why I am going to share my story here.

This post is not just for people who are interested in metaphysics but, it is also for those who believe in following their passion.

I have a long list of what I have attracted in my life using the universal laws, but here I am going to share something which matters a lot to me.

Some uncanny events have also occurred in my life where I attracted some small/big events and things but, I always wanted to share an experience which makes sense to everyone.

This is a journey that began in the year 2013 and it involves my growth in spirituality, skills, self-love, knowledge and finance. Continue reading

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