How to Deal with Constant Rejection in 7 Simple Steps

In this post, I will be talking about a few techniques that will show you how to deal with constant rejection in any area of your life.

I would consider rejection a more dangerous thing than a speeding bullet because it weakens the self-esteem of an individual to an extent that it can make that person’s life a living hell.

But, the effect that rejection could have on you depends a lot on your psychological state because for an emotionally healthy person it won’t matter much.

We all have specific areas in our lives where we depend a lot on the opinions of others, this is what makes rejection such a deadly thing. So, our aim should be to shield our inner world from the external factors that troubles us. Continue reading

How to Cure Insomnia in 9 Simple Steps – Natural Remedies

Something very unforgettable happened in my life because of sleep deprivation, which is why I am going to write this post which will help you to cure your insomnia in 9 simple natural ways that I learned from various sources when I faced this problem.

Last year, I went through one of the hardest periods of my life because I ignored my insomnia. Consecutive sleepless nights for more than a week lead to a consequence that now seems like a past nightmare which I don’t like to get reminded of.

I want you to understand from this post that a good night’s sleep of more than 7 hours is as essential for our body’s healthy functioning as much food is.

Your busy life may demand you to compromise sleep, but if you will do that, then frankly speaking, get ready to pay the price by losing good health.

I just can’t find appropriate words to emphasize how much crucial deep night’s sleep is for a person who wishes to have a stress-free life.

Before getting into the remedies I would like to highlight the ill effects of sleep deprivation so that you can see of the seriousness of this issue. Continue reading

Winter Vee’s Secret Brain System Review and Buying Advice

In this secret brain system review I will be giving you detailed information about Winter Vee’s another program that has gained a lot of attention in the past few months.

I have tried Winter Vee’s programs earlier and I know that this guy is very good at selling things to people, but that doesn’t mean that his products are not good, some of them really had a lot to teach to me.

When it comes to money mindset building and the subconscious mind reprogramming, Winter definitely has a lot of useful things to offer. So, let us take a closer look into this product.

What Is the Secret Brain System?

It is the name given to a course that is based on the concept that we can set our brain’s working to achieve what we want by altering the brain wave frequency using external aids.

This program consists of brainwave entrainment audios that are designed to change one’s brain activity to bring it into an optimized state.

The whole system is about binaural frequency which can be used to activate different parts of one’s brain depending upon what the individual is willing to achieve using his brain power.

These audios are said to make you smarter by accelerating your learning ability and the maker says that these methods are scientifically proven.

You may have heard the theory that we use only 10% of our brain and we can use 100% of it to unleash the hidden powers present inside us, this product’s promotion also uses that particular conjecture, but don’t buy into that since it is a myth, we use 100% of our brain.I am telling you this so that you don’t expect anything like that from this material.

Inside the Package

Even though, I said earlier that you cannot become a genius using the 100% brain usage concept, but one thing is true that your whole life can change when you alter your old subconscious mind programming, that is your true hidden power.

You will be getting a lot of brainwave entrainment audios along with a pdf manual in this product that will help you to flourish in all areas of your life, I am going to highlight a few ones here that I found interesting: –

Learning Accelerator – As the name suggests, this particular track will help you to become a fast learner. Your mind will get prepared to process the information at a higher speed than before enabling you to acquire new skills quickly.

Ultimate Stress Buster – This audio is said to have to ability to produce chemicals that cause relaxation, this can help you to get rid of stress whenever you want by just listening to this track.

Intense Focus – Who doesn’t want to have a better control of his mind? If we could just learn to focus on what we want, most of our problems will disappear because our mind is a powerful tool that works based on our focus, we create our problems by thinking about them.

You can use this audio that’s prepared with gamma, theta and alpha waves to increase your ability to focus on whatever you want.

Power Workout – An audio track prepared for a very interesting purpose, Workout! This will give you the motivation that is required for sticking to a regular workout schedule.

Super Creativity – This audio track will produce a brainwave frequency that is most appropriate for creativity, it will help you to receive solutions for the problems in your life and most importantly, you will be getting inspirations that can to change your current life.

Life Time Happiness – Apparently, happiness is a state of mind that can be achieved by introducing an individual to the brainwave frequency of that particular state, this track can also cause brain to produce the specific chemicals that can relax one’s mind and make him joyful.

I have only mentioned the ones that I liked here, but there are many more brainwave entrainment audio tracks for different purposes included in this package.

The program comes with three bones modules viz. behavioral transformation, revitalizing sleep and boundless energy. (the bonus materials may change with time, please check the product website to know what they are offering now)

Is Secret Brain System a Scam?

Force the universe to give you what you want and get everything you want in just six seconds. I wouldn’t have thought twice before declaring this system as a cheap trick played to earn a lot of money, from looking at how they promote it.

Adding to that I am not a big fan of binaural beats so, I don’t prefer to promote brainwave entrainment as I have had some unpleasant experiences with them.

Hence, I had a lot of reason to call this program a scam, but after using the program I found that these tracks are good.

They were safe and they definitely had some positive effects on me, like I was able to achieve deeper relaxation and I was able to discern the subtle change in my mind state as promised by the modules.

This material will definitely prove to be a waste of money if your exceptions are based on their promotions, however if you wish to use them for long term benefits then it is worth buying.

Bottom Line

Trust me, thousands of people now are making binaural beats tracks and selling it, in comparison to those audios this product is definitely a good quality one.

If you are interested in optimizing your brainwaves using brainwave entrainment technology, then I would suggest that this product is very appropriate for you.

Looking at the price, I don’t think that this is a bad investment since Winter has included a lot of things generously in the course material.

Best way to know what works is to try it out, so if you are excited about it, I won’t stop you. Just be aware that you may come across many up-sells after buying it.

You can visit the product website here.


I hope you enjoyed this post. I would love to hear from you so, please do write me in the box below. If you have something to add here, then you are most welcome. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also mail me at, I will be very happy to help you.

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

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20 Characteristics of Emotionally Healthy People

So, what do you think defines emotional well-being? Can you spot it in someone’s behavior or evaluate yourself for signs of psychological issues that might affect your overall life satisfaction?

You may already have some notions about the indicators of a person’s mental state. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to remember that our understanding of our own inner state and our perception of others’ emotional well-being can fluctuate based on our current emotions. When we’re feeling happy, we tend to believe our mental health is in great shape, and people around us seem pleasant. However, this perspective can change when we’re grappling with intense negative emotions. Therefore, before we dive deeper into this subject, let’s first clarify what it truly means to be emotionally healthy. This way, we can engage in a more meaningful discussion about it. Continue reading

The Universal Law of Obedience – Living in Harmony

The universal law of obedience says that a person’s life is shaped according to how they work with the laws of universe.

I have been saying this same thing in all my posts that it is of no use to gain information about all these divine laws, if you are not willing to put this knowledge into use by changing your lifestyle.

Your lifestyle change must include the actions that are in harmony with the laws and then only you will have any sort of benefit from all these materials that teaches you about the success principles.

The Mind Made Prison

Many people deny and ignore this knowledge because they have completely accepted the idea that they are helpless.

I know many people who live according to the convictions that say we all are puppets who have no control over what is happening in our lives. Continue reading

Review of Sam Oakes’ Outsmart Insomnia Protocol

In this unbiased outsmart insomnia protocol review, we will see if this product delivers what it promises or if it is just a waste of money.

This product claims to have cured sleeping troubles for thousands of people and the makers say that you will be taught a technique in the e-book using which you can sleep in less than 15 minutes.

The program takes a quite different approach to provide the solutions for sleeping problems, it is very hard for us to think of any other remedy apart from those addictive drugs but, here you will be learning natural methods that are scientifically proven according to the author.

These remedies include various mind relaxing techniques that are aimed to restore your natural sleep cycles and yes, I forgot to mention a very exciting thing- the shake recipe.

The premise on which this product is created negates the commonly thought causes of insomnia like stress, hormone changes, etc. instead the theory says that one finds it hard to sleep because of the imbalance in the neural activity.

Hence, the information you will be receiving here is aimed to bring balance in your neural activities which will automatically help you to sleep properly once again, it will also alleviate the effects caused by sleeplessness like stress or anxiety.

About the Author

Sam Oakes is the author of this program and this book is a result of his findings about the root causes of insomnia and cures.

The information that he has assembled in this e-book comes from the various learning and realizations he had in the quest of finding a solution to his own problem.

According to the author he found it hard to sleep since he was a teenager and he also explains how this problem took away his ability to enjoy his various hobbies as he lacked the stamina to do something after the day work. The trouble kept growing till it led to an adverse consequence where he almost lost his life.

The accidental intake of about 6 sleeping pills caused a near death situation for him; from there he realized how much insomnia has cost him health wise as he was informed that his heart has become very weak.

After trying a plethora of self help materials, the solution came to him from a guy named Ryan Harmon, who gave him a different perspective about insomnia, which he describes as looking at the brain as “wake center” and “sleep center”. So, the new explanation for this affliction was a battle between these two centers of the brain.

Ryan gave him 3 techniques which changed his whole life:-

1- A trick to fall asleep in 15 minutes.

2- Methods to start sleeping regularly.

3- Techniques for achieving deep sleep.

What methods? Lets take a look at that now.

Inside the Package

You will be getting a lot of information in this outsmart insomnia program that will help you to fall asleep early, have a deep sleep and make proper sleeps a permanent thing in your life.

The package comes with 4 modules that are as follows: –

Module 1 – Here you will be provided with the knowledge about insomnia where you will be alerted about various types of harmful effects that may result from sleep deprivation.

This module is especially prepared to make one realize the true nature of this affliction and how important it is to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Apart from this you will also get to know the difference between a healthy brain and an insomniac brain.

Here you will gain awareness of few mistakes that you must avoid before going to bed as these things causes the “wake center” of the brain to become active.

Module 2 – This part is an excellent guide for those who keep lying in their beds for hours before sleeping, as it teaches a lot of techniques to get an instant sleep.

This section will make you aware of about 15 tricks that will enable you to inform your brain that you are willing to sleep.

No words visualization technique is one the main methods that you will learn here, this is the same trick that allowed the author to sleep within the 15 minutes of going to bed.

You will also learn about the sleepy numbers breathing method which will fill your body with the oxygen that’s essential for a good sleep plus this module contains a “head to toe meditation” (quite similar to yogic sleep) that will relax your whole body.

Remember we talked about a shake earlier? In this module you get the recipe of this particular shake which boosts the production of chemicals that helps to calm down the mind.

I also learned about an interesting study here which says that one can make himself to fall asleep by breathing through the left nostril.

The content of this module is aimed for a short term purpose that allows one to sleep quickly, but the permanent solution is present in the last two modules.

Module 3 -This is a very important part of this whole program as it aims to provide you with a permanent remedy for your sleeplessness.

First the author focuses on finding out the causes of your insomnia based on which you will be able to know about the right thing that would work for you.

The section contains a main hypnosis related technique using which one will be able to program his inner mind for a proper sleep. This technique is called “relax your brainwaves and drift to sleep” which works to set your brainwaves frequency for a good slumber.

You will also get to learn about a trick to activate your brain’s “sleep center” that is called “the sleep schedule solution”.

Module 4 – This module focuses on shifting your sleep cycles back to normal. With a few lifestyle tips that you will be getting here, you will be able to have a healthy sleep that will energize you for the whole next day.

Generating NREM sleep is this module’s prime purpose which is considered as the most rejuvenating phase of a balanced sleep cycle, for achieving this you will be taught “the neuroscientist’s secrets to deep satisfying sleep”.

This part also consists of some awesome methods like:-

In the Moment Thinking – An exercise for mind to stop worrying about future or thinking of the past, which is one of the reasons why a person finds it hard to sleep.

Stress free protocol – Worry and stress are responsible for one’s inability to reach the deeper levels of sleep so, here you will learn to get rid of the stress that is blocking your healthy slumber.

5 Minute Workout for Better Sleep – Obviously, our mind’s state has a lot to do with our body’s mechanisms; this simple 5 minute workout will allow you to bring your body into a relaxed state.

Food and Atmosphere – Do you know there are snack items which can help you in sleeping? According to the makers the snack that they have mentioned in this section can do that. You will also get a few tips to make your bedtime atmosphere conducive for a deep long sleep.

Bonus Materials

As for now, this product comes with three additional materials that are:-

Aging No More – You will get to learn a few tips and techniques that will help you to slow down your aging process.

Accelerated Fat Burning – Get a few advises that will enable your body to burn fat fast and to increase its metabolism.

Reduce Your Blood Pressure Naturally – This is a guide for lowering the blood pressure using natural ways. (The bonus material may vary from time to time, check product website to see what’s available right now)

Final Advice

I know how difficult life becomes when one struggles to sleep at night as I have been there and I have also faced the consequences of ignoring this problem. So, I won’t say that opting for this program is a bad idea, especially considering the information you are getting for such a low price.

Tip: – Don’t buy the product directly, go to the page and then try to close the tab once, as they will then take you to the page which offers the bonuses I mentioned above plus discount, that’s what is happening till now and it may change in the future.

For more information, please visit the product website.

I have discussed a few methods that can help to cure constant sleep deprivation in this post:- How to Cure Insomnia in 9 Simple Steps


I hope you enjoyed this post. I would love to hear from you so, please do write me in the box below. If you have something to add here, then you are most welcome. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also mail me at, I will be very happy to help you.

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

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The Universal Law of Success – You Are Born to Thrive

You will feel empowered if you will understand the law of success which says that we are born to succeed and we all have within us all the qualities needed to accomplish our goals.

Expansion and growth are nature’s purpose, being a part of it, we also have within us the seeds of development.

At every movement, we have all the resources available to make our visions come true, but to make use of them we will have to work on improving ourselves in a way that it becomes possible for us to use our creative power to accomplish what we desire.

Mother Nature does not know failure because she attains her goals by being in complete harmony with the universal laws. I have talked about this in many other posts, the simplest way to achieve our goals is to replicate the actions of the nature. Continue reading

3 Easy Steps to Overcome the Fear of Failure

The fear of failure is called “Atychiphobia” in psychological language, but, this fear is present in everyone. Our success in any area of our lives highly depends upon our willingness to overcome this obstacle.

We all are afraid of losing, even the most successful people in the world are troubled by this fear. However, they have learned the lesson that facing the fear is better than running away from it, this difference in the perspective is what sets them apart from others.

Millions of dreams have been shattered because people are not willing to take the risks. Any successful person will tell you how important it is to take the risks in life if you want to be successful.

We are not totally responsible for the fact that the thoughts of failure terrifies us, our society has trained our minds in a way that we look at “failure” as some kind of ruthless enemy, when in truth it is our best friend. Why? – Because they are the best teachers.

Whenever something doesn’t work out, you get aware of one path that is not to be taken next time. That’s how Edison found the right way to invent the electric bulb, you might have heard his famous quote “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.

Yeah I know such thoughts look good in philosophies. But, in reality, even though we might have forgotten, that is how we had all our proud accomplishments.

For example, do you think that any kid in the world would have learned to walk without falling down numerous times? Obviously NO, still no kid ever refuses to give another try just because they fear getting hurt. Yes, we are born winners. Continue reading

The Universal Law of Sacrifice – Paying the Price for Success

What does it mean to sacrifice something? Does the universal law of sacrifice say that we should lose something precious to get what we want? This post will be answering many such questions that pops up in your head whenever you think about this particular subject.

Generally the word “sacrifice” has a lot of negative beliefs attached to it, which makes us to see it as something that will cause suffering that is how we have been taught about it by the society.

Our society believes that a true sacrifice is when someone deliberately gives away what mattered a lot to them.

If you want to be a happy person, I would advise you to discard all such notions that makes you to compromise something that you love. Continue reading

Steve G Jones’ Ultimate Conversational Hypnosis Review

In this post, I am going to provide you with a detailed review of another product from the very famous clinical hypnotherapist Steve G Jones named the Ultimate Conversational covert hypnosis online courseHypnosis.

I will also be discussing covert hypnosis and we will see if it is really possible to hypnotize someone by just casually talking with them.

The makers claim to reveal the secret covert hypnosis techniques to you using which you can virtually control every move and decision of people by just talking to them, that’s way too exaggerated and I would even say that it is a lie; you cannot control anyone’s mind.

Like me, you might have also heard about people being able to hypnotize someone to the extent that they could use them like a puppet but, I really don’t believe in such things as per what I have known about hypnosis till now.

My friends who are aware of my interests in the mind power have asked me questions like “what about the shows where people act like animals or whatever by agreeing to what the hypnotists say”, from what I have known about it, the subject unconsciously agrees to the suggestion because his inner mind finds no threat in doing something to entertain people.

But, if anyone tries to manipulate someone to do something that is against his will, or natural mind defense mechanism gets activated and he/she starts reacting consciously.

Conversational Hypnosis, however, is far different from controlling other people’s minds.

What Is Conversational Hypnosis?

Covert hypnosis is the ability to get what you want from others with the help of hypnotic suggestions used while having a conversation with them.

It is an art of convincing/swaying others using your communication skills that is based on the techniques of hypnosis which makes your desired message to reach the other person’s subconscious mind.

Most of our actions are controlled by our inner mind and whenever someone is not fully conscious it is possible to give him instructions that he will follow.

The conscious mind acts as a gatekeeper to whatever information someone is receiving and conversational hypnosis is all about getting in without being caught by the gatekeeper. Continue reading

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