How to Deal with Someone with Depression?-Right Ways to Support

In this post, we will see how to deal with someone with depression because it is very important to be aware of the right behavior that one must adapt while dealing with a depressed person in order to avoid troubles that could arise from the differences in emotional states between them.

I would first like to clarify that I am not a therapist or a doctor and whatever I am going to discuss with you here is something which I have learned from different sources and my own experiences.

Depression is a very serious affliction and it equally affects the closed ones of the individual suffering from it because it makes them frustrated due to their inability to offer any appropriate help.

It is not only your responsibility to support your beloved one who is suffering from this illness but, it is also very essential for their recovery, although it may seem like you can’t help them.

What you find as your incapability in helping that person is actually your lack of understanding of the true situation.

You can only do any good to a person having depression when you act by keeping in mind a few things.

I am going to write those points below that will enable you to offer true support to a person with this emotional trouble:- Continue reading

The Law of Attraction and My Online Business Success Story

Readers of my blog often write to me to know about my success with the law of attraction so, today I am going to share my online business success story with you as there is nothing in my experience till now which comes close to this achievement when it is about using my creative ability.

People love to read LOA success stories because they are trying to clear their doubts by reading the experiences of others.

Honestly, knowing my story won’t help any person to fortify their faith in their creative power because for that they would have to collect their own evidences.

But I know that people get motivated by reading the real life stories and that’s why I am going to share my story here.

This post is not just for people who are interested in metaphysics but, it is also for those who believe in following their passion.

I have a long list of what I have attracted in my life using the universal laws, but here I am going to share something which matters a lot to me.

Some uncanny events have also occurred in my life where I attracted some small/big events and things but, I always wanted to share an experience which makes sense to everyone.

This is a journey that began in the year 2013 and it involves my growth in spirituality, skills, self-love, knowledge and finance. Continue reading

How to Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Level-Simple Methods

In this post, I am going to show you how to raise your vibrational frequency level using some techniques which you can perform on your own.

If you want to attract favorable situations in life, live joyfully, have good relationships, be healthy and have financial freedom then you will have to understand about your energy system which decides how your reality gets shaped.

There is a particular vibrational frequency level to our energy at any given point of time and everything gets manifested in our lives which matches with this frequency, that’s law of attraction’s true mechanism.

In order to make some positive changes in our lives we will have to actively do something to raise the vibrational state of our energy. Continue reading

What Is Meditation and How to Do It – In Simple Terms

In this post, I am going to explain what is meditation and show you a simple method using which you could perform it even if you have never done it before.

Unlike earlier, meditation has become very popular nowadays, especially due to many new studies that are illuminating the benefits of meditation.

With popularity, myths and misconceptions about this process have also increased.

People have formed their own opinions about meditation and these false notions have become a huge barrier in the path of spiritual progress of this generation.

It is quite obvious – How can a person do something if they are unsure about what they are trying to do?

Another thing that makes me sad is that people have so many speculative judgments about meditation, many a times I have been viewed as a weird guy when I talk about it in front of my friends. Well, I don’t really mind that because for me being “weird” is a natural state whereas what we consider “normal” is actually a mask that people wear to fit into the society.

It is easy to form an opinion about this process, but if you are someone who genuinely wants to know about meditation then I do have something so simple and basic to share which might help you.


What is the most essential thing to know about meditation is that it is not a “concept” or “belief” which you can understand using your logical mind, instead it is a natural state which can only be experienced.

This might sound so simple but that’s the truth – Meditation is the state of being completely present in the moment.

What being present in the “now” moment means is to get free of the “self-talks” and become attentive to what you are doing right now.

So, a kid playing hide and seek being fully involved in the game is experiencing deeper meditation than a person sitting in lotus posture in Himalayas with their mind saying “yes I am meditating!”.

Purpose of meditation is to maintain the state of “thoughtless awareness”, where you are so intensely focused in the “Now” moment that thoughts ceases to exist there.

It is all about being aware of the present moment and that’s why I promote mindfulness exercises.

A Simple Meditation Technique for Everyone

As I have discussed above, we will just try to become more present in the moment by doing this without aiming for any “special state”.

When it comes to meditation, there is no destination to reach.

The thoughtless awareness state to which I referred earlier is not any future event for which you have to strive, it is something which happens automatically when you are highly alert of your inner happenings.

Your meditation is successful even if you get to stay there for 10-20 seconds during the whole session (don’t keep track of time, I am just using an example).

Please don’t form a conclusion that you have to stop your thoughts, you should never try to do that.

Your job is to be aware of your mind activities as much as possible and your attentiveness will naturally slow down the thought stream.

The Procedure

Before meditating don’t keep your stomach full, but also ensure that you are not hungry or thirsty.

Sitting in crossed legged position (lotus posture) is recommended but, you can prefer a posture that is comfortable to you, just make sure to keep your spine erect.

Now, take a few deep breaths for about 5 minutes or till you feel relaxed. Start observing your thoughts without getting actively involved in it, you will lose your alertness every now and then, but don’t regret about that because it is completely natural even for those who have meditated for years.

Try to maintain your awareness by just watching the thoughts come and go, once you will learn to maintain the heightened awareness with practice, you will fluctuate from “thoughtlessness” to “thoughts” frequently.

As a beginner, in every session it will take time for you to even discern that you are carried away by your thoughts, but your progress will be determined by how quickly you are able to become alert once again.

This doesn’t mean that you have to forcefully do it so that you can master it quickly because it is impossible master it.

There is no end to the spiritual growth unless one gets enlightened, however we can never know if there really is some state such as enlightenment until we get there. We are just doing this to safeguard our “inner peace” from the external influences.

Meditation is about surrendering not fighting, don’t make a mistake of feeling disheartened because you find yourself mesmerized by thoughts. Be happy that you at least know that your mind is highly dominated by thoughts unlike earlier when you were totally unaware of it like most people.



I hope you liked this post, I would be very happy to hear from you so, please leave me your comments in the box below, it will motivate me and help me to improve my blog’s content. If I missed anything important then please do mention it in the comment section.

You can send your emails using the contact page, I will be more than happy to help you with any of your issues.

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

Bob Proctor’s Six Minutes to Success Review

In  this six minutes to success review I will provide you with the information about this very famous program created by Proctor six minutes success bob proctorGallagher Institute for helping people to achieve their desired goals in life.

I have been a very big fan of Bob Proctor ever since I started my personal growth journey.

The first time I came to know about Bob Proctor was when I saw him in the movie “the secret”. Although now I follow many of the casts from that movie but Bob was the first person whose work I explored after watching it.

He is probably the most experienced person alive in the area personal development.

From what I have known about Bob Proctor he has already achieved everything in his life of which every man dreams.

One may ask here-Then why does he charge people to deliver this knowledge?

Well, I didn’t plan to talk about this here but, there a simple fact known to every successful man- People don’t value things for which they don’t have to pay any price.

What I find so special in Bob’s work is that one can feel that he not only teaches the success principles but he lives it and he has been doing this from about more than 50 years.

I think knowing this is enough for anyone to reckon that there a lot about life that we could learn from this man’s work.

One of such awesome works by Bob Proctor is his well known six minutes to success program. So, let’s take a closer look at it.

About the Product

This product was the idea which came as a solution to Bob’s one big problem that he was unable to reach numerous people who were in need to get his advice on their life situations.

Every now and then he felt sorry for people who wanted a few minutes from his schedule but, he was too busy to attend them.

Then he found a way to reach them with this six minutes to success program.This program sends all the subscribers a 6 minute long (sometimes less) video everyday where either Bob Proctor or Sandy Gallagher talks on various subjects like human potential, wealth, relationships, health, universal laws etc.

The intention of this program is to supercharge your mind with great ideas every morning.

Your sincere participation in this program will automatically lead you to the understanding of the perfect formula to thrive in any area of your life.

What makes this program so special is its daily reminder which makes you to take action and make use of the knowledge provided.It works like a mentor who motivates, pushes and guides his pupil time to time.

Inside the Package

I am writing this based on what’s available right now; they keep updating it so, please check their main website to know what they are offering presently.

The main content of this program is as I discussed above the daily videos that will act as a mentor for you, apart from that it consists of:-

Starter Kit

The success start up kit is designed for preparing you before you begin to pursue your dreams using what the program will teach you.

This kit lays the foundation work for you to maximize the benefit you will get from this product.

This start up kit is a series of 4 videos that you must watch.


I would emphasize that you must set 6 minutes daily to watch these videos and make it a habit.But if you are too busy to watch them then they also provide audios that you can listen while performing the daily activities that doesn’t require much of your conscious attention.

You will also get the transcripts of these daily lessons.

Final Advice

As I have said before, I am highly inspired by Bob Proctor-A person in his 80s with energy of a youngster.

Among his various programs this is what I consider as the best one because every day you get to learn something new.

This product is definitely not for someone who views such information as a magic formula to achieve success overnight, instead it is made for someone who understands the true human potential and want to harness the power of his mind with proper tools.

You can visit the product website here.


I hope you enjoyed this post. I would love to hear from you so, please do write me in the box below. If you have something to add here then you are most welcome. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also mail me with your life queries at, I will be very happy to help you.

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

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Bob Proctor’s 11 Forgotten Laws Review-Go beyond the Law of Attraction
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Clearing Negative Karma – 4 Mind Cleansing Techniques

In this post, I will be talking about clearing negative karma so that you can avoid many possible undesired events in your life caused by your past experiences.

Whenever “Karma” is mentioned, people get an image of a ghost in their mind that haunts them to punish for what they have done in the past whereas in reality, it is just a universal law for which there is no such thing as “good” or “bad”.

Nothing from outside shapes our reality and even the negative events that occur in our lives are a result of our own unconscious thoughts.

What Is Karma and Can We Get Rid of It?

Karma in simple definition is “action” so, this law which is also referred as the law of cause and effect works according to the thought impressions present in our energy.

These thought impressions are formed in a person’s mind as a result of their own actions or their reaction to any event. Continue reading

Creative Visualization for Children-A Childhood Gift

Unlike us, kids are not too concerned about the future events. Momentarily, they may get upset when they don’t get what they want but, they have the tendency to forget about it easily and that’s why I would emphasis that creative visualization for children should be an unscripted process.

Kids are naturally gifted with the creative ability, we all were excellent in using our imagination to create the dream atmosphere for our playtime. If you will take a live example of any group of kids playing, you will find that there are a lot of imaginative elements being incorporated in their games.

Most of us forget to enjoy our dream world as we grow up because our society doesn’t encourage such habits.

Today, we are realizing that visualization is one of the most potent mind tools available to us however the essential qualities needed to make proper use of it is something we need to acquire with practice.

Actually, it is not a learning process but, an unlearning process.

It’s true that we cannot do anything about what has happened to us in the past but, we can surely help the young ones of our generation. Continue reading

Photographic Memory Training Exercises-Develop Eidetic Memory

In this post, I am going to share a few photographic memory training exercises that will enable you to tap into your subconscious mind’s ability to remember everything in form of detailed images.

Photographic memory (eidetic memory) is something which some people have claimed to have including very famous personalities like Nikola Tesla but, still it is not completely validated by science.

I was recently reading a blog on photographic memory where the author emphasized too much that nobody can have photographic memory (like in photo reading where you can scan the pages of books) still he was promoting photographic memory methods in his own labeled “practical” way.

Well let me say one thing, when somebody is talking about a subject like this they must put their logic aside or they should not talk about it at all because logical way of thinking cannot help a person to understand such phenomena.

Few people also believe that eidetic memory is a god gifted ability for some special people and others cannot develop it. Continue reading

Your Creative Power-The Law of Attraction and Imagination

Today, I am going to talk about the law of attraction and imagination as I hope that by knowing this you will get a better picture of how you create your reality using your thoughts.

There is a reason why “the secret” went viral, it is because the message in that movie resonated with what people already knew somewhere in their heart.

The movie was lengthy enough to cover a lot of things and the information was delivered by people who are experts in the area of self growth, still there is a lot more left than that to know about our creative power.

Those who believe that they can alter their reality by doing the inner work required are often termed by the skeptics as the daydreamers or people who have their heads in the clouds.

What’s wrong with the skeptics is not that they don’t believe in it but, it is their assumption that they know better.

So, in this post my intention is to provide you with a deeper insight on the how your imagination affects your reality.

The Reality Bubble

That’s a catchy term I picked up from Christie Marie Sheldon’s love or above program, which represents everything that exists in a person’s world.

See, I mentioned “a person’s world” not “everybody’s world” because we all have different worlds of our own and that is what I mean by the reality bubble.

How do we all have different worlds?

Everything in our external world is a reflection of our inner world hence we perceive, accept, reject, and judge everything according to what we believe deep inside.

A problem that is troublesome for one person might not be a problem at all for another person.

Similarly, what makes one person sad might make another happy-This means that we are not obligated to feel a certain way about any particular situation, instead we are “programmed” to behave in that manner.

Whatever we believe to be true becomes our reality.

You create your reality, if you don’t believe that then by the same law it will also become the truth in your reality bubble that you don’t create your reality.

Your Energy Body

The reality bubble we discussed above is your unique “reality field” and this particular bubble is sustained by your energy.

There is an invisible energy field that is present all around your body and in truth your physical body is present inside this energy body.

This life force (energy) is what shapes your life and if you could alter the frequency at which these energy particles are vibrating then you can simply create a new and completely different reality.

How can one alter these vibrations?

The vibrational frequency of your energy body is decided by your deep rooted subconscious beliefs.

Your thoughts and feelings are responsible for any particular state of your energy body. Based on the state of this energy field your life story unfolds.

Significance of the Law of Attraction in Your Life

To see how the universal laws operates you just have to become more aware of the various happenings around you.

Everyone’s life follows a particular “pattern” which keeps on repeating in the life of a person who is living unconsciously and believes that he has no control over his life.

These patterns are actually caused by the beliefs that an individual has accepted as the truth, if he chooses to discard that belief by doing some inner work then those patterns will vanish from his life.

In simple words, our energy’s vibrational state decides what the law of attraction will bring into our lives and to get into a new vibrational state all you have to do is to alter your beliefs.

How?..Using any mind tool that enables you to replace the old beliefs in your subconscious mind with the new ones.

One such awesome tool is imagination and now we will discuss how imagination helps you to change your inner beliefs that will further get reflected in your outer world.

The Powerful Mind Tool-Imagination

Imagination is a faculty of our mind which is a natural gift to us, we have used it consciously in our childhood and after we grow up we use it unconsciously (mostly in a negative way).

Every time you find yourself worrying or fearing you are imagining an unfavorable (often dreadful) future event.

In most of the cases what we fear or worry the most, happens- That’s the law of attraction at work.

When imagination used unconsciously could attract so many big problems in your life then just think how much you can benefit by using it consciously.

To replace your old set of beliefs with the new ones you will have to repeatedly focus on the new ideas, this process is boosted up when you imagine positive outcomes since, images and feelings are the language of your subconscious mind

You can deliberately change the vibrational frequency of your energy by imagining your dream life (as if it has already come true) with positive emotions.

When you practice creative visualization for a considerably long time, you will be able to change your inner beliefs which are the only barrier between you and your success.

You will find a lot of articles here on how you can use your imagination.


I hope you liked this article, I will be very happy to hear from you so, please do write me in the box below before leaving.If you have something to add here or have any personal experience related to this then please do share it with us. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also mail me your queries at, I will be very happy to help you.

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

You May Also Like to Read:-
Don’t Say “I Don’t Know How to Use Creative Visualization”- You Are Already Good at It!
Creative Visualization and Meditation Can Change Your Life-Get Rid of Your Past Burdens
3 Common Creative Visualization Mistakes That You Must Avoid!
The Major Difference between Creative Visualization and Daydreaming
The Secret behind Putting the Law of Attraction into Practice

Simple Mindfulness Exercises for Beginners–Achieve More Inner Peace

In this post, I am going to share a few simple mindfulness exercises for beginners using which anyone can tame the voice inside his head to an extent that it stops killing their peace of mind.

When a person begins any spiritual practice to regain his peace of mind, all the judgments that he has formed about spirituality whether consciously or unconsciously hinders his progress and thus, he fails to benefit from those techniques.

So, first of all I would urge you to drop any assumptions you might have formed in your mind about the “state” you could achieve using mindfulness.

Mindfulness is a form of meditation which allows you to detach yourself from the incessant flow of thoughts by bringing your focus completely to the present moment.

The present moment awareness is the key to liberate your mind from disturbing thoughts of past and future; this is why mindfulness is a powerful technique to treat most of the problems that arises due to unwanted thinking.

People often misjudge the effectiveness of mindfulness practices due to its simplicity, but those who will trust it and implement it in their lives will surely succeed to improve their mental state.

The exercises that I am going to share here are especially helpful for beginners because it is something that can be practiced by anyone in their day to day activities.

I have specially picked up these techniques for people who are too busy to sit and mediate: –

Be an Active Listener

Set an intention that from now every time when somebody will speak to you, you will listen more attentively.

Active listening not only gives you a good opportunity to know others better but it also frees you from your “self talk” so that you could focus on what is happening in the present moment.

Listen without judgments or formulating the response inside your head even before the other person has finished talking.

If you can just “listen” with more alertness the perfect response will automatically come. Everything else is not response, but reaction.

Mindfulness in Trivial Actions

Small actions that you perform involuntarily gives you a good opportunity to become more present and free yourself from the thoughts that captures your attention during those times.

One such example is when you brush your teeth. You can become a conscious observer and watch the way you move the brush, that particular action has been put on automatic pilot by you from years, so you can even try a slightly different style perhaps.

You can also do it while having a cup of coffee by paying more attention to its smell and taste.

There are hundreds of such daily activities where we are not actually present; our body performs those actions while our mind wanders.

Being mindful in these small actions helps us to avoid the unwanted thoughts in which our mind frequently gets engaged.

Enjoy Music

This is probably something which will change your view about mindfulness because many people consider that mindfulness is a boring task.

Yes, you can practice the present moment awareness in something very interesting like listening to your favorite music. However, this time you will do it in a bit different way.

You must not choose a song/music which kindles your past memories or defines “your persona” in any way.

Play a song to which you don’t have any kind of attachment and enjoy it “as it is”, pay close attention to the details of the music and observe the feelings it brings to you.

I choose to listen songs of different languages for this purpose as I am able to focus on the music rather than meaning by doing that.


One of the best ways to bring your mind to the present moment is when you travel, most of us do it naturally and that is why we all enjoy traveling a lot.

Yet, people who are highly dominated by worrisome thoughts are not at all aware of the journey; they are only concerned about reaching to the destination.

It could be your commute to workplace or grocery store, it gives you a good chance to enjoy the present moment, all you have to do is to be more present while you get from one place to another rather than being preoccupied by the need to reach to the destination.


I hope you enjoyed this post. You may also be interested in knowing about some spiritual ways to become happier. I would be pleased to hear from you. So, please leave me your comments in the box below, it will motivate me and help me to improve my blog’s content. If I missed anything important then please do mention it in the comment section.

You can send your emails using the contact page, I will be more than happy to help you with any of your issues.

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

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