Natalie Ledwell’s Mind Movies Matrix System Review

Today I am going to provide you an in-depth mind movies matrix system review which will help you to make a buying decision or to know how you can benefit from this program that claims to help you in reprogramming your subconscious mind.

About the Author

Natalie Ledwell is the author of the bestselling book “Never In Your Wildest Dreams” and a well-known person in the area of personal growth.

The most intriguing fact about Natalie is her story of rising above a huge financial debt and becoming one of the leading experts in the area of success coaching.

Natalie has transformed millions of life especially with her mind movies matrix product and she also runs a development program for kids under which she has provided success coaching for thousands of kids belonging to poor families.

Product Information

If you have read my other product reviews you might be familiar with my one usual note in the bottom that says “this product can only benefit you if you would put your active efforts”.

Guess what?? I am not going to say that to you here!!

Yeah, you heard it right-This product requires your least active participation in comparison to the other success mindset building programs but, obviously you will have to follow it regularly (No product works by just buying it so, please do make use of it if you have decided to give it a try).

Mind Movies Matrix is a program which is prepared to multiply the effect that is brought by creative visualization process and vision boards in a person’s life.

The thing that makes this system more powerful in reprogramming your subconscious mind than other methods is that it has been engineered using the various technologies that have proved to be effective in having a great impact on a person’s subconscious mind.

In simple words this program will make your dream visions to break your conscious mind’s barrier and reach to your subconscious mind much quickly than any other mind tool can do.

Once your desires are communicated to your subconscious mind it makes the required changes in your behavioral patterns to make your dreams come true or in metaphysical terms we can say that the universe will orchestrate the events that will lead you to your success.

Call it the subconscious power or the law of attraction, what I know is that it works.

An Alternative to Vision Boards and Creative Visualization

Many people fail to follow the vision boards and creative visualization process consistently as initially it takes a lot of effort to push yourself to do it and after some time it usually becomes a little boring because the feelings that are essential along with the visions disappears due to lack of faith.

Personal development gurus will attribute this to incorrect goal setting which is true but, it takes a lot of inner searching to come up with the right goals. But, with mind movies matrix you don’t have to worry about that because all you have to do is to play the movie that matches your desires and it will do all the inner work required.

You might be wondering how does that happen?.. Well, the movies and audios that you will get in this product works at a much deeper level than what your conscious mind could register. The subliminal messages, brainwave entrainment audio and the visuals will not only program your subconscious mind but, will also fill you up with positive emotions.

In a way, this is a very good alternative for all the law of attraction tools that you might have tried whether let it be visualization, vision boards or positive affirmations.

Inside the Package

This program covers the 4 most common areas of a person’s life viz. money, relationships, weight loss and the perfect partner, from these categories you will get to select the required one and then proceed with the digital downloads available under each option.

First movie file is to be played in the morning for just 3 minutes with your headphones(or earphones)on.This movie consists of visuals, subconscious mind suggestions and brainwave entrainment audio.

Next you will get another media file for evening time that is called as the subliminal matrix mind movie which again is just 3 minutes long, it contains upbeat music in place of brainwave entrainment audio and this clip flashes millions of subliminal messages which you can’t assimilate on the conscious level but it goes deep into your subconscious mind.

You will also receive a sleep meditation audio which will not only relax your mind but, it will also help you to have a deep rejuvenating sleep. This audio file will energize you, refresh you and prepare your mind aptly in order achieve your goals while you are sleeping.

Earlier we discussed about the absence of positive emotions which becomes a bottleneck for the manifestation process, in this package you will also get a 60 minute subliminal audio file which you can play at anytime you want and it will fill you with higher emotions. This audio is prepared by incorporating soothing sounds of nature and many subliminal messages which does not require your active participation. So, with this audio you can just put your earphones on then press play and do whatever you want.

User Experience and Final Thoughts-Is Mind Movies Matrix a Scam?

Just watch the videos, listen to audios and wooossssh….you dreams will come true!!-That sounds too good to be true right?

It will appear to be a scam if you will look at it that way but, when you are working to alter your subconscious beliefs, changes will take time to happen in your inner world and then only it will gradually get reflected in the external world.

These beliefs are in the form of multiple dense layers in your whole energy system so; you can’t just clear them overnight. If you want to leverage this amazing mind tool then you will have to make regular use of it for a while before expecting results.

I usually follow multiple products so that I could provide my readers with genuine reviews plus also to improve my life so, it often becomes difficult for me to attribute my progress to any particular, still I can see the difference that Mind Movies Matrix brought in my life.

One of the biggest advantage for me was to replace it with my visualization session which used to be of 15 minutes (3 times a day) and with that it also solved my problems related to creative visualization.

You see, despite of being a personal development freak who has practiced LOA tools for years, my conscious mind interferes my visualization process because every new goal is always a new challenge that creates new barriers and keeping up the higher emotions often becomes difficult. So, this program eased that process for me to a great extent.

Making use of these videos properly brought significant changes in my behavior, thoughts and emotions within just 3 weeks of use and I enjoyed the sessions also.

I would highly recommend this product to anyone who believes in the amazing ability and power of their subconscious mind or the law of attraction.

Try out this quiz to know more about this product – Mind Movie Matrix


I hope you enjoyed reading this post; I would be very happy to hear your opinion on this subject, if you have also used this product then please do share your experience. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

Regain Your Peace of Mind-Mindfulness Exercises for Anxiety

Today I am going to share with you a few mindfulness exercises for anxiety which will help you to calm down your mind chatter and thus will allow you to achieve more serenity.

Inner peace is the most important aspect of a happy life, in today’s busy world people totally forget to take care of their mental as well as physical health until they get sick.

Any mental or physical illness is the body’s way of reminding that you have forgotten fulfilling your basic requirement in life that is to take care of your health.

Especially, if you don’t do anything to refresh your mind like the way you push the reset button in your computer, you will have to pay a heavy price in the future.

Anxiety and depression are the two most common diseases that results from the carelessness of an individual towards his emotional states.

Luckily, we have a very good tool to fix them both which is mindfulness meditation and our focus in this post would be treating anxiety.

Before that, let us look into the root cause of anxiety and depression..(because that is essential before you get to know the solution)

The Prime Reason That Causes Emotional Troubles

Most of the mental problems like frustration, anger, depression, anxiety etc are the consequences of a person not being conscious of his own thoughts, feelings and actions.

By this I mean to say that such troubles are a cumulative result of many negative thoughts which resulted into negative feelings and then became a repeating emotional pattern.

So, to avoid such illness a person has to become more aware of what is going on in his mind and then only he can consciously choose to detach himself from the voices that he hears in his head, which keeps him in lower emotional states.

Although, all the emotional troubles have a common root, I would like to highlight the main cause of depression and anxiety now.

Both of these mental illness are caused by a person’s inability to focus on the present moment which means that he constantly dwells in the past or future. All his actions become unconscious while he is either imagining the future events or replaying past incidences in his mind.

Depression is born from a person’s mind being too obsessed by the thoughts of unfavorable past events whereas anxiety is caused by a person’s worry about the future events.

One Awesome Remedy

Mindfulness can treat both of these emotional troubles since it helps one to become conscious of the present moment.

Yes, if you will follow the simple steps to be mindful in various moments of your life then you can successfully pull yourself out of any such addictive habits of mind.

By having a better control over your thoughts and feelings you can completely transform your life and mindfulness teaches you that in the simplest way possible, and one of its major advantage is that you can perform it anywhere and anytime unlike the conventional meditation methods.

Few Simple Exercises to Bring Your Mind Back into the Present Moment:-

Use Triggers

This is my favorite one and I learned it from Eckhart Tolle’s teachings, I love this one because by doing this you are turning your weakness into strength.

Keep a watch on your thoughts and you will find that your mind has only a few very common issues using which it keeps you engaged..Identify those subjects and make it an alarm to become aware of the “now’ moment.

For example- I used to think a lot about a friend who betrayed me, my mind will come up with hundreds of thoughts around this subject like “I must have not trusted that friend”, “I will never allow anyone to come that close to me”, “How can someone be that shallow” etc etc.. then one day I chose that friend as my alarm!

So, whenever I am thinking about that friend, my mind(which earlier presented me a hundred reasons to feel bad) alerts me to practice the present moment awareness.

Once you have found a trigger and it starts to remind you to be mindful…Just take a few deep breaths and watch your thoughts as an observer, gently allow them to come and go.. become aware of every thought and try to find that state of “emptiness” when you have no thoughts. The longer you can do this the more peaceful you will feel.

Using the 5 Senses

In this method you focus on the information that any of the five senses is bringing to you.
It could be sounds, visuals, smells, touch or taste you actively observe them “as it is” without labeling them.
I have discussed this in more detail in the post-Learn to Expand Your Consciousness with Simple Mindfulness Exercises

Body Awareness

This is an exercise for which you will have to take a few minutes from your daily routine.

To do this, find a silent place and sit in any relaxed position:-

First, Take ten conscious deep breaths and clear your mind from the residual thoughts.

Now, start by feeling your scalp, forehead and gently move your attention to every part of your body from top to this gradually and imagine that wherever you are focusing that body part is getting relaxed.

This is a very effective way to press the “reset” button of which I talked earlier.


So, these were few quick ways to escape from the thoughts which cause disturbances in your mind that can further grow and become a very big problem in your life if it is not fixed at the right time.

You can practice these exercises to treat your anxiety issues but do not stop following the advice of your doctor (if you are under medical treatment).

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What Is the Best Lucid Dreaming Technique?

lucid dreaming techniquesFew years back when I became aware that we can control our dreams I spent months to find the best lucid dreaming technique and from experienced lucid dreamers I came to know that WILD is the most powerful technique however, it failed to give me the desired results.

After experimenting with various other methods I ended up finding the one that worked for me and realized that there is no perfect formula which works for everyone. So, an individual has to find his own best trick to become conscious in his dreams.

Don’t get discouraged by what I have said in the above paragraphs, since you are here to know the right formula for inducing the lucid dreams, you will leave this post with few LD techniques, essential tips to have conscious dreams and the method which works best for me-Who knows maybe it could prove out to be yours best as well.

But, before that I would like to warn you against people who are trying to sell products that contain the secret for inducing lucid dreams, please understand that this is a process which requires patience and efforts. So, keep yourself away from such scams.

Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD)

This is a simple and most used LD inducing process; it is where you do various activities which increase your chance to wake up in your dreams.

Dream recall, visualization, reality checks and affirmations are the tools of MILD and it is the best practice for the beginners.

Wake Induced Lucid Dreams (WILD)

Few people consider this to be more effective than MILD and as I mentioned earlier, this trick has worked well for a large number of lucid dreamers.

WILD focuses on staying awake while allowing the body to sleep, when you are able to maintain your conscious awareness as you go from wakefulness to dream state it becomes easy for you to induce guided dreams and due to this there is a chance that you might have an out of body experience or sleep paralyses .

The Method Which Enabled Me to Lucid Dream Easily

My most favorite method is the one which not only works perfectly for me but, it also enables me to have multiple conscious dreams and it is the cycle adjustment technique which I learned from Rebecca Turner’s lucid dream fast track kit.

This technique is so simple that even kids could do, all you have to do here is to adjust your early morning wake up time so that you can use your “body clock”(natural wake up alarm of your mind) to induce lucid dreams for you.

In order to this-Wake up at least an hour before your usual waking time for about a week and afterwards go back to your normal time(even if you wake up and can’t sleep after that, just lie there with your eyes closed). Now, switch waking up time alternatively from normal time to the new one and you will eventually get lucid dreams in that extra hour sleep.

Few Tips to Have Lucid Dreams

-Keeping a dream journal is a must.

-Perform regular reality checks.

-Read lucid dreaming books or watch lucid dreaming movies before sleeping.


Try lucid dreaming foods.

-Practice Yog Nidra.


I hope you enjoyed this post. I would be very happy to hear from you on the comments section below and if you have had success with any other technique then please do share it with us here.


You can also mail me with any of your queries at, I will be very happy to help you.

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Function of the Reticular Activating System and Its Role in LOA

In this post I am going to talk with you about the function of the reticular activating system(RAS) which is a specific section of our brain that is claimed to be related with the law of attraction process by the new age believers.

If you are someone who is familiar with the law of attraction and applying various methods to achieve your desired goals using those LOA principles then you might have realized that you automatically start to notice all the things related to your goals in the external world.

New age beliefs say that it is the universe showing you the signs that your desire is under the process of manifestation whereas there is also a biological phenomenon behind it which is one of the function of a brain part called as the reticular activating system(RAS).

The goal related stuff flashes in front of your eyes as if some invisible force is trying to remind you what you have asked from the universe.

For example in my case, I have set a goal to buy a particular car and whenever I am walking in the street that car passes by flashing its logo in front of my eyes, what’s so amazing about this is-It happens every time!

I was astonished with this sudden appearance of my desired car everywhere I go then I came to know about the reticular activate system which answered my questions in a practical way, but still I would prefer to believe that this particular mechanism is an indication of LOA at work.

What Is RAS and How It Works?

RAS, is basically a part of the brain that consists a set of connected nuclei which takes care of various bodily operations and it also regulates the sleep/wake cycles.

However, RAS also plays an important role in causing increased alertness from relaxed wakefulness and what is more interesting thing about this brain section is that it acts as a doorway for the information that we receive using our senses.

This means that every bit of information that we receive from our environment is filtered by this brain system.

The Information Filtering Process

You might be wondering what decides this information filtering process?-The reticular activating system only allows the data to enter to our conscious attention that is relevant to us.

The relevancy of the data depends on our interests, beliefs and needs.

This means that we unconsciously reject so many sounds, visions and other forms of information from our environment; this is a much more complicated process than how it appears because we actually receive millions of bytes of data every second but, only the selected ones are brought into our conscious attention.

Let me use some examples to explain this…!!

A simple example would be your hearing of your name in a crowded noisy place, your mind filters up all the unwanted sounds and enables you to hear your name being called.

A visual example of this would be your spotting of your friend in a public place, his face lights up in the crowd and you are able to ignore all other people except this particular individual.

You might have experienced this while learning a new language or improving your vocabulary, you learn a new particular word and then it starts to appear in various ways in your world-In books, newspapers, songs, conversations etc whereas it was non-existing for you before.

By knowing about this function of the brain we get to see the truthfulness of the old saying “perception is reality” but only for “you” because someone else’s reality is different whereas in truth there is no one reality but numerous possibilities and that is what I have discussed in more detail in the post- Existence beyond Reality.

How Is All This Related to the Law of Attraction?

Now, from the above discussion we can infer that our senses depends on our mind and the world appears to us the way our mind has been programmed, we only get access to the information that is relevant to us in some way.

So, when you start to use the law of attraction tools like visualization, affirmation, intention setting etc, you are ordering your brain to work in the direction of the desire on which you have been focusing and this way you are programming your mind radar to catch the information that are essential for your success.

Once you clear the way for your goal related information, then you will receive the ideas that can lead you to the winning post!!


I hope you enjoyed this post. If you are interested in the law of attraction methods then you may want to know how you can transform your life using meditation and creative visualization.

Please do share your suggestions, opinions, and thoughts on this by commenting below. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also mail me with your queries at, I will be very happy to help you.

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What Is the Law of Attraction and How Does It Work?

Recently, I received an email from a reader in which he asked me what is the law of attraction and how does it work, I have been writing about the universal laws for quite a while now but suddenly I realized that I have never answered the basic question so, in this post, I am going to explain this to you in the simplest way possible.

There is a similarity between all the theories and concepts that get popular, the more it gains fame the less it is understood by people and in this way millions of skeptics are born.

My intention in this post is to give a clarification to the skeptical part of your mind which might be finding this LOA stuff as “too good to be true”.

If you have watched the movie “the secret” then you might be wondering what the law of attraction is really all about? Well, it is not something new, the universal laws are created by mother nature.

When we learned about any laws of physics in school, we realized the reason behind so many things, those laws are what controls the objective reality so nobody can question them but these laws deal with the subjective reality and every person has to realize this on an individualistic level by diving deep into this knowledge. Continue reading

The Complete Empath Toolkit Review-Dr. Michael Smith’s Program

There was a time when I used to be ashamed of my nature of being too sensitive, every now and then I used to get embarrassed because of that in various Empath-Toolkit-Bannersituations.

I am writing this “the complete empath toolkit” review for all such people who feel that being too emotionally sensitive is disgraceful.

As a teenager it was very easy for someone to make me cry and that was very much humiliating for me as our society has programmed our brains that being highly sensitive is a symbol of weakness.

Unfortunately, I was not introduced to Dr. Michael Smith’s work back then,otherwise I would have never regretted about my natural behavior. But, it was not too late to get into his works and learn various things about my spiritual connection.

You too can benefit from this material even if you are not a highly sensitive person.

Dr. Michale Smith’s the complete empath toolkit opens up a new door for people who are highly sensitive by guiding them to turn this disadvantage into one of their biggest assets.

Inside the Package

In the course material you will find various practical guidelines that will enable you to harness your spiritual power and teach you how to use your energy for your benefit.

The package consists of 3 ebooks and audio instructions which are designed to make it easy for you to understand this knowledge and put it into use for living a harmonious life.

One of the best things about the complete empath toolkit is that it covers a wide range of topics related to spirituality, personal development, psychic abilities etc.

How to Know If You Are an Empath?

Again, I would like to mention that in order to make use of the wisdom offered in this toolkit it isn’t necessary that you should be an empath but, for those who are, this program will teach you to give a proper direction to your high emotional sensitivity and to make use of it to tap into your spiritual power.

Few characteristics of empaths:-

-They break into tears easily.

-They can feel other people’s energy.

-They are highly affected by other people’s pain.

-People find it easy to connect with them.

-They can intuitively know other people’s emotional state.

-They are very good listeners.

-People find it easy to share their feelings with them.

There is a quiz on their website of this product which could help you to identify if you are an empath.

Why Is the Complete Empath Toolkit Essential for Hypersensitive People?

This program indeed teaches a sensitive person how to advance spiritually but, if this type of people don’t do anything about their vulnerabilities to other people’s energy then they would have to suffer because of that.

Since such people are easily affected by other people’s emotional states they find themselves feeling lower emotions consistently because of those who are present around them.

Final Advice

Dr. Michael Smith has been in self help industry for more than two decades and this work comes from his intense researches on various spiritual practices.

If you are a sensitive person and find yourself constantly getting affected emotionally because of other people then I would highly recommend you to opt for it. However, you can also use this product to take a step forward in your spiritual journey.

Please visit the product website to know more about this program.


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The Law of Attraction and the Bible-The Connection!!

First of all, I want to make it clear that I am not writing this article to help any Christian to decide if the concept of the law of attraction is something approved by their religion or to debate over any religious topic.

I was born in a Hindu family but I have explored Christianity to some extent, in my childhood I used to attend prayers regularly as one of my Christian friends introduced me to it.

I think I can talk about the connection between the law of attraction and the Bible because I have been reading Bible, Bhagvat Geeta and New Age books. I always keep my mind open for wisdom; I take from it what resonates with my inner being and discard what doesn’t, that’s just my way and I respect what is yours so, my intention here is not at all to challenge your beliefs in any way.

The reason behind my multiple attempts to avoid any conflict despite writing an unbiased, loving and informative article is that I know that each individual perceives the same information in different ways.

Here, I will just refer to a few verses from Bible that are concurrent with the principles of the law of attraction; my motive behind doing this is to shed light on the fact that all religious texts do point towards our creative ability.

Recently, I read a Christian blog where the author condemned the new age philosophy saying that according to the Bible humans do not have any supernatural power, I was totally disgusted by reading his blog because the author was not enlightening people with any kind of knowledge there instead his writing was disempowering, where he was just trying to impose his own convictions upon people which was a byproduct of his ignorance.

I would start with this verse which I consider will be very appropriate to depict our true potential:-

Genesis 1:27: So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

We all were created in the image of god which means we too like almighty have the ability to create, we have been gifted the skill to write our own story and live it!

The next verse clearly explains us that all our limitations depends on our faith:-

Luke 17:6: If you had faith like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you..

So, talking of having supernatural abilities..The above words say that our faith is responsible for what we are able to do. All our conditions and limitations are self imposed and we can rise above them by strengthening our faith.

Here is the verse which precisely explains that the higher power delivers what you have asked for, isn’t it the same as what LOA says? :-

Mathew 7:7- Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

If you have read the personal growth materials, you might be familiar with the concept that in order to make something happen in your life you need to work with your inner beliefs and remove doubts from your mind. Here is what Bible says:-

Mark 11:23-  For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

I want to end this post with the verse based on which James Allen wrote his famous book “As a Man Thinketh” according to which you become the image of yourself that you hold in your heart:-

Proverb 23:7:-“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…”


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Owen Coleman’s Pure Reiki Healing Master Review

Since the time when the modern day Reiki was founded by Mikao Usui, this wisdom was passed down to a limited number of people who further gifted it to their pupils and this way the knowledge of Reiki was spread.300x250

As Reiki became popular, a lot of limiting beliefs were formed amongst people due to which this wisdom got reserved for people who were willing to invest a lot of time and money to acquire this skill.

Fortunately, we now have courses like Pure Reiki Healing Master that are available for low price and it promises to teach you the art of healing in a very short period of time.

The program claims that you can learn Reiki in just 48 hours with the materials that you will be getting however, we will look deeply into that later in this post.

Owen Coleman is popular for healing people using the life force by channelizing it through his palms; he was a construction worker before he discovered that he had these healing powers. Now, he has put all his understandings in the form of ebook and digital materials so that you too could acquire this ability to heal yourself and others from various body and emotional troubles.

What Is Pure Reiki Healing Master All About?

This course is based on the knowledge provided by Mikao Usui and it uses the concept of Chi(or ki) which is considered as the life force.

According to the ancient Reiki teachings we all have this life force flowing through us and that any kind of physical or emotional problem is caused due to disturbance in the free flow of Chi or in other words we can say that any type of disease is a reflection of imbalance in our energy body.

By learning the techniques provided in this course you will be able to use the life force to heal all types of ailments. You will learn to harness the power within you to help yourself and others from practicing the methods provided in this course.

120x60In the program Owen Coleman will teach you how to channelize the life force through your arms into other person’s energy system which will bring balance in the energy body of that person resulting into the removal of corresponding sickness.

By energy body I am referring to the seven chakras that are believed to exist in the invisible energy field present around us. Reiki healing method makes you to move your palms from the crown chakra to the root chakra bringing balance in the targeted person’s energy system.

Not only just that but the information you will be getting in this package will also help you in many other ways like to increase self-confidence, performing remote healing, becoming more intuitive etc.

With practice you will be able to intuitively sense the exact areas where the other person is having troubles without being told because your palm will get warm when it will be placed in front of that portion and this ability of yours will gradually start to get better with practice.

Inside the Package

The main part of this package is an ebook in pdf format which you can view online or download, in this ebook the author has put the information step by step to teach you the art of Reiki healing.

Along with the ebook you will also receive video tutorials, audio files and manual using which you can make the best use of this program.

Bottom Line

Owen Coleman’s program is one of the most popular online Reiki courses and many people have found it very helpful in learning various techniques of energy healing.

What I find the best thing about this course is its simplicity, we all are programmed to think of Reiki as a skill limited for few gifted people or as a wisdom that could only be obtained by practicing for years under the guidance of a master due to which an image is formed in our minds that it must be very difficult to learn.

However, if you could set such notions aside and try this product I think you will be really surprised from its simplicity.

Since this course is available for such a low price and it has so much to offer, I guess this would be a good investment for you if you believe in energy healing.

For more information, please visit the product website here.


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If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

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Meditation Techniques for Concentration – Sharpen Your Focus

In this post, I am going to discuss with you a few meditation techniques for concentration that will help you to sharpen your focus so that you can carry out your day to day activities without letting your external circumstances to disturb your inner peace.

The definition of a busy life could be different to each one of us depending upon our roles in our family and society.

A working mom is busy managing home, job, kids, husband while striving for inner peace. Whereas a dad is busy in managing his work, finances, health, planning for the future requirements of his family. The roles of people however do change according to their situations.

You don’t actually need to be a female to be a mother nor a male to be a father; you may be even unmarried or a divorcee and still manage everything on your own. Yes of course the life is much easier when you have the company of your life partner but what matters the most is the kid inside us.

Before teenage we all are natural but the programming of a person’s subconscious mind starts from the birth itself. During our childhood our conscious mind is not developed, so our mind absorbs all the information from our environment and society which results as our hardwired beliefs that are responsible for the blueprint of our decision making capabilities and self-confidence.

Our beliefs are responsible for what happens in our inner world, if the kid inside us is happy then that happiness is reflected in our external world.

No matter how we see this but once we begin to play our roles, life requires us to multitask. The one who is good at doing many tasks at a time is not always the happiest person, they may be successful in terms of what they have achieved in the outer world but the more they try to prove themselves to the world and society, the more they make themselves suffer. Alas, there is a very common by-product of multitasking which is “stress”.

So, is there any pill that we can gobble up in the morning and multitask with perfection? No! Because “Perfection” is an imaginary word; it is born out of the illusion of control. ( I have written more on the illusion of control in my post named meditation to clear the mind)

We cannot control our external circumstances because the ego “I” is just a small part of ourselves that lives in the delusion that it is the master of our lives. Our subconscious mind/higher-self/universe handles everything apart from the one task that we are doing in the moment.

There two types of meditation; one is what we do at the end of the day or during times when we are disturbed whereas the other type of meditation is doing every task with our total focus on it. The latter one is also referred as the mindfulness mediation.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a way to bring your attention completely to the present moment. Unlike other meditation methods this can be done anytime and anywhere.

One of the simplest methods to be mindful is when you are amidst of doing something,just pause and take 10 conscious breaths and then continue. Doing this resets your mind and enables you to get aware of the present moment, it also breaks the chain of any kind of unproductive thinking in which your mind was engaged before.Since, mindfulness improves your ability to focus on the present moment by clearing the thoughts of past or future, it helps you to get immersed completely in your current task.

Growth and improvement are possible only when a person trains their mind to be completely active in the task in which he is presently involved; with improved ability to concentrate a person can get better in any of their skills.

Who needs this help??? From a kid to an elderly person, just like medication is a catalyst for the healing of the body, meditation is a catalyst for the healing of the mind and emotions.

We all make mistakes of forgetting things and we blame it on our weak memory. There is no such thing as a weak or strong memory unless you have a clinical brain related problem. When you are fully focused in a task, you hardly make a mistake.

The mind cannot be “controlled” because the mind works in the direction where our actual focus is, the more we try to control our mind the harder it gets.

So what can we do?

We can either apply the mindfulness meditation to all our tasks or we can let our life to be as it is and prefer to meditate on any particular hour of the day when we have spare time to spend for taking care of our own inner peace.

Tratak Meditation Method

Tratak meditation is the most appropriate practice to increase your ability to concentrate. A few types oftratak meditations are inner tratak, tratak on a black dotcandle tratak and mirror tratak etc.All these forms of tratak meditation helps the practitioner to fix his focus on a single point and to keep his mind free of thoughts.

Initially it is very difficult to escape from the heavy traffic of thoughts but, gradually with practice you become very good at avoiding the mind chatter and thus you gain more concentration.

Chanting Mantra Meditation

This is not at all religious, you can chant any mantra (like Hakuna Matata) or even sing a song by focusing on your voice. Always remember that our ultimate aim is to use these techniques for calming our mind.

I am including this meditation here because I find it easy to stop my mind chatter for longer periods when I am meditating on my own voice.

Chanting mantra meditation requires you to choose any mantra or positive affirmation and repeat it while focusing on the sound. This mediation helps you to shift your conscious attention from saying the mantra to hearing it. (The first time I realized what being an inner observer was while doing this meditation, when you do this meditation you can observe that the action of “speaking” is handled by your subconscious mind when you put your conscious attention on hearing your own voice)

Chanting “OM” mantra is most recommended, but you can choose whatever is convenient for you.

At the end of the day, doing a thing with better focus would save us time, reduce our anxiety and provide a sense of accomplishment.


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Quantum Mind Power Review-Unbiased Opinion of Morry Zelcovitch’s Program

Morry Zelcovitch introduces to you a self-improvement program based on brainwave entrainment technology.

This program gives you high hopes but, I think you should get a practical and unbiased opinion about it before you make your decision and that’s why I have prepared this Quantum Mind Power review for you.

When it comes to brainwave entrainment, I am a bit cautious because I have had some unpleasant experiences when I used binaural beats for meditation about which I have discussed on my post- Dangers of using binaural beats. Don’t get scared, brainwave entrainment is not a risky stuff but, you should be careful while selecting them.

However, if you choose a quality audio of brainwave entrainment technology from a trustworthy maker then I agree that these sound tracks could help you in many ways.

Quantum mind power does not use binaural beats instead it incorporates Isochronic and Monauaral beats which some people consider better than binaural beats.

Let’s take a deeper look into the contents of this program.

What Is This Program All About?

This course is a set of audio modules that contains properly engineered brain wave entrainment sounds which is intended for harnessing the true power of your brain for improving various aspects of your life.

Brainwave entrainment audios are known to be very effective in inducing various brain states by subjecting the mind to the corresponding frequency range using these sounds.

So, this technology could be used in order to bring your mind into a more relaxed state or we can say it can help you to reach deeper levels of mind which is equivalent to the one when a person goes into a deep meditation.

In Morry’s quantum mind power program you will be able to choose from a range of various audios that are made for different purposes and according to the suitability of different individuals.

You can simply download the file after trying each audio from this collection by selecting the one that suits you the most.

According to the author you can use these audios for various purposes like for developing intuition, getting inspirations, better creativity, and peace of mind etc.

My Take on It

I do agree that quantum mind power is a very good collection of brainwave entrainment audios as it contains each audio suitable for any particular purpose of yours and I am also convinced that these audios are effective to bring various changes in your life, for that you will have to regularly fix 30 minutes from your daily schedule for these sessions.

You can have various positive results using these sound files especially, it can help you to reach certain stages of mind but, when it comes to increasing the brain power and using various higher faculties of mind I think that you need much more than just that.

It is quite sensible to use these audios to get into a relaxed state where you can exercise various mind skills however, you cannot just listen to them and become a genius overnight.

According to me, Morry’s quantum mind power is a little over-hyped product and it is very costly in comparison to various self-development products that belong to its league.

Since different stuff works for different people so, I would like to advise you to try it on your own before deciding, you can do that by downloading their free demo materials that are named as the Morry method and digital coffee by visiting their website.

Few Common Questions Answered:-

Q:-Is quantum mind power a scam?

Ans: – No, it is not a scam but their claims are a bit shaky.

Q:-Can quantum mind power unlock hidden brain powers as they claim?

Ans:- No, that is just hype.

Q:-Is quantum mind power safe?

Ans:-No one have complained anything regarding the risks so, I guess it’s okay safety wise.


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