Yoni Mudra Method, Meditation and Benefits

Yoni is a Sanskrit word which means uterus/womb, this mudra got the name Yoni Mudra because it makes the practitioner detached from the worldly issues like a baby in its mother’s womb.

This practice is also known by the names Bhramari pranayama and Shanmukhi mudra. Bhramari means bumble bee and it is so named since during this process, you make a gentle humming sound like a bee.

If you will practice this simple mudra regularly you will be able to protect your energy from other people’s energies and your mind will remain unaffected from the power games and emotional dramas in which others are usually involved. Continue reading

8 Common Habits of Winners – The Key to Real Success

If you want to accomplish some big goals in your life, then you must cultivate the habits of winners, these are some common qualities that you will find in the lives of people who have reached where they always wanted to be.

Everyone wants to be successful in life, even those who are already successful, want more success.

I am not pointing towards the financial success only, desires vary from person to person.

However, there are a few things that separate a limited population from the rest and they are the individuals who have discovered the right formula to succeed.

I don’t know what your goals in life are, but I am sure that reading this post will touch the basic personality traits that you need in order to be victorious in any area of your life. Continue reading

The Success Training for Kids Program Review

I stumbled upon a site a few years ago named “4lifehappykids”, which was offering materials using which one can teach the law of attraction to kids.

As I am very keen the secret for kidsabout making people aware of the importance of the personal development of kids, I decided to buy it and see if it is worth suggesting to my readers.

I must admit that I found this success training for kids product quite impressive because they have designed it in a way that children will enjoy learning it and they will find it interesting to perform the exercises taught in the course.

If you are a person who already has some knowledge about the universal laws, then you might be aware how important it is to teach kids about their creative power. In this age, whatever will be taught to them will become their reality in the future since a child’s subconscious mind is wide open to receive suggestions, that’s the reason why I am so much interested in informing people about the products that are aimed for the personal development of kids.

The guy who is selling it is not the actual maker of the program, but it is prepared by some of the experts in the area of children education and growth.

Let us now take a close look at this product so that you could know if it is useful for you or not. Continue reading

Does Binaural Beats ADHD Treatment Really Work?

A lot of binaural beats ADHD curing tracks are available on many sites nowadays, but are they really effective? I will be sharing my honest views on this here.

Brainwave entrainment tracks are now being used by many people and it has always received mixed responses, some people have found them very effective whereas others call it a waste of time and money.

Makers of the brainwave entrainment based products have prepared such tracks for a plethora of purposes which also includes the audios for ADHD patients.

I am not a psychologist or therapist, so the advice you will be getting here is totally based on what I have known from my research and experience with brainwave entrainment tracks. Continue reading

Satori vs. Kensho – Different Forms of Awakening

In this post, I am going to discuss two enlightenment experiences known as Satori and Kensho in the Buddhist tradition since I have been reading about it from the past few weeks.

Last month, one day when I started my day as usual with a cup of coffee sitting in front of my laptop and watching a video that featured Michael Bernard Beckwith, I found something in that talk so intriguing that I spent a lot of time since then to know more about it.

These terms came to my awareness a lot recently, like when I was reading Joe Vitale’s Zero Limits book, the term Satori flashed in front of me, at that moment I realized that I must do a little research and write a post on it.

After delving into various materials I have prepared this post to inform you about these two astounding spiritual awakening states. Continue reading

6 Lucid Dreaming Facts Every Conscious Dreamer Must Know

In this post, I am going to bring to light a few lucid dreaming facts that are not only interesting, but it will also tell you why this skill is a great advantage for someone interested in personal development.

Some of the best lucid dreaming books I ever read emphasized personal development more than all the other lucid dreaming benefits.

A person who has gained a lot of experience in conscious dreaming know well that lucid dreams can become a great tool for one’s improvement in a myriad of ways.

The initial craze of fulfilling various desires in dreams gradually fades away with time and one begins to realize that they can use their conscious dreams for greater purposes. Continue reading

Binaural Beats for Meditation – Does It Really Work?

If you are someone who is interested in spiritual growth, then there are chances that you might be highly inclined towards the use of binaural beats for meditation because nowadays these tones have gained a lot of attention due to the claims made by people that it could help a person to achieve deeper levels of relaxation.

Binaural beats are an illusory continuous beat sounds that one perceives as a result of two different frequency waves being played on their right and left ears. (For a detailed information on this, read the post – Binaural Beats)

The beats heard is often of a frequency that is equal to the difference between the frequency of the primary waves, that indeed is an interesting phenomenon, but how does it help you achieve various brain states? – It is believed that these audios can alter your brainwaves frequencies and induce mind states associated to those specific frequencies. Thus, it enables you to create the right conditions for better meditation. Continue reading

7 Reasons Why Lucid Dreaming Is Not a Sin

One of the stupidest things I ever heard was that lucid dreaming is a sin. No wonder some people will go on to say or do anything to stop others for trying something new, but it really disappoints me when they use fear of god for this purpose.

I know that many people have used their religion to oppose lucid dreaming and I really don’t have any intention to argue with those who are strongly religious.

What I am going to discuss here are few simple and straight points that will tell you why the notion that conscious dreaming is a sin, is totally irrelevant. Continue reading

Kris Fondran’s Shapeshifter Yoga Program Review

In this shapeshifter yoga review, I will be providing detailed information on this product from Kris Fondran in order to help you with the buying decision.shape shifter yoga

This program uses yoga methods for the purpose of burning fat and increasing body metabolism, which the author claims is equivalent to the effects produced by intense gym workouts.

The whole course is especially designed by Kris for helping people who have not found satisfying results from extremely difficult traditional ways of burning fat; she has modified the yoga techniques using her knowledge to make it an easy and powerful formula for changing your body shape.

Although the program is designed for losing weight, since it is based on yoga, it will also give you many additional benefits like inner peace, emotional well-being, more stamina, better immunity and many more health gains.

About the Author

Kris Fondran is a yoga expert who has been practicing it for many years, she holds a masters degree in exercise science.

Long distance marathon demands body fitness and stamina, so the author who was a marathon runner maintained her body shape with the help of yoga.

One can say that Kris is among the rare individuals in the world who believe in the power of yoga and thus are able to make maximum use of it, she claims that yoga changed her appearance by bringing her into a good body shape and it also helped her to look younger.

In the age of 45+ you don’t usually see someone look so young and full of energy if she is truthful with her pictures and words, this will definitely make you attracted to this shapeshifter yoga program but is it really worthy of your time and money? For knowing that, let us now take a look at what you will be getting in this program.

Inside the Package

Shapeshifter Yoga Manual

This manual will help you to use the program properly as it guides you in a way that you could gain maximum benefits from this material. The manual will also inform you about the things to avoid while you are following this course in order to boost up its effectiveness.

With the help of this manual you will be able to gain more information on the yoga poses that you can use for various purposes.


To learn yoga from written materials are not sufficient enough because you want to perform the exercises properly and that requires a video demonstration. This is why you will get a lot of videos in this package that will specifically teach you all the essential yoga poses and you will also learn how those exercises works on the targeted body areas.

Yoga Pose Manual

Access to the vast video library that contains videos of about 32 different yoga poses might confuse you a little, but this yoga pose manual will guide you and instruct you to make it easy for you to make appropriate use of these video tutorials, with the tips and guidance you will find in this book, you will be able to master these techniques more easily.

Video Program

Yoga is a course that should be done in a proper order because all these exercises are connected to each other and without a regular pattern the practice won’t be that fruitful.

In the video program the author links all the exercises taught in the video library and forms a perfect routine for you that you can follow by playing this video program.

Follow Along Vshape shifter yoga2ideo

This video contains some extra short duration follow up exercises named as everyday flow, which enhances the benefits of your whole yoga session.


Wall Charts

You will get two printable charts in this program that you can stick anywhere in your room where you it will be frequently visible to you. Since we all learn very quickly using visuals, these charts that contains the diagrams of the 32 poses and the extra follow up poses will help you to follow the course smoothly.

Bonus Materials

Kris also offers some nice bonus materials with this program that are as follows: – (Bonus materials can change with time, check the product website to see what’s available there now)

Follow Along Audio Files – You can store these files on audio playing devices so that you can do the guided yoga without the need of watching the videos, this will come handy when you are willing to do yoga in an open environment like in a park or somewhere out in the nature.

Breathe Awareness Meditation Audio – The author includes a guided meditation audio in the package which will help you to relax your mind with the help of conscious breathing exercises.

Body Awareness Audio – Incorporating some mindfulness exercises and visualization methods the author guides you through a session for increasing your body awareness; this helps you to establish a deep connection between your body and mind.

She calls this short meditation “absolute stillness” and it is a good way to release any mental or physical stress.

Yog Nidra Meditation Audio – You are going to love this bonus, it is a 20 minute guided audio that helps you to have a conscious sleep which is rejuvenating and extremely peaceful. Yog Nidra is best for recharging your body and mind after having a stressful day, whereas you can also use it regularly for maintaining the serenity of mind.

Final Advice

I must tell you that this program is offering more than enough materials and knowledge for one to master these yoga techniques.

With the manuals, videos and audios you have a lot of stuff to be used for improving your health and for getting a desired body shape.

This program definitely has it all to equip you with the techniques that are effective, but you must understand that yoga is a practice that requires your strong efforts and patience in order yield positive results. If you are expecting to become super slimmer in weeks then I don’t think you should buy this program.

However, if you are willing to stay persistent with this practice, then there is obviously no reason you should be waiting anymore to buy this awesome program which is available at such a low price.

Please visit the product website for more information.


I hope you enjoyed this post. I would love to hear from you so, please do write me in the box below. If you have something to add here, then you are most welcome. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also mail me your queries at hari@zerotoinfinitude.com, I will be very happy to help you.

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

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5 Awesome Ways to Access the Infinite Intelligence

If you could access the infinite intelligence you will be able to receive solutions to all your problems and you will get the ideas that can make your dreams come true.

Take a look at the lives of most successful people and you will find that what changed the entire course of their journey is a particular idea or inspiration.

Some people think that these ideas are born within them, they fail to see the bigger purpose due to their egocentric approach and that’s why it doesn’t happen to them that frequently. Whereas some people know that there is a higher intelligence present everywhere which rewards people with the information that can bring forth something into the world to make a change and in the process their success is also ensured.

Creative people understand this well, there have been many writers and artists who have created their masterpiece from the inspiration they received in dreams which is one common way to tap into the higher intelligence. Continue reading

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