7 Reasons Why Lucid Dreaming Is Not a Sin

One of the stupidest things I ever heard was that lucid dreaming is a sin. No wonder some people will go on to say or do anything to stop others for trying something new, but it really disappoints me when they use fear of god for this purpose.

I know that many people have used their religion to oppose lucid dreaming and I really don’t have any intention to argue with those who are strongly religious.

What I am going to discuss here are few simple and straight points that will tell you why the notion that conscious dreaming is a sin, is totally irrelevant. Continue reading

Kris Fondran’s Shapeshifter Yoga Program Review

In this shapeshifter yoga review, I will be providing detailed information on this product from Kris Fondran in order to help you with the buying decision.shape shifter yoga

This program uses yoga methods for the purpose of burning fat and increasing body metabolism, which the author claims is equivalent to the effects produced by intense gym workouts.

The whole course is especially designed by Kris for helping people who have not found satisfying results from extremely difficult traditional ways of burning fat; she has modified the yoga techniques using her knowledge to make it an easy and powerful formula for changing your body shape.

Although the program is designed for losing weight, since it is based on yoga, it will also give you many additional benefits like inner peace, emotional well-being, more stamina, better immunity and many more health gains.

About the Author

Kris Fondran is a yoga expert who has been practicing it for many years, she holds a masters degree in exercise science.

Long distance marathon demands body fitness and stamina, so the author who was a marathon runner maintained her body shape with the help of yoga.

One can say that Kris is among the rare individuals in the world who believe in the power of yoga and thus are able to make maximum use of it, she claims that yoga changed her appearance by bringing her into a good body shape and it also helped her to look younger.

In the age of 45+ you don’t usually see someone look so young and full of energy if she is truthful with her pictures and words, this will definitely make you attracted to this shapeshifter yoga program but is it really worthy of your time and money? For knowing that, let us now take a look at what you will be getting in this program.

Inside the Package

Shapeshifter Yoga Manual

This manual will help you to use the program properly as it guides you in a way that you could gain maximum benefits from this material. The manual will also inform you about the things to avoid while you are following this course in order to boost up its effectiveness.

With the help of this manual you will be able to gain more information on the yoga poses that you can use for various purposes.


To learn yoga from written materials are not sufficient enough because you want to perform the exercises properly and that requires a video demonstration. This is why you will get a lot of videos in this package that will specifically teach you all the essential yoga poses and you will also learn how those exercises works on the targeted body areas.

Yoga Pose Manual

Access to the vast video library that contains videos of about 32 different yoga poses might confuse you a little, but this yoga pose manual will guide you and instruct you to make it easy for you to make appropriate use of these video tutorials, with the tips and guidance you will find in this book, you will be able to master these techniques more easily.

Video Program

Yoga is a course that should be done in a proper order because all these exercises are connected to each other and without a regular pattern the practice won’t be that fruitful.

In the video program the author links all the exercises taught in the video library and forms a perfect routine for you that you can follow by playing this video program.

Follow Along Vshape shifter yoga2ideo

This video contains some extra short duration follow up exercises named as everyday flow, which enhances the benefits of your whole yoga session.


Wall Charts

You will get two printable charts in this program that you can stick anywhere in your room where you it will be frequently visible to you. Since we all learn very quickly using visuals, these charts that contains the diagrams of the 32 poses and the extra follow up poses will help you to follow the course smoothly.

Bonus Materials

Kris also offers some nice bonus materials with this program that are as follows: – (Bonus materials can change with time, check the product website to see what’s available there now)

Follow Along Audio Files – You can store these files on audio playing devices so that you can do the guided yoga without the need of watching the videos, this will come handy when you are willing to do yoga in an open environment like in a park or somewhere out in the nature.

Breathe Awareness Meditation Audio – The author includes a guided meditation audio in the package which will help you to relax your mind with the help of conscious breathing exercises.

Body Awareness Audio – Incorporating some mindfulness exercises and visualization methods the author guides you through a session for increasing your body awareness; this helps you to establish a deep connection between your body and mind.

She calls this short meditation “absolute stillness” and it is a good way to release any mental or physical stress.

Yog Nidra Meditation Audio – You are going to love this bonus, it is a 20 minute guided audio that helps you to have a conscious sleep which is rejuvenating and extremely peaceful. Yog Nidra is best for recharging your body and mind after having a stressful day, whereas you can also use it regularly for maintaining the serenity of mind.

Final Advice

I must tell you that this program is offering more than enough materials and knowledge for one to master these yoga techniques.

With the manuals, videos and audios you have a lot of stuff to be used for improving your health and for getting a desired body shape.

This program definitely has it all to equip you with the techniques that are effective, but you must understand that yoga is a practice that requires your strong efforts and patience in order yield positive results. If you are expecting to become super slimmer in weeks then I don’t think you should buy this program.

However, if you are willing to stay persistent with this practice, then there is obviously no reason you should be waiting anymore to buy this awesome program which is available at such a low price.

Please visit the product website for more information.


I hope you enjoyed this post. I would love to hear from you so, please do write me in the box below. If you have something to add here, then you are most welcome. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also mail me your queries at hari@zerotoinfinitude.com, I will be very happy to help you.

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

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5 Awesome Ways to Access the Infinite Intelligence

If you could access the infinite intelligence you will be able to receive solutions to all your problems and you will get the ideas that can make your dreams come true.

Take a look at the lives of most successful people and you will find that what changed the entire course of their journey is a particular idea or inspiration.

Some people think that these ideas are born within them, they fail to see the bigger purpose due to their egocentric approach and that’s why it doesn’t happen to them that frequently. Whereas some people know that there is a higher intelligence present everywhere which rewards people with the information that can bring forth something into the world to make a change and in the process their success is also ensured.

Creative people understand this well, there have been many writers and artists who have created their masterpiece from the inspiration they received in dreams which is one common way to tap into the higher intelligence. Continue reading

Quantum Confidence with the Morry Method Review

The Morry Method which is created by Morry Zelcovitch has gained a lot of popularity recently because many people have found it more effective than other brainwave entrainment based techniques.Quantum-Confidence

This method was also used in the quantum mind power program. Morry Zelcovitch is a certified brainwave audio engineer who has been in this field for more than two decades and he is constantly working to bring research-based updated brainwave audio tracks, so I think he is more reliable than many others in this area.

The reason behind people’s failure is often due to their lack of self-confidence. Confidence as it seems is not an external thing, it is what happens inside that gets reflected outside, and people with a weak self-image can’t gain confidence no matter how experienced they become.

By understanding this factor Morry has created this brainwave-based product that will fill you up with the self-confidence that you need to achieve whatever goals you set in life.

Quantum confidence program works on the root cause of your self-image problem so that you get a winner-like feeling whenever you make a decision, and this attitude will stay with you forever. Continue reading

How to Dream What You Want – Enjoy Your Virtual Reality

If you are interested in dreams, then you might have often wondered if it is possible to dream what you want because this way you can live your fantasies in the dream world.

Dreams are very much similar to reality because there also we feel emotions and sensations like in the real world. For example, when you get hit by a car you will feel the pain, when you cuddle your lover you will feel love, when you touch the fire your hands will burn, all this happens in your dream world exactly as it would be in your waking life.

Most importantly, sometimes what happens in your dreams will cause your body to react. Like, if you see a ghost in your dreams, your pulse rate and breathing rate rises as if you actually experienced that.

Till you wake up, dreams are your reality and that’s why you can do many things in dreams that are impossible in your real life. Continue reading

The Awakened Millionaire Academy Review

Our society trains us to look at wealth in a way that we start believing if we desire to become rich, then we will have to lose our spiritual connection. It is not just about money, we are told that asking for a lot of things in life is not spiritual.Joe Vitale product

In this program, Dr. Joe Vitale shows how you can get whatever you desire in life without having to put your inner peace at stake.

As you might already be knowing, Dr. Joe Vitale was one of the main casts in the movie “the secret“, he has also authored a lot of personal development books and programs.

His works have helped me a lot in various ways, but I have found that his teachings are most effective in the area of wealth as my relationship with money has greatly improved after I used his methods, and that’s why I found this program very beneficial.

This awakened millionaire academy program is all about changing your attitude towards money because that is what decides the flow of wealth in our lives, if you have been looking for the ways to use the law of attraction for money making then this product is for you.

What Will You Gain from This Program?

You will be taught to think like a millionaire and actually get into the energy of rich people who enjoy all kinds of things in life apart from just the luxury.

Joe will guide you to build a millionaire mindset that enables you to receive ideas that will help you to get what you desire.

In awakened millionaire academy you will be shown the ways to earn a lot of money while you also grow spiritually, yes you can make money and advance spiritually at the same time that’s the actual essence of this whole stuff.

These modules also focus towards utilizing your spiritual gifts for creating a beautiful life for yourself and others.

True joy comes from helping others, so this program mainly helps you to earn a lot of money by making a difference in other people’s life. It is about getting paid for contributing to the wellness of the world; I think this is something we should be teaching in schools.

One thing I found so good about this program is that I got to interact with so many like-minded positive people.

Inside the Package

15 Video Training Modules

In these videos you will be coached by Joe Vitale, where he will give you his methods using which you will be able to build a millionaire mindset, he will also tell you how you can boost your spiritual progress in that process.

I really enjoyed each video because I learned a lot of new things; sometimes I just loved the shift in my energy after watching these videos.

8 Laws of Awakened Money

If you don’t know Joe Vitale’s story, I must tell you that this guy was homeless once upon a time and now he is not only a super wealthy person, but he has also created so many millionaires.

So he puts all the strategies that enabled him to reach where he is now financially in these 8 laws.

4 Steps of Spiritual Awakening

Here you will get Joe’s 4 steps using which you  will be able to make use of your spiritual gifts and also make some quick spiritual progress.

For me, knowing these four steps were quite beneficial because this helped me to identify the activities doing which I feel more connected to my higher self.

Mastermind Group

You will be getting access to a Facebook mastermind group where you will meet so many positive people who are on the same journey as you and you will also be able to get advises directly from Dr. Joe Vitale.

Mental Programming Audios

After finishing each video module you will get an audio track that will alter your deep subconscious beliefs so that you could use your subconscious mind power to make some big positive changes in your life.

Live Mastermind Calls with Experts

This is a bonus that you will be getting with this product, 2 live calls with awakened mastermind experts. (Not Joe Vitale)

Bonus Video Training Modules

I absolutely loved this bonus because these video training modules included some people whom I have been following from a long time like Mary Morrissey, Vishen Lakhiani, Brad Yates, Dee Wallace, and many more big names from the area of personal development.

I must admit, these were among the best bonus stuff I have ever received in any program. However, they can change the bonus stuff from time to time, please check their website to know if these materials are still available.

Final Advice

I am pretty much positive about the millionaire mindset academy because what I got from this program helped me to improve my life in many ways.

The price is very affordable considering the materials you are getting in this product, so I think it would be a good decision for you to try this program; I believe that this material could prove out to be life changing for you if you will make proper use of it.

For further information, kindly visit the product website.


I hope you enjoyed this post. I would love to hear your views, so please do leave a comment before leaving. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also email me your queries at hari@zerotoinfinitude.com, I will be very happy to help you.

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

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Binaural Beats – Workings and Benefits

Binaural means to listen with two ears. In 1839, a physicist named Heinrich Wilhelm Dove discovered that a person hears the sound of continuous beats when waves of two different frequencies are introduced to their both ears simultaneously.

Since then binaural beats has kept gaining popularity. Especially, in the past few years a lot of people have become too interested in it due to the buzz created by some advertisers that it can help people to enhance their mind power.

Today, people are widely using binaural beats for meditation because of its utility in taking a person into deep relaxed states of mind and in causing the altered states of consciousness.

A plethora of self help products is available now that uses brainwave entertainment technology, which are the audio waves used to stimulate brain using binaural beats, they claim that a person can achieve various mind states which even includes the deeper levels of meditation reached by Zen monks. Continue reading

7 Best Lucid Dreaming Books Every Conscious Dreamer Must Read

Whether you are a beginner or an advanced conscious dreamer, the seven best lucid dreaming books that I am going to rank here based on my views will help you to gain a deeper understanding of your dream world.dream conscious

Obviously, these books contain techniques and tips that will enable you to induce lucid dreams, gain dream control, maintain lucidity, increase dream recall, have outside body experiences etc., but what I consider as the most important thing you will be learning from these materials are the ways to connect with your higher self.

People are looking for shortcuts like lucid dreaming supplements or brainwave entrainment audios to have lucid dreams nowadays, but sadly the popularity of such things has overshadowed some great written works containing precious knowledge about conscious dreaming.

I always prefer the natural ways available for exploring my dream world, so books were my only guides in the journey of lucid dreaming. It took time for me to have my first lucid dream and to get better at it, but this enabled me to learn a lot of things about my inner mind which people who use shortcuts usually don’t get to learn. This is why I am so interested in sharing this list with you. Continue reading

Dream Leaf Review – The Advanced Lucid Dreaming Supplement

Dream leaf has been the latest buzz in the world of lucid dreaming and this advanced lucid dreaming supplement has been highly praised by the people who have tried it. But what is it actually? Is it really that good? Is it safe? What type of experience people have had with these capsules? I will be answering all these questions in this review.dream leaf danger

Apart from the natural lucid dream inducing foods, I have never preferred taking anything to have conscious dreams, not just because of the health risks associated with the supplements but for the sake of good sleeps.

I know that such things causes a lot of disturbance in the regular sleep patterns which can make you go through multiple false awakening loops or repeated occurrence of sleep paralysis, if you understand what I am talking about here, then you know that this could be worse than your most terrifying nightmares.

To me, more important than lucid dreaming were peaceful sleeps, so I took the straight path and I succeeded. It took time, but it made me better at this skill than those who take the shortcuts.

Being an experienced lucid dreamer doesn’t ensure that you will be able to induce a lucid dream frequently, so the sudden popularity that the dream leaf has gained made me to try it out, and here I am going to speak from my experience which will be equally helpful for both beginners and experts to make their decision.

What Dream Leaf Is All About?

You will get two types of pills in the box, blue colored pills and the red colored ones, like what Morpheus offers to Neo in the movie the Matrix.

These pills contain 5 super effective herbs that can stimulate the parts of your brain which becomes active when you have those vivid conscious dreams.

The blue pill is supposed to be taken when you go to bed and about four hours later you must take the red pill in order to make the maximum use of this product.

There is also an alternate method if you don’t want to wake up in the night where you take the red pill 4 hours before sleeping and you take the blue pill just before going to bed the next day.

The 5 Ingredients Are as Follows: –

Mugwort – This herb is a very well known one as many lucid dreamers have been using it for a very long time. The effect of this herb is increased vividness of the dreams which gives a great advantage to you since you will be able to have dreams that are pretty much real like.

Alpha GPC – To have a lucid dream it requires you to gain the level of consciousness in the dream world as in the waking life, and it is only possible when your rational mind becomes active while you are asleep.

Alpha GPC causes the waking up of your logical brain part which in turn induces a lucid dream.

5-HTP – One of the biggest complaints of the lucid dreamers is their inability to maintain a lucid dream for a long time and I am well aware that it is a very difficult task.

This particular content of this supplement causes an increase in the amount of certain chemicals in the brain that are responsible for the REM cycle of your sleep, which is the phase where one has dreams; as a result you will have long conscious dreams allowing you to enjoy your dreams to the fullest.

Huperzine-A – The prime reason why we are not conscious while dreaming is because we forget most of our regular conscious memories while dreaming, Huperzine-A will help you to have lucid dreams because it causes you to gain awareness of your true reality.

Choline – This boosts up the effects of Huperzine-A. People who complain that they don’t get dreams will start having dreams due to this ingredient of the pill because it helps one to remember his dreams clearly.

One feels that he doesn’t get dreams because of his weak dream recall ability and many a times we miss our awesome lucid dreams because we lose that memory even before we are fully awake, so both these herbs will make your dream memories strong as the real ones.

The main purpose of the dream herb is to tweak your sleep cycle in a way that you get a large continues REM cycle rather than the usual short ones.

Reported Experiences of the Consumers: –

People have reported different stories with the dream herb, but as far as I have known no one has complained of having no effect on their sleep or dreams after taking these pills.

A lot of people have had lucid dreams by taking these pills, the success rate is greater for the regular lucid dreamers, however many beginners have also had their first lucid dream because of dream leaf.

Here are some common experiences people have reported after trying out this lucid dreaming supplement: –

Deep Sleep – Many people have talked about deep rejuvenating sleep, especially in the first 4 hour after taking the blue pill, such sleeps have felt like a complete 12 hour sleep to them and that’s due to the lengthening of the deep sleep phase of natural sleep patterns caused by these herbs.

Interesting Dreams – Taking these pills definitely results into some kind of strangeness in one’s dreams, people have reported of having weird dreams that felt very real.

Nightmares – If you can’t stand nightmares then be careful because along with the strange dreams we discussed above most people have also had terrifying nightmares and since the dreams become more vivid it could scare the hell out of you.

Sleep Paralysis – Again, I would like to warn you if sleep paralysis makes your life difficult, then this stuff is not for you because the pills have made many people to experience frequent scary sleep paralysis.

Long Vivid Dreams – Users have loved this product because it has helped them to have long dreams, being a lucid dreamer I understand how badly one wants this to happen.

Dream Recall – Dreamers have praised this product mostly due to their increased dream recall ability after using it, since recalling dreams is what helps one to induce lucid dream frequently. This also makes one’s dreams very much similar to the real life memories.

You can’t induce a lucid dream every night, but dream leaf helps you to increase the probability of conscious dreams.

Many people have not had any success with this lucid dream supplement, however a lot of beginners have had their first lucid dream the very first night after taking these pills.

Is Dream Leaf Safe?

Apart from what I have talked in the above points, there is not much known harmful effects associated with dream leaf but I would still insist that you consult your physician before trying it out because you never know what might not suit your body, there are chances that such supplements could mess up with your mind and sleeps that’s why I always prefer the natural way.

My Opinion

The capsules are easy to swallow, but they smelled a little weird. Like many people, I had pretty good sleeps in the first four hours and experienced a lot of interesting dreams in the latter phase.

I experienced sleep paralysis and false awakenings multiple times, but since I am able to turn them into a lucid dream it became an advantage.

I once had a very long vivid lucid dream after taking the pills, which I won’t forget ever, it was when I went to sleep after taking the red pill and I remember the dream in complete detail. In that dream I was able to do some dream tasks that I have been planning for a very long time. I kept losing and gaining my lucidity many a times while dreaming, but I was able to write the whole story in my dream journal.

I would again say that I don’t encourage my readers to take the herbs for lucid dreaming, but yes this one works pretty well. You can buy dream leaf from amazon.


I hope you enjoyed this post. What have been your experience with lucid dreaming supplements? What’s your opinion on these herbs? Share your views on this by commenting below, I would love to hear from you. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also mail me your queries at hari@zerotoinfinitude.com, I will be very happy to help you.

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

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How to Visualize What You Want – The Right Method

In this post, I will be showing you how to visualize what you want in the proper manner because people often get too confused about the right way to imagine and this particular confusion can cause a lot of disturbance in the manifestation process.

I am not just talking about the beginners here, most people doubt their creative visualization methods, even after gaining a lot of information on it from various personal development books or programs.

Basic Misconception about Visualization

The doubt we have discussed above is actually born from a false idea most people have about this technique, it is the notion that this particular method is new and unknown to us.

You will learn in the books that you can make things happen using your creative power by imagining your desired life and that makes you to perceive it like a magic spell that can transform your life. There is a fault in the root assumption there, you don’t have to learn creative visualization, you are already good at it. Continue reading

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