What Gives the Attractive Power to Something? – An Interesting Psychological Fact

At different points of my life, I have asked myself – What is it that actually attracts people? Is it attitude? Personality traits? Behavior? Talent? Skill? Or even what is most commonly perceived as the source of attraction – Appearance?

Whether you agree or not, we all want people to turn their attention towards us in one way or the other. Unless you are someone meditating in the Jungles or the Himalayas, you want to be seen or heard by others in your life because that’s how we express ourselves. How will we know that we exist if no one was there to perceive us?

Not everyone in the world wants to attract a large audience, but there are people in our lives who matter a lot to us, without their attention we may feel a deep sense of incompleteness.

There are also those who have shut themselves from the social world and don’t want to be seen at all, but they also seek attention indirectly, may be using some form of work they do.

Needless to say, people who are not much happy with the world also try to express their hatred and gain attention by doing unacceptable things. Continue reading

Positive Self-Talk for Children – 5 Tips for Best Results

If you are someone who knows the importance of personal development then you might be well aware that positive self-talk can play a vital role to help children build a healthy self-esteem.positive thinking for children

In my post on self-esteem building exercises, I have discussed how our life depends on the self-image we have formed in our subconscious mind.

There are many ways using which you can change these beliefs present in your inner mind that makes you who you are now, but since our childhood has a lot to do with how we see ourselves innately, you can help kids to have the right mindset for achieving success in their life.

Though it is easy to formulate the self-talk that an adult can use, it often is very confusing to teach the same to kids because their way of thinking is very different from us, so we need a method that is most appropriate for them.

Here I will share with you some tips, examples, and techniques to teach positive self-talk to children based on what I have learned from some very good sources. Continue reading

What Is Hypnosis – Does It Actually Work?

Most people have no idea about what hypnosis actually is, ergo, there are so many misconceptions that are present in our world which makes people doubt whether hypnosis actually works or not.why does hypnosis work

One very important reason why hypnosis has a false image in people’s mind is due to the tendency of people to confuse hypnosis with hypnotism.

Hypnotism and hypnosis have a technical difference, hypnotism is a term that is used for the methodology “especially” popularized by stage shows and TV shows where a person is able to control other people’s behavior.

We are going to talk about hypnosis here which is a mental state where a person’s conscious activity is very less, which means their subconscious mind can be given direct suggestions in this state so that it becomes possible to work on their psychology in such a way that their behavioral patterns could change.

Hypnosis is backed up by science, this mind state it is used in hypnotherapy where a person’s subconscious mind beliefs and ideologies are changed to help them improve their lives in various ways. Continue reading

The Free Flow Visualization Method – Easy and Effective Technique

In this post I am going to discuss a law of attraction creative visualization method that works best for me, it is a very simple visualization that anyone can do right after reading this post.visualization exercises that work like magic

It really does not matter whether you are new to using visualization or you have been already doing it, this technique will prove out to be very beneficial for you because it will make your creative side of the brain active.

Actually there is no specific source from where I learned this, I just tried many different methods and after trying some of the best programs like Lisa Nichole’s Creative Visualization I realized that the best way to use my imagination for achieving my goals would be to use it in a way that the whole process remains unhindered from any kind of negative thoughts. Continue reading

Best Binaural Beats for Sleep – What Really Works?

In this post, I am going to talk about the best binaural beats for sleep that you can find over the internet today according to my opinion, this is a brainwave entrainment based sleep audio program that I believe really works since I have seen it benefitting a lot of people.

You might have noticed I said a lot of people, not me, that’s because binaural beats don’t suit me and I am not in the favor of using them.

What makes me write this post then?

Well, I have tried a brainwave entrainment based product called 15-minute manifestation program for reviewing purpose, and I really liked it because the program uses these audios very smartly using relaxing music which won’t let you notice that binaural beats are also present in it.

Though I prefer to use guided meditations sometimes, I always keep myself away from binaural beats, but this program was a little different from the usual weird annoying music we find in a lot of brainwave entrainment based products. Continue reading

Spire Mindfulness and Activity Tracker Review

I have been exploring a lot of gadgets recently that helps people with the personal development activities and in this spire mindfulness and activity tracker review, I am going to share my experiences and views on this device that works to help you to track your mind state every day by keeping a record of your breathing patterns.

It is obvious that our state of mind can be known by observing the quality of breaths we take, when you practice mindfulness or when you have a heightened awareness of the present moment, your mind is relaxed and you to take slow deep breaths naturally.

So all these facts add up to the usefulness of this tool and it can really help you a lot if you are trying to improve your emotional state with the help of mindfulness exercises, however, it can also be used for the purpose of simply knowing your mind health better.
The device comes with an app that can be installed on your iPhone or Android mobile so that you can get the real-time readings, the app may get updated later to improve its functions.

One thing a buyer wants to know before spending money on something is whether the product will give them the results they are expecting or not, so now I am going to give you a clear idea of what you can expect from this spire mindfulness and activity tracker based on my experiences with it. Continue reading

Instant Transformational Hypnotherapy for Building the Success Mindset

One of the most powerful methods I found for working on my inner beliefs is Marisa Peer’s instant transformational hypnotherapy which is also referred as the rapid transformational rapid transformational hypnotherapy hypnotherapy because it causes an immediate shift in you by working on your psychological barriers that stops you from moving forward in life.

Marisa is a very popular hypnotherapist who has helped thousands of people to overcome their life problems using the instant hypnotherapy which she now teaches online in her uncompromised life program.

According to her, you can train and reprogram your powerful subconscious mind by going into the state of hypnosis, when you exactly know how to find your problems and fix it in that state, some very quick changes can happen.

Rewiring Your Brain

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What Is the 8th Chakra? – Location, Significance, and Activation

I have been studying about the chakras from a very long time but I always used to think that there are only 7 chakras but there is an eight chakra and today I am going to tell you what this 8th chakra is and how you can activate it.

The eighth chakra is something that is not present in our body, it is located above the crown chakra and it is said to be the energetic center that is a link between us and our higher self, I learned that there are dozens of chakras on the spiritual level apart from the 7 chakras we know.

This chakra is also referred as the soul star chakra, it is considered as a doorway from where divine love flows to our physical bodies. If you have done any meditation where you imagine a light entering your body from above like in the heart center meditation, then you are actually working on your eighth chakra.

This chakra, unlike the other ones, doesn’t have a color, it is said to be ultraviolet but since we cannot see ultraviolet, we cannot specifically assign a visual to it. Continue reading

Intention vs. Inspiration – Do You Really Know the Difference?

Can you distinguish between intention and inspiration? Are you sure that you know if you are taking an inspired action or not?what is the difference between inspiration and motivation

Well, most of the people will answer yes based on their different beliefs about what an inspiration is.

I would have answered in a similar manner if someone asked me that question about a month ago because I have studied about this subject a lot and obviously I am regularly involved in various personal development activities, I have also made a post on how to differentiate ego’s voice from intuition based on the same kind of information.

However, last month when I was trying to learn the ancient Hawaiian Ho’oponopono process, my earlier understanding of what an inspiration truly is, changed. In fact, all the beliefs I had about it was altered within a few days.

Come on, I Know What an Inspired Action Is!

Anybody, would be pretty confident about what inspired action is because we are impost to certain kind of notions about inspired actions. Till now all I knew from various personal development materials that I have explored is, “If it makes you happy, that’s an inspired action”. Continue reading

My Favorite Lucid Dream Mask Review

In this lucid dream mask review, I am going to tell you about the one sleep mask that I use which is the best one available in the stores right now according to me.do lucid dream masks work

See, when I was a beginner lucid dreamer, I believed in many crappy products that claimed to induce lucid dreams with the help of REM detection, you know what I am talking about right?

Such devices may have worked for people, but I prefer natural ways, I don’t want my body to be uncomfortable in any way while sleeping and I will never suggest you messing up your natural sleep cycles because your mind states depend on it.

What I want people to understand is that lucid dreaming is all about practice and knowing your mind better, especially by becoming more conscious in the waking life.

However, a sound sleep matters a lot for lucid dreaming which requires that you sleep in complete darkness. No matter how hard you try a little light is always present in the room, that’s why sleep masks are very helpful not only for a sound sleep but also for having vivid dreams that conscious dreamers always desire.

Trust me, I can promote any lucid dream mask here, but to be honest, all you need is a good regular sleep mask and I am going to tell you about the one that I use. Continue reading

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