5 Safety Measures for Using Binaural Beats – Avoid Side Effects
In this post, I will be discussing a few things with you using which you can make a proper use of brainwave entrainment tracks without having to face any possible side effect of using such audios.
This is in continuation to my previous post on the harmful effects of binaural beats, I understand the urge, dependence, and curiosity many people might be having for brainwave entrainment audios, so I am providing a list of things a person can do to minimize the probability of the problems that may occur if they prefer to use these audio tracks for any specific purpose.
But before that I want you to understand that these audios are not that dangerous as some people assume it to be, though I am not someone who prefers to use them since it became a threat to my inner peace in the past, I still sometimes occasionally try and test programs that are based on binaural beats.
I must say, some brainwave entrainment products have impressed me to a great extent; however I believe that I can achieve the same things using conventional ways as well and that seems better to me, but that’s just my opinion. Continue reading