5 Safety Measures for Using Binaural Beats – Avoid Side Effects

In this post, I will be discussing a few things with you using which you can make a proper use of brainwave entrainment tracks without having to face any possible side effect of using such audios.binaural beat safe

This is in continuation to my previous post on the harmful effects of binaural beats, I understand the urge, dependence, and curiosity many people might be having for brainwave entrainment audios, so I am providing a list of things a person can do to minimize the probability of the problems that may occur if they prefer to use these audio tracks for any specific purpose.

But before that I want you to understand that these audios are not that dangerous as some people assume it to be, though I am not someone who prefers to use them since it became a threat to my inner peace in the past, I still sometimes occasionally try and test programs that are based on binaural beats.

I must say, some brainwave entrainment products have impressed me to a great extent; however I believe that I can achieve the same things using conventional ways as well and that seems better to me, but that’s just my opinion. Continue reading

Personal Development of Kids -Teach Them How to Be a Winner

I believe that personal development of kids is more important than anything else in the growth mindset for kidsworld because that is all about beginning a new world where people don’t have to give up their dreams and passion because of the limiting beliefs imposed upon the raw minds by the society.

Many people believe that sending kids to school is what is necessary for helping them to develop the skills that will make them successful in life, but education has nothing to do with success.

Education is necessary for making them literate, that is it. I have discussed this in the post named the habits of successful people, winners and losers are created by the type of beliefs that were planted in their minds when they were little kids.

Paradigms – How It Make Us Who We Are

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Self Talk Recordings for Using Mind Power Positively

We have a mind that has limitless potential, but we need proper tools to make good use of it, in this post, I will be discussing self-talk recordings that can be used for this particular purpose.positive negative self talk

Our thoughts are powerful, but our mind has a natural tendency to think more about the negative things due to which a lot of its power is lost in unwanted stuff, if you could change your self-talk (which is the voice inside your head) in a way that it tells you about the positive things, then you can make some very major positive changes in your life.

What Is Self-Talk Recordings

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5 Best Personal Development Books for Kids

The five personal development books for kids that I am going to suggest you here will help you to teach your kids the most important principles and the right way of thinking that will fill their future with great possibilities.best books kids

Children have a mind that is easily influenced by what is repeatedly told to them or things that evoke strong feelings in them, and all this becomes their truth which decides how their life is going to be shaped.

So the wisest thing parents can do to ensure a good future for their kids is to help them in building a positive mindset by telling them good stories, making them feel special, and being a good example for them.

Beliefs that we have in our subconscious mind are what creates our reality and these beliefs were formed due to the type of information our mind received when we were kids, so the simplest way to make your kid a winner is to help them to form empowering beliefs.

You can do this by encouraging them to read books that will expose their minds to great ideas and thoughts. This can also be done by learning the right principles that you can teach them as a parent. Sometimes, being a parent who emanates positive vibes can be the best thing to do because kids learn most of the stuff by observing their parents. Continue reading

Quick Manifestations – Small Wishes That Are Being Granted Everyday

Manifesting your desires quickly is a possible thing depending upon your own beliefs about what you have asked for, but sometimes these instant achievements can help you build a stronger faith in your creative power.

Quick manifestations are happening all the times in our lives; we just need be more alert in order to discern it. We all wish for so many things in life, however, only a few of us believe that our wishes will be granted by the universe or the higher power we believe in.

If you are someone who believes in the universal laws like the law of attraction then you probably understand the power of intention and that intending itself is a step in the creative process.quick manifestation technique

You can form an abundance mindset by believing in your ability to create your reality or you can allow yourself to fall into the scarcity mentality, the choice is yours.

However, if you are willing to create a life of your desires, you must believe that universe grants your wishes.

This type of conviction cannot be formed using surface level thinking because we need evidence to develop faith. This is why sometimes we need to wish for small things to see if we really have any control over our reality.

I am not discouraging you that you should not aim high, you must, but you should also set short-term goals that are easy to achieve to see the power of your thoughts.

However, this post is about something else, it is about the wishes we make and then forget. Continue reading

Andrew Holecek’s Dream Sculpting Review – How Good Is It?

Mastering the art of lucid dreaming is the tagline of Andrew Holecek’s new program and in this Dream Sculpting review, I will be giving you a detailed information and my honest opinion about this product so that you could decide if it is going to fulfill your purpose or not.preparing die andrew holecek

This is the only lucid dreaming online course in which I found this skill being taught from the perspective of spiritual development and self-growth rather than for just enjoying the virtual world.

Obviously, as a beginner you may be having a plethora of stuff to do in your dream world, which you will surely be able to learn using this program, but once you have reached to a place where you want to achieve something higher than just surface level fantasies, you start seeing lucid dreaming from a totally different angle.

That is what happened to me, I have been lucid dreaming from a long time but I always wanted to use this skill to know more about my inner mind, I wanted to communicate with my inner being and get spiritual insights in my dreams.

I must say, dream sculpting program was a game changer for me, it took my lucid dreaming skills to a different level. That does not mean that it is not meant for beginners, some of my readers have reported great success with this program in getting their first few vivid lucid dreaming experiences. Continue reading

What Is the Subconscious Mind and How It Works?

Have you ever wondered what the subconscious mind is? Is that an assumption based concept for psychological studies or does exist as a separate entity apart from our conscious mind?

There was a time when subconscious mind used to be a thing in psychology books and therapists were most interested in knowing how it works, but these days every person interested in self-growth is coming to know about it.what is the power of your subconscious mind

Despite reading a lot about the subconscious mind, I used to be a little confused about its exact definition because hypothetically we can discuss such stuff in detail but when someone desires to get a simple explanation of such complicated and hyped stuff, it becomes a bit difficult to come up with an answer that can satisfy them.

After doing a good research I consider myself prepared to answer this question to anyone who asks me about the inner mind (and I get such questions a lot), so here I will provide you an answer to it based on my understanding hoping that it will be helpful to you.

The Subconscious Mind – A Simple Explanation

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Eddie Sergey’s 15 Minute Manifestation Review – My Honest Opinion

I was not able to find a single legit review of 15-minute manifestation program when I was thinking of buying this product and so there was no way for me to know if it is a scam beforehand.

But unlike me, you will make your buying decision after knowing the truth about this product because you are reading a user review of it here.

Whenever I come across a new personal development product, I get a slight idea of what I will be getting if I buy the program but in this case, I was totally confused.

Few audio tracks that take your mind to theta frequency and reprograms it to think in a way that manifestation happens naturally, it is like saying you go to a magician and he gives you a magic wand…wooooo..and you become Harry Potter..sounds exactly like that doesn’t it?

How in the world can some sounds make you very good in achieving whatever you want from your life? I will try to answer it based on what I feel about this whole thing.

In truth, I reached to a conclusion that 15-minute manifestation program is a scam but my opinion changed after I tried the product, I will explain it to you later. Continue reading

The Updated Ho’oponopono and Dr. Joe Vitale’s Zero Limits

The updated form of Ho’oponopono also known as the “Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono “(SITH) is a very amazing kind of spiritual healing technique based on which Dr. Joe Vitale wrote his very famous book “zero limits”, following which he has then produced numerous programs to teach people about this method which includes one latest program that I found last year called “The Ho’oponoopono Certification Course” where he provides online lessons as well as certification so that people can professionally use this method to help others.

If you are completely new to this process then it may sound very strange to you because of its simplicity and also unbelievable due to the stories associated with it.

See, back in the year 2006, Joe Vitale came across a mind-blowing story about a person named Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len who healed a whole ward of mental patients using this ancient Hawaiian method without even seeing them!

That’s crazy, right? And it was a ward full of patients who were very dangerous, the staff count reduced due to this, but this psychologist changed all of their behaviors with a simple technique, how can that be possible? Well, I really don’t know but Joe decided to investigate more on this matter and that’s how this technique became so popular.

Is This Really the Best Method Ever?

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7 Cool Mind Hacks That Will Help You Stay Ahead of the Curve

I love reading about the ways to enhance our mental abilities in big and small ways to get better at what we do and these mind hacks that I am about to share with you are what I have used successfully in various situations.

It is amazing how we can have more control over our lives by learning the methods that make our powerful mind to work in our favor.

Some of these techniques will make perfect sense to you, but there are others that cannot be understood using rational thinking since it works by altering the subconscious mind’s behavior.

Our mind is so powerful that it can make all our goals achievable, only if you know how to tap into the power of the subconscious mind.

A few of these methods that I am going to share will work on a deeper level than what is discernible and that’s why I want you to try it for yourself before you make any conclusion about it. Continue reading

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