Our conversation with ourselves forms our mindset and that’s why the positive self-talk exercises and activities that I am going to share with you in this post can prove out to be very helpful for your emotional health.
Believe it or not, our reality is created by what we think and all our thoughts are born out of the type of beliefs we hold in our subconscious mind, so when you became aware of what is usually going inside your mind and take control of it, you are in the process of changing the set of beliefs that are responsible for who you are today.
In one of my previous posts, I talked about the techniques to overcome low self-esteem in which one method was all about changing self-talks. In this post, I will take it a step further and share with you a few more methods that I use whenever I find myself thinking negatively.
Before working on your communication with yourself I want you to understand that it is perfectly normal to talk with yourself because every person in the world does that.
We all have that voice inside our head that keeps on commenting about everything that happens in our life and when you are not busy with something, this same voice will bring up the thoughts of past and future.
This running commentary is always there and you should not try too hard to stop it because the more you will resist it the more powerful it gets. What you can do is use meditational methods to take short breaks from this incessant mind chatter, mindfulness exercises have proven to be extremely helpful for silencing this voice inside their head for people to a great extent.
If meditation is not possible for you then you should somehow stop this mental chatter from being a negative one, positive self-talk activities that I am going to show you in this post will help you to shift your focus from negative thoughts to the positive ones. This way you can have a pleasant conversation with yourself which will not only improve your self-image but it will also make you a happier person.
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