Once a person learns about their creative power, it becomes very important for them to put this knowledge into practical use, for doing this, one will have to make a few changes in their lifestyle in a way that the principles of the law of attraction becomes a part of their everyday life.
Many people judge the believers of LOA as lazy wimps because according to them this whole concept is all about daydreaming. It’s not, in truth learning to use one’s creative power requires serious and persistent efforts. Continue reading
It is essential for us to understand the factors that causes money issues in relationships because without this knowledge we may invite a lot of problems in our lives.
Most of the unsuccessful marriages usually have a lot to do with their financial situations, sometimes it is obvious whereas in most cases, people don’t actually know that the real reason behind the conflict is money.
I am not saying that money is to be blamed for the hatred that arises in the hearts of people for others, actually “money” as an entity has nothing to do with it, the subconscious beliefs that people hold about wealth is what creates the distance. Continue reading
If you are trying to find out how to lucid dream without sleep paralysis, then you have reached the right place because I am going to share a few tips here that can help you.
One of the most feared lucid dream experiences is sleep paralysis and I am well aware that many people stop trying to lucid dream once it happens to them.
First of all, it is not at all necessary that you will have to face sleep paralysis only if you are into lucid dreaming, it can happen to anyone.
If in any way your sleep pattern is altered there is a possibility that you might experience this state, but obviously those who use various lucid dreaming techniques are more likely to experience it than others. Continue reading
Mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is an effective treatment method formulated by John Teasdale, Zindel Segal and Mark Williams for the patients suffering from repeated and extreme depressive states.
The system is designed by combining the methods of cognitive therapy with mindfulness practices to establish a deeper sense of relief from various mental noises experienced by the patients of chronic depression.
Mindfulness exercises used in this therapy is derived from the teachings of Buddhist meditation practices that help a person to become more aware of his thoughts, sensations, feelings, emotions etc.
MBCT is an improvised form of the famous mindfulness based stress reduction program that was created by John Kabat. Continue reading
I am going to make a list of some best law of attraction books here, which will help you to gain a deeper understanding of your creative ability.
Books have the power to affect you deeply, that’s why along with the knowledge it provides it also motivates and inspires you. If you will watch the interviews of people who have achieved a huge success you will often find them mentioning the books that have helped them in their journey.
The books that I am going to suggest you in this post won’t just teach you the principles and methods to accomplish your goals, but it will also gradually make the shift in your mindset that’s essential for your success.
After having some initial success with LOA methods many people turn skeptical, the reason behind this is their failure to achieve something big using what they have learned and that happens because their subconscious beliefs are working against their desires.
Books have the ability to make an impact on your psychology, it alters your inner mind programming because repeated exposure to similar ideas makes your subconscious mind to accept it.
I hope by now you might have understood how books can change your life. Let me now tell you about a few books that have helped me immensely in my personal development journey. Continue reading
If you want to accomplish some big goals in your life, then you must cultivate the habits of winners, these are some common qualities that you will find in the lives of people who have reached where they always wanted to be.
Everyone wants to be successful in life, even those who are already successful, want more success.
I am not pointing towards the financial success only, desires vary from person to person.
However, there are a few things that separate a limited population from the rest and they are the individuals who have discovered the right formula to succeed.
I don’t know what your goals in life are, but I am sure that reading this post will touch the basic personality traits that you need in order to be victorious in any area of your life. Continue reading
In this post, I am going to discuss two enlightenment experiences known as Satori and Kensho in the Buddhist tradition since I have been reading about it from the past few weeks.
Last month, one day when I started my day as usual with a cup of coffee sitting in front of my laptop and watching a video that featured Michael Bernard Beckwith, I found something in that talk so intriguing that I spent a lot of time since then to know more about it.
These terms came to my awareness a lot recently, like when I was reading Joe Vitale’s Zero Limits book, the term Satori flashed in front of me, at that moment I realized that I must do a little research and write a post on it.
After delving into various materials I have prepared this post to inform you about these two astounding spiritual awakening states. Continue reading
In this post, I am going to bring to light a few lucid dreaming facts that are not only interesting, but it will also tell you why this skill is a great advantage for someone interested in personal development.
Some of the best lucid dreaming books I ever read emphasized personal development more than all the other lucid dreaming benefits.
A person who has gained a lot of experience in conscious dreaming know well that lucid dreams can become a great tool for one’s improvement in a myriad of ways.
The initial craze of fulfilling various desires in dreams gradually fades away with time and one begins to realize that they can use their conscious dreams for greater purposes. Continue reading
One of the stupidest things I ever heard was that lucid dreaming is a sin. No wonder some people will go on to say or do anything to stop others for trying something new, but it really disappoints me when they use fear of god for this purpose.
I know that many people have used their religion to oppose lucid dreaming and I really don’t have any intention to argue with those who are strongly religious.
What I am going to discuss here are few simple and straight points that will tell you why the notion that conscious dreaming is a sin, is totally irrelevant. Continue reading
If you could access the infinite intelligence you will be able to receive solutions to all your problems and you will get the ideas that can make your dreams come true.
Take a look at the lives of most successful people and you will find that what changed the entire course of their journey is a particular idea or inspiration.
Some people think that these ideas are born within them, they fail to see the bigger purpose due to their egocentric approach and that’s why it doesn’t happen to them that frequently. Whereas some people know that there is a higher intelligence present everywhere which rewards people with the information that can bring forth something into the world to make a change and in the process their success is also ensured.
Creative people understand this well, there have been many writers and artists who have created their masterpiece from the inspiration they received in dreams which is one common way to tap into the higher intelligence. Continue reading