It has been a very long time since I started to explore the self-help world and I have learned one very important thing about our creative power that like any other skill it also is honed with persistent efforts and practice.
Doesn’t matter if you are a personal development guru or a beginner, you use the same power and the universal laws to create your reality.
The difference between those who fail and the those who succeed depends on their ability to change themselves(inner beliefs) in a way that they become vibrationally aligned with their dreams.
Manifestation is all about changing the frequency of your vibrational state by altering your subconscious beliefs and the tool that helps you to do that most effectively and quickly is what you should choose. Continue reading
It has been a very long time since I started to learn about lucid dreaming, but I don’t know why, I have never been so curious about dream yoga before.
All I ever wanted to do was to enjoy my dream world as a virtual reality and also to explore the dream world to find solutions to some real life issues using lucid dreaming. Even though I heard about dream yoga many a times, I never took time to learn about it in detail.
Due to lack of knowledge I considered it as some practice similar to lucid dreaming where one might be meditating or doing some spiritual stuff inside dreams. Then I stumbled upon a few of Andrew Holecek’s works that really made me very curious about dream yoga and that’s when I realized that dream yoga is a lot different than lucid dreaming. Continue reading
Most people either do it incorrectly or they are less focused towards this particular method, but I believe that lucid dreaming reality checks are of utmost importance if you are willing to become a conscious dreamer.
Yeah it is true that you can do whatever you want in your dreams as a conscious dreamer and live what can be called a “virtual reality” when you are asleep with practice, but lucid dreaming is basically all about becoming aware in your dreams.
You may say “that is not everything, it is just the first step”, but I say it is everything!
Why?? – Because all you learn as an expert conscious dreamer, whether let it be “having long lucid dreams”, “lucid dreaming frequently”, “being in control of your dreams” etc., etc., it all boils down to the dream awareness. The more conscious you become, the better it gets.
With my interest in both spiritual practices and lucid dreaming, I understood something on a deeper level about what separates our dream world and waking life, and it just bubbled up recently due to a very interesting online course I joined and that’s what I am going to share here with you. Continue reading
I want to discuss some mind-boggling lucid dreaming experiences here with you that gave me a glimpse of the true nature of reality as I have known about it from various spiritual teachings.
One can come up with thousands of rational explanations for these dreams, but I really don’t want to discuss why I had these dreams because the messages they contained is what matters to me more than how I received them.
I have had many uncanny lucid dreams, if I will start talking about all of them, then someone might send me to the loony bin for sure, but here I am going to share the experiences that really taught me some profound life lessons. Continue reading
How your day gets shaped has a lot to do with how you begin it and that’s why in this post I will be talking about some morning habits of successful people that can help you to have a great day in a way that can enable you to move a step ahead towards your success every day.
We have always heard that the early morning hours must be used constructively because it is the most essential part of our whole day, but have you ever wondered why?
It is because when we wake up our mind gets refreshed as if we have pressed the reset button, this is why they say that we are born again every day as our energy is all new and we can choose a new path to make positive changes.
Sadly, most people lose that freshness soon because they allow the thoughts of yesterday to take over them and this makes their day similar to their recent past.
This is why I am going to bring to light a few techniques that will enable you to take control of your day by clearing the thought patterns you have been carrying around for a long time. Continue reading
I was reading about smart drugs recently and that’s when I came to know that people are using an Ayurvedic medicine named “Ashwagandha” that is also known as Indian Ginseng or Withania Somnifera, for the purpose of improving the cognitive functions of the brain.
That was really an astonishing thing to know for me since I have lived in the central region of India for a very long time, I knew about this particular herb, but I never knew that it can also be used for such purposes.
After reading about this Ayurvedic medicine in detail I am writing this post in order to help people know whether this herb really has such benefits as we have heard or if it is just a myth.
Ashwagandha has been considered as a very powerful medicine by the ancient Indian Ayurveda science.
It is a plant that has different medicinal benefits. Especially, its fruit and root is used to treat various diseases, whereas it also helps one to stay healthy in various ways.
In Sanskrit the word “Ashwa” means Horse and “Gandha” means odor, it is so named due to the smell of the plant root that resembles like of a horse’s smell.
The herb contains the required chemicals that can treat mind related issues and increase body’s immune power. Apart from this there are a plethora of reasons for which people use it and we are now going to take a look at its most popular usages.
This particular herb has gained immense popularity for tons of rumored medical benefits including its effectiveness in treating cancer and preventing the side effects of chemotherapy, I am going to share all its alleged benefits here about which I have investigated:-
1 – Mental Fitness
This herb is highly used to treat various mind related afflictions like anxiety, stress, depression and insomnia.
Many studies have shown that Indian Ginseng can be very helpful in treating depression, since it has mood stabilizing properties. That also makes it effective to reduce anxiety and stress.
This plant’s root extract is considered to be a good sleep aid. As it has calming effect on the mind, it surely can help people to sleep properly.
It is also said that this medicine can help people with ADHD, but there isn’t much information available yet to support this.
2 – Fertility
Probably, this is one main reason for which this herb has attracted a lot of people towards it. There have been many claims that Ashwagandha helps to improve sexual functions in both males and females.
I have also heard that it can improve the semen quality, but there are very less evidences to back up all the effectiveness of this plant on human fertility about which we hear a lot nowadays.
3 – Immune System
I remember how a Yogi promoted the use of this plant a few years ago in my country and people increasingly started using it believing that it will enhance their body’s immune system.
Researches have shown that Ashwagandha is helpful in fighting diseases, but it is still uncertain whether it can really boost one’s ability to resist disease causing microorganisms.
4 – Cancer
Recently, the internet searches for this herb have increased exponentially due to the rumor that it can help to treat cancer.
Ashwagandha has been found to be effective in treating and preventing cancer in laboratory experiments performed on animals; however it has not been yet proved that it will work similarly for humans as well.
5 – Cognitive Functions of Brain
As I said before, my curiosity about this medicine was developed by what I came to know while reading about the smart drugs that improves cognitive functions of the brain.
Tons of Ashwagandha based products are now available for people who are looking to improve their brain’s cognitive functions, but it really has not been yet proved to have any such qualities.
6 – Diabetes
Some research works have shown that this Ayurvedic medicine has blood sugar reducing properties, but that doesn’t imply it can improve insulin production.
7 – Arthritis
Among all these points this one is something for which Ashwagandha is considered to be most effective.
According to the experts, this herb has some great anti-inflammatory properties which make it a very good cure for arthritis.
These were few most well known reasons for which people use Indian Ginseng, now let’s take a look at the side effects.
There are very less known side effects of this herb (when taken by mouth), but it is best to consult your doctor before trying it. However, it is essential that you should always keep in mind a few possible unfavorable effects of Ashwagandha.
1 – Heavy and uncontrolled usage can result into various stomach related problems like diarrhea.
2 – Pregnant women should not take this herb and it could also create breastfeeding related problems.
3 – Diabetic patients may experience imbalanced body sugar levels, which can cause a lot of trouble when they are already using other medications.
4 – A lot of people have experienced thyroid related issues while using Indian Ginseng.
5 – You must avoid this if you have any bleeding issues.
6 – Avoid using while you are on sedatives.
7 – Stop using this herb if you have any upcoming surgery ahead.
Overall, from what I have known about this Ayurvedic herb, it is very good for two purpose i.e. to calm down the mind and for treating arthritis.
For all other purposes you will have to use it for yourself and see if it works for you or not. There are tons of products based on this available online like the “True Veda’s Organic Ashwagandha Vegetarian Capsules“.
I am not a doctor or health expert to advice you to try Ashwagandha, I have just written this post based on what I have learned about it, there could be possible side effects of this herb based on your body type, so please do consult your doctor before you try them.
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If you want to have peace in all your worldly affairs, then you must have a balanced root chakra and that is why I will be discussing with you a root chakra healing meditation in this post using which you will be able to allow the proper flow of energy through this energy center.
When a person finds it difficult to fulfill his materialistic needs, it is one very obvious symptom of a blocked root chakra because this energy center is what connects our spiritual body with the external world.
Working on the other chakras before taking care of Muladhara is like building more storeys to a tower with a weak foundation, it may look good for a while but it won’t be able to stand for long.
I am saying this because I know how so many people try to stimulate their heart chakra and third eye chakra without even caring about the lower energy centers. For a while it may work well, but later it will backfire. Continue reading
I got curious an excited when I heard about the smart drugs for cognitive enhancement while watching the promo of a personal development product “the amazing you” that I reviewed recently. Since then, I have been reading and trying to gather as much information about them as possible.
I had many questions in my mind about this like – What are Nootropics? Does smart drug really work? Is it safe to use them? etc., etc. I cannot say all my questions got answered completely, but I have gained enough knowledge about it now to decide whether I should try it or not. Continue reading
If you want to unleash your subconscious mind power then it is essential that you should dissolve the limiting beliefs that stops you from using the higher faculties of your mind to achieve what you want in life.
People who have achieved great success in their lives are the ones who have learned the ways to make the necessary changes in their inner world because everything in our outer world is a reflection of what beliefs we hold within us.
Our subconscious mind is very powerful and it can make the most difficult tasks very easy for us, but only if we could learn the right way to make it work in our favor.
I am not exaggerating, it is all true, just like we can make traveling simple and quick using wheels, our mind can make our most difficult goals achievable for us when the required inner work is done.
Even though we have a very powerful tool at our disposal, only a few people know how to make right use of it, in fact many of us are unconsciously using this power against ourselves. Continue reading
It becomes impossible for a person with an imbalanced heart chakra to feel loved, and that’s why I am going to share a heart chakra healing meditation in this post using which you will be able to heal your 4th chakra.
A closed heart chakra will always make you feel incomplete even if you have accomplished everything on the physical plane that you desire, because this energy center connects your lower chakras with the higher ones which means it connects your spiritual world with your physical world.
After basic survival needs, love is what we all need the most whether we accept it or not, however that doesn’t mean that the love must come from somewhere outside. When we feel loved by someone else we are actually opening ourselves to the feel the higher emotions that were already present inside us. Continue reading