
Category Archives for "Blog"

Side Effects of Energy Healing – Price Paid for Spiritual Progress

Are there any side effects of energy healing? Could energy healing be dangerous?, I had such questions before I actually learned the truth about the methods that helps one to progress in their spiritual journey.

When I was using an energy healing course by Christie Marie Sheldon called the unlimited abundance, I sometimes used to feel low for no apparent reason and that made me doubt whether it was being caused by the energy clearing audios I was listening to.

Well, I soon received the answer in the program itself, Christie explained that whenever you clear an energy block, some deeply suppressed emotions may get released and hence feeling certain lower emotions was all part of the process.

In other words, sometimes you have to pay some price to make spiritual progress and that’s why you see people experiencing various emotions when they follow any spiritual practice because whenever you do something for your spiritual growth, you release the old emotional baggage that was holding you back and this can be a little troublesome at times. Continue reading

8 Tips on How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking

In this post, I will share a few tips on how to overcome the fear of public speaking with you based on what I have come to learn about our psychology while trying to work on my own inner issues.

Glossophobia is the term used for this type of fear, I was not at all aware of that word years ago when my legs were shaking while singing in my college festival but recently when I was on the stage with a mic in one of my friend’s wedding celebrations I realized that all the inner works I have done have paid off and I was standing so confidently there as if I was standing in front of familiar people in any usual gathering.

It was so relieving to know that my perception about the crowd was wrong earlier because I used to see faces that were looking at me condescendingly before I worked on my mindset and now I actually saw the truth.

What’s the truth?. Well, it really does not matter to people what you are going to do, they are just there hoping that you will somehow take their mind off their usual concerns and if you don’t, they get bored. But in no way, they are superior to you and you must always keep that in mind.

For people who are looking at you, it is like just one of those few minutes that they spend in front of a television but for you, it can be a moment where you judge yourself by imagining as if people are thinking that you are a wuss, I can’t use any other word because that’s what we think of ourselves when we lack the essential self-confidence.

Your mindset is reflected in your actions and your actions, in turn, fortifies that old mindset, so you need to do some serious inner work in order to be a confident person. Continue reading

Meditation to Clear the Mind – Making Inspired Decisions

In this post, I will be sharing with you a simple meditation to clear the mind so that you could make inspired decisions that come from your higher self. You can be at total peace even when your life is moving too fast, people tend to think that it is impossible to be peaceful inside when a lot of things are happening in their life.

The reason why we lose the peace of our mind is that we get too much attached with the things in our life, although we all know this yet our mind has a tendency to forget this truth and we begin to derive our identities from the very things that we have gained for our comfort. Isn’t it really stupid that we lose our peace of mind because of the things that we have acquired in order to be happy? Yet we all do it unknowingly.

You may be living your dream life or struggling to make your life better, there are things that often take up all your energy because you are always thinking about it.

People say if you are passionate about something you should just keep on doing it, but what do you think will happen if a painter keeps on painting all day long? or If a cook is always in the kitchen? This world has seen a lot of people who have become obsessed with their passion to the extent that it either ended their life or ruined all the other aspects of their life.

It is great to be immersed in something so much that your mind is not engaged in unwanted thinking anymore, but when you do not have the essential balance in your life, things can go wrong. Doing what you love and doing something with the fear of losing what you have are two different things, one needs to understand this in order to be peaceful.

Meditation helps you to detach yourself from getting too much involved in something so that you can also focus on the other important stuff in your life that needs your attention. Continue reading

3 Energy Healing Training Programs That Changed My Life

If you are looking for online courses to learn lightworking or you want to clean your aura using some powerful methods then the energy healing training programs about which I am going to talk in this post can prove out to be very useful to you because they have had a very deep impact in my life.

When I started my personal development journey more than a decade ago, all I knew was a few methods based on the law of attraction, I am ever grateful to the book and movie “The Secret” because my interest towards these materials was born when I came to know about the working of the universal laws.

The best thing about the knowledge of deliberate creation is that when a person learns about it and stays consistent with those methods, they gradually become aware of their spiritual life. I believe that a major shift has happened in the past few years in the collective consciousness since a lot of people have started to become more aware as they have discovered the benefits of meditation, especially, mindfulness meditation is something which has become very popular in the past few years.

People are more interested in the methods now that allows them to connect with their higher self, they have begun to understand that their external life is a reflection of their inner states. For any person to improve a particular area of their life it is essential that they must work on the limiting beliefs present in their subconscious mind. Continue reading

4 Reasons Why Using Binaural Beats for Lucid Dreaming Is a Bad Idea

Is using binaural beats for lucid dreaming safe? Are there any side effects of listening to brainwave entrainment audios while sleeping? I will be answering all these questions in this post from the knowledge I have gained with my experience as a lucid dreamer all these years.

I have made a post on the possible side effects of binaural beats earlier where I have mentioned how binaural beats have had some undesirable effects on me, but here I want to give you some very important reasons for not using these audios especially for the purpose of becoming a conscious dreamer.

There are so many products and audios available these days where they tell you that the brainwave frequency of lucid dreams is yadda, yadda, yadda and you can simply have lucid dreams by listening to those tracks while sleeping.

I like to speak from my heart and being someone who has been lucid dreaming as well as helping others with the same for years, it becomes utterly important for me to inform people that all those brainwave entrainment audios are not good for you. Continue reading

Healing Emotional Causes – Physical Symptoms of Heartbreak

In this post, I will be specifically talking about the physical symptoms of heartbreak and I am also going to explain here why healing after a breakup is important and what you can do to avoid the physical pain caused by depression.

In my last post on the effects of emotional pain in the body, I explained how our physical problems can arise from our mental state. If you will read that article you will be able to better understand your mind and body connection.

If you are someone open to things like energy healing or light working then you obviously can make sense of what I am trying to say here because something that affects you emotionally causes an energy block which may manifest itself as some kind of pain or physical problem, so you can use the energy block clearing techniques to deal with that.

But I am going to explain this in a more logical way so that this information can resonate with anyone who will be reading this post. Continue reading

How the Energy Work Is Done – Simple Healing Method for Everyone

I talk a lot about energy healing here in my blog but I am writing this post especially for people who want to know how the energy work is done on a spiritual level.

Today, I not only want to tell you about the energy clearing mechanism but I also want to share with you a method you can practice right away even if you have no previous experience of the energy work.

When I started to learn about the spiritual aspect of our existence, I was very serious about all the techniques I learned and I will be honest with you, I failed to actually make any use of those methods.

Of course, I saw some changes here and there in my life, but when it came to some of the very important areas of my life, it just did not seem to work and I became skeptical, so everything that I manifested using the law of attraction methods seemed like a coincidence.

Even though I was doubtful about the whole process, I kept my mind open to it.

When I opted for Jeffrey Allen’s Duality program, I learned the reason why I was unable to use those techniques effectively in the past.

The reason was that I became too serious about this whole spiritual healing thing which killed what was most important i.e. “fun”.

Yes, when you do energy works, you need to be playful and not get too attached to the worldly appearance of things.

You need to understand that sometimes it is not necessary to see the effect of energy healing in the physical world in the way you expect it to be, you need to go beyond your intellectual thinking in order to properly understand it. Continue reading

Do Subliminal Affirmations Really Work?

One of the common questions I usually get to hear from my readers is whether subliminal affirmations really work or not? So today I have decided to make a whole new post on it so that I could explain to you how these affirmations are created and what effects it has on our minds.

I have already created a post where I have explained in detail how does subliminal audio works and whether they are actually effective or not but here I will be giving a brief as well as a direct answer to this question.

Initially, when I was just discovering various mindtools for improving my life. I got too obsessed with brainwave entrainment and subliminal messages. I used to listen to them very frequently and I was too excited about the changes in life that I was expecting with the use of these methods.

Gradually such programs began to cause problems for me, you can read more about this in my harmful effects of brainwave entrainment audios blogpost.

With experience, I began to understand how this stuff works and the more I became informed about almost all hypnosis and mind development based tools, the more I began to understand what I can use for my betterment as well as what to avoid. Continue reading

Physical Symptoms of Emotional Trauma

Your physical pain can be a result of an emotional trauma that you must have experienced in the past, many spiritual teachings have been talking about this for thousands of years but now science is also discovering the great connection between mind and body.

Our body reflects our mind’s state and when we are not emotionally healthy, our body’s immunity is reduced when we feel fear. This is a well-known phenomenon among people because getting the flu or fever right before school exams has been a common thing in the childhood days for many people.

However, some very serious life issues can cause a certain type of body pain. In spiritual terms, it is addressed as the physical symptom of emotional baggage we carry unknowingly.

It is also said that our inner-self communicates to us that way so as to remind us that we need to release some of the old memories, I really learned a lot of things about my mind and body connection while learning energy clearing from Jeffery Allen’s Duality program.

However, in this post, I am going to share how physical pain is caused by emotional issues in a way that it will make perfect sense to you even if you are a person with a dominating logical part of the brain. Continue reading

Healing Emotional Pain Caused by Bad Childhood Memories

In this post, we will focus on getting over bad childhood memories so that we could live peacefully in the present life of ours.

We all have had some kind of painful memories in childhood but hardly anyone of us knows how those past events can affect our current reality.

Although movies and fiction works have exaggerated psychological problems by giving it names like “mommy issues” and “daddy issues” based on why people date certain kind of people, what we must actually understand is that our current life is hugely affected by our childhood.

Yes, of course, this is something very much important for people who have had a terrible childhood but more importantly, even those childhoods that seems like a happy one is not always perfect because many a time we have some long-forgotten painful memories affecting our present life in some way of which we are not aware at all right now. Continue reading

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